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AnnouncementsTask 3-Announcement-1The University has developed a new computer-based tutoring system. Read the articles in theschool newspaper about the service. You will have 45 seconds to read the article. Begin reading now.Online HelpBeginning next semester, the drop-in tutoring center will be shut down, and the new online tutoring site will be operational. No longer will off-campus students have to come all the way to school for aid. Now, help will just be a mouse click away with the latest technology, whenever you need it. To use the site, just log in with your student ID number and password, and then ask the online tutors any questions you have.Task 3-Announcement-2The university is planning to charge late fees for overdue library materials. Read the notice about the change from the universitys library administrator. You will have 45 seconds to read the notice. Begin reading now.Notice from Library AdministrationAs of next semester, the university library will begin charging a fee for overdue library materials. The administration feels that late fees are a necessary response to the recent increase in late returns. This policy will ensure all students have equal access to library resources. Furthermore, the extra funds will go towards expanding and maintaining the librarys collection. This will allow our university to uphold its reputation for having one of the most comprehensive libraries in the country.Task 3-Announcement-3The university is planning to close the evening class. Read the article.Closure for the Evening ClassWith the decrease of students interested in the evening class, the university decided to discontinue it. This decision was made because the number of students for the evening class has declined for the past few years and more students prefer to study with an experienced faculty member. Students who already registered for the evening class are required to change their schedules, or refunds will be applicable for.Task 3-Announcement-4The university administration may establish an affirmative action admissions policy. Read the announcement from the admissions office. You will have 45 second to read the notice. Begin reading now.Announcement regarding Admissions PolicyThe university will hold a meeting this week to discuss the possible establishment of affirmative action. This policy would allow a specified number of applicants whose grades do not meet enrollment standards to be considered for admission. For these applicants, the school will also take into account non-academic factors, such as social background and life experience. The school believes this will ensure that the student body remains diverse and will further its commitment to providing equal educational opportunities for all.Task 3-Announcement-5The university is introducing mandatory community service for all students. Read an article about the new policy in the student newspaper. You will have 45 seconds to read the article. Begin reading now.Mandatory Community ServiceDo you want experience in a law firm, dental clinic, political campaign, or social services office? These are just few of the opportunities available through the universitys new community service program. Starting this school year, all students will be required to perform a certain number of community service hours in order to graduate. According to the dean, this policy will afford students valuable work experience in their fields of interest. Furthermore, the university is ensuring that students get well-rounded educations and personal enrichment from helping others.Task 3-Announcement-6Now read a passage regarding apartment rent. CHEAP APARTMENT RENTDuring the summer months, many students return home from school; however, there are still some people who remain to attend summer classes. So, the school has decided to cut rent for apartments that belong to the university by 30%. By doing so, the school hopes that the students will feel less pressure than when paying rent at the usual rate. Now that the rent is reasonable, the school encourages all the students who are staying behind to use this opportunity to save money for the fall semester. Task 3-Announcement-7Gold Plains University is considering plans to improve its library system. Read the bulletin from university administration. You have 45 seconds to read the notice. Begin reading now.Plans to Expand Library SystemStudent enrollment and university research projects have been on the rise. As a result, over-crowding of the library system has become a major concern. The administration feels it can best serve students needs with one of two alternatives. One plan would be to expand the main library by about 30 percent. The other plan would be to build a new library on a now-empty lot near South Campus. This is the more expensive option but, as with other libraries, the new facility would include a food court, computer lab, and lecture hall.Task 3-Announcement-8The university has announced plans to install streetlight around the campus. Read the letter from an astronomy professor about the policy. You will have 45 seconds to read the letter. Begin reading now.Lights Out!The universitys new campus lighting system is a good idea in theory, but now isnt the best time. Installation costs will be very high, not to mention the money needed to maintain the lights. Still, there isnt enough money for the promised improvements for the library. Another concern is that the area to be lit will pass right in front of Brahe Observatory. The Astronomy departments new telescope is very sensitive and any additional light would interfere with the work being done. So, I ask everyone to help me persuade the university to abandon its lighting plan.Task 3-Announcement-9TUITION INCREASEEffective this September, the university has voted to approve the proposed 5% tuition increase. For the past three years, the tuition has remained the same. However, due to economic concerns and the increase in student enrollment, we feel it necessary to raise tuition so that we may continue providing quality education. Since 2002, enrollment has gone up 20%. In addition to a large student population, the economy has also been a factor in raising