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中考真题卷一时间:90分钟 满分:120分1 单项选择(30分)1、【2015年江苏省苏州市中考】Some small shops in Britain usually close for hour at lunchtime.A. an; theB. a; 不填 C. a; theD. an; 不填2、【2015年江苏省苏州市中考】Mrs. Smith often goes to visit those AIDS patients in hospitals to cheer _up. A. herB. themC. himD. us3、【湖北省宜昌市2015年中考】-Have you watched the TV report about MERS?-Yes, its _ new dangerous disease(疾病).A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. other4、【北京市2015年中考英语试题】_ T-shirt is this? I think its Toms. A.Whose B.Which C.What D.Who 5、【2015年安徽省中考】How can I get some _ about the 2016 Olympic Games? -Why not search the Internet? A. informationB. experienceC. practiceD. success6、【2015年广东省中考】Mickey mouse is one of the most famous _ in American _. A. symbol, culture B. symbol, cultures C. symbols, culture D. symbols, cultures 7、【湖北省宜昌市2015年中考英语试题】-There are a lot of _ of bike riding. -I agree. Its good for the environment and it saves money. A. instructionsB. instrumentsC. advantages D. products 8、【2015年安徽省中考】Now, people have more free time. Square Dancing is becoming more and more _.21教育网 A. comfortableB. difficultC. differentD. popular9、【辽宁省丹东市2015年中考】 As a student, we should keep our classroom _.A. dirty B. clean C. clear D. noisy10、【贵州省安顺市2015年中考英语试题】When is Lang Langs concert? Its three oclock the afternoon of December 18th.A. at; inB. at; onC. on; in D. in; on11、【例1】- _ bad weather! We cant go on a picnic. - What about reading some interesting books at home.A. What a B. What C. How a D. How 12、【2015山东济南】.Miss Smith is _/ with little kids.A. god B. grade C. gold D. good13、【2015山东济南】 Look! Is that your friend Lucy? No, it isnt. Lucy has _ hair.A. big B. tall C. short D. small14、【2015山东济南】. Im a little hungry now. I only drank some _ before I came to school. A. bread B. milk C. banana D. noodle15、【2015山东济南】 Peter, _ your cousin good at science?Yes, he is. He often helps me with my science. A. do B. does C. are D. is 2、 完形填空(20分)【2015年重庆市中考英语试题】 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选 出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 The Sweetest Sight I was in the most beautiful city in the world,yet I only wanted homeIt was an amazing week for my husband and methe trip of a lifetimeMonths ago,when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in LondonI expressed my(16)to go to Europe together with himThen we asked his mother to(17)our two children and started off During the weeks time,(18)visited London and Parisas much as we could,Big Ben,the Louvre and so onAll these were beautiful places we expected to see beforeWe really enjoyed ourselves On our last night in Paris,(19)we enjoyed the night view(夜景) of the Eiffel Tower,my husband called homeHis mother(20)the phoneIn a second,my husbands face fell and he looked so worriedI could feel something(21)happened“Whats wrong?”I asked He didnt answer and continued to listenA few minutes later,he said(22)to me that Tony,our sevenyearold son,had fallen off his bike and(23)his legHe must be sent to hospital at once At that moment,Paris suddenly lost its charm(魅力)“I dont want to be here!I shouldnt be here!I should be home(24) my kids!”We hurried back to