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Unit7 Would mind turning down the music?1、 词组1.not at all 2.turn down 3.right away 4.wait in line 5.cut in line 6.keep your voice down 7.at first 8.take care/be careful 9.take care not to do sth=be careful not to do sth10.break the rules 11.put out the cigarette 12pick up 13.drop litter 14.in public 15.feel uncomfortable 16.an English-speaking country 17.wash the dishes 18.follow me around 19.be angry/annoyed with sb=be mad at sb 20.Sth happens to sb二、 句子1. Would you mind turning down the music? Im sorry. Ill do it at once/right away. 2. Excuse me, could you please put out the cigarette?3. Its impolite to cough loudly in public.4. Could you please return the book to the library?5. Would you mind not cutting in line? No,sure not.6. I cant stand dropping litter around in public.7. Could you please help me with my English?=Could you please help me learn English?8. Would you mind picking it up? No, not at all.9. Would you mind keeping your voice down? 10. We should take care not to smoke in public places.11 She doesnt like waiting in line.=She dislikes/hates waiting in line.12. Could you please not follow me around?13. Yesterday an accident happened to him.14.Would you mind not wearing those old jeans? OK. Ill put on another pair.15.The old should be spoken to politely.一、词组:1.一点也不_ 2.调低音量_3.立刻_ 4排队等候_5.插队_6.压低你的声音_7首先_8.当_9违反规则_10熄灭香烟_11捡起_12扔垃圾_13在公共场合_14当心不做_15.感觉不舒服_16.一个说英语的国_17.洗盘子_18跟着我四处转_19.生某人气_20某人发生某事_二、句子:1、你介意把音乐的音量调小一点吗?对不起,我立刻做。2、 对不起,请你把香烟熄灭好吗?3、在公共场合大声咳嗽是不礼貌的4、请你把这本书还给图书馆好吗?5、不要插队你介意吗?当然不介意。6、 我不能忍受在公共场合乱扔垃圾。7、 你能在英语方面帮助我吗?8、 你把它捡起来不介意吧?不介意。9、你介意压低你的声音吗?10、 我们应当注意不要在公共场合吸烟。11、她不喜欢排队。12、 请你不要跟着我转好吗?13、昨天他发生了一次意外事故14、不穿那条旧牛仔裤你介意吗?好的。我穿另一条。15、对老人说话应该有礼貌。U6 How long have you been collecting shells?一、词组1.a pair of skaters 2.several skaters 3.collect stamps 4.raise money for charity 5.anyone else 6.run out of/use up 7.by the way 8.be interested in/take an interested in 9.the capital of China 10.a European country 11.the +比较级the+比较级 12. more than/over 13. thousands of 14.quite a few foreigners 15.quite an easy question 16.be certain/be sure to do sth 17.an interesting city with a very colorful country 18.far away 19.the whole five hours 20.a whole day 21.the first one to do sth 22.three and a half years/three years and a half 23.in Russian style 24. European influence一、 句子1. How long have you been collecting shells? Ive been collecting shells for three and a half years/since I was 10 years old. 2. When did you start skating? I started skating at 8.3. Each student raises ten yuan for charity.4. Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole 5 hours.5. Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster.6. I particularly love globes with animals.7. Id like to collect coins because they are interesting.8. We have run out of /have used up room to store them .9. If anyone else collects stamps, please tell me/let me know. 10. Id like to start a snow globe collectors club.11. By the way, whats your hobby?12. He is interested in the job as a writer. = He takes an interest in the job as a writer.13. Ive been studying history for over/more than 2 years.14. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 15. The more careless you are, the more mistakes youll make.一、词组:1. 一双滑冰鞋_ 2.几个滑冰者_ 3.集邮_ 4.为慈善团体募捐 _5.其他任何人_ 6.用完_/_ 7.随便_8.对感兴趣_ 9.中国的首都_ 10.一个欧洲国家_ 11.越就越_ 12.比多_ 13.数以千计的_ 14.相当多的外国人_ 15.一个相当容易的问题_ 16.确信做某事(两种)_/_ 17.具有多彩历史的哟各有区城市 _18.在远处_ 19.整整五个小时_ 20.一整天_ 21.做某事的第一个_22.三年半(两种)_/_23.具有俄罗斯风格_24.欧洲影响_二、句子1、你收集贝壳多久了?三年半年了/自从我十岁以来。2、 你什么时候开始滑冰的? 我八点开始滑冰的。3、 每个学生为慈善机构募捐10元。4、 Alison是第一个开始的,滑冰整整5个小时。5、 感谢你送我这个怪物水晶玻璃球6、 我尤其喜欢带有动物的玻璃球。7、 我想要收集硬币因为它们有趣。8、 我们已经用完了储存它们的空间。9、 如果有其他任何人集邮,请告诉我。10、 我想开办一个雪花玻璃球收藏者俱乐部。11、 随便问一下,你有什么爱好?13、 他对作为作者的工作感兴趣。13、 我在中国学历史两年多了。14、 关于中国历史我学得越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。15、 你越粗心,你犯的错误越多。Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?一、词组:1.get(buy) sb. sth. 2.on my ninth birthday 3.too to fall asleep4.take care of/look after 5.an eleven-year-old child 6.hear of /about 7.give away 8.pay for 9.rather than 10.make great progress 11.take an interest in/be interested in 12.make friends with 13.instead of doing 14.one of the trendiest pets 15.not special enough 16.a pig named/called Connie 17.a lucky guy 18.in order to do 19.encourage sb. to do sth. 20.make an apology to sb.(for sth) 21.explain sth. to sb. 22.a good way to do sth/a good way of doing sth二、句子1. What should I get my mom for her birthday?2. Why dont you get her a scarf? = Why not get her a scarf?3. Whats the best gift you have ever received?4. I dont have enough time to spend with her.5. Hamsters are easy to take care of.6. I think a dog is a good pet for an 8-year old child.7. Different people like different kinks of gifts.8. Gift giving is different indifferent countries.9. Our teacher often encourages us to speak English as much as possible/we can.10.Making a meal is enough instead .11.Life with a pig isnt always perfect.12.He would like to read books rather than watch TV.13.I made a special meal for her instead of giving her a gift.14.Many people want to improve their English in different ways.1、 词组1为某人买(2种) 2在我九岁生日时 3太而不能入睡 4照看(2种) 5一个六岁孩子 6听说(2种) 7赠送 8付款 9胜于,而不是 10取得巨大进步 11对感兴趣(2种)_12 与交朋友 13代替,而不是 14最流行的宠物之一 15不够特别 16一个叫Connie的猪 17幸运的家伙 18为了做 19鼓励某人做某事 20向某人道歉 21向某人解释 22.做某事的好方法(2种) _ 二、句子1、 我应该给妈妈买什么生日礼物? 2、为什么不给她买条围巾?3、你曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?4、我没有足够的时间来陪她,5、仓鼠很容易照料。6、我认为对于一个8岁的孩子来说,狗是不错的宠物。7、不同的人喜欢不同种类的礼物。8、不同的国家礼物赠送是不同的。9、老师经常鼓励我们尽可能多的说英语。10、做一顿饭就足够了。11、有猪的日子不总是那么完美。12、 他想要读书胜过看电视。13、 我为他做一顿特殊的饭而不是给他一件礼物。14、许多中国人想用不同的方式提高他们的英语。U5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time.