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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷(4)一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has a different sound from the, others? A . normal worldB . about withoutC . meeting keep2. (2分)Which word has the sound /? A . pupilB . computerC . busD . music3. (2分)Its so hot now. Linda, go and buy an ice-cream.OK. Thank you, Mom.A . meB . youC . myselfD . yourself4. (2分)Whats your favorite subject?_, because I am interested in numbers.A . P .E .B . MathC . ArtD . Music5. (2分)As we all know, playing chess is usually one-to-one game. A . a; aB . /; aC . /; anD . the; a6. (2分)She is Jane Green. Green is her_ name. A . lastB . goodC . first7. (2分) Do you know _ ? Yes, it will be held in China.A . how the 2022 Winter Olympics will be heldB . when the 2022 Winter Olympics will be heldC . where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held D . which city will hold the 2022 Winter Olympics8. (2分)The story is very interesting. It is _ the novel. A . part ofB . a part ofC . the part ofD . parts of9. (2分)一 ,how can I go to the bank?一You can take the No.17 busA . Excuse meB . You are welcomeC . Thanks a lotD . Never mind10. (2分)What color is it? _.A . Its rulerB . Its a rulerC . Its a red rulerD . Its red二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Mona is a middle school student. 1Chinese name is Li Ying. She was born in America in 2005. She likes 2very much, so she joins the music club. She is also good at 3the piano. She4she wants to be a musician.Mona5in Shanghai with her parents now. She spends(花费) 6time in studying all her7and the piano. She8at No. 1 Middle School in Shanghai. It is not far9her home to school, so she usually goes to school 10bike. She gets up at six oclock every morning, and then she 11for an hour, 12she thinks it is good for her health. She is13late for school. In her free time, she usually 14at a TV station. She is a host(主持人) for a childrens show. All children like to15her program(节目).(1)A . His B . Her C . He D . She (2)A . cooking B . singing C . drawing D . talking (3)A . taking B . doing C . playing D . listening (4)A . talks B . tells C . speaks D . says (5)A . leaves B . lives C . live D . gets (6)A . very B . many C . a lot of D . too (7)A . subjects B . classes C . friends D . jobs (8)A . joins B . works C . studies D . takes (9)A . at B . from C . about D . in (10)A . of B . at C . by D . to (11)A . goes B . runs C . sleeps D . plays (12)A . and B . but C . because D . or (13)A . ever B . also C . too D . never (14)A . works B . makes C . calls D . wants (15)A . buy B . watch C . look D . listen 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。John Smiths travel21 AugustLeaveNew York12: 25ArriveOttawa14: 2023 AugustLeaveOttawa15: 50ArriveToronto17: 1525 AugustLeaveToronto09: 45ArriveTokyo15: 1029 AugustLeaveTokyo14: 20ArriveSeoul16: 052 SeptemberLeaveSeoul08: 20ArriveNew York12: 25(1)When will John Smith get to Toronto? .A . At a quarter to five in the afternoon, Aug. 23rd.B . At a quarter past five in the afternoon, Aug. 23rd.C . At a quarter to ten in the mornin9, Aug. 25th.D . At a quarter past ten in the mornin9, Aug. 25th.(2)Where will John be on the morning of August 29th? .A . Toronto.B . Tokyo.C . Seoul.D . New York.(3)How long will it take to fly from Tokyo to Seoul? .A . 65 minutes.B . 85 minutes.C . 95 minutes.D . 105 minutes.(4)How many countries will John go to visit? .A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(5)How long is John going to travel? .A . 9 days.B . 10 days.C . 11 days.D . 12 days.13. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。These days, more and more people begin to pay more attention to their health. They want to take up different kinds of sports to keep healthy. What sports should they do then?TennisThomas opened up a tennis room recently. To his surprise, there were much more people than he expected(预想) coming on the first day. Because no more room was available(可利用的), he had to rent(租借) another bigger room from his neighbour, but it still couldnt meet the need. I am pleased to see so many people like playing tennis. It is a very good sport for health, said Thomas.FootballDonna works in a bookstore. She often goes to play football in the middle school near the bookstore. Although the students are having their summer holidays, to my surprise, the playground is crowded with people, said Donna. Of course, there are some other sports that people can do to keep healthy. But its certain(确定的) that people who often exercise can work better.(1)Nowadays, people keep them healthy by .A . playing tennisB . playing basketballC . doing exerciseD . working(2)Thomas is .A . the worker in the bookstoreB . a tennis playerC . a basketball playerD . the boss(老板) of the tennis room(3)There were too many people in the tennis room, so Thomas .A . added another roomB . bought five more batsC . said tennis was good for healthD . was too surprised to do anything(4)The playground was crowded during the holidays because .A . students still stayed at schoolB . people went there to play tennisC . people went there to play footballD . students went back to school to read books(5)If people want to do their work better, they should .A . play football oftenB . play tennis oftenC . have holidays oftenD . do exercise often14. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。