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( 三 ) 通知 写作指导1口头通知写作指导口头通知一般是由一方向另一方口头传达的通知,叙述表达尽可能口语化,简洁明了,说清意思就行。口头通知不用写通知时间和发通知的单位。口头通知一开头可有称呼语,具体因通知对象而异。常用的称呼语有“Comrades and friends”、“Boys and girls”、“Teachers and fellow students”、“Ladies and gentlemen”,也有的不用开头语,直接开始。口头通知的一些常用的开头语和结束语。开头语 结束语Any questions? Does everyone understand? Thatsall. Thank you. 精选范文Please be quiet, everyone. Theres something you need to know. As our teacher is ill, were to have reading class together with the students of Class Three today. Please take your benches with you to their classroom. The oral class will be put off until tomorrow. Thats all. Thank you. Attention please, comrades. There is going to be a talk on American Family in the Lecture Hall this affernoon. Itll be given by an American professor _ Mr Smith. Those who want to attend please be there at 230 Any question? If no, thats all. Thank you. Listen, please, I have something important to tell you. Were going to hold a get-together with some foreign students at 700 p. m. on Friday in the Forign Students Dining Hall. Any one who wants to take part in it, please be there on time. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, Listen, please. This afternoon were going to visit the Great Wall, the bus will stop at the foot of the Great Wall. Three hours later, well get together here and back to the hotel. When you go to visit the Great Wall, please take your valuable things with you. And remember to come back to the bus at five oclock. Do be there on time. Does everyone understand? Since everyone understands very well. Thank you. 练习假如你是班长,利用课余时间告诉你的同班同学,本星期六下午400在本班教室召开班会,主题是:如何保持教室干净、整洁。请同学们准备好发言。(字数:6080左右)参考词语将四处扔to throwabout 对危害to do harm to 吐痰to spit 保持干净go keepclean 准备好to get ready for 假如你是学生会主席,通知各班团支部书记今天下午430在会议室开会,讨论本学期打算开展哪些活动等事宜。(字数:60左右)参考词语讨论活动 to discuseactivities 团支书the secretaries of League Branch 出席to be present 假如你是班上的体育委员,你班下星期一准备和(6)班进行一场篮球赛。请非队员的同学到时到学校篮球场观看,为本班球队喝彩助威。(字数:60左右)参考词语参加比赛to take part in the match 应邀to be invited to 喝彩助威to cheer up 篮球场basketball court 假如你是语文课代表,通知全班同学,因语 文老师生病,请假2天,这两天的语文课改上自习,完成练习册第52页上的练习,另外预习好第16课课文。(字数:6080左右)参考词语请两天假to ask for two days leave 自学to study by ourselves 假如你是生活委员,通知学生今天下午第七节课进行大扫除。分工情况:男同学整理桌凳,打扫墙壁,女同学擦门窗、桌凳等。同学们按照自己的分工情况带好工具。(字数:6080左右)参考词语进行大扫除to have a general clean-up 分成to be divided into 扫把broom 抹布mop 假如你是英语课代表,通知你班同学今天上午第三节课到学校语音室上英语口语课,请同学们带好口语课本,另外在语言实验室要遵守规则,不得损坏设备,否则是要被罚款的。(字数:60左右)参考词语语言实验室language lab 遵守规则to keep the rules of 损坏设备to damage the equipment 罚款to fine 假如你是班长,请通知学生听一个访美报告,时间是12月20日下午3点,地点为205会议室,主讲人是刚访美归国的李明华教授。内容:美国中学教育。每个同学各带一至二名外校学生参加,要求不要迟到,本年级同学会后留下来讨论。(字数:6080左右)参考词语美国中学教育American high school education 允许to be allowed to do something 期望be expected to 进行讨论to have a discussion 假如你是班长,通知你班同学本周星期六晚上730在本班教室举行一次英语晚会,节目有唱歌、朗诵、讲故事、话剧等,要求本班同学都参加,欢迎外班同学光临,请同学们作好准备。(字数:80左右)参考词语朗诵recitation 节目programme(或program)欢迎to be welcomed 表演to perform 2书面通知写作指导书面通知、布告(notice),它是上级对下级、组织对成员部署工作、传达事情、召开会议所使用的一种文体,出通知的单位写在正文结束后的右下角,或者写在NOTICE的正上方,出通告的日期一般写在左下角,单位和日期两项也可以省略。通知的正文就是通告的内容,这是主体部分,包括通告的对象、事由、时间、地点等。通知的语言要简洁明了,条理清晰,要求精确,特别是时间概念很重要,必须写得十分明确,不容丝毫含糊。精选范文Notice All the classes of our grade are ready toplay basketball matches nextweek. Well play three matches every other three days to see which ones willtake the three positions in the name list. At the same time a basketball willbe given to each of these classes as a reward. On behalf of(代表) ourschool the champion will have a basketball match against a teamof some other brother school. All the students are welcomed to watch thematches. Senier Two Notice Tomorrow is our National Planting Day. To answer the call “plant trees everywhereand make our countrygreen.” We decided toplant trees onMarch 12. All the students in our school should take part in theactivity. The boy students of each class must bring hoes(锄头)and spades(铁锹),andthe girl students must bring buckets(桶) and watering pots. We are going to gather at the playground at halfpast seven. And then well go to the place by bike. Every one is requested to go without special reasons. The Headmasters Office March 11,1999 The Headmasters Office Notice All the teachers and teaching staff(教工)arerequested to meet in the meeting hall on Friday(Aug.24)at 230 p.m. tostudy some paperson education. Aug 23, 1999 练习通知兹定于1999年4月6日(星期一)下午第二节课在第二教学大楼307教室高三(2)班举行英语公开课,由王先生主讲,希望全体英语教师出席,热烈欢迎其他组的老师参加。