一、 词组1.let sb.in 2.have a good time/ have fun/ enjoy oneself 3.organize a party 4.take away 5.want sb. to do sth. 6.travel around the world/ travel all over the world 7.make money 8.get an education 9.make a living by doing sth. 10.all the time 11.get injured 12.keep sb. doing sth. 13.in fact 14.be famous for 15.run away from 16.be against doing sth. 17.laugh at 18.in future 19.make careless mistakes 20.mobile phones/ a mobile phone二、句子1. If he makes a living by playing basketball, he will have a chance to travel around the world.2. If you bring some snacks to the party, the teacher will take them away.3. Dont wear jeans to the party, or the teacher wont let you in.4. I dont know if it will rain tomorrow. If it rains, half the class wont come.5. If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.6. If I become a lawyer, I will be able to help people.7. I cant remember how to get to your house.8. If you share your problems, youll feel better.9. My dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself.10. If you look for help, youll find it.11. When is a good time to have the party? Lets have it today.12. An accident happened to his family. Luckily, nobody got injured.13. We should never run away from doing housework.14. We should try to read English as much as possible.15. A problem shared is a problem halved.一、词组1. 让某人进入 _2.玩得开心_ 3.组织一个聚会_ 4. 拿走 _5.想让某人做某事_ 6.周游世界_ 7.挣钱_ 8.接受教育_ 9.靠做某事谋生_ 10.一直_ 11.受伤_ 12.让某人一直做某事_ 13. 事实上_ 14.以而著名_ 15. 逃避_ 16. 反对做某事_ 17.嘲笑_ 18. 今后_ 19. 犯粗心的错误_ 20.移动电话_二、句子1. 如果他靠打篮球谋生,他会有机会周游世界。2. 如果你带小吃来参加聚会,老师会将它们没收。3. 不要穿牛仔裤参加聚会,否则老师不让你们进入。4. 我不知道明天是否会下雨。 如果下雨,班上半数学生将不会来。5. 如果你变富,你将很难知道谁是你真正的朋友。6. 如果你当律师,你将能够帮助人们。7. 我不记得怎样到达你家。8. 如果你和他人分担你的问题,你就会觉得好多了。9. 我爸爸说他有时自己也犯粗心的错误。10. 如果你寻求帮助,你就会找到的。11. 何时举办聚会好?咱们今天举办吧。12. 他家发生了一次意外,幸运的是没人受伤。13. 我们不应该逃避做家务。14. 我们应该尽量尽可能多读英语。15.一个问题和他人一起分担就会变成半个问题。Unit1 Will people have robots?U1词组1、 two pieces of paper 2、 in the future 3、 go skating 4、 live to be 200 years old 5、 an astronaut 6、dress more casually 7、seem impossible 8、live alone 9、fly rockets to the moon 10、 space station 11、less pollution 12、one of the biggest companies 13、fall in love with 14、over and over again 15、get bored 16、hundreds of 17、be able to 18、in college 19、be free 20、in five years 21、study on computers 22、 predict the future 23、come true 24、There are /is sb. doing sth.U1句子1. Do you think therell be robots in peoples homes?2. More and more people will live to be 200 years old.3. There will be less free time.4. What do you think Sally will be in five years?5. Hundreds of people visited the Great Wall and fell in love with it.6. His dream came true at last.7. Is there anything interesting in the book?8. Predicting the future can be difficult.9. I will be able to dress more casually.10. Although I live alone, I dont feel lonely.11. There are already robots working in factories.12They do simple jobs over and over again.U1词组1、两张纸_2、在未来_3、去滑冰_ 4、活到200岁_ 5、一名宇航员_ 6、穿着比较随便_ 7、似乎不可能_8、独居_ 9、乘坐火箭去月球 _10、太空站_ 11、更少污染_ 12、最大的公司之一 _13、爱上 _14、一次次_15、厌烦_ 16、数百 _17、能够_ 18、在大学_ 19、免费_ 20、五年以后_ 21、通过电脑学习_ 22、预测未来_ 23、实现_ 24 、有某人在做某事_U1句子1、你认为人们家里会有机器人吗?2、越来越多的人将会活到200岁。