BAn old man was going home late one night with his horse and cart after a days hard work. When he was not far away from his house, the light on the cart went out. He tried but could not repair it. He was near his home, and so he went along the road without a light. When a policeman saw this, he stopped the old man.Where is your light? asked the policeman. No man may take a cart along the road at night without a light. You know that. You have broken the law. I had a light, but it has just gone out, said the old man.I dont believe that story. Whats your name and where do you live? asked the policeman. Please dont write down my name, said the old man. My home is just there. You can see it from here. I had a light nearly the whole way.You came all the way without a light. Whats your name?The old man quickly took the policemans hand and put it down on the top of the light. The light was still hot and burnt the policemans hand. The policeman jumped and he was very angry. Now, what do you think? said the old man. Did I come all the way without a light?(1)What does the underlined word cart mean in the passage? A . It means house.B . It is something pulled by a horse.C . It means light.D . It is something used for cooking food.(2)The old man drove home _. A . late one nightB . with his donkeyC . with a policemanD . early one morning(3)Where did the policeman stop the old man? A . Under a street light.B . At the traffic lights.C . Near the old mans home.D . Far away from the old mans home.(4)Why was the old man stopped by the policeman? A . Because the light on his cart was not on. B . Because he burnt the policemans hand.C . Because he broke a street light. D . Because he didnt want to help the policeman.(5)What made the policeman believe the old mans words? A . He made the policeman angry.B . He jumped and shouted angrily.C . The light burnt the policemans hand.D . He made the policeman touch the cart.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)15. (3分)任务型阅读Is there a connection between music and language? According to recent studies, the answer is yes: _Here, we look at two examplesA recent study by researcher Kraus shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a persons hearing ability._The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training. The musicians were able to hear the talking person more clearly._Think about violinists in an orchestra (管弦乐团). When the violinists play with the group, they hear their own instrument and many others, too. But the violinists must listen closely to what they are playing, and pay no attention to the other sounds. In this way, musicians are able to focus on certain sounds, even in a room with lots of noise.Schlaug, a doctor at Harvard Medical School, works with stroke (中风) patients. Because of their illness, these people cannot say their names, addresses, or other information normally. However, they can still sing._Why does this work? Schlaug isnt sure. Music seems to make different parts of the brain work, including the damaged (损坏的) parts. This might help patients to use that part of the brain again.Music improves concentration (注意力), memory, listening skills, and our overall language abilities._Playing an instrument or singing can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp (敏锐的) as we get older. Music is not only enjoyable, its also good for us in many other ways.A. It can even help sick people get better.B Music helps people solve some hearing problems.C. Music improves certain language abilities in the brain.D. The violinists develop their memories by playing the violin.E Musicians hear better because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds.F. Schlaug was surprised to find that singing words helped his patients to speak.G. In his study two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room.五、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空 (共10题;共10分)16. (1分)Hard work is the key to s_. 17. (1分)Look at those dark _ (云). Its going to rain. 18. (1分)Has the train arrived _(还,仍)?Yes, it arrived ten minutes ago.19. (1分)My brother often takes a s_ after running. 20. (1分)There is a place in my heart where all nations will live p_(和平地) some day. 21. (1分)There are many books in the l_. You can read them in it. 22. (1分)Chuanchang River runs for more than 170 kilometers_(通过) the city of Yancheng. 23. (1分)We watched a _(精彩的) football game on TV last night. 24. (1分)Before you go to England,youd better change some p_in the bank25. (1分)Nine chairs are in the roomThree chairs are white and s_chairs are black 六、 按要求完成句子,每空一词。 (共5题;共5分)26. (1分)John plays tennis very well(改为同义句) John is _ _ _ tennis.27. (1分)She has some good news. (改为一般疑问句) _ she have _ good news?28. (1分)Whats the matter with you?(改为同义句)_ _ with you?29. (1分)句型转换。(1)Lily has 5 oranges. Kitty has 8 oranges. (合并为一句)Lily has _ oranges _ Kitty.(2)I often read more books than my classmates. (同义句)I often read _ _ _ in my class.(3)There are more than 3000 students in our school. (同义句)_ _ of the students in our school _ _ 3000.(4)He spent one week finishing the work. (同义句)It _ him one week _ _ the work.30. (1分)Sharedbikes are very popular in some big cities. (改为感叹句) _sharedbikes are in some big cities!七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)31. (1分)Its _ (real) kind of you to say this to me. 八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)假设你是Tina,你的班上新来了一名英国女孩Catherine. Catherine很喜欢运动,很想加入镇上的运动俱乐部。请根据以下要求,完成一封书信。要求要点齐全,词数80到120.要点包括:给Catherine介绍一下镇上运动俱乐部的情况。1)俱乐部位置及交通方式:从学校走路去需10分钟。沿着Chongwen Road 走,第二个十字路口向左转,在左手边,饭店对面。2)俱乐部活动安排。给Catherine介绍一下俱乐部的规矩。在上学的日子里每天下午4:30到5:30进行锻炼。祝她玩得开心。Dear Catherine,Im your new friend Zhao Lei. I hear that you like sports a lot and Im happy to tell you something about the sports club in town.Best wishes!Tina第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、答案:略14-2、答案:略14-3、答案:略14-4、答案:略14-5、答案:略四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)15-1、五、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空 (共10题;共10分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 按要求完成句子,每空一词。 (共5题;共5分)26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、30-1、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)31-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32-1、


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