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Unit 1一、 语法归纳:一般将来时态1. 定义:一般将来时态,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。2. 构成:will+ 动词原形3. 与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow,next week, in two years, in the future4. There will be 表示将来某一时间某地将有某物否定句:There wont be 疑问句:Will there be.eg. There will be more trees in our city next year.二、 重点短语及句型:1. People will have robots in their homes. 人们家里将有机器人。2. Everything will be free. 所有东西都是免费的。3. Books will be on computers, not on paper.书将出现在电脑上,而不是在纸上。4. study at home 在家学习5. live to be 200 years old. 活到两百岁6. use money 用钱7. more 更多的 可数/ 不可数less 更少的 不可数 less pollutionfewer 更少的 可数 fewer trees8. There will be more. 将有更多的There will be less 将有更少的(不可数)There will be fewer 将有更少的(可数)9. I dont agree = I disagree 我不同意10. 段时间+ ago 多长时间之前 five years ago in + 段时间 多长时间之后 in five years11. in college 在大学12. play + 球类 play footballplay + the + 乐器 play the guitar13. What do you think Sally will be in five year? 你认为Sally五年后会成为什么?14. What sport will she play? 她将做什么运动?15. fly to sp 飞到某地eg. I will fly to Shaanxi next month.16. fall in love with sth / sb 爱上某物/ 某人17. as a reporter 作为一个记者18. live in sp with sb 和某人住在某地eg. I live in a big house with my parents.19. like doing sth 喜欢做某事eg. she likes singing songs.20. like living alone 喜欢独居21. alone 孤单的(客观存在)lonely 孤独的(主观感受)eg. The old man lives _, but he doesnt feel _.22. keep a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉23. on the weekend 在周末24. dress casually 穿着随便25. go to sp on vacation 去某地度假= take a vacation to sp eg. We will go to Xiamen on vacation.26. 穿衣服:put on 穿上 强调动作wear 穿上 表示状态dress dress oneself 给某人穿衣服27. come true 实现,成为现实eg. My dream will come true.28. 帮助某人做某事:help sb do/ to do/ with sth.29. make sb do 让某人做某事make sb/sth adj 是某人/某事处于某种状态eg. His mother made him go home 他妈妈让他回家了 Please make the class clean30. it is adj for sb to do sth 做某事对某人来说很eg. It is difficult for a robot to do the same thing as a person.31. wake up 醒来32. over and over again 一遍又一遍33. in the future 将来34. bored 厌倦的 人 get bored 变得厌倦boring 厌倦的 物 eg. She is _ at the _ movie.35. look for 寻找(强调过程)find out 寻找(,强调结果,通过努力找到) eg. She is looking for you. Please find ou who broke the window.36. seem to do sth 似乎要做某事eg. It seems to rain.Unit 2一、 语法归纳:1. 情态动词could 和should 表示建议的用法。2. What should I do?3. You could 建议中的一个You should. 最适当的建议二、 重点短语及句型:1. want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事eg. I want you to go with me.2. stay at home 待在家3. play his CD too loudly 播放CD的声音太大了。4. enough money 足够多的钱 enough + n 5. argue with sb 和某人吵架eg. I argued with my best friend yesterday.6. in style 流行的,时尚的 out of style 不流行的 eg. Her clothes are in style, but mine are out of style.7. write sb a letter 给某人写信8. call sb up 给某人打电话9. a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛票10. surprise sb 吓某人一跳 to ones surprise 出乎某人的意料 eg. You surprised me. To my surprise, there is an old woman.11.also肯定句句中too肯定句句末either否定句句末eg. I come to school on foot. She goes to school on foot, too.=_I havent eaten breakfast. She hasnt eaten breakfast, either.= _12. pay for 支付13. summer camp 夏令营14. a part-time job兼职工作 a full-time job 全职工作15. I dont have time 我没有时间16. borrow 借入borrow sth from sb 从某人处借某物 lend 借出 lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人 eg. I ran out of my money, so I borrowed some from her. so she_.17. ask sb for sth 向某人要某物 eg. You can ask your parents for help.18. have a bake sale 进行面包售卖活动,卖烘烤食品19. buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 给某人买某物eg. I will buy some gifts for my family.20. the same as sb与某人有相同的 eg. She has the same haircut as me.21. be popular at sp 在某地很受欢迎22. I dont know what to do 我不知道做什么23. left sth at sp 把某物落在某地 eg. I left my book at home.24. I dont know where my ID card is. 