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Unit7 Health Teaching aims: 1. Train the students speaking and reading ability.2Learn and master some useful words、phrases and sentence patterns and put it into practice.3. Understand the main idea and structure of reading.Difficult and focus points: 1. Understand the main idea and structure of reading.2. Students can retell the text and use the words and expression learned in the text to write their own essay.3. Grasp sentence patterns. 4. How to improve the students reading ability.5. Take advantages of language points into practicing. Period 1 Warming up Step1: Greetings Greet students cheerfully to cheer them up for this English lesson.Step2: Tell students the general arrangements of classroom teaching and learning and their tasks in this class.Step3: Do the warming-up part. Task1Look at the picture on Page59 and list words or phrases about them. Then share your work with others.Suggested Words: fit exercises jogging World No Tobacco Day Task2Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to practice oral English with your classmates.How important is a health life to us?Do you think smoking is harmful to our health?Do you know how to give up smoking?Do you know that smoking is not allowed in public places?Jogging is a good way to keep fit.Lets give up smoking.Living a health life , we can enjoy the life.Doing morning exercises is good for your health.Step 4 conclusionSs practice the new words and sentences with their partner.Step5 Homework 1. Preview Reading.2. Copy the new words and sentences. Perid2 ReadingStep1:Greet the whole class Step2: Revision Review the new words and phrases learned last class.Step3: Deal with Reading Task1 Skimming Read the text quickly; try to find main idea of the text.Task2 ScanningRead the text again and then find detailed information. Then finish the exercises on P61.Task3 Language Points and Sentence Structures1 not .any more 不再She doesnt live here any more.她已经不住在这里了。2 smoke-free 无烟的 Smoke-free area 无烟区3 a fashion of the day 时尚,时代新潮Bob hair is a fashion of the day.4 in fact事实上 I thought the work was difficult to do ,in fact ,it was very easy.5 have good /bad effect on 对什么有好/坏的影响Though it taste terrible,the medicine will have good effect on your headache.6 hundreds of thousands of 成千上万的,数十万的7 die from 死于A lot of fish die from water pollution. 许多鱼死于污染。8 smoke-related 与吸烟相关的Smoke-related deaths smoke-related health problems9 breath in 吸入 breath out 呼出We breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide.10 as soon as possible 尽快的Step 4 Finish all the exercises after the text.Step5Review what we have learned.Period 3 GrammerTeaching aimsSs should know what the modal verbs are.Ss should mater the knowledge of how to use the modal verbs.Ss can use the modal verbs in their English study.Difficult and focus pointsThe usage of the modal verbs like can, should, will, must and so on.The minimal difference of some modal verbs like can and could, may , shall and should, will and would and so on.情态动词 Modal Verbs情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能”“应当”“必要”等等。它不能单独做谓语,必须和不带“to”的动词不定式(即动词原形)连用。但be able to, have to 和ought to则必须用to。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。有些情态动词没有过去式,如:must; 有些有过去式,如:can-could; may-might; shall-should; will-would; have to- had to 。情态动词的否定式一般是在它们的后面加否定词not 构成。其简略形式如下:cant; couldnt; maynt; mightnt; mustnt; shant; shouldnt; wont; neednt等。情态动词的基本用法1.can、could和be able to的用法 表示能力can和be able to都表示能力,意思上没多大区别。但can只有现在和过去时,而be able to则有更多的形式。如:He can speak English.他会讲英语。He could speak a little Russian when he was living in Russia.当他在俄罗斯生活的时候会讲一点俄语。His brother could (was able to) take care of himself when he was ten.他的兄弟在十岁的时候救能照顾自己。can ( could) 用来表示“可能”。如:I thought the story could not be true. 我认为这个故事不可能是真的。It cant be him.不可能是他。Anybody can make mistakes.谁都有可能犯错误。Can you see him tonight? 你今晚能去看他吗?can ( could) 用来表示“允许”。如:Can/Could I go now? 我可以走了吗?You can use my computer.你可以用我的电脑。can ( could) 用来表示请求。此时can和could没有时间上的差别,could比can更显委婉客气,主要用于疑问句。如:Can you lend me your bike? 你能把你的自行车借给我用一下吗?-Could I come here again tomorrow? 我明天再来行吗?-Yes, you can. (-No, Im afraid not.) 可以。(对不起,恐怕不行。)2.may,might 的用法表示“可以”“允许”。如:-May I watch TV after supper? 晚饭后我可以看电视吗?-Yes, you may. (-Yes, please.)可以。-No, you may not. (-No, you mustnt.-No, youd better not.) 不行。He said that I might use the telephone.他说我可以用电话。表示推测性的“可能”。如:He may be very busy days.他这几天可能很忙。The story may not be true.这个故事不像是真的。表示祝愿(不用might)。如:May you enjoy yourself!祝你们玩得好!May you succeed!祝你成功!3. shall,should的用法Shall与should用作助动词时,should 是shall的过去式;用作情态动词时,shall和should是两个不同的词。在疑问句中,情态动词shall用于征求对方的意见或请求指示,常用于第一、第三人称。如:Where shall I wait for you? 