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潼江中学九年级寒假作业(三)完成时间 2012年 月 日;家长签字 一、单项填空 1. Mr Li is out. But he here ten minutes ago.A. was B. is C. will D. would be2. When did your sister do her homework? She it last night.A. do B. does C. did D. done3.-Where were you in July last year?-This time last year my family and I my grandparents in New York.A. was visiting B. visited C. had visited D. were visiting4. -I have finished my homework.-When you it?A. do; finish B. will; finish C. have; finished D. did; finish5. Jane _ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai.A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy6. We _ kites at four oclock yesterday afternoon.A. are making B. make C. made D. were making7. he the doctor the day before yesterday?A. Have; seen B. Has; seen C. Did; see D. Does; see8. She was watching TV when I_ her.A. seen B. see C. will see D. saw9. I ill yesterday, so I went to the hospital.A. was B. am C. were D. did10. You must tell us what you at ten yesterday evening.A. did B. was doing C. were done D. were doing11. While she TV in the sitting room, the bell _A. watches; rings B. is watching; rang C. was watching; rang D. watched; was ringing12. Hello! Im very glad to see you here. When _ you?A. did; arrive B. will; arrive C. have; arrived D. are; arriving13.-How did the accident happen? -You know, it _ difficult to see the road clearly because it _A. was; was raining B. is; has rained C. is; is raining D. will be; will rain14. Id like to take a trip this winter. You _ go to the Hainan Island.A. must B. have to C. could D. shall15. She planned to help in _ after-school study program.A. a B. an C. / D. such16. - How do you study for a test? - I study working with friends. for B. to C. in D. by17. How can I improve my spoken English? You have to practice _ as much as you can.A. writing B. speaking C. read D. listen18. - What kind of movie do you like? - I like the movie_ is funny. A. whoB. thatC. whenD. where19. - Hey! Dont you remember me? - Wow! Paula? You used to _ curly hair.A. be B. are C. haveD. has20. Do you like sports? - Yes, I spend about half an hour _ basketball every day. A. play B. playing C. to play D. played21. - How is your English now? - I read very slowly. I cant spell some English words, _ .A. also B. too C. either D. neither22. He feels lonely. Because he has _ friends here except me. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few23. - Is there _ special in todays paper? - Nothing special.A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something24. - Where is your sister? -She _in the room.A. watches TV B. is watching C. has watched D. is going to watch25. - Have you ever been to Hawaii? -_. My father will take me there again this holiday.A. YesB. Never C. Not yet D. I hope so26.-Where is Mrs. Jones? She is wanted on the phone. -She isnt in the office. She _to the hospital. A. has gone B. has been C. went D. goes27.His watch doesnt work. It needs _. A. mending B. mend C. to mend D. to be mend28.Hes too young. He isnt _to join the army. A. old too B. too old C. old enough D. enough old29.Let us stay at home and watch TV, _? A. will you B. shall we C. are you D. do we30. I find _difficult _a foreign language. A. it, learning B. it, to learn C. that, to learn D. that, learn二、完形填空 Helen Keller was a very bright, beautiful girl. _31 _ the age of six months she could _32_ say a few words. But unluckily, before she was two years old, she was badly _33_. After that, she could not see_34_hear, and soon she could not even 35 .Since then Helen had to fight for what she wanted. When she was six, her parents invited a teacher for her. 36 the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her through her 37 .She learned to 38 the books for the blind. The teacher took Helen for long walks, and 39 her about all the beautiful sights. Helen touched flowers, climbed the 40 and smelled a rain storm(暴风雨) before it came. She also learned how to swim and 41 a horse. After she 42 , she became a famous 43 in America .Her first and most famous book is The Story of My Life. Her story has brought new_44 to many blind and deaf people. It has given light to those in darkness and encouraged 45 to live and work.( ) 31.A. AtB. OnC. InD. Of( ) 32.A.alreadyB. neverC. stillD. not( ) 33. A. deadB. illC. strongD. thin( ) 34. A. andB. orC. withD. but( ) 35. A. runB. walkC. eatD. talk( ) 36. A. WithB. InC. On D. Through( ) 37. A. eyes B. earsC. hands D. mouth( ) 38. A. enjoy B. lookC. see D. read( ) 39. A. toldB. spokeC. asked D. said( ) 40. A. treesB. chairsC. flowersD. tables( ) 41. A. takeB. driveC. rideD. touch( ) 42. A. called upB. set upC. put upD. grew up( ) 43. A. doctorB. playerC. writerD. singer( ) 44. A. chanceB. hopeC. moneyD. job( ) 45. A. herB. himC. them D. it三、阅读理解 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(A)Basketball is still a young game . Its over a hundred years old . In the winter of 1891 , a certain college was having some trouble with its boy students . The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors . As they couldnt play outdoors , they were unhappy , and some even got into fights from time to time. Some of the teachers , at the college asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game so that the students might have something to play with . It was not easy to invent such a game because it had to be played indoors , and the court (球场) was not very large. Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball game . It was a fast , wonderful game with much moving and passing of the ball . It was played between two teams . To make a score , the ball had to be thrown into the basket ten feet(英尺) above the floor on the wall . At each end of the court there was such a basket . At first , Dr. Naismith wanted to throw the ball into a box . As he could not find boxes of the right size , he had to use fruit baskets instead . That is how the game got its name. ( ) 46. How long is it since basketball was invented ? A. 1000 years B. Less than 100 years C. 1100 yearsD. More than 100 years ( ) 47. The students felt unhappy because _. A. they couldnt play outdoorsB. they often got into fights C. they had much homework to do D. they had little time to study ( ) 48. Who asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game ? A. Some studentsB. Some teachers C. Some students parentsD.Some of his friends ( ) 49. When a student _ , he makes a score. A. receives the ball. B. throws the ball to another student C. runs quickly with the ball in his handD. throws the ball into the basket ( ) 50. Which sentence is right? A. The students could go outdoors when the weather was bad. B. It was easy to invent the game. C. Dr. Naismith had to use fruit to throw the ball. D. The ball had to be thrown into the basket five feet above the floor.BSheila was a student in Hill High School. When she left home this morning, her mother advised her to bring along an umbrella. She told Sheila that according to the weather report, there would be a thunderstorm(雷雨). Sheila looked at the clear sky and did not take her mothers advice.While she was at the bus stop, the sky began to turn dark and soon there was drizzle(毛毛雨). By the time the bus arrived, it was raining heavily. There were a few empty seats in the bus but they were all wet. So Sheila had to stand till the bus arrived at school. It was also very stuffy in the bus as all the windows were closed. When the bus arrived at the bus stop outside her school, Sheila got off quickly. She had to walk from the bus stop to her school and Sheila knew that she would be drenched if she did that. However, she might be late for school if she waited for the rain to stop. Sheila regretted(后悔) not taking her mothers advice.Just then, her friend Amy came along. She was carrying a big umbrella and they went to school together. Sheila got to school on time without getting wet. “It was a lucky day!” she thought.49. Sheilas mother knew that there would be a thunderstorm because _.A. a neighbor told her that B. she knew the weather very wellC. had listened to the weather reportD. she saw clouds in the sky50. It was drizzling before _.A. Sheila work upB. the bus arrivedC. Sheila left homeD. the sky turned dark51. Sheila had to stand until the bus got to school because _.A. all the empty seats were wetB. it was crowded in the busC. there were no empty seatsD. she was wet52. The word “drenched” means _.A. lateB. illC. all wetD. dryCEach country has many good people who help to take care of others. For example, some high school and university students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals or homes for the old. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick. They clean up or do their shopping. For boys who dont have fathers there is an organization(组织) called Big Brothers. University students and other men take these boys to baseball games and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers. Each city has a lot of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games or take part in other activities. Some of these clubs show movies or have short trips to the mountains, the beaches or museums. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and university students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls. Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.53. Where can you often find volunteers in the United States?A. At a bus-stopB. In a park.C. In a hospital.D. In a shop54. What is Big Brothers?A. Its the name of a club. B. Its the name of a famous movie.C. Its the home for children who have no brothers.D. Its an organization for boys who dont have fathers.55. What do volunteers believe?A. The happiest people in the world are those who join some clubs.B. Bringing happiness to others makes them the happiest people in the world.C. The happiest people in the world are those who make themselves happy.D. The happiest people in the world are those who are young and healthy. 