我不知道我的身份证在哪里25. be angry with sb 生某人的气26. from A to B 从A到B27. have a quick supper = have supper quickly 很快地吃晚餐28. not.until 直到才. eg. I didnt go to bed until I finished my homework.29. 该做某事了 it is time for sth it is time to do sth eg. It is time for class. It is time to have classes.30. as adj/ adv as possible 尽可能 eg. You should come here as quickly as possible.31. 太 too much + n much too +adj 32. take part in 参加某种活动33. compare A with B 把A与B比较 eg. She always compares her child with little kids.34. find it adj to do sth 发现做某事很. eg. I find it very interesting to learn skating.35. on the one hand., on the other hand.一方面另一方面eg. On the one hand, he is very clever; one the other hand, he is a little lazy.Unit 3一、 语法归纳:1. 过去进行时2. 定义:过去进行时, 表示过去某一时刻或某一时间段正在进行的动作或存在的状态。3. 结构:was /were +Ving否定句:wasnt/ werent +Ving疑问句:was/ were 提前eg. I was doing my homework when the ring rang. The boy was sleeping when the UFO landed.二、 重点短语及句型:1when 引导时间状语从句,从句用过去时态,主句用过去进行时。while 引导时间状语从句,从句用过去进行时态,主句用过去时。eg . The boy was walking down the street_ the UFO landed._the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.2. in front of 在 前面(外部) in the front of 在前面(内部)4. barber shop 理发店5. sleep late 睡懒觉6. cook dinner 做饭7. get out of the shower 从浴室出来8. cut hair 理发9. the museum of flight 航空博物馆10. on Sunday 在星期天11. right in front of me 刚好在我前面12. How strange it was! 多么奇怪啊!how 引导强调句,how+ adj/ adv13. call the police 报警14. Isnt that amazing! 这难道不让人惊奇吗!= that is amazing!15. walk down the street 走在街上16. climb a tree 爬树17. jump down 爬下来18. in a tree 在树上(外在的东西)19. call the TV station 给电台打电话20. the newspaper reporter 报社记者21. shout at sb 嘲某人大喊大叫22. on April 4 在四月4日 on 用于具体的时间23. at that time 在那时24. have fun = have a good time =enjoy oneself 玩得愉快25. ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事26. have meaning to sb 对某人很有意义27. as terrible as 和一样糟糕 28.take place 发生Unit 4一、 语法归纳:1. 直接引语:直接引述别人的话,前后加引号。2. 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话,不加引号。在多数情况下构成宾语从句。eg. direct speech She :“I like it very much.” reported speech She said that she liked it very much.3. 直接引语变为间接引语,主要变换:人称、时态、指示代词。 人称:随主语变化。 时态:直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时过去将来时现在进行时过去进行时cancouldmaymight指示代词: this that these those come go4. 不同句式:句式连接词谓语动词陈述句that saysay to sbtell sb一般疑问句whether/ ifask ask sb陈述语序特殊疑问句疑问词ask ask sb陈述语序特殊疑问句ask / order/ tell sb (not) to do stheg. He said: “I broke your CD player. _ She asked: “are you interested in English?” _ She said: “where are you from?” _ She said to us: “keep quiet, please.” _ She said: “the earth moves around the sun.” _二、 重点短语及句型:1. a soup opera 肥皂剧2. have a party for sb 为某人举办派对3. on Friday night 星期五晚上4. be mad at sb = be angry with sb =_ 生某人的气5. bring sth to sp 把某物带到某地eg. I left my book at home, and I will bring it to school tomorrow.6. first of all = at first 首先7. an exciting week 令人兴奋的一周 exciting 令人兴奋的 物 exciting 兴奋的 人8. be good at 擅长 = do well inbe better at9. in good health 身体健康10. hows it going 最近怎么样?11. things are fine here 我一切都还好12. end-of-year exams 年末考试13. finish doing 完成做某事eg. I have finished reading that book.14. my reported card 我的成绩单15. get nervous = be nervous很紧张16. in the mail 在邮箱里17. have a hard time with sth 在某事上面有困难 have a hard time doing sth 在做某事上有困难eg. I had a really hard time with my science. I had a hard time studying science.18. Thats about all I have for now. 