3、将会有更少的空闲时间。4、你认为5年后sally会干什么?5、成百上千的人参观了长城并且爱上了它6、最后他的梦想实现了。7、书上有有趣的东西吗?8、预测未来会很难。9、我将会穿着更随意。10、尽管我独自居住,但我一点也不孤独。11、工厂里已经有机器人在工作。12、他们一遍又一遍做简单的工作。Unit Two What should I do?U2词组1.keep out 2.play CD too loud 3.argue with sb/have an argument with sb 4.out of style 5.in style 6.Whats the matter with you ?=Whats wrong with you ? 7.call sb up 8.a ticket to a football match 9.surprise him 10.to ones (great )surprise 11.pay for 12. get a part-time job 13.borrow sth from 14.the same as 15.tell sb (not) to do sth 16. find out 17.except me 18. be upset 19.leave my homework at home 20.all kinds of 21.a lonely child 22.feel lonely 23.get on/along well with 24.have a fight with=fight with 25.notuntil 26.Its time for sth/Its time to do sth。 27.under too much pressure 28.on the one hand 29.on the other hand 30.enjoy oneself=have fun=have a great time 31.asas possible/one can 32.comparewith 33.complain (to sb) about sth 34.fit sb wellU2句子1. Can you tell me what I should do? /Can you tell me what to do?2. They are the same as my friends clothes.3. Everyone else in my class was invited except me.4. You left your homework at home.5. The tired children dont get home until 7pm.6. Could you please give me some advice?(suggestions)7. I dont know which one to choose. = I dont know which one I should choose.8. He found it a little difficult to talk to foreigners.9. Are you getting on well with your new classmates?U2词组1.不让进入_ 2.播放CD声音太大 _3.和某人争吵/辩论_/_ 4.过时_ 5.流行 _6.你怎么了?_7.给某人打电话_ 8.一张足球赛的票_ 9.让他吃惊_10.令某人(很)吃惊的是_11.支付 /付款_ 12.得到兼职工作_ 13.从借 _14.和一样 _15.告诉某人(不)做某事_16.查明_ 17.除我以外(不包括)_18.心烦的 _19.把作业落在家_20.各种各样_21.一个孤独的孩子_22.感觉孤独_23.和相处得好_24.和某人打架_25直到才_26.到做某事的时间了_27.在太大的压力下_28.一方面_29.另一方面_30.玩得开心_ /_/_31.尽可能地_32.把与比较_33抱怨_34.非常适合某人_U2句子1.你能告诉该怎么做吗?2. 他们和我朋友们的衣服一样。3. 除了我以外我班里的其他每个人都被邀请了。4. 你把作业忘在家里了。5. 这些疲劳的孩子们直到下午7点才到家。6. 请你给我一些建议好吗?7. 我不知道该选择哪一个。8. 他发现和外国人交谈有点难。9. 你和你的新同学相处的好吗?U3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?第3单元词组1. my flight to New York 2. take off 3.get out of 4.alk down/up/along 5 in the kitchen 6.an unusual experience 7.follow sb. to do sth. 8.an amazing story 9.call the police 10sleep late 11.jump down 12shout at sb. 13.run away from 14anywhere beautiful 15.talk on the phone 16.be surprised at sth 17.think about doing sth. 18.remember doing 19.remember to do 20.take place 21 in silence/keep silent 22 one of the most important events 23.be afraid of /be scared of 24 be surprised to do sthU3句子1. What were you doing when the UFO arrived?2. While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.3. While he was buying souvenirs, a girl called the police.4. The girl was sleeping late when I got out of the kitchen.5. I had a very unusual experience on Sunday.6. I followed it to see where it was going.7. You can imagine how strange it was!8. She didnt think about looking outside the station.9. I saw a big black dog running when I came in.10. What happened to her while she was talking on the phone?11. Youre kidding.