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Chapter Eight Traditional Chinese MedicineI. Background Information中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)指中国传统医学,是研究人体生理、病理,以及疾病的诊断和防治等的一门学科, 是在古代朴素的唯物论和自发的辨证法思想指导下,通过长期医疗实践逐步形成并发展成的医学理论体系。在研究方法上,以“天人合一”、“天人相应”的整体观为主导思想,以脏腑经络的生理、病理为基础,以辨证论治为诊疗依据,具有朴素的系统论、控制论,分形论和信息论内容。中医理论来源于对医疗经验的总结及中国古代的阴阳五行思想。其内容包括精气学说、阴阳五行学说(即木、火、土、金、水人体的五种属性)、气血津液(气、血、津液是构成和维持人体生命活动的基本物质)、藏象(脏腑)、经络、养生等。看病方法主要是望、问、闻、切。治病方法主要是中药和针灸、拔罐、按摩、刮痧、艾灸等等。中医与人们的生活息息相关,从古至今虽然经历坎坷但无论是过去、现在还是将来有其顽强的生命力,为中国和世界医学事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献。II. Reading MaterialsPassage OneHistorical Overview and Culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine Among the medicine produced by different Chinese nationalities, the medicine of the Han is the earliest and richest in practical and theoretical knowledge. Chinese medicine originated in the Yellow River and was established as a school of science early on.Chinese history once told a fiction of a person named Shen Nong1 who tasted many herbs at the same time and was then poisoned. It demonstrates what difficulty ancient Chinese people had in discovering the medicine. However, Chinese medicine progressed, and in the process of its development, many good doctors, theories, and advancements emerged. During the period from around 22 BC to 256 BC (during the Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties), alcohol medicine and soup medicine appeared. Records related to medical treatment, hygiene, and illnesses appeared on oracle bone inscriptions as far back as the Shang Dynasty (16-11th century BC) over 3,000 years ago. In the following Zhou Dynasty(11th century-256BC), doctors learned new techniques to diagnose diseases. 1)These techniques, now known as the four major methods, include: observation, auscultation (listening to sounds of the body, such as those form the heart, lungs, and so on ) and olfaction (smelling), interrogation (asking the patients questions), pulse feeling and palpation (examining by touch). Doctors used several procedures-including drugs, acupuncture, and operations - to treat diseases.A book, Shi Jing 2 (The Book of Songs) in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century-771 BC), mentioned something about medicine, making it the earliest existing book bearing records of ancient Chinese medicine. Another book, Nei Jing, which is the earliest existing book on Chinese medicine theory, presented theories like “cooling or warming the patient that has a high or low temperature respectively,” “adding five flavors into the medicine will make one feel bitter inside and have diarrhea.” These formed the basis of Chinese medicine theory. In the Qin and Han Period (221BC-220AD) the new book, Huang Di Nei Jing 3 (The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor), began to discuss Chinese medicine theories systematically. This is the earliest existing book of its kind.In addition, the earliest existing book on Chinese herbal medicine, Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Ben means root and Cao means shoot), was written in the same period based on the work of medical experts who collected lots of materials before the Qin Dynasty (221-206BC). The book recorded 365 types of medicine, some of which is still used in contemporary clinics, and also set up a beginning of the establishment of Eastern medicine.Another book, Treatise on Febrile Diseases 4, written by Zhang Zhongjing in the third century, gave a detailed account on how to diagnose and treat various diseases caused by internal organs. This book is meaningful in that it helped the development of clinical medicine many centuries later.By the time of the Han Period, surgery had reached a comparatively high level. The book, San Gou Zhi (Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms) described a doctor named Hua Tuo who was able to use general anesthesia to carry out operations.From 220 to 960 China experienced the periods of the Wei (220-265, and part of the larger Three Kingdom Period from 220 to 280) and Jin (265-420) Dynasties, the Northern and Southern Dynasties(386-589), the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) Dynasties, and the Five Dynasties(907-960). During these times, the method of diagnosing by feeling the pulse made further progress.During the Jin Dynasty, a doctor named Wang Shuhe wrote the book, Mai Jing 5 (Pulse