这是我目前的所有消息19. have a big fight 大打出手20. talk to sb 和某人说话21. start a bad habit 形成一个坏习惯22. get over 浏览23. much better 更好 much 修饰比较级24. the ministry of Education 25. send sb to do sth 派某人做某事26. both A and B A 和B 都.eg. Both she and her friends go there.27. between A and B 在A 与B 之间 eg There are differences between you and them.28. open up ones eyes 打开某人的视野 eg. She can open up our eyes to the outside word.29. change ones life 改变某人的生活 eg. That changed my life.Unit 5一、 语法归纳:1. 条件状语从句:if .will.2. if 引导条件状语从句,will 为主句3. 主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时态(主将从线)eg. if she _ (ride)a bike, she _(be) late. you_(be) sorry if you _(stay) at home.二、 重点单词及短语:1. go to the party with sb 和某人一起参见聚会2. wear jeans 穿牛仔服3. take the bus to sp 乘公车去某地= go to sp_4. stay at home 待在家5. let you in 让你进来6. be late for 做某事迟到7. have a good time 玩得愉快8. study for the test 准备考试 the rules for school 校规9. take sth away 带走10. shout at sb嘲某人大喊大叫 ID card身份证11. why not do sth= why dont you do sth 为什么不做某事(提出建议)12. old peoples home 敬老院 childrens hospital 儿童医院13. go to college 上大学14. travel around the world 环球旅行15. make money 挣钱16. get an education 接受教育17. work hard 努力工作18. a soccer player 足球运动员19. for many young people 对于许多年轻人20. a professional athlete 职业运动员21. make a living 谋生22. become famous 成名23. all over the world 全世界24. all the time 一直25. play sports for living 以运动为生26. have a difficult time doing sth 做某事有困难27. in fact 事实上、实际上28. get injured 受伤29. 花费时间做某事:spend on sth/ in doing sth和某人一起共度: spend with sb eg. She spent ten yuan on this book.I spent ten yuan in _ this book.She will spend with her grandparents this vacation.Unit 6一、 现在完成进行时:1. 定义:表示从过去某一时间开始延续到现在的动作,并有可能继续到将来。2. 构成:have /has been +Ving3. 时间状语:for +时间段 since + 时间点 段时间+ ago从句eg. I have been skating for 4 years.I have been skating since 2008 I have been skating since 4 years ago I have been skating since I was 10 years old.5. 对for/ since 提问,用how long eg. How long have you been skating?二、 重点短语及句型1. skating marathon 滑冰马拉松比赛2. raise money for = give money to 为 募款 eg. They are raising money for charity.3. raise 钱数 for sb 为 筹集了多钱eg. We have raised 1000 yuan for the children.4. the first (one) to do sth 做某事的第一人the last (one) to do sth eg. Mrs. Green is the first one to come here, and the last to leave.5. the whole five hours = all the five hours 整整五小时6. three and a half years = three years and a half 三年半7. when I was 11 years old= at the age of 11 当我11岁的时候8. would like to do sth 想要做某事= want to do stheg. I would like to collect shells.9. because 因为,后跟句子,引导原因状语从句because of 因为,后跟短语、名词 eg. I collect shells _ they are beautiful. We didnt go there _the bad weather.10. interest n 兴趣、爱好interested 人(感兴趣的) be interested in interesting 物(有趣的) eg. She is _ in the _ book.11. thanks for doing sth 感谢某人做了某事12. the snow globe of .样的雪球eg. the snow globe of monster13. in fact 事实上,实际上14. I have 226 of them15. run out of 用完、用尽eg. We have run out of money.16. all around 到处、处处eg. The toys are all around of the room.17. in boxes under my bed. 在我床下的箱子里18. The first one I have got was a birthday cake snow globe. 我得到的第一个雪球是生日蛋糕样子的。19. on my seventh birthday 在我七岁生日的时候20. with 带有、携带eg. The old man lives in a house with a big garden. She came in with a book in her hand.21. start a snow globe collectors club 举办一个雪球收集者俱乐部22. by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下23. the capital of .的首都/.的省会 eg. Beijing is the capital of China.Urumqi is the capital of Xinjiang province.23. influence 影响 不可数名词24. in style 样的风格Harbin is in Russian style.25. 虽然。但是。