our hotel and then to the airport Finally,we got homeWe rushed into our childrens bedroomSeeing our two children,I suddenly realized the truth:there is no(25) sight(风景)in the world than your childrens faces that greet you at home16Aquestion Bwish Cstep Dplace17Alook after Btalk with Cfind out Dwake up18Ahe Bshe Cwe Dthey19Aafter Bsince Cthough Dbecause20Ashouted Bfinished Cwrote Danswered21Augly Buseful Cright Dbad22Ahardly Bclearly Csadly Dtruly23Adanced Bbroken Cthrown Dopened24Atoward Bwith Cunder Dfrom25Aquieter Bricher Csweeter Dwider3、 阅读理解题(30分)【2015山东济南】APhilip is a school boy. On his twelfth birthday, he decided to give up eating meat. “I dont think its right to eat animals,” he said. “They live on the Earth just like us and they are our friends.” Philips parents were not happy about that. “You are a growing boy,” his mother said. “You need meat. Do you want to stay short and be weak?” His mother put some beef, rice and carrots in front of him. “I want you to eat all your food now,” she said. “Dont leave anything.” Philip didnt want to make his mother sad. But he ate only the rice and the carrots.“Youre a silly boy!” said his father. “Im getting very angry at you.”“Im sorry, Mum and Dad,” answered Philip. “I dont want you to be sad or angry. But I really dont want to eat any meat.”“Then have some fish, dear,” said his mother.“Oh no, I cant!” cried Philip. “Fish are living things too.”“Well, you cant have anything to eat at all if you dont eat any meat or fish,” said his father.The next morning Philip got up hungry. His father walked to the school with him and asked to see the teacher. “Is this what you teach the students at school?” he asked the teacher. “Philip refuses to eat meat at home. He doesnt listen to what I say.”“I dont agree with Philip,” replied the teacher. “But I think hes brave to do what he thinks is right. We teach the students to do that.”26. Philip decided to give up eating meat on his _ birthday. A. fifth B. eighth C. eleventh D. twelfth27. Philips mother thought that Philip would _ if he didnt eat any meat. A. stay short B. feel happy C. get hungry D. keep healthy28. What did Philips mother ask him to eat when he refused to eat meat? A. Some hamburgers. B. Some fish. C. Some pears. D. Some ice-cream.29. Philips father went to the school with Philip because _. A. he was a teacher there B. Philip got up very late C. he wanted to see the teacher D. Philip had a new teacher30. Philips teacher teach students _. A. to go to school on foot B. to give up eating animalsC. to listen to their parents D. to do what they think is right 【2015山东济南】BDo you like eating chocolate? The answer is probably “Yes”. Children and adults both love its smooth, sweet taste. But how much do you know about chocolate? September 13th is International Chocolate Day. Its a great chance for us to learn more about this special food.Chocolate comes from an ancient civilization (文明) called the Maya. The Mayan people had a special food called cocoa. The word cocoa means “gift from God”. Five hundred years ago, the Europeans found the Mayans and used cocoa to make chocolate.All this changed when European companies started to produce chocolate bars(棒) in