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2020届九年级下学期英语二诊试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1. (10分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。It is the first day for schoolAll the students are1in the classroomMrsGreen 2and says,Good morning,classIm your teacherIll teach you English,math and some 3classesIf you have any questions (问题),you can 4meIm very glad to answer (回答) your questionsBoys and girls,from now on,you are school 5 You must study hard at school and help your parents at homeA boy puts up6hand and asks,Well do well in our lessonsWe can be good studentsBut what can we do to 7parents at home?The teacher says,Think it over and youll 8the answer Who usually washes your clothes?A girl stands up and says,The washing machine (洗衣机)!Who often 9for you? asks the teacherThe microwave oven (微波炉), says a tall boyWho uses them? asks the teacher 10 The electricity (电)! all the students answer at the same time(1)A . sits B . sitting C . to sit (2)A . comes in B . goes out C . runs after (3)A . others B . another C . other (4)A . speak B . talk C . ask (5)A . children B . teacher C . child (6)A . her B . his C . he (7)A . help B . miss C . think (8)A . look B . see C . find (9)A . cook B . cooks C . make (10)A . once B . next C . again 2. (10分)(2016黔东南)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个能填入空格的最佳答案。Its the day before Christmas. Karen Hartley, 33, was skiing(滑雪)by 1at Powder Mountain in Utah. By mistake, she began to ski off the trail. Soon she 2. She shouted for help, but no one heard her. Night came, and the temperature 3below freezing(凝冻). Karen was very cold and afraid of 4. But she stayed calm. She played music in her mind and danced all night long to stay 5. She danced to old disco songs, pop songs, and Christmas songs. “It was either dance 6die,” she said. “I kept on 7. I didnt give up.”The next morning, a helicopter began to 8Karen. After 18 hours in the cold, she was 9just before its too late. Karen was very cold but all right. She 10Christmas Day in a hot tub(浴缸).(1)A . himself B . herself C . myself D . itself (2)A . got up B . got to C . got off D . got lost (3)A . fell B . felt C . rose D . stayed (4)A . die B . dead C . death D . died (5)A . cold B . warm C . hot D . cool (6)A . but B . and C . nor D . or (7)A . dance B . to dance C . dancing D . danced (8)A . look for B . look at C . look up D . look back (9)A . rescue B . rescues C . rescuing D . rescued (10)A . cost B . spent C . took D . paid 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)3. (8分)Dear Reader,Think about an 11-year-old child spending her days washing clothes, looking after a baby brother, and doing hard work on the farm.Think about a little girl. She knows there will not be enough food for dinner, and has no water to drink because it is not clean. She has watched her father, brother and sister lose their lives as the family has no money to send for a doctor.Hard to believe? For Maria Pastora, these are the facts of life.Maria would gladly walk to school, but her mother, now alone, really needs her at home. Maria had to leave school to work for her poor family.But for five dollars a week, you can help out a child like Maria. Show her that somewhere, someone will help her. Through Save the Children, you can help Marias mother get better crops (收成) from their farm, and earn the money to buy clothes and things for school.To help Maria most, your money is to put together with other helpers, so hardworking people can help themselves. Build a school or a hospital, make their farm better, bring in clean water. This is what Save the Children has been about since 1932.For you there are many returns. You can write letters to each other, get photos, or study reports. Know you are helping and saving another person in the same world as you. Thats how Save the Children works. But without you, it cant work. Please take a moment to fill in this form to help a child like Maria and her village.It can make such a difference in her life and yours.Save the ChildrenDavid L. GuyerChairman(1)Marias father, brother and sister died because they_.A . were too poor to see a doctorB . didnt know where to find a doctorC . didnt have enough food to eatD . were too busy to see a doctor(2)This letter mainly tells you to_.A . know about poor peopleB . earn some money for poor childrenC . show pity to poor peopleD . donate money to help poor children(3)If you try to help a child like Maria, which of the following cant you get from her? A . You can often get some pictures from herB . You can get more money from her when she grows up.C . You can often get her letters.D . You can often be told how she is getting on.(4)This letter most probably appears_.A . on TVB . in a magazine C . in a dictionaryD . on the radio4. (10分)The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and TV, telephone and so on. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has also brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution (污染). Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people. Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.Air pollution is still the most serious. Its bad to all living things in the world. Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us become angry more easily.Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. They stop people from burning coal (煤) in houses and factories in the city.The pollution of SO2 is now the most dangerous problem of air pollution. It is caused by heavy traffic. It is sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.