tuition. So with the increase in tuition, we aim to make major improvement so that you may continue to receive the education you deserve.Task 3-Announcement-10The university is planning a new online system for students. Read the article. Proposal for the Computer Lab Change for StudentsEffective this September, the University has decided to reduce the number of copies of printed materials in the library and popularize the online system to encourage the students to use the computers in the library. The reason for this is that the hard copies of these materials take up too much space, making the library crowded with books and papers jammed together. By having students increase their use of computers, the library will be more spacious so that there can be enough room to store more books. The university is confident that the students will find it easier and more convenient to use the computers rather than search for the printed material.Task 3-Announcement-11The university is planning to close the university health clinic. Read the article.Closing the Health CenterA staff of nearly 500 physicians, providing the best medical services with 24- hour availability, State Hospital will be open this coming June 17. So, the university has decided to discontinue the University Health Center. Reasons for this decision include the fact that, as State Hospital is nearby, students will easily access it; then few students will use the Health Center on campus. The money saved by the closing Health Center will be used to expand the overcrowded parking lots.Task 3-Announcement-12Smoke-free EnvironmentThe university campus buildings have become smoke-free. University faculty, staff and students should be provided with a smoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited in all facilities and within 25 feet from the building entrances at the university. However, we recognize that a substantial portion of university community smoke, so smoking will be permitted outside in specially designated areas and in the smoking shelters on the west side of the cafeteria building. Those who smoke in areas that have been designated smoke-free may be subject to a fine of up to $1000.Task 3-Announcement-13The university is planning to make change. Read the article.As of September 1st, unlike last year, the university has decided to change its plan from holding freshmen orientation for all students to giving them the option of either going on a campus hiking tour or participating in games. This change has been decided by the student committee since the number of the participants was relatively low in previous years. The university hopes that this change will give the students opportunities to interact with fellow freshmen and reduce the tension of coming to the new school with new surroundings.Task 3-Announcement-14ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE DEAN: NEW CREDIT REQUIREMENTSThe academic dean announces an important change to the universitys core curriculum concerning the number of required credits in mathematics and writing. The mathematics requirement will increase from 1 to 2 courses (or a total of 7 credit hours). The writing requirement will increase from 2 to 3 courses (or a total of 9 credit hours). This change is in response to employers and graduate schools who state that students applying for employment or admission to graduate programs need strong skills in mathematics and writing. The new credit requirements will apply to all students who graduate after May 1 of the next year.Task 3-Announcement-15RESIDENT ASSISTANTS NEEDED FOR DORMITORIES ON CAMPUSThe University Housing Office is now accepting applications for the position of resident assistant (RA). Resident assistant must be full time students in at least their second year at the university and must live in the dormitory where they wok as assistant to the Director of Housing. Responsibilities of RAs include checking in and out of the dormitory, managing routine problems of residents, working four hours per week in the dormitory office, attending monthly meetings of all housing staff, and other related duties. Benefits include work experience and free residence in a private dormitory room.Task 3-Announcement-16PROJECT REPORTSYour groups project report will inform the class about the objectives and scope of your project. Generally, a project report includes a description on the projects purpose, activities, results, and conclusions. Each group must submit a formal written report following the guidelines in your textbook. In addition, your group must also present your project to the class. The format of your presentation- the way you communicate information to your audience- can be handled in a number of ways. Possible format includes and oral report, a media presentation, a product exhibit, a display board, or a Web page.Task 3-Announcement-17NOTICE OF INCREASE IN COLLEGE FEESThe president of Springfield College announces a 10 % increase in the student activity fee and 10 % increase in rent for all dormitory rooms and apartment campus. The new fee schedule will take effect on August 25, the beginning of the new academic year. The fee increase will help the college to pay for the new gymnasium building on the north side of campus. The gymnasium will include a state-of-the-art workout room, racquetball courts, a dance and a martial arts studio, and saunas for men and women. Architectural drawings of the new gymnasium are on display in the lobby of the library building.Task 3-Announcement-18SCIENCE SEMINARAny student is welcome to join the seminar section of our core science program. In the seminar, we read, discuss, and write about various topics in science and mathematics. We assume no background in mathematics or physics. We explore ideas about nature, history, and the philosophy of science, as well as the methods of physics and mathematics. Readings and topics vary each term. Seminar students work together with beginning and advanced science students. Students earn 2 or 4 science credits by participating in one or two seminars each week and by completing short papers and online assignments.Task 3-Announcement-19PARKING ON CAMPUSA permit is required for all students who park a vehicle on the main campus during the