the 19th century. Chocolate bars took off in popularity. They also took off in space: Russian and American astronauts took them into space in the 1960s. For centuries, chocolate was eaten only by the rich. Now its very common and there is even a chocolate museum in Cologne, Germany. Here you can find everything about chocolate. You can first take a walk in a cocoa tree forest. Then, go to the workshop nearby. Workers there make cocoa beans into delicious chocolate. The chocolate makes a 3-meter-high chocolate fountain. You can taste it!Chocolate comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. The biggest chocolate bar ever was made in Italy in 2011 and weighed almost 6 tons! Thats as big as an elephant. People often eat chocolate at Easter, or during other festivals like Valentines Day, Halloween and Christmas.Many people say chocolate is bad for health and skin. Not necessarily so! Scientists now say it is good for health in some ways, and can even help people lose weight. Acne(粉刺) and chocolate have no direct connection, according to the World Cocoa Foundation. Healthy food and habits lead to healthy skin.Be careful not to eat too much chocolateits rather high in sugar and fat. The country that eats the most chocolate per person each year is Switzerland. They eat 19 pounds (9 kilos) per person on average! People in the US eat the most chocolate in total. They get through half of the worlds chocolate.Chocolate is also used in movies. Sometimes people use chocolate to make “blood” and dirt in the movie. In the 1994 movie The Shawshank Redemption, the main character needs to crawl (爬行) through a sewer pipe(下水道). The pipe is full of smelly waste which is actually made from sweet chocolate syrup. Isnt it interesting?31. Who first made cocoa into chocolate? A. The Mayans. B. The Europeans. C. The Chinese. D. The Americans. 32. From Paragraph 3, we can learn that _. A. chocolate bars became popular in the 19th centuryB. chocolate bars were produced in space in the 1960sC. chocolate is now eaten only by some rich peopleD. people can buy chocolate in the chocolate museum33. The writer tells people not to have too much chocolate because _. A. it can even help people lose weight B. it can lead to many serious heart problemsC. there is too much sugar and fat in it D. Americans eat half of the worlds chocolate 34. According to the passage, which of the following is true? A. The biggest chocolate bar looks like an elephant. B. People only eat chocolate at important festivals.C. Chocolate is popular in Switzerland and the US.D. Scientists say chocolate is very harmful to health.35. Whats the writers purpose of writing the passage? A. To show how chocolate was first made.B. To encourage more people to buy chocolate.C. To show how people use chocolate in movies.D. To tell people some information about chocolate. CChoose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.Art Museum 200 famous pictures More than 300 worksOpening hours: 8:00 am6:00 pm on weekdaysPrice: adults $10 children $5.50Address:120 Xinjin StreetTel: 307-864-2997National ParkRiding horsesBoatingTime:11:00 am7:00 pm every dayPrice: adults $15 children(aged 37) $8Address: 95 the