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人教版小学英语四年级下册期末笔试试卷(pep)Class Name 一、连线。(每个2分,共10分) lamb sandals cloudy sweater dinner 二、下列各句分别描述的是哪张图片?把序号写在相应的图片下。(每个2分,共10分)A. Is this your T-shirt? - No. My T-shirt is blue.B. Its sunny today. Put on your sunglasses. C. - Are they cocks? - No, they are hens.D. Look! Its three oclock. Its time to play football.E. - What size are your sneakers? - Size Five. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、选择正确的单词,把序号填在横线上。(每个2分,共10分)A. raincoat B. music C. tomatoes D. big E. weather1. They are not oranges. They are _.2. Its cloudy today. Take your _.3. Heres the world _. Its sunny in London. 4. Its 11:05. Its time for _ class.5. This shirt is colourful, but its too_.四、根据所给意思写出相应的单词。(每个2分,共10分).1. This shirt is very pretty, but its too _(短). 2. Its _(冷)today.3. There are _(十三)cows.4. I see five _ (兔子).5. I want some _(香蕉).五、看一看,将B栏的序号填在A栏内。(每个2分,共10分). A栏 B栏( ) A. Where are my shoes? a. Eleven.( ) B. Can I help you? b. Theyre three yuan.( ) C. How many erasers are there? c. Yes. I want some onions.( ) D. Are those cucumbers? d. Under the bed.( ) E. How much are they? e. Yes, they are.六、看一看,选择正确的选项,把序号填在前面的括号内。(每个2分,共10分)( ) 1. Welcome _ my home? A. for B. to C. come( ) 2. Its time _ P.E class. A. to B. at C. for( ) 3. Lets go and have_.A. look B. a look C. the look( ) 4. -Whose T-shirt is it?- _.A. Its my T-shirt B. Its a T-shirt C. I have a T-shirt( ) 5. Its hot today. Take off your jacket and_ your dress. A. put in B. take off C. put on(二)一、找词归类hot , carrot , jeans , cool , hamburger , cold , donkey , rabbit ,lamb, coat , dress , sweater , soup , snowy , pig , bread , peach , watermelon ,orange , strawberry , school , pencil 1. weather : 2. animal: 3. food: 4. colthes: 5. fruits: 二、句子配对 ( )1.Are they monkeys ? A. Size 6. ( )2.What size ? B. Yes,they are . ( )3.Is this the library? C. Its cool. ( )4.Whats the weather like today? D. Its ten oclock. ( )5.Whats time is it now? E. Yes, it is.三、连词成句。(10分) 1your T-shirt is that ( ? ) 2. warm it is today (. ) 3. it colour is what (? ) 4.two it oclock is ( . ) 5.computer my is this ( . ) 四、看图完成对话。10分。1、A: What are these ? B: 2、A: What time is it ? B : 3、A : B :Its 20 yuan .4、A :Whats the weather like today ? B : 5、A : B: There are five.五、阅读理解,判断正(),误() 10分 Its hot in London. Its sunny too. I can wear my shorts and T-shirt. I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small. I want to buy a hat. I know its only five yuan . Its very cheap. Ill take it.( )1、It is cool in London. ( )2、I have a new jacket.( ) 3、The jacket is five yuan. ( )4、Its rainy in London.( )5、I want to buy a hat.(三)一、迷路的小写字母们正在寻找到他们的大写字母妈妈们。请你通过连线帮助他们找到自己的妈妈。D M E T Y d t m e y二、请你帮助Sam把这些单词进行归类。apple T-shirt teddy bear jigsaw mango coat pear dress toy car bananaFruit: _ _ _ _Clothes: _ _ _Toy: _ _ _三、你需要为学校俱乐部制作张贴画,下面的图与句子能帮助你完成张贴画的制作。请你根据图片,将句子补充完整。1The girl _ dancing. A. is B. are C. am2 She _a book. A. read B. is reading C. reads3 They _ singing. A. are B. is C. am4 They are _. A. play football B. playing basketball C. playing football5 We _ learning English. A. am B. are C. is 四、Daming爱照相,请你帮他圈出恰当的图片说明。1. A. Its my toy car. B. Its my toy ship.2. A. I have breakfast at half past seven. B. I go to school at half past seven. 3.A. My mother goes to work by bike. B. My mother goes to work by car.4. A. I play football at the weekend. B. I watch TV at the weekend. 5. A. My father is reading a book. B. My father is riding a bike. 五、请你帮助Amy把打乱顺序的句子重新排列。 1. dont, I , milk, like_.2. the, time, Whats _?3. am, I, writing, letter, a _.4. five, nine, Four, is, and _.5. Wheres, please, the, school_?(四)一、写一写floor English yellow pants duck How much is it?Its time for math class.二、读一读,选一选A. lunch B. go home C. go to bed D. get up1. Its 6:05. Its time to .2. Its 11:15. Its time for .3. Its 4:30. Its time to .4. Its 8:30. Its time to .三、选择题1.()Where is the teachers office? A. Its time for math class.2.()What colour is it? B. Its 8:003.()Is this a music room? C. Its on the first floor.4.()What time is it? D. No, it isnt.5.()Its 9:45. E. Its white.