although /. / but . eg. Although it is dark, I will go.It is dark, but I will go.26. it is adj for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事很eg. it is very interesting for me to learn skating.27. more than = over 超过eg. There are more than 40 students in our class.28. two thousand 两千 thousands of 成千上万的 _(three) people joined the meeting. _(thousand) people joined the meeting.29. start doing = begin to do sth开始做某事30. the more . ,the more越。越。(more 是比较级的标志词)eg. The more trees we plant, the greener our city will be.The more exercise you do, the healthier you will be.The harder you study, the better grades you will get.Unit 8一、 语法归纳:1.(1)Why dont you do sth = Why not do sth(2)What about doing = How about doing sth2.提出建议的表述方式(1)直接提出:Lets do sth Youd better do Youd better not do(2)征求性提出:What about doing How about doing (3)责备性建议:Why dont you do = Why not do (4)请求性建议: Could you please do sth ? Would you like to do sth? Would you mind doing sth ?二、 重点短语及句型:1. What do you think of = How do you think of 你认为怎么样Eg. What do you think of the gifts= How do you think of the gifts?2. get sb sth = get sth for sb 为某人买某物Eg. Why dont you get her a scarf?3. enough adj 足够的,充足的 enough + 名词 enough money 形容词 + enough old enough4. 建议: suggestion 可数名词 some suggestions 一些建议 advice 不可数名词 a piece of advice 一条建议5. a photo album 相册、影集6. What should I get her? 我应该为她买什么7. Whats the best gift she has ever received? 她曾经受到的最好的礼物是什么?8. on his sixth birthday 在他六岁生日的时候9. give sth to sb 把某物给某人Eg. Please give this book to Mr. Joe 10. What a lucky guy! 多么幸运的家伙啊!感叹句:how + adj / adv what + a / an + adj + nEg. How quickly he runs! What a beautiful girl she is!11. take care of 照顾、照料= look after12. a 6-year-old child 一个六岁的小孩 一个八岁的男孩子:_13. 太而不能 too to = not 反+ enough to = so that +从句Eg. She is too young to dress herself.= _=_14.advantage (优点)disadvantage(缺点)15. keep such a pet 养这么一只宠物 such + a / an +adj +n eg. She is such a beautiful girl. so + adj eg. She is so beautiful.16. a pot-bellied pig named Connie. 一个名叫Connie 的大肚猪 named 意为“被叫做”,作后置定语,等于called。eg. She met a girl named Jane.17. 花费 cost sth cost sb 钱数 eg. this book cost me 10 yuan.pay payfor eg. I paid 10 yuan for this book.spend spend on eg. I spent 10 yuan on this book. spenddoing eg. I pent 2 days reading this book.take it takes sb 时间/钱数 to do sth. eg. It takes me 2days to read this book. 18. too many gifts 这么多的礼物 too many + 名词复数 too many students too much + 不可数名词 too much meat much too + 形容词 much too fat19. it is enough to do sth 做某事足够了eg. It is enough to make her happy.20. give away 赠送21. rather than 是而不是 = instead of doing eg. I will go out rather than stay at home. I will go out _.22. learn to do sth 学者做某事 eg. Why dont you learn to cook?23. improve their English 提高他们的英语24. in different ways 用不同的方法25. look comfortable 看起来很舒服26. be able to do能够做27. as adj / adv as 和一样 she speaks English as well as me.28. the other 两者中的一个 As to these two pens, I dont like the red one. Please give the other.29. take an interest in 对 感兴趣 = be interested in I take an interested in English= I am interested in English.30. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 eg. She always encourages me to speak loudly.31. hear of 听说 Eg. Have you ever heard of the news?32. if not 如果不是的话 if yes.Eg. Is she clever? If yes, give an example.33. besides 除之外(包括在内) except 除之外(不包括在内)eg. We all go there except Mr. Joe. Besides Mr. Joe, we all go there.34. make friends with sb 和某人交朋友Eg. Maybe you can make friends with him.35. a good way to do sth 做某事的好方法 Eg. Speaking is a good way to study English.36. hard enough 足够努力的话Eg. If you work hard enough, you will get good grades.37. instead 相反的 instead of 代替,而不是 Eg. He doesnt help me, instead, he laughs at me. She went there by bike instead of by bus. Unit 9一、 语法归纳:现在完成时态:1. 