56. What might be the best title for the passage?A. The clubs in the United Sates.B. The students in the United Sates.C. The Big Brothers in the United States. D. The volunteer work in the Unites States.D Generally speaking, there are four kinds of language in the world. One is your native language which you learned at home with your family when you were small. The second kind is foreign language that is spoken abroad and that you can learn at school. The third kind is the official(官方)language of your country, which is used in official papers, and which is spoken on the radio and on television. The fourth kind is the dead language which is not spoken any more but still exists(存在) in written papers. For example, Latin. The most popular language in the world is English. About 800 million people in the world speak English, over 15% of the population(人口). About 400 million people speak English as their first language in the United States, England, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some island in the world. About 300 million people speak English as a second language. For example, in many parts of India and Africa people speak their native languages at home but use English for work. About 100 million people speak English as a foreign language. German people are one of these examples. English is the language of government and education in parts of Indian, South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and, most importantly, America. It is used all over the world, and about 75% of the worlds business letters are written in English. Though English is widely(广泛地) spoken, there are more people speaking Chinese than those who speak English. The only reason is that there are more than one billion Chinese people in the world.57.Which of the following languages is the dead language? A. English B. Greek C. Latin D. Chinese58.Jim was brought up in Germany, then he moved to live in Canada when he was seven. His English is much better than his German. Whats his native language? A. English B. German C. Latin D. French59.According to the passage, whats the population of the world? A. About 5.33 billion . B. About 800 billion. C. About 12 billion . D. About 1.5 billion.60. Which of the following countries use English as their official language? A. China & America. B. India & South Africa. C. England & Germany . D. France & Canada.四、词汇运用阅读记者与李强的对话,请根据所给的中文正确拼写单词,让对话意思完整。Reporter: The 2008 Olympic Games are 61 (来) soon. Chinese people are doing something for it. What are the people in Beijing doing for the Olympic games?Li Qiang: Well, the people in Beijing are very_ 62 (兴奋的) and busy. Taxi 63 (驾驶员) are learning English so that they can talk with foreign friends during the Olympics. Workers are working 64 (努力地) so that the buildings can be finished before the games start.Reporter: What about the environment in Beijing?Li Qiang: The environment is getting better and better. The streets will be 65 (更干净)and the roads will be wider. More trees and 66 (花)will be 67 (种植) in the city. The 68 (天空) will be clear and blue. It is the 69 (第一) time that China has got the chance to have the Olympic Games. All of 70 (我们) believe that it will be a great success and Beijing will become a better city after the games are over.Reporter: I believe so. Thank you very much. Li Qiang: Youre welcome.五、任务型阅读下面是五位同学写给21世纪中学生英文报的求助信。在信中,五位同学分别谈了自己在学习或生活中的问题。请将五个问题与编辑给的建议进行配对,并把序号A、B、C、D、E填入7175题的横线上。ProblemsAdviceWhatever I do, I always think about if other people will like. How can I stop worrying about what they think? _71_When you failed a test, its better to tell your mom the truth than for her to find out another way. Ask her if she can help you study in the future. - A My dream is to be on the Olympic team for swimming. My dad thinks I started too late and Ill never be able to make it. What should I do? _72_ Its a good way to join an English language club to practice speaking English. And you can make a vocabulary list too. - B What should I do if I failed a test? Im afraid to tell my mom because she might get mad at me and I cant play soccer. _73_ In your new school, just go over to someone who looks friendly and talk with him or her. You can ask that person about your teacher or the other kids in your class. Good luck! - C I just came to a new school and Im kind of shy, so how do I make new friends? _74_Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think, The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Just relax. - D I am good at all subjects except English. I cant remember words well. And I am weak in speaking and listen. What shall I do? _75_You should tell your dad about your dream and that if you work really hard, it might happen even though you start late. - E 六、书面表达 根据以下表格中的五点内容,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文介绍你们学校的校规。并就其中学生必须穿校服一点谈谈你的看法。开头已给出。参考句型:We must. We have to. We are (not) allowed to School Rulesschool uniformwear school uniform on week days.in classlisten carefullyhomeworkfinish homework carefullyin the librarykeep quietclassmates be friendly to classmates


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