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Module 5 Unit 2 The environment一、【学习目标】1.学习与环境保护有关的单词、词组与句型。2.运用所学词汇能阅读与环境保护有关的文章,并能进行讨论,书写相关报告。本单元重要单词:动词:1)辩论;争论,讨论_2) 流,流动;流畅地进行_ 3)(在一定范围内)变化;包括;排序_ 4) 逮捕_ 5) 测量;估量,判定_ 6) 使印象深刻_ 7) 欣赏,赞赏;感谢,领会_8) 回收利用_9) 吸收,理解;使全神贯注 _ 10) 排队等候 _11) 减少_ 12)用泵输送;涌出,涌流_ 13)鼓掌,拍手_14) 消耗;消费_ 15) 冲突,抵触_ 16)钻(孔),打眼_17) 经营; 动手术_ 18) 泛滥;淹没;大量涌入_19) 提供燃料; 加油_ 名词:20)经济(情况);经济体_21) 女发言人_ 22) )辩论;争论,讨论_23)责任,义务,本分_ 24)产量;生产_25) 管子,管道_ 26) 流动;连贯_ 27) 海味,海鲜_ 28) 数量_ 29) 税,税款_ 30) 海关,关税_ 31) 商品,货品_ 32) 逮捕_ 33)(尤指上层)商界人员;企业家_ 34) 十亿_35)责任,职责_ 36)看法;信念_ 37)陆龟_38) 赞扬,称赞,认可;信用,信誉;学分_39)羽毛_ 40) 到来,抵达;到达者_ 41) 女士,夫人_ 42) 顾问_43)毯子;厚的覆盖层_44)庄稼,农作物_ 45)栅栏,篱笆,围栏_46) 冲突,矛盾_ 47) 泵,抽水机,打气筒_48) 队,行列_ 49) 管理;管理部门;施行;(美国)政府_50) 土壤_ 51)(对自然环境的)保护_ 52) 洪水, 大批,大量_53) 交通工具,车辆_ 54)灌木_55) 减少_ 56) 措施,方法;尺度_ 57)操练,训练_ 58)海豚_59)范围; 一系列;山脉_ 60) 十年_ 61) 台风_ 62)发动机,引擎_ 63) 气候_ 64) 汽油_ 65)工厂;发电厂_ 66)碳_ 67)燃料_ 68) 二氧化物_ 69) 人造卫星_ 70)氧气_ 形容词:71) 贪婪的,贪心的_ 72)环境的_73) 原始的,未经加工或处理的_ 74) 愿意的,乐意的_75) 违法的,非法的_ 76) 经济的_77) 电的,用电的_ 78) 低碳的_79)专指的,特指的;特别的;讲究的,挑剔的_ 副词:80) 非法地_ Answers:1) argue 2) flow3) range4) arrest 5) measure6) impress 7)appreciate 8)recycle9) absorb 10) queue 11) decrease 12)pump 13) clap14) consume 15) conflict 16)drill 17)operate 18)flood 19) fuel20)economy 21) spokeswoman 22) debate 23) duty 24) production 25) pipe 26)flow 27) seafood 28)quantity29) tax 30) customs 31)goods 32) arrest 33) businessman34) billion 35) responsibility 36) belief 37) tortoise 38) credit 39)feather 40) arrival 41) madam 42) consultant43)blanket 44)crop 45) fence 46) conflict 47) pump 48)queue 49) administration 50) soil 51) conservation 52) flood 53) vehicle 54)bush 55) decrease 56) measure 57) drill 58)dolphin 59)range 60)decade 61) typhoon 62) engine 63) climate64)petrol 65) plant 66) carbon 67) fuel 68)dioxide 69)satellite 70)oxygen71) greedy 72)environmental 73) raw 74) willing 75) illegal 76) economic77) electrical78) low-carbon 79)particular 80) illegally本单元重要词组:open the floor 自由发言large amounts of 大量的lay eggs 产卵be friendly to the environment 环保turn into 变成 result in 导致flow into 流入 grow by 增长了 cut back on 削减,减少 ways of living 生活方式 pourinto倒入 seeas 将视为 be concerned about/ for 担心 be concerned with 与有关 hide from ones responsibility 躲避责任 ask around 四处询问 What if 要是会怎样呢? rely on依靠,依赖upon the arrival of 在一抵达时run out , use up用完conflict with与矛盾/冲突queue up排队the first to do sth.第一个做某事form up 形成 be covered with 被覆盖take steps to do sth 采取措施做某事be devoted to doing/ devote oneself to doing致力于做某事pick out 找出,挑选draw conclusions 得出结论a wide range of 多种多样的rely on 依靠 be under way 在进行中natural reserve 自然保护区 appreciate doing 欣赏做某事the morethe more 越越in/ with regard to 关于let off 排放in particular 尤其,特别do ones part 尽自己的职责a sense of satisfaction满足感no doubt 无疑 二、【要点解读】1. With me are Ms Lin Shuiqing, from the Green Society, 表语位于句首时,需完全倒装。Seated on the ground are a group of young people.2.debate n.辩论,辩论会 v. 辩论,争论,讨论beyond debate 无可辩论 hold a debate 举行辩论会a heated debate 激烈的辩论3.open the floor for discussion the floor意为“发言权”。又如:After they each had said a few words, Professor White took the floor. 怀特教授开始发言。4.First Im talking to you today about the way vast areas of the world are damaged by chemical waste.way 后面接定语从句有三种形式:(1)way+in which+定语从句 She was pleased with the way in which he had treated his students. (2) way+that+定语从句 They didnt do it in the waythat we do now. (3)way+定语从句 He didnt speak the way I do.5. waste 1. n.废物,残物 Where do you put the kitchen waste?2.v浪费(时间、劳力、金钱等)waste time (in) doing sth 浪费时间干waste money on sb/sth浪费金钱在.上Youre wasting your time trying to persuade him; he will never join us.6. lieliedliedlying 说谎 lielaylainlying 躺 laylaidlaidlaying 放置,搁,产卵7.large amounts of harmful chemicals. the amount of rubbish/ pollutionamount n. 总数,数量 (常与不可数名词连用。)关于“许多”的用法见下表:+Cn.+Un.+Cn./Un. many, a great/good many, a large/great number of numbers of much, a great deal of, a large amount of, large amounts ofplenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of, large quantities of, a mass of, masses of8. The worlds population has grown by six times what it was in 1800.1)对population( 人口)进行提问时,常用what 或 how large。