Fifth AvenueTel: 208-683-3400Music ClubMusic lessons(guitar, violin, piano and drums)Time: 8:30 am9:30 am every SundayPrice: Only $20 eachAddress: 25 Jiefang RoadTel: 420-258-1200 ( ) 36.Where can you learn to play the drums? A. In Music Club B. In National park C. In Art Museum( ) 37.If you want to ride a horse, you can go to . A.25 Jiefang Road B.120 Xinjin Street C.95 the Fifth Avenue ( ) 38.You are eleven. If you and your parents visit Art Museum, how much should you pay? A.$10 B.$15.50 C.$25.50( ) 39.If you want to know more information about boating, you can call . A.420-258-1200 B.208-683-3400 C.307-864-2997( ) 40.Which of the following is Not True according to the passage? A. You can pay $20 each for the guitar lesson. B. There are no pictures in Art Museum. C. A 15-year-old boy can pay $15 for riding a horse.四、任务型阅读(10分)阅读下文并回答问题【2015四川】 Hot pot(火锅) is many Chinese peoples favorite and Liu Yang is one of themThree days ago,Liu Yang arrived in EnglandThere he had three days of hamburgers,sandwiches and potatoesYesterday he was very excited when he heard that there was going to be a meal of hotpot to welcome the new students He went into the room and sat next to an American girlTo his surprise,he saw potatoes and bread in front of himWhere was the hot pot? When she saw Liu Yang was very surprised,the American girl told him that hotpot is NOT hot potChina has hot pot in two words but English hotpot is written in one word Hotpot is made from meat,potatoes and onionsPeople put it in the oven(烤箱) all day in a heavy pot and on a low heatIt is easy to cookHotpot tastes fineBut Liu Yang still misses hot pot,two words!41Is hot pot many Chinese peoples favorite?Yes,it is42When did Liu Yang arrive in England?Three days ago43Who told Liu Yang that hotpot is not hot pot?An/The American girl44Which country has hot pot in two words?China五、选词填空【2015年山东济南市】(10分)A. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)。【2015山东济南】 on pair than shop little Larry is a boy from a poor family. He lives with his mother. His mother loves him and will give him anything he likes if she can. But she has(45) _ money. Yesterday Larry walked past the shoe (46)_ on the street corner. He liked the shoes in it and really wanted to have a(47)_ of new shoes. But he knew his mother didnt have enough money. Sadly, he went into a park and sat(48)_the grass. Just then he saw a boy in a wheelchair. The boy had no feet! “Its much better to be without shoes(49)_without feet.” Larry thought.六、(20分)【2015年山东威海市中考英语试题】初中三年的学习生活结束了,想必你有很多话想对你的学弟学妹们说。假如你是张扬,请你给学校英语广播站写一封致学弟学妹们的公开信。内容可以结合你在学习时间、方法,师生相处,遵规守纪,学习与兴趣爱好关系的处理等方面的经验,给他们提出合理的建议,并祝福他们。要求:1.结构合理,条理清晰,语言通顺,内容积极。可集中论述某一方面或几方面内容,不必面面俱到。2.词数100左右。信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。3.文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。中考真题卷一一、单项选择1、【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:英国一些小商店通常在午餐时关门一小时。一小时,表示“一”,用不定冠词,hour的第一个音/a/是元音,前用an;在午餐时:at lunchtime固定搭配,中间无冠词。故选。【考点定位】考查冠词。2、 【答案】B【解析】试题分析有意史密斯夫人经常去看望住院的艾滋病人已让他们振作起来。代表全句中的复数名词“those AIDS patients”,用复数的人称代词,这里作cheer up 的宾语,用宾格:them,故选B。【考点定位】考查人称代词辨析。【点睛】本题考查了人称代词和物主代词的用法。英语中人称代词常和物主代词,反身代词在一起考查,区别它们的主要方法就是词义的不同和句法功能的不同,学习中要注意牢记这些词的基本用法。