构成:have /has +done(过去分词)2. 用法:表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响,常与already、 just、yet、ever、never、before等连用。Eg. I have already read this book. She hasnt read this book yet. Have you ever read this book? I have never heard of him before. 表示过去开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示延续性的时间状语连用,如for ,since. 动词必须为延续性动词。 since + 时间点/ 段时间+ ago/从句 for + 段时间Eg. I have kept this book for a week. I have learnt English since six years ago. 3. 不规则动词过去分词的记忆,page120.二、重点短语及句型:1. the space museum 航空博物馆2. an amusement park 娱乐公园3. the water park 水上乐园4. Have you ever been to sp? 你去过某地吗?肯定回答 Yes, I have否定回答 No, I havent.5. take the subway 乘地铁6. Tina has gone there three times. Tina 去过那儿三次。 但是句中若有过去时间标志词,应用过去时态。 eg. Tina went there three times last year.7. Have a great time! = Enjoy yourself! =Have fun! 常用来祝福别人“玩得愉快” have a great time doing sth 做某事很快乐 eg. I have a great time learning to skate.8. a lot of times 许多次 a lot of the time 大多数时间9用来表述自己和别人观点一致,“也一样”肯定句:so + 助动词 +主语= Me, too. 否定句:neither +助动词+ 主语= Me neither. eg. I have seen that film. So have I / So has she. I have never seen that film. Neither have I / Neither has she. I finished my homework yesterday._10. most of us 我们大多数人11. around the world = all over the world. 全世界12. of course 当然13. for example 比如,例如14.call A B 把A叫做Beg. 我们把那个男孩叫做Joe.15. see sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事(事情的一部分)see sb do sth 看到某人做了某事(完整的过程)eg. When I come by the playground, I see him _ basketball.I saw him _ basketball yesterday.16. all the time 一直17. take a ride 骑车18. end up 以结束,结束于 eg. The boats all end up in the same place.19. understand 理解 understood understood20. English language movies 英语电影21. an English-speaking country讲英语的国家22. it is adj for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说很 eg. it is fun to learn another language.23. improve your English 提高你的英语水平24. need 需要 情态动词: need do sth neednt do sth 实义动词: sb need sth/ sb need to do sth/ sth need doingeg . I need to wash these clothes.These clothes need washing.25. the exchange student 交换生26. All I ever wanted to do was travel 我想做的所有事情就是旅行。27. The best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.做这件事情的做好办法是成为一名空乘。28. the most important requirement 最重要的条件29. it was/ is . that / who . 强调句型“.就是”It is this book that I read yesterday.She is the person who I am looking for.30. a tour guide 导游31. 比如说:such as + n 用来列举eg. I have been to many places in china, such as Suzhou, Shanghai.32. take lessons= have classes 上课33. leave school 毕业= graduate34. rather than = instead of “是而不是” 35. in southeast Asia 在东南亚36. a wonderful place to do sth = an excellent place to do sth= a good place to do sth 做某事的好地方 eg. The library is a wonderful place to read books.37.take a holiday 度假 spend summer holiday 度暑假38. on the one hand on the other hand 一方面 另一方面 eg. On one hand, I want to understand English movie; one the other hand, I want to travel to English-speaking countries.39. have problem doing sth = have a difficult time doing sth做某事有困难eg. I have some problem understanding him.=40. something to eat 一些吃的东西41. asleep awakesleep wake 42. in natural environment 在自然环境中43. all year round 一年到头,终年,全年eg. the temperature is the same all the round.44. 分数的表示法:分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于1,分母加s eg. 三分之一:one third 三分之二 two thirds 四分之三:three fourths= three quarters


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