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毕业班英语单词汇总(按话题分类)Name Class 1.数字基数词one two three four five six seven eight nine ten序数词 fourth sixth 基数词 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen序数词 基数词 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty序数词 基数词 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five序数词 基数词 thirty thirty-one forty fifty sixty 序数词 基数词与序数词的区别:基数词是“第”的意思,前面都有单词the2.colour(颜色)red yellow green blue purple white black orange pink brown 3.time(时间)year(年) 一年 两年 三岁 大四岁 seasons(季节)There are seasons in a year. Theyre and .months(月)按season划分为Winter is , and .Spring is , and .Summer is , and .Fall is , and .January is the month of a year.week(星期)There are days in a week. They are , , , , , and .时间短语:周末 下周 上周 明天 昨天 今晚 或 今天早上 今天下午 in spring/summer/January/February/March on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday时刻(at)at seven oclock at nine oclock at six thirty 8.Animal(动物)At zoo, there are fox, zebra, giraffe ,梅花鹿 ,cat ,dog ,monkey,熊猫 ,兔子 ,鸭子 ,pig ,bird ,熊 ,mouse,squirrel ,kangaroo ,狮子 ,蛇 and 老虎 .At (农场),there are sheep ,lamb ,马 ,母鸡 ,山羊 ,奶牛 ,donkey and goose.9.植物(plant)seed 种子 ,soil土壤 ,sprout新芽,嫩枝 植树 plant the tree 10.环境与建筑(building)air sky (小溪) mountain (河流) flower grass lake forest path park (村庄) (城市) bridge tree road buildinglibrary , post office , hospital , cinema , bookstore , shoe store ,fruit stand ,pet shop ,supermarket ,bank ,science museum11.Body(身体)head ,face ,nose ,mouth ,eye ,ear ,arm ,hand ,finger ,leg ,foot ,throat.feel sick/ill(生病了)发烧 ,受伤 ,感冒 ,牙疼 ,头疼 ,喉咙疼 心情 feel tired excited angry happy bored sad(感到疲劳兴奋生气高兴无聊悲伤)12.个人情况My name is .My (爱好)is riding a bike , diving , playing the violinpiano , making kites ,collecting stamps, music ,science ,sports, computer game ,painting13.family(家庭)、亲属和friend(朋友)This is my family. There are eight people in my family. They are my (父母)【 and 】, (兄弟), (姐妹) (舅舅,叔叔), (姑姑,婶婶) , (外公,爷爷)and (外婆,奶奶) 按性别分为boy and girl ,man and woman.人物长相性格特征描述:young ,funny ,tall ,strong ,big small ,long ,kind(和蔼的,亲切的) ,old ,short ,thin ,strict(严厉的), (聪明的), (活跃的) (安静的),long hair , (短头发)问“他/她长什么样?” ?“他瘦瘦的,矮矮.他很和蔼” . .“她年轻而且漂亮.她很搞笑.” . .“他有黑色的短发和大大的眼睛.” .“她很安静.” .14.学校建筑和学校生活(principal、teacher and student) (操场), (花园),teachers office, (图书馆), (餐厅),classroom , (美术教室),computer room ,washroom, music room, (体育馆)window, board, light, picture ,door ,floor ,classroom ,computer ,teachers desk , (墙壁), (电风扇),desk and chair.学校生活: read book ,do homework ,have English class music class P.E. classmath class Chinese class ,do morning exercises ,play sports15.weather(天气)问今天天气怎么样? ? Its and .rainy , snowy , windy , cloudy , sunny ,warm , cold , cool , hot , cloud , vapour16.节日Do you know When are these holidays? Spring festival(元旦) is on . Tree-planting Day(植树节) is on . Childrens Day(儿童节) is on . Army Day(建军节) is on . Teachers Day(教师节) is on . National Day(国庆节) is on . Mid-autumn Day(中秋节) is on . Lanterns Day(元宵节) is on .SeasonHolidaySpring ( March April May )Summer ( June July August )Fall( September October November )Winter( December January February )日期的读法 比如:Jan.22nd 就读成 January the twenty-second Apr.19th 就读成April the nineteenth17.方位: traffic lightrule ,stop at a red light ,wait at a yellow light ,go at a green light ,turn left ,turn right ,go straight ,next to(与相邻),far away(远离) , in , on ,under ,near ,behind(在后面), over(在上方),in front of(在前面) ,east ,west ,south, northThis is my room. There is a bed, a desk ,a closet and a shelf. There are two end tables near the bed. The computer is on the desk. The books are on the shelf. The trash bin is behind the door. What can you see over the bed? Its my picture.18.