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六年级一到四单元练习一句型转换1,The boy is very clever( 感叹句 )._ _ _ _!,2,My mother likes swimming .( 否定句 )My mother _ _ swimming.3,,The gir does her homework every day .( 否定句 )The girl _ _her homework every day .,4,They do their housework at home ( 一般疑问句 )._ they_their housework at home ?,5,.Those are my fathers car.( 划线提问 ).,6His father was athome an hour ago.( 否定句 )His father _ _at home .an hour ago.7,There are some boys in the room.( 划线提问 )._ in the room?,8Kate can swim,( 否定句 ).Kathe _ awim.9,His mother has a new bike .( 否定句 )His mother _ _a new bike.10,They go to school by bus 划线提问_ _ they go to school?11.They play football in the playground.划线提问_ _ they play football?12.The boy did his homework yesterday evening ,( )The boy _ _ his homework yesterday evening .13.My mother did housework last Sunday ._ _ mother _ housework last Sunday ?14,They played football two days ago _ _ they _ two days ago?,15,There is an apple on the desk ,( 改为复数 ) There _ _ _on the desk,16,,There were a lot of boxes in the room.( 单数 )There _ _ box in the box,17.,The boy is showing his new clothes to us ( 同义句 ).The boy _ _ _ his new clothes. 18.There were some people in the street.( 否定句 )There _ _ people in the street.19,They caught a fish.( 改为否定句)They _ _a fish .20,It rained yesterday ,(改为一般疑问句)_it _yesterday ?21,I picked apples on the farm last summer .(划线提问)_ _you _on the farm last summer?22,I went to Beijing three days ago .(划线提问_ _ you _threedays ago?23,I was fine last Sunady .( 划线提问)_ _you last Sunday ?24,My father went to work on foot ,(划线提问)_ _your father _to work?25,I watched TV yesterday ( 改为否定句)I _ _TV yesterday .26,I can play football now.(改为过去时)I _ _football last year.27 We could swim last summer (改为否定句)We _ _last summer二,连词成句1, day ,today ,what .it ,is 2, made ,kite ,I, yesterday , a 3, have ,lesson. The ,English, we ,morning ,in ,an4, spell. Word, can , the, you 5, is ,of , window, Bobby ,out, looking ,in an三,用所给单词正确形式填空1,Listen ,the girl _( sing ) but,an hour ago she _( play )the violin.2,Its six oclock ,the teachers _( have ) a meeting .3, My father _( be )in shanghai last year .4,There _( be )some bread on the desk.,but,. two days ago there _( be )apples on it.5,He _( play )football last week. He _( not ,watch)TV.6,They _( see ) a film yesterday ._you _( see) a film?7,.My mother _( bring )some dumpings to me .8,This morning I _( go )to school at seven.9,It _( be )sunny last Sunday .Today its _( cloud ).10,It is _( cloud ) today .but yesterday It_( be )_( rain).11,Look the children _( play ) football .12,Its seven oclock .Tom _( get )up.13,.Where are the boys ?They _(play )football.13,My father _( stay )at home every day .but last Monday he _( go )_( shop ).14,Who _ (be )at home yesterday ,15,It was _-( sun ) yesterday .16,Look It_( rain ). Its _( rain )today.17,They _( see ) a film last Sunday .18,He _( bring )me some bread.19.They _( fly ) kites three minutes ago .20He _( not do ) do his homework at home. This morning ,he _( watch )TV.21,_ you _( play )football now ? Yes I _.22_his father _often _( go ) shopping ? No ,he_23, My sister _( do) her homework last night, She _( do ) her homework every day ,Look she _( do ) it now,24 ,The girl _( play ) the piano two days ago She often _( play )it. Now she _( play ) it. She can _(play ) it well. 25 ,My parents _( not work ) in Bei jing . last year .26, _he _( watch )TV yesterday evening ? No he _.27, ._( be ) you at school last Monday ? Yes I _, 28 _( be )your mother at home four days ago ? No _ _. 29 ,the boys_( not do ) their homework last Sunday evening . 30 _your mother _( do ) housework last Sunday ? Yes _ _.31My friends and I _( be ) at school a week ago .we _( be not )at home.32Wh,at did he do ? he _( pla y) football33,His father often _( watch )in the evening . Now he _(watch )TV. But two hours he _( play ).34,here _( be ) a lot of people in the house three minutes ago .but there _ ( be)some children in in .35,There _( be ) a cat under the chair a week ago ,36,4.Long long ago there _( be )some old men in this city.37,.Look the children _( play ) football .They _( play )yesterday .38,.The woman _( live )here last month.39,My parents usually _( walk )after supper .but they _( walk ) in the afternoon yesterday.中译英1,上周一是多云。It _ _ _Monday ,2,昨天多云有风It _ _ and _ yesterday .3,桌子在椅子的旁边刚才The desk_ _the chair., just now.4,昨晚公园里有一些人。There _ _ _ in the park. Last night 5,三天前房间里有一些书吗?是的。_ _ _ _ in the room ? Yes _ _,6,很久以前这儿有一个老人吗?是的。_ _ _old man here long long ago ? yes _ _7,上周日教室里没有学生,There _ _ _ in the classroom.,8,五天前是多云。It _ _ five days ago 9,昨天有风吗?不,多云_it _ yesterday ? No it _ _.10,很久以前你参观过颐和园吗?没有Long long ago ,_you _summer palace No I _,11,上周日我去钓鱼的。I _ _ _Sunday,12,你三天无去拜访你的父母了吗?是的。_you _your parents ? Yes _ _.13,我上周六去农场的。I _ to the farm _ Friday .,14你去年去参观长城了吗?不。_you _ _ _Wall ? Yes _ _15,昨天你们摘了一些橘子了吗?是的。_you _ _ yesterday ? Yes _ _.,16上周五你们做什么的?我们去农场的。_ _you do _Friday ?We _ _the farm.17,你昨天去了哪里?去了天安门。_ _you _? I _ _the _ _.,18,五天前你妈敢什么的?她和我一起放风筝的。_ _your mother _?He _ _with me.19,今天上午我骑自行车上学校的,I_ _school this morning.,2020你昨天步行回家的吗?是的_you go home _foot ? Yes _ _21,你们去哪度假?我们去上海拜访我的叔叔。Where _you go _ the _? We _to Shanghai and _ my uncle.,22,他看见了什么?他看见了许多有趣的东西,What _ he _? He _many _ _.23你的假期如何?非常有趣How _your _? It was _ _.24,你哥在那干了什么?他去了外滩和参观了上海博物馆,What _your brother _ there ?He _to the _and _the Shanghai _25.去年暑假你干了什么?我去农场在苹果了,What _you do _summer holiday ?I _apples _the farm.26四天前你去哪的?我去上海的。_did you _four days _?I _to Nanjing.27,


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