教务处1999年4月4日(字数:60左右)参考词语公开课an open class 第二教学大楼the second Teaching Building 参加to attend 学校图书馆通知本学期快结束了,图书馆要搬到新楼,借此机会,在暑假期间清理书籍,请凡在图书馆借了书的师生在本月月底将书归还给图书馆,谢谢大家合作。(字数:50左右)参考词语同时at thesame time 计划to plan to 清理分类to sort out 向借to borrowfrom 归还to return to 到底 by the end of 学校团委通知定于5月4日(星期五)组织青年教师及各班班长、团支书参观历史博物馆,凡愿意去的老师请于5月4日早上于700到校门口集合,乘车前往。199952(字数:50左右)参考词语青年节the Youth Day 安排to be arranged for 历史博物馆the History Museum 集合to gather 校团委The School League Committee 学校办公室通知为了迎接“教师节”,学校准备开会庆祝,校长将要在会上讲话,表彰三好学生和先进班级、优秀教师,各班还准备了精彩的节目。时间:12月30日下午两点(星期六)地点:学校大礼堂希望全体师生准时到会。(字数:80左右)参考词语庆祝to celebrate 教师节Teachers Day 三好学生the three-good student 先进班级the advanced class 模范教师model teacher 受表彰to be commended 学校大礼堂the auditorium hall 写防火通告发现火警须知要点:a打电话报警b离现场,勿返取物C走楼梯,不坐电梯d住旅馆先找安全出口处(字数:100左右)参考词语火警the fire alarm 被困住to be trapped by 乘电梯to take the lift 随身携带to takewith 一就as soon as 某中学将有一位美国教授布莱克博士来访,该教授将给师生们作一次报告,介绍美国的教育情况。学校要求同学们在星期三下午230准时到105大教室参加报告会,并带上笔记本,以便会后讨论。请你根据上面要点,用英语写一通知。(字数:80左右)参考词语美国教授American professor 有关教育的报告a report on the education 作笔记to take notes 讨论to have a discussion 学校体育教研组的通知。包括以下内容:a因连日下雨,本周星期六的运动会不得不延期举行,星期六上午照常上课,下午不上课。如果天气情况良好,运动会将于下周星期六上午举行。b校篮球队队员请于本周星期六下午3点半到室内篮球场集训,上海来的篮球明星将给予辅导。通知时间:1999年10月18日(字数:80左右)参考词语体育教研组teaching group of physical education 辅导coach 运动会the sports meeting 推迟to put off 被要求to be required 像往常一样 as usual 允许to permit 兹定于星期五下午200在我校会议室召开高三年级全体教师讨论会,请该年级的全体教师准时出席。校长办公室1999年6月10日(字数:50左右)参考词语被要求to be requested to 高三年级the Senior Grade Three 迁址公告中国日报上海办事处和上海英文星报从1999年8月8日始,将迁往新址:上海市万航渡路395号邮编:200042各部门如下电话号码不变:办公室:(021)64319734总编室:(021)64739471采编部:(021)64745567广告部:(021)64336515发行部:(021)64743964传真:(021)64319529参考词语迁移removal办事处bureau采编部news desk 发行部circulation3广播通知写作指导广播通知(Broadcast Announcement)并不是一种正式文体,但应用甚广,在我们同外宾、外商交往中,经常会通过广播通知各项事宜,所以,这里把它专列一项,仅供参考。精选范文 飞机误点通知(Late Arrival of a plane) Announcement Listen, please, Flight London InternationalAirline 137 from London will be an hour later because of the bad weather. 飞机发动机发生故障的通知(Engine Trouble of a plane) Announcement Attention, please. Flight AF (Air Frame) 208from Paris is overdue(误点) because of enginetrouble. Its stopping in Hong Kong for checking up. Further news will beannounced. 飞机起飞后的通知Attention, please. Welcome on board, ladiesand gentlemen. Youre now on board Flight 702 bound for Paris. The flight willtake three hours. The time of arrival is 700 p.m. Will you pleasefasten your seat belts for take-off? And Nosmoking during the take-off. ThankyouNowyou can unfasten your seat belts. Were now flying at a speed of 845 kilometresan hour and an altitude of 7800 metres. If you would like to read, there arenewspapers and magazines in the plane. Thanks. 飞机着陆通知Announcement Your attention, please. The plane flying in(or) about to (and) is Flight FOAC (France Overseas Airways Corporation) 376from Paris, due at 1527 hours. 练习旅客们请注意,由北京方向来的68次列车,由于路上碰到事故,将要晚点1小时到达。(字数:30左右)参考词语事故accident旅客同志请注意,第53次快车即将离站,开往长沙方向,请大家赶快上车,这是最后一次广播。(字数:30左右)参考词语快车express开往depart for 最后一次广播final call 旅客同志们请注意,从伦敦方向来的英国国际航空公司的第207次班机,将于14点20分准点着陆。(字数:30左右)参考词语准点due at 着陆land 英国国际航空公司 British Overseas Airways Corporation 航班flight根据以下内容写一份广播通知稿,以便你在你校“校园广播”中宣读:注意:a短文的语句要连贯,条理要清楚,内容要全面;b词数80左右;C不要逐条翻译;d开头已经给出,请接下去写。Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? 题目/飓风及其危害 参考词语飓风及危害the hurricane and its damage从学到to learnfrom 叫龙卷风的电影a film called“Twister”出席讲座to attend the lecture 随身带to bringwith


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