Classic), in which he summed up 24 ways to monitor a pulse. The book had great influence in China and beyond.In the same period, Chinese medicine was categorized and new books were written for those specific categories. In acupuncture, for example, there was the book Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing 6 (Acupuncture &Moxibustion); the books Bao Bu Zi and Zhou Hou Fang 7 showed how to make pills for immortality; and in pharmacy, there was Lei Gong Pao Zhi Lun 8 (Leis Treatise on Preparing Drugs). A well-known surgery book at the time was called Liu Juan Zi Gui Yi Fang 9 (Liu Juanzis Remedies Bequeathed by Ghosts).In the Tang Dynasty, the economy prospered, which boosted the eastern medicine. The Tang government wrote the book, Tang Ben Cao10, which is the earliest existing pharmacopoeia book (an official book listing a catalog of medicine and their use) in the world. This book included 850 types of medical herbs and their pictures, which further improved the scale of eastern medicine.Then, in the period of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) , a person named Wang Wei Yi 11 adopted new methods in teaching acupuncture. He illustrated his techniques with maps and models of human figures.In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), doctors began to distinguish between typhoid fever, seasonal epidemics, and plagues, with a book in the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911) focusing exclusively on this topic. Also in the Ming Dynasty, an expert of herbal medicine Li Shizhen spent 27 years accomplishing the book, Ben Cao Gang Mu. 12 The book recorded 1,892 types of herbal medicine, including the most types of herbal medicines, making it the greatest book in Chinese history. It was during the Ming Dynasty that Western medicine began to be introduced to China. People in medical science then began to combine Eastern and Western medicine. This endeavor has continued to this day, with the current Chinese medicine reflecting this progression.2)Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949, plenty of researches have been done in various fields such as botany, chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical medicine. These researches have provided a scientific basis to identify the source and authenticity of herbal medicines as well as their function scheme. Later, a nationwide survey was done on the source of the medicine, which helped produced the book, Zhong Yao Zhi13 in 1961.In 1977, the Herbal Medicine Dictionary was published, which brought the number of recorded herbal medicine to 5,767. 3)In addition, reference books, treatises, newspapers, and magazines on Chinese medicine were publicized. Also, institutions on scientific research and the teaching and production of Chinese medicine were established.(字数1027)-http:/www.chinaculture.org/1. New Words authenticity ,:entisiti n. 可信赖性,真实性bequeath bikwi: vt. (立遗嘱)把.遗赠给,传下, 留下diarrhea (=diarrhoea),dairi n. 痢疾,腹泻 adj. 腹泻的endeavor:indev vi. 努力,力图n. 努力,尽力epidemics ,epidemik adj. 传染的,(风尚等的)极为流行的n. 流行病,(风尚等的)流行hygiene haidi:n n. 卫生,卫生学,保健法moxibustion ,m ksbstn n. 艾灸,灸法,艾灸oracle::rkl n. 先人,圣贤,圣言,至理名言pharmacology ,f:mkldi n. 药理学,药物学typhoid taifid adj. 伤寒的,患伤寒的 n. 伤寒症2. Notes1 神农, 即炎帝,传说中古代农业和医药的发明者。传说炎帝神农,人身牛首,三岁知稼穑,长成后,身高八尺七寸, 龙颜大唇。神农氏尝遍百草,找寻治病解毒良药,一次因误食 “火焰子”肠断而死。神农本草经即是依托他的著作。2诗经是我国第一部诗歌总集,收入自西周初年至春秋中叶五百多年的诗歌311篇,又称诗三百。西汉时被尊为儒家经典,始称诗经,并沿用至今。3黄帝内经为中国传统医学四大经典著作(黄帝内经、难经、伤寒杂病论、神农本草经)之一,是我国医学宝库中现存成书最早的一部医学典籍。此书包含灵枢素问两部分,为古代医家托轩辕黄帝名之作,为医家、医学理论家联合创作。4伤寒论,中医临床著作,东汉张仲景撰。5脉经是中医脉学著作。西晋王叔和撰于公元三世纪,是我国现存最早的脉学专著,全书共分十卷、九十八篇。6针灸甲乙经是中国现存最早的一部针灸学专著,也是最早将针灸学理论与腧穴学相结合的一部著作。7抱朴子东晋道家理论著作,确立了道教神仙理论体系,又继承魏伯阳炼丹理论,集魏晋炼丹术之大成。是研究我国晋代以前道教史及思想史的宝贵材料。肘后备急方原名肘后救卒方,东晋葛洪著。系将其所著金匮药方(一作玉函方)撷要而成。8雷公炮炙论刘宋雷敩约撰于公元五世纪,为我国最早的中药炮制学专著,是中药鉴定学的重要文献。9刘涓子鬼遗方据说是晋末的刘涓子在丹阳郊外巧遇“黄父鬼”时所遗留的一部外科方面的专著,又称神仙遗论。10唐本草又称新修本草,是唐高宗显庆四年(公元659年)由唐代李绩、苏敬等22人集体编撰,是国家颁定药典的创始,也是我国历史上第一部药典。外国最早的药典纽伦堡药典是1546年由纽伦堡政府刊行的,比唐本草晚九个世纪。11 王唯一,宋代针灸学家,又名王惟德 ,曾任太医局翰林医官、殿中省尚药奉御。12 本草纲目,药学著作,五十二卷,明代李时珍撰。作者在继承和总结以前本草学成就的基础上,结合自己长期学习、采访所积累的大量药学知识,经过实践和钻研,历时数十年而编成的一部具有世界性影响的博物学著作。13中药志是结合现代药学成就整理出的部中药材著作。3. Reading Comprehension1) Which statement is Not right about Shen Nong?A. It was said that Chinese medicine originated from him.B. He often tasted herbs by himself and unfortunately was poisoned to death.C. The story about him shows how difficulty ancient Chinese people discovered medicineD. He was the writer of the book on how to diagnose and treat various diseases cased by internal organs.2) The book _ is the earliest existing one which began to discuss Chinese medicine theories systematically in ancient times. A. Huang Di Nei Jing B. Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing C. Febrile and Other Diseases D. Ben Cao Gang Mu3) Further progress was made in the method of diagnosing by feeling of pulse during _. A. 11th to 771 BC B. 221 BC to 220 AD C. 220 to 960 D. 22 BC to 256 BC 4) In the ancient times, the book _ began to deal with some specific categories of Chinese medicine, such as surgery. A. Mai Jing B. Liu Juan Zi Gui Yi Fang C. Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing D. Febrile and Other Diseases5) In _ Western medicine began to enter China. A. Tang Dynasty B. Qin Dynasty C. Ming Dynasty D. Yuan Dynasty6) Which statement is NOT true about the passage?A. Chinese medicine has gone through a long history.B. The passage mainly tells us what efforts and achievements concerning TCM people have made in different periods of Chinese history.C. The passage just wants to show the world we have great doctors and books related to TCM.D. There are lots of great persons and books related to TCM4. Translation from English to Chinese1)These techniques, now known as the four major methods, include: observation, auscultation (listening to sounds of the body, such as those form the heart, lungs, and so on ) and olfaction (smelling), interrogation (asking the patients questions), pulse feeling and palpation (examining by touch). 2)Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949, plenty of researches have been done in various fields such as botany, chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical medicine. These researches have provided a scientific basis to identify the source and authenticity of herbal medicines as well as their function scheme. 3) In addition, reference books, treatises, newspapers, and magazines on Chinese medicine were publicized. Also, institutions on scientific research and the teaching and production of Chinese medicine were established5. Topics for Reflection 1) What do you think of the past and present of our Traditional Chinese Medicine? 2) What could you find if you compare Chinese medicine and western medicine? 3) Do you think Traditional Chinese Medicine will survive into the new century? State your reasons.Key for Reference Passage One 3. Reading Comprehension 1) D 2) A 3) C 4)B 5) C 6) C 4. Translation from English to Chinese1)这些技术包括望、听和闻(听心脏、肺部等处的声音及闻气味)、问(问病人问题)、切(把脉和触诊即通过触摸检查)。这些现已被称为中医(看病)的四种主要方法。2)自从1949年中华人民共和国建立,大量的相关研究已在各个领域展开,如植物学、化学、药理学及临床医学。这些研究为识别中药及其功能结构的来源与真实性提供了科学依据。3)此外,已出版了许多关于中医学方面的参考书、专著、报纸和杂志。同时,很多中医方面的教科研机构相继成立,中医产品也投入生产。5. Topics for Reflection 1) Traditional Chinese Medicine had tough but glorious past with great achievements, e.g . Now it still has difficulty progressing because of different reasons. It is very advantageous with vitality and special appeal in treating diseases but meets with various challenges nowadays.2) They are different in concepts, methods, remedies and results, etc. of treating diseases. For example, Traditional Chinese Medicine based on the holistic concept of universe, requires analysis with reference to the entirety, which involves the physical symptoms and the emotional reactions as well as the factors from the society and environment. Besides it emphasizes the balance of qi in the body to obtain both temporary and permanent cures. 3) I believe Traditional Chinese Medicine can survive for ever and will be even thriving in the future. Because it wants to get both temporary and permanent cures with less side-effects. It will be more appealing, esp. in health promotion(regimen, longevity 养生 ).Passage TwoChinese Herbal Medicine1. New Words (可选,主要取决于材料的难易 第二篇开始只列出核心或难点词汇不用注英标)2. Notes(可选,但尽量保留,主要取决于材料的需要)3. Reading Comprehension(每篇必有的,但可形式可多样)4. Topics for Reflection (每篇必有的,2个左右即可,提供可参考的答案)Chinese Herbal MedicineChinese herbal medicine aims to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases. It mainly consists of natural medicines and processed ones, namely medicines made from herbal, animal, mineral, and some chemical and biological substances. Although the invention and application of Chinese medicine has a history of thousand of years, the word “Chinese medicine” appeared only after Western medicine was introduced into China, to make a difference