3. 【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:-你看了电视有关MERS 的报道吗?-是的,那是一种新的危险的疾病。A the other 指两者中剩下的,余下的;B。Another 再一个,又一个,指不确定数目中的再一个,又一个;C.others 别的,其它的;D。Other 别的,其它的。MERS是一种新的疾病;是不确定的疾病种类中的另一种,用another.故选B【考点定位】考查代词辨析。4、【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:-这是谁的T恤衫?-我认为是汤姆的。A.Whose 谁的; B.Which 哪个;C.What什么; D.Who谁。根据its Toms,可知这里上句问的是谁的,结合句意,故选A。【考点定位】考查疑问词辨析。【点睛】考试中,疑问代词通常和疑问副词一起考查,解答此类的关键是理解这些代词和副词的词义,用法特点,然后通过上下文语境选择合适答案。5、 【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:句意:-我怎样获得一些关于2016年的奥林匹克运动会的信息?-为什么不上网查查,A information 信息; B. Experience 经历;C .practice练习;D sucess成功。根据上网查查,可知是信息,故选A。【考点定位】考查名词词义辨析。【点睛】该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案。6、【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:米老鼠是美国文化最著名的象征之一。意为“-之一”。故这里用复数symbols,故排除A和B ;culture指总称时是不可数名词,当表示“不用国家的文化”时是棵树名次。结合句意可知总称,故选C。【考点定位】考查名词的用法。【点睛】英语中名词有可数名词与不可数名词之分,可数名词又有单复数之分,当可数名词的数量不是一个时,要变成复数形式,其构成规则也比较复杂,需要不断总结记忆。不可数名词大多是一些物质名词和抽象名词,没有数的变化,需要注意的是,一些在汉语中明显可数的名词,在英语中往往不可数,也需要加以总结,注意了解中西文化的差别,不能以中式思维思考英语问题。7、【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:骑车有许多好处。我同意。它对环境有益而且节约钱。A. instructions说明;B. instruments乐器;C. advantages优点,好处;D. products产品。从语境可以推测出:骑车有许多好处:advantages,故选C。【考点定位】考查名词词义辨析。8、【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:现在,人们又更多的空闲时间。广场舞变得越来越受欢迎。A .confortable 舒服的;B。Difficult 困难的;C different不同的;D popular受欢迎的。结合句意,故选择D。【考点定位】考查形容词词义辨析。【点睛】此类是基础题型,考查的是学生的基础词汇知识,理解并牢记每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,需要注意的就是其一词多义现象及所修饰对象的不同,然后结合上下文语境选择合适答案。9、 【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:作为学生,我们应该保持我们的教室干净。A. dirty脏的;B. clean干净的;C. clear 清楚的;D. noisy嘈杂的。keep+名词+形容词使怎么样,形容词做宾语的补足语,说明宾语的特征。根据As a student,可知应该保持教室干净。故选B。10、【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:-朗朗的音乐会是什么时间?-在十二月十八日下午三点。at主要和表示时间点的词连用;in主要和表示一段时间的词连用;on主要和星期,具体的一天,具体一天的上下午晚上。第一个空是时间点,故填at,第二个空是具体一天的下午,故填on,故选B。【考点定位】考查时间介词的用法。11、【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:天气真坏!我们不能够去野炊了。在家看点有趣的书怎么样?这是个感叹句,用what来引导修饰名词weather,而且天气是不可数名词,不用冠词,故选B。考点:考查感叹句。12. D【解析】考查根据音标选单词。句意为:史密斯小姐与小孩子们_。god神,上帝,名词;grade 年级,成绩,名词;gold金子,名词;good 好的,形容词。本题考查短语be good with,意为“与相处好;是灵巧的”。故选D。13. C【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意:看!那是你的朋友露丝吗?不,不是的,她长着 _ 头发。big大的;tall高的;short短的,矮的;small小的。谈论人的头发,通常用长或短修饰。故选C。14.B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:现在我有一点饿,在我来上学前,我只喝了一些_。bread 面包;milk 牛奶;banana 香蕉;noodle 面条。根据句意可知,与drink连用,表示“喝”的名词只有milk,意为“喝一些牛奶”。故选B。15.D【解析】考查动词时态辨析。句意:皮特,你堂兄擅长科学吗?是的,他擅长,他经常帮我学科学。do用于一般现在时,是助动词或动词原形;does用于一般现在时第三人称形式,是助动词或动词三单形式;are用于一般现在时,其主语是非三单;is用于一般现在时,其主语是三单。根据句意可知,本句考查短语be good at,意为“擅长于”,因句子的主语your cousin表示第三人称单数形式,故be动词应该用is,构成一般疑问句时,仅需要把is提到句首即可。故选D。二、【考点】记叙文【分析】这篇短文讲述的是作者利用丈夫去伦敦开会的机会和丈夫一起去欧洲旅行,把两个孩子留在了家里作者在外面玩得很开心,但是在电话中得知自己的儿子受了伤,她和丈夫赶紧回到了家里通过这件事作者明白了世界没有什么风景比孩子的笑脸更甜美的我们在生活中应该多和我们的家人呆在一起【解答】16B考查名词词义辨析及语境的理解question 问题;wish 希望;step 步骤,步;place地方根据I expressed myto go to Europe together with him可知,和丈夫一起去欧洲是作者的愿望,故选B17A考查动词短语辨析及语境的理解look after照顾,照看;talk with 和某人谈话;find out 查明;wake up喊醒根据I expressed myto go to Europe together with him可知,作者想和丈夫一起去欧洲,所以让丈夫的妈妈照顾孩子,故选A18C考查人称代词及语境的理解he 他;she 她;we 我们;they他们根据as much as we could,Big