(1)Our world is becoming much smaller _.A . because the earth is being polluted day and nightB . thanks to science developmentC . because of the rise in populationD . because the earth is blown away by the wind every year(2)Thousands of years ago, life was _it is today.A . much easier thanB . as easy asC . as hard asD . much harder than(3)Pollution comes in many ways. We can even hear it. Here it means_.A . Water pollutionB . air pollutionC . noise pollutionD . rubbish(4)Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because _.A . its bad to all living things in the worldB . it makes much noiseC . it has made our rivers and lakes dirtyD . it makes us become angry more easily(5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A . Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.B . The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the worlds population does.C . From now on, maybe people should try to go to work by bus or bike instead of car ormotorbike. It is helpful to fight against the problem of SO2.D . The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are so many people5. (10分)阅读理解 My name is Li Lei. Im Chinese. Im ten. This is a picture of my family at home. You can see my father, my mother, my sisterLi Hua and me. I have a nice bedroom. There is a photo on the wall. Its old. Who is that one behind the doll? Is it my sister? No, its me. I look young. How old am I in the photo? I think one. My mother is a worker. My father is a teacher of English. He has an American friend, Mr. Green. His family are in China. His son, Jim, is a student. We are in the same school, but in different classes. We are good friends, too.(1)I have _. A . one sisterB . one brotherC . two friendsD . two aunts(2)The baby in the old picture is _. A . Li HuaB . Li LeiC . JimD . Jims sister(3)Mr. Green is _ good friend. A . myB . my mothersC . my fathersD . Jims(4)My father is _. A . a workerB . a teacher of ChineseC . a doctorD . an English teacher(5)Jim and I are not in the same _. A . classB . schoolC . gradeD . city6. (10分)阅读理解A HiIm AmyIm here to help you with any studyrelated(有关系的)problem,big or smallPlease send me a message anytime Amy My problem is time-I dont have enough timeNext month,I will have twelve examsHow can I possibly study for all of them?I think its difficult and impossibleCindy Hi,CindyIt isnt impossible but you have to get started nowMake a study plan and prepare for each subjectIts better to study for an hour a day than just once a week,all dayAmy I share a bedroom and a desk with my sisterWhen we study at the desk together,she distracts(使分心)me because she is noisyI try to talk with her about it,but she gets angryCan you help me? Jane Hi Jane.You and your sister can use the desk at different timesYou can talk about it with her.Or you can study at the school library a few times a weekIf its easier to write instead of(而不是)talking face to face,try messaging her and explain(解释) how you feelAmy Im sillyI just find it hard to studyI always stop and start and I keep getting the feeling that Im learning wrong thingsI dont think you can really help me Liza Liza,youre not silly at all!Lots of students have the same experience as youSometimes I things will improve if you join a study groupJoin a group and meet twice or three times a week after I school to study togetherIts helpful for lots ofAmy根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)What is Cindys problem? A . Her teachers dont like herB . Her parents dont understand herC . She doesnt want to study for her examsD . She doesnt have enough time to study for her exams(2)Who lives in the same bedroom with her sister? A . AmyB . CindyC . JaneD . Liza(3)The best word foris A . terribleB . afraidC . luckyD . excited(4)What does Amy think of Liza?A . She is sillyB . She is noisy,C . She learns quicklyD . She has a common problem(5)Amy advises Liza to A . make a planB . join a study groupC . talk with her friendsD . study in the school library三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文的内容在每个空格上填上一个形式正确、意思相符的单词。When people hear the word “stress”, they usually think of something bad. _, stress is good for the body and mind sometimes. First, people may feel stressed _there is something important to do. For example, some _ are stressed before an important exam. The stress might make them feel _, but this kind of stress can help people work efficiently(高效地) to meet their goals. Second, stress can keep us _. Scientists find a little stress can make the immune system(免疫系统) stronger. When your body learns to respond(反应) to some stress, its able to protect you _ illness._, stress may help us respond to _. If you see a car coming around the corner too fast, this stress sends a message _warn your brain of danger, allowing your body to respond quickly. Without the stress, you may not jump out of the cars way.Of course, too much stress is _ to our bodies and minds. But the right amount of stress makes us healthier and safer.四、 阅读短文,完成表格 (共1题;共18分)8. (18分)根据文章内容完成下列题目。Dear Mary,Can you take these things to my brother, Bill? These things are: his red hat, alarm clock, keys, English book, notebook, watch and ID card. (A) His keys are on the table, too. His English book is in the bookcase, too. (B) His watch is in the dresser. And his ID card is in the dresser.Thank you.Jenny(1)将A处改成单数句。 (2)将B处合并为一句。 (3)Where is Bills English book? (4)_ writes(写)this note. (5)选出文中没有提到的物品 _ A . watchB . alarmC . notebookD . baseball五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)书面表达 根据下列提示写一篇短文,词数:70个左右。莫扎特(Mozart)是世界上最伟大(the greatest)的音乐家之一。他1756年出生于奥地利(Austria)。他4岁时开始学钢琴。当时很多人喜欢他的音乐,却没有人付给他钱。他终生过着艰难的生活(live a life)。可是他的音乐使他感到快乐,他创作了许多音乐。1791年去世(die)时,他才35岁。今天他的音乐仍然让我们感到快乐。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)7-1、四、 阅读短文,完成表格 (共1题;共18分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、


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