(No kidding)12. Not all events in history are as terrible as this. 13. He thought about traveling in Europe.第3单元词组1.我去纽约的航班_ 2. 起飞、脱去 _ 3. 从出来 _ 4. 沿着走 _ 5. 在厨房里_ 6.一次不寻常的经历 _ 7. 跟随某人做某事_ 8. 令人惊异的故事_ 9. 报警_ 10.睡懒觉 _11.从跳下_ 12.朝某人大喊 _ 13. 跑掉_ 14.任何美丽的地方 _ 15. 电话交谈 _ 16.对某事感到吃惊_ 17.考虑做某事 _18.记得做过某事_ 19. 记得去做某事_ 20.发生,举行 _ 21.沉默地_ 22.重要的事件之一_ 23.害怕(两种)24.惊讶做某事_U3句子1、 当UFO到达的时侯你在干什么?2、 当这个男孩正在沿街行走时,UFO降落了。3、 当他正在买纪念品时,一个女孩报了警。4、 当我从厨房里出来时,那个女孩正在睡懒觉。5、 星期日我又一次很不非同寻常的经历。6、 我跟谁着它去看看它要去哪里。7、 你可以想象它是多么的奇怪。8、 他没有考虑往车站外看。9、 当我进来时我看见一条黑色大狗正在跑。10、 当她正在电话交谈时发生什么事情了?11、 并不是历史上所有的事件跟这件事情一样恐怖。12、 你在开玩笑。(没开玩笑)13、 他考虑过去欧洲旅行。U4 He said I was hard-working.U4 词组 1. be mad at sb./ be angry with sb. 2. not any more/ anymore 3. first of all 4. pass on 5. be supposed to 6. be good at/ do well in 7. in good health 8. report card 9. get over 10. open up 11. care for 12. in danger 13. sea level 14. make a decision/ make decisions 15. start a bad habit 16.be a good influence in/on 17. copy others homework 18.get nervous 19.a disappointing result 20.a hard- working childU4 句子1. She said she wasnt mad at me any more (anymore). 2. My math teacher said I was hard- working.3. My English teacher said I was better at listening than reading.4. I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.5. I had a really hard time with science this semester.6. Its not right for you to copy others homework.7. She said helping others changed her life.8. Fortunately, her mother agreed with her daughters decision.9. Copying homework will start a bad habit and Im certain you can get over it.10. I wasnt surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher.11. Young people today need to experience different things.12. Reading books can open up childrens eyes and be a good influence in their lives.13. We are supposed to care for the animals in danger.14. Being a volunteer in a poor mountain village may not sound like fun to you.U4 词组1. 生某人的气_2.不再_3.首先_4.传递_5.理应,应该_6.在方面做得好_7.身体健康_8.成绩单_9.克服,原谅_10.打开_11.照料_12.处于危险中_13.海平面_14.下决心_15.养成不好的习惯_16.对有好的影响_17.抄别人的作业_18.变得紧张_ 19.一个令人失望的结果_20. 一个勤奋的孩子_U4 句子1. 他说他不再生我的气了。2. 我的数学老师说我很勤奋。3. 我的英语老师说我听力比阅读好。4. 听说上周他感冒了我很难过。5. 这学期我学习科技的确很吃力。6. 对你来说抄袭别人的作业是不对的。7. 她说帮助别人改变了她的生活。8. 幸运的是,她妈妈同意了她女儿的决定。9. 抄作业将养成一个坏习惯,我相信你会克服的。10. 我发现最差的成绩是科技时我并不吃惊。11. 现在的年轻人需要体验不同的事情。12. 看书可以开阔孩子的视野,并对他们的生活有好的影响。13. 我们应该照料处于危险中的动物。14. 在贫穷的山村当志愿者对你来说可能听起来没有趣。U1词组1两张纸2在未来3去滑冰 4活到200岁 5一名宇航员 6穿着比较随便 7似乎不可能8独居 9乘坐火箭去月球 10太空站 11更少污染 12最大的公司之一 13爱上 14一次次15厌烦 16数百 17能够 18在大学 19免费 20五年以后 21通过电脑学习 22预测未来 23实现 24 有某人在做某事


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