Ben,the Louvre and so on可知,这里说的是我和我的丈夫,故应选C19A考查连词词义辨析及语境的理解after 在之后;since 自从;though 虽然,尽管;because因为根据we enjoyed the night view(夜景) of the Eiffel Tower,my husband called home,可知,是欣赏完了夜景之后,给家里打电话,故选A20D考查动词词义辨析及语境的理解shouted 喊,叫;finished 完成;wrote 写;answered回答根据answer the phone,可知这里的意思是接电话,固定短语故选D21D考查形容词词义辨析及语境的理解ugly 丑陋的;useful 有用的;right 对的;bad 糟糕的,坏的根据In a second,my husbands face fell and he looked worried,可知,作者从丈夫的表情上感觉出发生了不好的事情,故选D22C考查副词词义辨析及语境的理解hardly 几乎不;clearly 清楚地;sadly 伤心地;truly真实地,真正地根据Tony,our sevenyearold son,had fallen off his bike可知,丈夫听到这个消息感到非常的伤心,故选C23B考查动词词义辨析及语境的理解danced 跳舞;broken 摔断,打破;thrown 扔掉;opened打开根据He must be sent to hospital at once可知,作者的儿子摔断了腿,故选B24B考查介词词义辨析及语境的理解toward 朝,向;with 和一起;under 在下面;from从,来自根据I dont want to be here!I shouldnt be here!I should be homemy kids!”可知,当作者知道孩子受伤的消息后,感到很后悔,她觉得自己应该和孩子们一起呆在家里,而不应该出来玩故选B25C考查形容词词义辨析及语境的理解quieter 更安静;richer 更富有;sweeter 更甜美;wider更宽广根据The Sweetest Sight,可知,作者通过这次经历知道孩子比世界上任何一个地方的美丽风景都更重要,故选C【点评】解答完形填空时主要考查考生阅读所给材料,理解其中词语、句子或片段含义的能力有时涉及对全文意思和篇章结构的理解,对一些问题作出推理和判断,并注意上下连贯,合乎逻辑然后逐一选出答案即可三、A篇、【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一个12岁的小男孩,认为动物是人类的朋友,他决定不再吃肉,即使鱼肉他也不吃,父母为此很生气,父亲以为是老师这样教育的孩子,就去学校与老师理论,但老师否定了不让孩子吃肉的说法。26. D【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:菲利普决定放弃吃肉在他_生日。Fifth第五;eighth第八;eleventh第十一;twelfth第十二。根据第一段On his twelfth birthday, he decided to give up eating meat.可知选D。27. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:菲利普的妈妈认为他会感到_ 如果他不吃肉。stay short个子矮;feel happy感到高兴;get hungry饥饿;keep healthy保持健康。根据第一段his mother said. “You need meat. Do you want to stay short and be weak?”可知他妈妈认为不吃肉个子矮。故选A。28. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:菲利普拒绝吃肉时,他的母亲让他吃什么?A.一些汉堡包;B.一些鱼;C.一些梨;D.一些冰淇淋。根据第四段“Then have some fish, dear,” said his mother.可知他妈妈让他吃鱼。故选B。29. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:菲利普的父亲与菲利普去学校因为_。A.他是那里的一位老师;B.菲利普起床很晚;C.他想看看老师D.菲利普有一个新老师。根据倒数第二段His father walked to the school with him and asked to see the teacher.可知选C。30. D【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:菲利普的老师教育学生_。A. 步行去学校;B.放弃吃动物;C.要听父母的话;D.做他们认为正确的事情。根据最后一句“But I think hes brave to do what he thinks is right. We teach the students to do that.”可知选D。【难句点拨】1.Well, you cant have anything to eat at all if you dont eat any meat or fish.嗯,如果你不吃肉和鱼,你就不能吃任何一点儿东西。本句是if引导的条件状语从句,notat all一点儿也不。2. But I think hes brave to do what he thinks is right. 但是我认为他做自己认为正确的事情是勇敢的。本句含有that(省略)引导的宾语从句,to do做原因状语。B篇【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了巧克力的起源、发展及有关吃巧克力的健康问题和巧克力的其他用途。31. B 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:什么人首先把可可制成巧克力?由第二段最后一句中“the Europeans found the Mayans and used cocoa to make chocolate.”可知是欧洲人首先把可可制成了巧克力。故选B。32. B 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:从第三段我们可以了解到_。A巧克力棒在19世纪开始流行起来,B巧克力棒在20世纪60年代被带入到太空中, C现在只有富人吃巧克力,D人们可以从巧克力博物馆买巧克力。由第三段第三句“They also took off in space: Russian and American astronauts took them into space in the 1960s. ”可知B项正确。故选B。33. C 【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:作者告诉人们不要吃太多的巧克力是因为_。A它甚至能帮助人们减肥,B它能导致许多严重的心脏问题,C巧克力含有太多的糖和脂肪,D美国人消费了全世界一半的巧克力。由第六段第一句“Be careful not to eat


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