北师大版2019-2020学年上学期7年级英语期末模拟测试卷(II )卷.doc

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北师大版2019-2020学年上学期7年级英语期末模拟测试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 听力技能 (共8题;共20分)1. (1分)Choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . On Tuesday.B . On Wednesday.C . On Thursday.D . On Friday.2. (1分)Where is the police station? A . Its between the restaurant and the post officeB . Its between the park and the hospitalC . It s between the restaurant and the hospital3. (1分)Where are they going? A . To the zoo.B . To the farm.C . To the shop.4. (1分)Where does the conversation take place? A . In a restaurant.B . In a supermarket.C . In a fruit shop.5. (1分)What is Johns favorite animal? A . The monkeyB . The pandaC . The elephant6. (2分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)Where are the speakers? A . In a hotelB . In a shopC . In a restaurant.(2)How many people will stay? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.7. (3分)听对话,回答问题。 (1)Jack is the girls _. A . BrotherB . fatherC . friend(2)Where is the girls hat? A . On the sofa.B . On the chair.C . On the table.8. (10分)听短文, 选择正确答案。 (1)Many people may think that animals in the zoo are _. A . happy and luckyB . sadC . free(2)Animals like tigers, lions and bears live on _. A . forestsB . mountainsC . small animals(3)Why dont they have to find food by themselves? A . Because there isnt any food.B . Because there arent small animals.C . Because the zookeepers feed them.(4)Their life in the zoo is _ that in the forest. A . the same asB . different fromC . better than(5)Why are the animals in the zoo sad? A . They dont have food.B . They arent free.C . They are lucky.二、 知识运用 (共2题;共15分)9. (7分)完形填空How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day. During the1the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again. So he wont have to2passing the ball in the game; he will just do it. You can train yourself to3in English this way. The first step is to think of the words that you use daily, simple everyday words4book or shoe or tree. For example,5you see a “book” you should think of it in English instead of in your mother language.After you have learned to think of several words in English, then move on to the next step-thinking in6. Listening and repeating is a very useful7to learn a language. Listen first and dont care too much about8you fully understand what youre hearing. Try to repeat what you hear. The more you listen, the9you learn. After you reach a higher level,10having conversations with yourself in English. This will lead you to think in English.(1)A . practice B . break C . game D . day (2)A . wait for B . think about C . look at D . give up (3)A . speak B . say C . tell D . think (4)A . in B . about C . like D . from (5)A . whatever B . whichever C . whenever D . however (6)A . sentences B . passages C . lessons D . classes (7)A . idea B . step C . way D . plan (8)A . which B . if C . how D . unless (9)A . harder B . less C . later D . more (10)A . remember B . stop C . start D . finish 10. (8分)完形填空Tom was sitting in his English class. It was a hot afternoon and he was feeling sleepy. It was a grammar lesson and Tom was also bored. He1grammar. He wanted to leave school and work. Tom looked out of the 2. He looked at the trees and flowers. Then he started daydreaming.After ten minutes the teacher stopped3. He asked the students to do a grammar exercise in their books. The students took out their exercise books and pencils and they started4.The teacher looked at Tom. He saw that he wasnt writing so he said, “5arent you writing, Tom?”“What, sir?” Tom said.“6Tom!” the teacher said, “Why arent you writing?”Tom thought for a moment and replied, “I arent got no pencil.”The teacher looked7at Tom and said, “You arent got no pencil? You mean you dont have a pencil?”Tom didnt understand the English teacher8he said, “Sorry, sir.”The teacher said in a(n)9voice, “I dont have a pencil. He doesnt have a pencil. She doesnt have a pencil. We dont have pencils. They dont have pencils. Now, Tom. Do you understand?”Tom looked at the teacher for a moment and then he said, “My goodness! What happened to all the10sir?”(1)A . loved B . hated C . studied D . enjoyed (2)A . window B . blackboard C . book D . desk (3)A . thinking B . shouting C . talking D . listening (4)A . writing B . reading C . listening D . speaking (5)A . When B . How C . What D . Why (6)A . Wake up B . Come in C . Sit down D . Get up (7)A . quickly B . carefully C . surprisedly D . happily (8)A . because B . when C . while D . so (9)A . happy B . angry C . excited D . sad (10)A . books B . pens C . papers D . pencils 三、 阅读技能 (共3题;共30分)11. (10分) Want to stay away from colds? Put on a happy face.Compared to unhappy people, those who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds, according to a new study. Its possible that being happy helps the body fight illnesses, say the researchers from New York University.It seems that positive feelings may reduce the danger of illness, said the studys chief researcher Sheldon Cohen.In an earlier study, Cohen found that people who were cheerful and lively caught coughs and colds less often. People who showed feelings were also less likely to tell their doctors that they felt ill.In thisstudy, Cohens interviewed 193 adults every day for two weeks. During the interviews, the people were given colds by doctors and had to stay alone in a room for six days.The results showed that everyone in the study was equally likely to get ill. But for people who said they felt happy during the research period, their illness are less serious and lasted for a shorter time.Cohen believes that when people experience positive feelings, their body may produce a chemical that helps fight illness and disease. So if you are worried about your health, look on the bright side more often.(1)Which of the following was NOT a part of the studyA . People talked about their feelings every day.B . People were kept alone for six days.C . People were given colds by doctors.D . People were made to feel unhappy.