day or evening, Monday through Friday. Parking permits can be purchased from the Cashiers Office and picked up at the Security Office on the first floor of building 21. Students must park in the new parking lot near the east entrance. Quarterly parking permits costs $50 for full-time students and $40 for part-time students. Annual permits are $120 and are sold Fall Quarter only. Owners of vehicles without a valid parking permit may purchase a daily parking permit for $3 at the pay station located at the east entrance.Task 3-Announcement-20Installation of Surveillance CamerasRecently, there has been a rash of bicycle thefts on campus. “There have been more bikes reported in the past six weeks than all of last year,” said chief campus of security, Robert Dolan. Most bicycles that have been stolen were taken at night. Campus Security has therefore announced they will be installing surveillance cameras to monitor all campus bicycles racks next month. So, for those who would like to hand on their bikes, we advise that you use a strong lock and park your bike only in designated areas.Task 3-Announcement-21Childcare Service EliminationThe Metropolitan University has decided to eliminate its free childcare program for employees and students with children too young to attend school. The reason for the universitys decision is that too few employees and students take advantage of this service, thus the salaries for the children providers are not justified. At the present, young children of employees and students are cared for in a separate building located adjacent to the main administration building. The money saved from eliminating this program will be used to finance educational field trips.Task 3-Announcement-22The university is planning to enlarge the library. Read the article. Plan to Enlarge the LibraryWe plan to enlarge the library by 20,000 square feet and the space would be devoted to increased shelf space for printed materials and more desks for students. The university plans to transform the main library into a learning and information center that will fulfill promise to offer the best possible environment for academic success and high achieving students in the 21st century. The work is expected to begin in early February and itll be completed next year.Task 3-Announcement-23The university is planning to turn off the heating system. Read the article. Library Heating Systems Will Turn OffSince the beginning of this semester, all school buildings except the libraries around the campus are scheduled to turn off the heating system after 5 oclock. Two months research shows that only small numbers of students are left after 5 in most buildings and the heating system requires a lot of energy and money to operate. The elevators also will stop only on floors 1 through 7 after 5 oclock. The money saved from this service will be used to build a new snack bar in the main cafeteria. Task 3-Announcement-24Library Late Fine ProposalAs of the beginning of the next academic year, City University is proposing a new late fine on library books kept over their due dates. In response to a problem with students turning in library books days, or even weeks, past the due dates, the campus resource committee will institute higher fines on books returned late. University officials feel this will prompt students to be more responsible about using the university resources and will also encourage students to spend more time in the library as an alternative to checking out books to take home. Task 3-Announcement-25The university is planning to renovate the library. Read the article.Library Renovation PlanIn June 2007, a one-year renovation of the main library began. When the renovation is completed, the IT center will be equipped with computers with the latest technology and space for quiet talks. Additionally, the room will be accessible for 24 hours. All floors, including the lobby, halls and entrances, will come together with a light-colored wooden floor and it will be brightened up with the newly painted walls. Task 3-Announcement-26The university is planning to change the hours of the computer lab. Read the article.New Hours for the Computer LabsEffective in September, the university has just announced that they will extend the hours for computer labs until 12 a.m. Monday to Friday. In addition to this change, the school will hire more staff and they will be computer-major students prepared to give enough assistance to the students. The school hopes that this change will encourage the students to use the labs more often and that they will be satisfied with the technical help that the new assistants can offer.Task 3-Announcement-27NEW LIBRARY HOURSThe library will now be open 24 hours, Monday to Wednesday. These hours will take effect a week before midterms begin and will continue through the semester until the last day of finals.One exception will be the audio/visual department which will close at midnight. The library willalso extend its hours until 12:00am on Thursday. The hours for Friday, Saturday and Sunday will remain the same. Only students with a valid ID will be allowed to enter after midnight.Task 3-Announcement-28BAN ON SMOKINGEffective February 1, smoking will be banned in all dormitories. This will include the lobby, halls, entrances, and all dorm rooms. With this ban, all the building in the university will now be entirely smoke-free. If you wish to smoke on campus, you must be 20 feet from any school building entrance. Many buildings on campus have now set up special smoking areas outside their main entrances. For those who would like to stop smoking, the university is also offering a free smoking cessation program. Task 3-Announcement-29NEW BUS PASSES FOR STUDENTSAs of September, all City University students will be able to purchase bus passes for $125 per semester. This is half the price of a regular pass. Considering that a parking permit is two hundred dollars and that the price of gas is so high, this is more economical. These bus passes can be used on any route throughout the city not just to and from the campus. Bus passes can be purchased at the Campus Center. A valid I.D. must be shown at the time of purchase.


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