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面对高一新生的第一堂英语课| 一、自我介绍 What kind of teacher do you think I am? What kind of teacher do you want me to be?Im honest, responsible, confident and strict. As a teacher, Im honest with all my students and Im responsible for anything I do to my students. But above all, confidence! Confidence is important for anyone to succeed. Im confident about my job. I believe I have ability to teach you well. Im also confident of all of you, my dear students. I believe you are all intelligent and clever. If you work hard, youll soon make great progress. So believe in yourselves! And being strict is very necessary. Ill be strict in my work, Ill be strict with all my students and I hope youll be strict in your studies.这个环节设计的目的是让学生了解教师的个性。教师的品格会对学生产生很大的影响,教师应向学生展示自己的优秀品格,在学生中树立威信,师生互相鼓励,增强学生学好英语的信心.学生普遍认为,假如老师诚实、自信、严格,是个有责任心的好老师,在老师的带领下,就一定能把英语学好。二、“教师”是什么?Whats your understanding of a “teacher”?A teacher should be a guide, who not only guides the students studying, but also guides them in the right way of learning; a teacher should be a model, who always sets a good example for the students; a teacher who is able to work out most problems should be a dictionary, a teacher should be a friend, who is ready to help his students when necessary and shares all their sorrow and happiness.学生该做什么?Respect, understanding, responsibility, in dependence, honesty 三、我最喜欢的名言My favourite motto: Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work until we succeed.四、学唱英语歌曲,强调团结。The More We Get TogetherThe more we get together, the happier well be; For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends;The more we get together, the happier well be.通过学习英语歌曲,学生加强了团队合作精神,产生了浓厚的英语学习兴趣,树立了坚强的自信心,从而形成了良好的人文氛围。多年的实践证明,这样的开头让学生树立了自信,激活了积极向上的热情,为以后的教学工作打下了良好的基础。


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