(2)What did the study find?A . People who felt happy never got ill.B . Peoples feelings didnt influence their health.C . People with good feelings became ill more easily.D . People with positive feelings had less serious illnesses.(3)According to Cohen, which of the following may help fight illness?A . Eating.B . Crying.C . Laughing.D . Sleeping.(4)This passage is a/an.A . advertisementB . newspaper reportC . storyD . scientists diary(5)What is the best title for this passage?A . Smiles can fight coldsB . Cause of colds foundC . The danger of coldsD . How people get sick12. (10分)阅读理解 There are few families in the United States that do not have either a radio or a television set. Both of them have become necessary parts of our daily life, keeping us Americans filled with the news of the day, teaching us in many fields of interest, and making us happy with singing, dancing and acting.Marconi, the Italian inventor, who gave us the radio, probably didnt know how much his great invention would have done for the world in the years to come. Radio had, perhaps done as much as any other communication tool. Things of the world can be reported to people everywhere a few seconds after they happen. Travellers in out-of-the-way places, ships at sea and even astronauts around the Earth are able to keep in touch with each other by radio.Television is another important invention. It lets us see as well as hear the actor. Since its appearance, TV has done a great deal in the daily life of people everywhere. Many programmes are now televised in colour.Perhaps the most modern invention is Telstar, a star moving around the Earth. It makes it possible for people all over the world to be closer than ever before. Now a family in Chicago can watch a motorcar race in Italy, a table tennis competition in Beijing or a volleyball match in Japan on TV as these events are actually happening!(1)The passage tells us that in the USA have no radios or television sets. A . a large number of homesB . all the familiesC . a small number of familiesD . quite a few homes(2)Why does the passage say radio and TV have become necessary parts of our daily life? A . Because they have included nearly everything in our life.B . Because man would not live happily without them.C . Because they are the only ways to spread information.D . Because no communication means no life.(3)What is the use of a Telstar according to the passage? A . To receive and store information only.B . To move around the Earth just like the Moon.C . To give light onto the Earth at night.D . To help broadcast radio or TV information to the world.(4)Who do you think the writer of the passage is? A . An Italian.B . A Japanese.C . An American.D . A Chinese reporter.13. (10分)Cross Income(总收入)=$26000; Income Tax(收入税)= $6000Net Income (纯收入) =$20000.(Net Income = Gross Income Income Tax)The circle shows how Mr. and Mrs. Brown and their two children spend their family income. Mr. Brown is the only wage earner (靠工资为生的人). Mrs. Brown is a housewife. The children are too young to do any part-time work.(1)How many people earn money for the family?A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(2)How much of the net income is spent on housing?A . $2000B . $3000C . $4000D . $5000(3)$3000 is Tespent on _.A . telephone Power RatesB . FoodC . Motor Vehicle(交通 )D . Clothing and Incidentals(4)If the Brown family decided to sell their car, how much extra money wouldnt they have to spend?A . $28000B . $2000C . $26000D . $4000四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)阅读短文内容,从短文后的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出能填入空白处最佳选项。 How important is music? When they are asked this question, students and parents usually answer that music is nice, but not very important. It is often considered only as entertainment, but not the first choice for education. This opinion is shortsighted. _Music tells us who we are. Music reflects the creators thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. _The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions.Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a different way. Science explains how the sun rises and sets. _We need every possible was to discover and response to our world.Music is a form of thought, as powerful as science. _Through the language we express our feelings, our discoveries, our ideas, our imagination and our hopes so that they can be shared with others. When we do not let our children receive good music education, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses. _Music does.So music education is much more necessary than people generally realize.A. In fact, music education is necessary and important to all students.B. Music explores the emotive meanings.C. Science does not tell us what it means to be human.D. It is a way we human beings talk to each other.E. For example, just as Mozart music represents a lifestyle, rock music represents a lifestyle, too.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话A: Hey, Darling! _B: Yes, of course. You can listen to Chinese songs. _A: What else?B: _Its also good for your Chinese.A: I see. Are you free tomorrow?B: Of course. What about you?A: Me too. _B: Thats a good idea.A: _B: Lets walk there. The cinema is not far.A: OK. See you tomorrow.B: See you then!A. How can we get to the cinema?B. Its an interesting way to learn Chinese.C: You can also try watching Chinese movies.D. Why dont you take me to see a Chinese movie?E. Can you give me some advice about learning Chinese?六、 写作题 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)中学生对未来生活充满了种种幻想,并渴望能够实现梦想。请以I Want to Be a/an .为题,写一篇80个词左右的短文。要求在文中讲述你的梦想,以及你为什么有那样的梦想和你会通过怎样的努力去实现这个梦想。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 听力技能 (共8题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、6-2、7-1、7-2、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、二、 知识运用 (共2题;共15分)9-1、10-1、三、 阅读技能 (共3题;共30分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)14-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)15-1、六、 写作题 (共1题;共15分)16-1、


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