我在哪等你?Shall we start now? 咱们开始行吗?情态动词Should表示劝告、建议,作“应该”讲。其同义词是ought to。如:After that, you should list your work experience.然后,你应该把工作经历列出来。You shouldnt feel unhappy.你不应该感到不愉快。We should learn how to use computers.我们应该学习如何使用电脑。4.will , would的用法 情态动词will 可用于各种人称,表示“意志”、“意愿”或“决心”等,否定式wont + 动词。 I will tell you all about it.我会把全部内容告诉你的。We will help him if he asks us to.他要求的话,我们愿意帮助他。Come whenever you will.你什么时候愿意就来吧。情态动词will用于疑问句中,常用在第二人称,表示说话人向对方提出“请求”或“询问”。Will you go with me? 你跟我一块走吗?Will you give him a message when you see him? 你见到他给我带个信好吗?would 是will的过去式,表示过去时间的“意愿”“意志”,可用于多种人称。They said that they would help us.他们说他们愿意帮助我们。I promised that I would do my best.我答应尽我最大的能力去做。would可指现在时间,表示意愿或向对方提出请求,语气比will委婉。Would you mind holding the handle for me? 你替我拿住这个手柄好吗?Would you like some tea? 你想喝茶吗?Id (would) like to see your new dress.我很想看看你的新衣服。5.must,have to,ought to的用法must表示“必须”,强调主观看法,只有现在时形式,其否定式是must not(mustnt),表示“不许”“一定不要”。如:The work must be finished as soon as possible.这项工作必须尽快完成。You mustnt park your car here.车不能停在这里。对must开头的问句,其否定回答要用neednt 或dont have to,表示“不必”,不能用must not.-Must I come back home before 6 pm?我必须晚六点以前回到家吗?-Yes, you must.是的。-No, you mustnt. / No, you dont have to. 不必。/ 不用。Must表示“一定”“必定”,是一种很肯定的推测,但只用于肯定句中。在否定句中使用cant,意为“不会”。如: -Who is there at the door ? 门口的那个人是谁?-It must be my brother.一定是我兄弟。-It cant be your brother. It must be Xiao Li.不可能是你兄弟,一定是小李。Xiao Liu didnt come to class. He must be ill.小李没有来上课,他一定病了。have to 表示“必须、不得不”,在意义上与must很接近,但must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而have to表示的却是客观需要。Have to 比must有更多的时态形式。I must go now.(主观意图)我得走了。I have to go now. Someone is waiting for me.(客观需要)我必须走了,有人等我。He said he had to finish the paper by himself.他说他必须自己完成这篇论文。You dont have to worry about that. 你不必为此事烦心。The students will have to know how to use computers.学生们得学会如何使用电脑。在口语中有时使用have got to, 如:Ive got to go now.ought to无人称和时态变化,表示”应当”、”应该”,相当于should,否定形式为ought not to (oughtnt to), 如:You ought to take care of yourself.你应该自己照顾自己。Such things ought not to be done.这种事不能做Exercise1. My friend John _ to smoke, but now he doesnt.2. You _drive carefully. The road is too narrow.3. He _live in the countryside, so he was _hard work, but I am not used to.4. She _bring me little presents when she came to our house.5. Could I borrow your dictionary?Oh, of course you _.6. Mother asked Tom to help cook, but he _.7. You must have seen the movie Titanic, _you?8. Excuse me, _ I speak to your headmaster?9. You look happy. You _(have) a good time at the party.No matter how heavy the rain was, she _give up attending his lecture. Period4 ListeningTeaching material analysisThe listening material supplies us a conversation . The topic they are talking is about smoking.Teaching methods and learning methods.Teaching methodsa. Knowledge presentation. b. Discussion.Learning methodsa. Listen to the tape.b. Discuss with partner.Teaching proceduresStep1. Greeting. the Ss at the beginning of the class.Step2. Lead in.The teacher let the students guess the meaning of the picture.The purpose of the design is to inspire the studentscuriosity about the content.Step3. Listening PracticeThe teacher play the tape for the first time, students can understand the main meaning of the conversation.The teacher play the tape for the second time, students finish the passage.Step4. Answer the questions on P63Students hear a short conversation on the tape and answer the questions.Students can master the phrases from the practice. Period 5 Reading Speaking and Writing Teaching aims:1.Master the opinion on how to express “Forbidding and warning” and the relative useful expressions; 2. Students can discuss with his partners about the topic.Teaching important points:Master the opinion on how to express “Forbidding and warning” and the relative useful expressions;Teaching difficult points: How to talk about how to be healthy.Teaching methods:Task-based method, role-playTeaching Aids:CAI, chalks Teaching procedures:Step1 Lead-inGreet the ss as usual.Step2 Reading by role-play.Divide the students into four groups and then read by role-play.Step3. Learn and conclude the useful expressions about Prohibitions and WarningsMind your head /stepsBe quick or youll be late Dont smoke or you ll be finedBe careful !Dont touch the wire.Keep away from the fireWatch your stepsYou mustnt do that here.No entry.No spitting.No littering.Caution: Wet FloorDanger : Deep WaterDanger: No swimming Step3: WritingTask 3 Write out the meaning of the following signs in wordsNo parking Keep outStaff onlyNo smokingNo left-turningNo turningStep 5 Homework Ask the Ss to practice the dialogue with their partners after class.


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