四、圈一圈1. This is / These are my shorts. Its / Theyre blue.2. That is / Those are my jacket. Its / Theyre pink.3. I want a pair of sneakers. How much is it / are they? Its / Theyre 200 yuan.Ill take it / them.4. This skirt is nice. How much is it / are they? Its / Theyre 90 yuan.Ill take it / them.五、选择1. Hold a . 2. Ride a .3. Milk a . 3. Feed the .5. Shear a . A. hens B.horse C.cow D.sheep E.lamb六、打“”或“”1. ca ke a pple ( ) 2. ca t ha t ( )3. de sk e gg ( ) 4. ri ce mi lk ( )5. no se ho me ( ) 6. ki te hi ( )7. stu dent u mbrella() 8. lo ng ho t ( )七、选择1. Is this a teachers desk? . A. Yes, it is. B. Its yellow.2. ? Its sunny. A. Whats the weather like today? B. How old are you?3. ? Its 7:35.A. How much is it? B. What time is it?4. What are these? .A. Yes, they are. B. They are ducks.5. ? Yes, I want a dress. A. What size? B. Can I help you?八、连词成句1. is that my computer2. time it what is3. is colour it what4. they how are much5. football play Lets九、中文英文互译sister 男孩music 牛肉light 钢笔warm 西瓜socks 猪(五)一、Look read, and circle.看图读句子,圈出正确的单词。10%二、. 读一读,画线部分发音都相同的画 ,不同的画 。8%1. home nose fox 2. music student use 3. milk pig fish 4. ten leg she 三、Look read, and write. 看图读句子,填上单词把句子补充完整。10%8:108:509:059:4510:0010:4010:5011:301:151:551. Its 9:20. Amy has an class.2. Its 8:15. Amy has a class.3. Its 11:05. Amy has a class.4. Its 1:35. Amy has a class.5. Its 10:10. Amy has a class.四、Look read, and tick. 看图读句子,打“”选择正确的答案。8%五、Read and fill the blank. 挑选句子填入对话。10%六、Read and tick or cross. 读对话,打“”或“”判断句子对错。6%Amy: Hi! Tom. I have a new classroom.Tom: Really? Lets go and have a look. Wow! Its big and nice.Amy: Look! A new black board, four fans and six lights.Tom: There is a new computer on the teachers desk. How many students are there in your class? Amy: Twenty.Tom: Great! Where is your seat?Amy: Its near the door.(1) Amy has a new canteen. ( ) (2) The classroom is small and nice. ( ) (3) There are four fans in the classroom. ( ) (4) There is a new computer on Amys desk. ( ) (5) There are twenty students in the class. ( ) (6) Amys seat is near the door. ( ) 七、Look, answer and write. 看图回答并写出答案。10%1. What time is it? 2. Is this a skirt? 3. What colour is the pear ? 4. How many bananas are there? 5. Are they rabbits? (六)二、选择字母序号填在表格内,使单词完整。1, c mputer (计算机) (A, e, B, a , C, i , D, o ) 2, f n(风扇) (A, i B, e C,o D,a) 3, f v (五) (A,i,a B, e,i C, a,e D,i,e) 4, m th (数学) (A, i B, u C, e D, a ) 5, m s c(音乐) (A, u,r, B,i,u C, a,e D,u,i) 6, p ctur (图画) (A, o,o B, e,e C,e,i D, i,e) 三、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在表格内。(27分)1, This (是)my computer.A, are B, it C, is 2, (那) is your computer.A, This B, that C,That3, Is this a teachers desk?肯定回答应说: A, No, it isnt B, Yes, its C, Yes, it is4, “那是图画吗?”用英语要说: A,That is a picture. B, Is this a picture? C, Is that a picture?5, Its time for (语文) class.A,China B, chinese C, Chinese6, Its (三)oclock.A,ten B, two C, three 7, 用英语询问“现在几点了”:A, What is it? B, How much time is it? C, What time is it? 8、Dont in the computer room.A, write an e-mail(写电子邮件) B, play computer C, drink or eat 9、Where is the computer room?Its on (二楼) A, the third floor B, the first floor C, the second floor.五、根据第一栏所给的时间,在第二栏内找到这一时间内应做的事情,并把他们用直线连起来。 第一栏第二栏6:30(上午) go to bed7:10(上午) go to school4:20(下午) go home9:00(晚上) get up(七)一、看图写单词(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、英汉连线(10分) playground 洋 葱 art room 音乐课 rabbit 操 场 music class 羊 羔 lamp 绘画室 go to bed 兔 子 jacket 上床睡觉 jeans 夹克衫 onion 多 少 how much 牛仔裤三、按从大到小的顺序排列数词(10分)two thirteen one eleven three ten four twelve five six eight fifteen nine seven twenty四、按要求涂色(10分) pink red orange yellow blue green purple white black brown五、句子连线(10分)1、A:Its warm today. B:Its on the first floor.2、A:Where is the canteen? B:lets play football.3、A:Is it cold? B:Its ten yuan.4、A:Is this a teachers desk: B:No, it is.5、A:How much is it? B:No , it isnt.6、A:What time is it? B:No, they arent.7、A:Are they ducks? B:Its two oclock.8、A:Is that your Tshirt? B:Yes, you can.9、A:What colour is it? B:No, its not.10、A:Can I wear my shirt? B:Its white.


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