between the two. Natural Resources for Chinese Herbal MedicineChina enjoys a large territory, various geographical features, and different types of climate. These factors have given rise to different ecological environments, which enable it to grow a great variety of herbal plants. At present, China has cultivated more than 8,000 kinds of herbal medicines, 600 of which are commonly used. This makes China the country with the most number of herbal medicines in the world. These medicines not only meet the demands of domestic people but also are exported to 80 countries and regions where they enjoy great fame.Application of Chinese MedicineMost of the ingredients of Chinese medicine come from natural resources, which have little or side effects. The multiple ingredients inside the medicines enable them to treat various diseases.Another feature of Chinese herbal medicines is that they are mostly compounds. By being made with an appropriate proportion of different ingredients, the medicine can treat complicated diseases while maintaining the lowest possible side effects.Application of Chinese medicine is based on its theory and focuses on the impact the medicine has on the human body. The nature of the herbal plant determines the effectiveness of the medicine.In order to use the medicine in a safe and effective way, doctors have to know such things like what ingredients are needed, the contraindication (effect), the dosage, the way to take it, and the way to make up a prescription. Sometimes doctors need to select different ingredients in light of the patients different situation. As for contraindication, doctors have to consider the effects of ingredients, food, and diseases.Regarding the dosage, doctors will have to consider how much volume patients should take per day and what the appropriate proportion for every ingredient should be in order to make up a compound medicine.Future Trend of Chinese MedicineIn the future, China will carry on the current way of producing herbal medicine while giving more focus on cultivating better varieties of plants by adopting such methods like isotope1 and biological engineering. Meanwhile, China will expand the production of those greatly needed herbs, such as licorice root2, the roots of large-flowered skullcaps and Chinese thorowax3, and those imported from abroad, which amounts to 20 kinds. At the same time, China will do more researches to prevent the degeneration (process of decline or losing some normal and desirable qualities)of seeds and cultivate more new resources. (字数:462)- http:/www.chinaculture.org/1. Notes 1 同位素。指具有相同核电荷但不同原子质量的原子(核素),中子数不同的同一种元素的一种原子形式,包括稳定同位素和放射性同位素。2 甘草根。甘草是一种补益中草药,药用部位是根及根茎,药材性状根呈圆柱形,长25l00cm,直径0.63.5cm。气微味甜而特殊。功能主治清热解毒,祛痰止咳、脘腹等。3 美黄芩, 并头草属植物。是压力和神经过度兴奋的镇静剂,能帮助改善神经系统的功能。4 柴胡。清虚热中药,用于感冒发热、寒热往来、疟疾、肝郁气滞、胸肋胀痛、脱肛、子宫脱落、月经不调。2. Reading Comprehension Directions: Decide the following statements True or False according to the passage. “T” for “True”, “F” for “False”. 1) The word “Chinese medicine” has longer history than the application of Chinese medicine. 2) Different reasons contribute to a great variety of herbal plants in China. 3) Chinese medicine has no side effects because it is natural. 4) In application of Chinese medicine, the effectiveness is determined by the nature of the herbal plant to a great degree. In order to maintain its safety and effectiveness, different factors should be taken into consideration 5) Chinese medicine will be more widely used to treat diseases with our efforts in the future. 3. Topics for Reflection 1)Do you like Chinese herbal medicine? Why or why not? 2) What suggestions can you offer to make Chinese herbal medicine both effective in treatment and good to eat? Key for Reference Passage Two2. Reading Comprehension 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) T3. Topics for Reflection 1) Yes, I do. Because it has little side effects. For some diseases, patients can choose to take Chinese herbal medicine instead of suffering from injection or operation. (No, I dont. Because it tastes too bitter and inconvenient to take. In addition, to cure a disease, it usually takes a long time to take the Chinese herbal medicine without stopping.)2) To make it smaller and put it in capsule; to make it powder and mixed with some tasty food, such as to cook with some meat or vegetables; to cook with delicious soup, etc.


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