如:What / How large is the population of Canada?加拿大的人口有多少?此外,population还可当作复数用,意为“全体住民,市民,国民” 。 如:The whole population of the town came out to see him. 2)此句中的six times what it was in1800是倍数的固定表达:倍数what引导的名词性从句目前的产量是十年前的三倍。(timeswhat)The production is now three times what it was ten years ago._观察例句思考总结倍数的其他表达方式:1) 倍数 比较级than The box is five times bigger than that one.2) 倍数 as 原级as Asia is four times as large as Europe. 3) 倍数 名词(the size/width/length/height.)This hall is five times the size of our room.9. concern vt. 关系到;影响; 使担心;使关心;使烦恼n. 有关的事(可数); 关怀, 关心(不可数); 焦急, 忧虑(不可数)基本构词concerned adj.担心的;烦恼的;忧虑的;有关的,涉及的(置于名词之后)concerning prep. 关于短语搭配 concern oneself with / in / about sth 关心某事; 忙于某事so/as far as.be concerned 就来说/而论 be concerned with/in 与有关be concerned about 担心,操心 have no concern with 与无关show concern for sb 关心某人It is reported that the pop singer is concerned with selling drugs. 据报道那个流行歌手涉嫌贩毒。She is concerned about her sons future. 他很担心她儿子的前途。Some people dont show much concern for our environment. 有些人不太关心我们的环境。So far as I am concerned, the second arrangement is more suitable.就我来说,第二种安排更合适。For more information concerning the club, contact me, please.10. Cut back on= cut down on=reduce 削减。缩减, 减少The doctor told him to cut down on smoking.To save money, we should cut back on our spending.cut away 切下,砍掉 cut down 砍倒,砍伐 ;减少的量,缩减cut in 插嘴,插入,插队 cut out 切下,剪下 cut up 切碎cut off 1)切断,砍掉2) 切断(电力,煤气,自来水等),停止的供给 3)使(人,城镇)孤立11. What we need are better laws to preserve the environment what引导的主语从句After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, whatour astronauts desire to do is walk in space.12. run out 用完, 耗尽The petrol ran out. = We ran out of the petrol=We used up the petrol.13.raise 抬起,举起,使升起 the teacher raised her finger to her lips as a sign of silence.唤起,引起,激起 his absence raised fears about his safety.提出 I am glad you raised that point.召集,征集,筹款 it is your job to raise fund.饲养,养育,培养 she raises a family of nine children.rise (无被动形式) 起立,起床,站立 it is my custom to rise early.The chairman rose from his chair.14. under way 进展中,进行中;We have several plans under way. 我们已将几项计划付诸实施。under construction 在建设中, under discussion 在讨论中, under treatment 在治疗中, under repair在修理中15. appreciate 1) vt. 鉴赏;鉴别; 欣赏;赏识 appreciate good wine 鉴赏好酒 It is hard to appreciate the difference between right and wrong. 分清是非很难。2) 重视 Doctors are highly appreciated in that country. 在那个国家医生受到高度重视。3) 感谢, 感激 We deeply appreciate your help. 非常感谢你的帮助。We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我们恭候佳音。I would appreciate it if you paid in cash. 如果你支付现金的话,我将不胜感激。4) 察觉;意识到 We appreciate the danger ahead. 我们意识到危险临头。 16. doubt n.& v. 怀疑,疑惑 doubtful adj. 怀疑的in doubt怀疑;拿不定主意 no/without/beyond doubt无疑地;必定;当然I dont doubt that he can finish the task on time. 我相信他能按时完成任务。Do you doubt that she will succeed? 你怀疑她会成功吗?He doubts if/whether she will keep her word. 他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。There is no doubt about/of it. 此事无可怀疑。There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter.三、写作 以How to protect/save our environment/world? 为题写一篇120字左右的短文。提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重 2.砍伐森林严重 3. 大气污染严重 4. 白色垃圾 等 要求 : 如何改善/保护环境? 至少:3-4个方面,。 范文: How to protect/save our environment/world?The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Water is polluted and clean drinking water cant be available to many people. Meanwhile, trees are being cutting down. In addition, white rubbish can be seen everywhere. Whats worse, some factories are letting off poisonous smoke to the sky, causing air pollution. Peoples health has been greatly affected and many people died of diseases. iddle school students, we are supposed to spare no effort to protect our environment. First, we can save as much energy as possible. For example, we could remember to turn off the lights when leaving the house and turn off the tap after washing. Second, try to recycle wastes such as old newspapers, bottles and cans. Third, we can plant more trees to make our environment greener and cleaner. word, the environment is very important and its our duty to protect it. Please join us and take action.


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