日常生活、日常工作、日常学习的活动:take a trippictures, , read a magazine , go to the cinema ,get up ,go to school, go home ,go to bed ,play football ,haveeat breakfast ,haveeat lunch ,haveeat dinner , climb mountains , go shopping , play the piano ,visit grandparents ,go hiking , fly kites, skate ,make a snowman ,plant trees ,sleep ,draw pictures ,cook dinner ,read a book,answer the phone, listen to music ,clean the room ,write a letter ,write an e-mail , pick up leaves , collect leaves , play chess ,have a picnic ,write a report ,drink water ,jump ,walk ,run ,climb ,fight ,swim ,swing Miss Lin is a teacher. She (居住) in Yue Qing. She (教)English. She to work by car .She (读)newspaper everyday.She goes home at 11:15. She (看)TV in the evening. She goes to bed at 11 oclock.把以上的现在时态改成过去时态。Miss Lin a teacher. She (居住) in Yue Qing. She taught English. She to work by car .She (读)newspaper everyday.She home at 11:15. She (看)TV in the evening. She to bed at 11 oclock.19.职业(job)singer , writer , TV reporter , policeman , salesperson ,cleaner ,baseball player ,driver ,doctor ,farmer, nurse actor , actress , artist , engineer , accountant你是做什么的? ?他她是做什么的? ?20.代词Iweyouhesheittheymeusyouhimheritthemmyouryourhisheritstheir21.缩写I am = it is = he is = she is = who is = that is = we will= what is = you are = they are = can not = do not = do not = does not= is not= are not= let us = number = 22.实用的短句: Good idea!( ) All right!( ) Good job!( ) Sure. Here you are. ( ) Thats right. ( ) No problem. ( )毕业班英语单词汇总(话题4-7) Name 4.Food and drinks(食品与饮料)western food(西方食品)Cake蛋糕 bread (面包) hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 drumstick (鸡腿) French fries炸薯条,炸土豆片 coke 可乐 juice (果汁) water水 tea茶 coffee咖啡 ice-cream 冰淇淋eastern food(东方食品)米饭 rice fish鱼 猪肉 pork mutton 羊肉 面条 noodle 牛肉 beef 汤 soup egg鸡蛋Vegetable(蔬菜)卷心菜 cucumber 茄子 eggplant, green beans青豆,tofu豆腐 ,土豆 potato 番茄 tomato 黄瓜 cucumber , onion 洋葱, 胡萝卜 carrot Fruit(水果)桃子 peach ,梨 pear ,orange桔子 ,西瓜 watermelon , apple苹果 , banana香蕉 ,草莓 strawberry , 葡萄 grape 关于味觉的单词: 可口的 delicious 健康的 healthy,甜的 sweet ,酸的 sour ,新鲜的 fresh ,咸的 salyt ,饿了 healthy 餐具: 盘子 plate ,叉子 fork , knife刀子 , 勺子 spoon , 筷子 chopsticks 请随便吃 help yoursef 5.Clothes(衣服)coat(外衣,winter), 夹克衫 jacket , 衬衫 shirt, 裙子 skirt ,连衣裙 dress ,毛线衣sweater,一条牛仔裤 a pair of jeans, 一条长裤 a pair of trousers, 一双袜子 a pair of socks 一条短裤 a pair of pants 一双鞋子 a pair of shoes shoes分为 sneaker (运动鞋),slipper (拖鞋), sandal(凉鞋), boot(靴子)我穿17尺码 The size of my shoes is seventeen.6.Toy and stationary(玩具与文具)Toy: 洋娃娃 doll ,小船 coat ,皮球 ball ,风筝 kite ,气球 balloon 交通工具:car小汽车,飞机 plane/aeroplane/air plane 地铁 subway ,ship船,火车train,bus公交车,bike自行车,jeep吉普车,taxi出租车,motor cycle摩托车,“乘”用by,但是on foot。 Stationary:pen钢笔 , pencil铅笔 ,pencil-case铅笔盒 ,ruler 尺子,橡皮擦 eraser,蜡笔 crayon ,bag书包,sharpener削笔刀.形容词: 便宜的 cheap, expensive昂贵的, pretty漂亮的, 多彩的 colorful.book汇总漫画书 cartoon book ,报纸 newspaper,杂志 magazine,字典 dictionary, 名信片post card, 语文书Chinese book, 英语书English book, 数学书math book,故事书story book ,笔记本notebook 7.日常生活用品air-conditioner空调,curtain (窗帘) ,trash bin垃圾箱 ,closet壁橱,mirror镜子,phone电话,bed床,sofa沙发, bookshelf(书架),fridge冰箱 ,table桌子 ,walkman随身听 , reading lamp (台灯)After school ,I went home (家).This is my house (房子).There are five rooms in my house. They are a study (书房),a washroom (卫生间), a bedroom (卧室),a living room (客厅) and a kitchen (厨房).Im helpful at home. I can empty the trash倒垃圾, cook the meal (煮饭),water the flowers(浇花), sweep the floor (扫地),clean the bedroom(打扫房间), do the housework (做家务),make the bed (铺床), clear up the dishware (整理餐具),wash the clothes洗衣服, wash the dishes (洗碗),put away the clothes(收拾衣服), watch TV(看电视)and play computer games(玩电脑游戏).


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