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M5我喜欢听古典音乐,因为他们让我很放松I like listening to classical music,because they make me relaxed你喜欢那个音乐家Which musician do you like他的爸爸是德国人His father is German,isnt he?谁创作的这首曲子?我不知道。但是萨利所在的学校乐队正在演奏Who is it by?Im not sure,but Sallys school orchestra is playing it你听说过贝多芬,对吗You have ever heard of Beethoven,havent you?你喜欢西方古典音乐,不是吗You like western music,dont youTony最喜欢的音乐家是谁Whos Tonys favourite musician?那个穿红衣服的女生到底是谁?What on earth is the girl with the red clothes?让我清静儿会吧Give me a break!北京市中国的首都Beijing is the capital city of China他写了四十多部华尔兹He wrote more than 40 waltzes许多人说它是欧洲最伟大的作曲家Many people say he was the greatest European composer今天是个好天,是吗Its a nice day,isnt it?今天你要度假,对吗You will go for a holiday today,wont you?昨晚你没有给我打电话,对吗You didnt call me last night,did you?她不喜欢流行音乐,对吗She doesnt like pop music,does she?他父亲没有多少钱,对吗His father has little money,does he?济南是山东的省会Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province.我确定他明天回来这Im sure that he will come here tomorrow托尼出生于美国,不是吗?Tony was born in America在中国流行音乐比传统音乐更受欢迎Pop music is more popular than traditional Beijing opera in China.露西和莉莉对音乐十分感兴趣Lucy and Lily are very interested in music儿子的话使妈妈很伤心The sonswords made his mother very sad贝蒂不喜欢听电子音乐,但是个摇滚迷Though Betty doesnt enjoy listening to techno,he is a fan of rock music他的家人已经带他环游中国,是吗His family have taken him around China,havent they?他们不但在课堂上而且放学后也说英语They speak English not only in class but also after school书刚售完了The books have just sold outM61. 你读完这本书了吗,杰克? 没有,我昨天一整天都在花园里帮我爸爸干活。Have you finished reading this book,Jack?Not yet,I was helping my dad in the garden all day yesterday.2. 最近几天工作进展如何?How are you getting on with your work these days?3. 我逐字细读了你的来信。I read every word in your letter.4. 当我离开家的时候,雨下得很大。When I left home,it was raining heavily.5. 当他进来的时候,你在干什么?What were you doing when he came in?6. 昨天这个时候莉莉正坐在窗旁看书。Lily was reading a book by the window this time yesterday.7. 那是格林先生一边在等车,一边在看报。While Mr.Green was waiting for a bus,he was reading a newspaper then.8. 前天两点他们正在草地上开茶会吗?Were they having a tea party on the grass at 2 the day before yesterday?9. 尽管他很累,她还继续工作。Although she felt tired,she still went on working.10. 她无事可做,正想着编织一个雏菊花环。She had nothing to do,and was thinking of making a daisy chain.11. 我认为那个答案不对。I do not think the answer is right.12. 你不能把它们拿出图书馆。You can not take them out of the library.13. 当你过马路时,一定要小心。When you go across the road,you must be careful.14. 萨利送个我的那本书叫爱丽丝漫游仙境。The book Sally sent me called Alices Adventures in wonderland. 15. 夏天我们喜欢坐在草地上。In summer we like sitting on the grass.16. 继续读去找答案。Go on reading to find the answer.17. 他在跑,因为他晚了。He was running because he was late.18. 突然一辆车停在我面前。Suddenly a car stopped in front of me.19. 他整天无所事事,人们都讨厌他。He has nothing to do all day.People all hated him.20. 毕业在即。学生们应考虑一下他们的未来。The graduation is coming.The students should think about their future.21. 当我进来时,他正在学习。He was studying,when I came in.22. 她的妈妈对她非常严厉。他每天都让他做作业。His mother is very strict with him.She lets him do his homework everyday.23. 你知道刚才她发生什么事了吗Do you know what happened to her just now?24. 当我看见露西时,他正在弹钢琴。When I saw Lucy,She was playing the piano.25. 他跑了很长时间,累得上气不接下气。He was running for a long time and he was taking out of breath.26. 李磊从我身边跑了过去,没有和我打招呼。Li lei ran past me and didnt say hello to me.27. 卡尔从自行车上摔了下来,摔坏了腿。Carl fell down from his bike and hurt his leg yesterday.28. 虽然她很累,她还在继续工作29. Although she felt tired,she still went on working.30. 请到我办公室。我有重要的事要和你谈。Please come to my office.I have something important. To talk to you.


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