沪教版中学实验校初三下期模拟考试英语试卷(II )卷.doc

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沪教版中学实验校初三下期模拟考试英语试卷(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)1. (2分)Has your sister succeeded_ the first place at the university this term?A . for gettingB . to getC . in gettingD . in get2. (2分)He mustnt _ a car _.A . drives, dangerouslyB . drive, dangerousC . drive, dangerouslyD . drives, dangerous3. (2分)_ he is ill, _ he goes to school.A . Although, butB . /, /C . Although, /D . But, although4. (2分) Where did you go last weekend? I to the Great Wall.A . goB . wentC . will goD . have gone5. (2分)Alice has gone to the classroom and she didnt say _. A . when did she come backB . when would she be backC . when she came backD . when she would be back6. (2分) I like that village very much. I live there.一 You must it because it is the place where you were born.A . use to; rememberedB . used to; rememberedC . used to; remember7. (2分)Our English club will put on a famous play during the school art week.Really? I cant wait to watch it.A . work onB . act outC . make up8. (2分) Do you play_ping-pong?Yes, its_.A . a; boringB . /; interestingC . the; difficultD . /; interested9. (2分) Lisa, I know youre confident about getting that job but remember _. So why dont you send your application forms to a few more companies? Sounds good!A . dont put all your eggs in one basketB . the early bird catches the wormC . actions speak louder than wordsD . every dog has its day10. (2分)How are you getting along with your work?We have finished _of it.A . two fiveB . two fifthsC . two fifthD . second fifths11. (2分)一Jill,remind me my camera to school tomorrow一I willA . takingB . to takeC . repairingD . to repair12. (2分)Which sentence should be put at the end of the paragraph on the right?A . The mountains are tall.B . The mountains are tall and nice.C . The nice mountains are interesting to look at.D . The tall mountains arc covered with white snow.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)13. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Each of us makes mistakes(犯错) from time to time. In fact, we can1 a lot from our mistakes.Donnie was a2 student and never answered questions in class. He was3 to make mistakes. He never finished his homework 4 he didnt want to make any mistakes. It was changed5 Marry Anne, a teacher, came to our6 .One morning, Marry Anne asked Donnie to7 some questions. After a while Donnie was in tears because he made a mistake. Suddenly Marry Anne got a box full of8 from the desk.Look, Donnie, she said, standing9 him. Ive got something to show you. She took out (掏出) the erasers, one at a time, and put 10 on the desk. See these erasers, Donnie? she continued. Do you know 11 the erasers become smaller and smaller? Thats because we make mistakes. But we erase the mistakes and try12. Thats what you must learn. Here, she said, Ill 13 one eraser on your desk, so you will remember that14 may make mistakes. Donnie looked at Marry Anne and smiled.Donnie15 a lot from then on. He began to finish his homework on time. He knew that everyone had the permission(允许) to make mistakes as long as you learned them and tried again.(1)A . take B . make C . get D . bring (2)A . good B . shy C . clever D . small (3)A . glad B . excited C . surprised D . afraid (4)A . because B . so C . if D . but (5)A . after B . while C . before D . when (6)A . row B . class C . team D . classroom (7)A . answer B . ask C . give D . have (8)A . erasers B . pens C . pencils D . books (9)A . on B . of C . near D . to (10)A . it B . one C . them D . their (11)A . when B . how C . what D . why (12)A . more B . again C . another D . one (13)A . forget B . carry C . leave D . have (14)A . nobody B . somebody C . no one D . everybody (15)A . changed B . got C . knew D . thought 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共50分)14. (10分)阅读理解ALong Lake Camp For StudentsHave fun here at Long Lake Summer Camp! Every day is wonderful because you can both enjoy activities and make new friends.Long Lake Rock (摇滚) CampOur Rock Camp is different from any other place. You can have music lessons here. We have enough guitars. You can practise it every day.All our wonderful dance camp teachers are coming back this summer. Please come here for all kinds of dances.Long Lake Music CampWe have something for every hobby. You can sing or play an instruction (乐器)。You will do them in them.Long Lake Film CampLong Lake Film Camp helps you make films! Try it! We have great teachers to teach you!Price:$1,000-$1,999Ages:From 13 to 16Camp Address:199 Washington Avenue,Dobbs Ferry,New York 10522.Tel:800-767-7111Email:marclonglakecamp.com (1)How many kinds of camps are there in Long Lake Camp? A . One.B . Two.C . There.D . Four(2)If Jacky wants to practice the piano,he can go to _. A . Long Lake Rock CampB . Long Lake Dance CampC . Long Lake Music CampD . Long Lake Film Camp(3)What can you do at Long Film Camp? A . Watch some famous films.B . Learn how to make a film.C . Learn about the history of films.D . Write stories about films.(4)Who can take part in the Long Lake Camp? A . Toms fatherB . Toms teacherC . Toms friends in Grade 7D . Toms cousins in Grade 1(5)We can NOT know about the_ from the reading. A . priceB . phone numberC . dateD . address15. (10分)阅读理解Listen carefully to what I say, the time traveler said, I shall tell you something that you will not agree.Why will we not agree? I asked.Because the science and mathematics you know are not correct, he said. You believe there are only three dimensions(三维空间)-length, breadth(宽) and thickness.There is nothing to argue with that, the youngest member of our little group said.Exactly! the time traveler answered, But there is also a fourth dimension - time.We all know about time, another member of the group said. Time passed.I do not agree, the time traveler said, Length, breadth and thickness do not pass. They stay in the same place in space. We move about them. I can prove that time is the same. It does not pass. We move in time the same way that we move in breadth, length and thickness.None of us believed the time traveler, and we argued with him for many hours.If we could travel back in time, the scientist said, We could do things to change the future.If we could travel forward in time, the doctor(博士) said, we could do things that change our present.The time traveler smiled, It is clear, he said, that there is only one way I can show you that I am right. We must do an experiment. Please wait here.He left the room and soon returned, carrying what looked like a clock.This is a model of a time machine. It took me two years to make it, the time traveler said. I want all of you to understand that when I start the machine, it will immediately travel in time and disappear from the present.He turned to the youngest of all. Give me your hand, he said.The young man put out his hand. The time traveler took it and placed it on the machine. Immediately, there was a sudden wind, and the little machine disappeared.I was certain this was not a trick, but the doctor was not so sure.Are you asking us to believe, he said, that the machine is now in a different time?Certainly! In my laboratory, a full-size machine is almost complete. As soon as it is complete, I shall send myself on a journey through time. Would you like to see my machine?Are you serious about this? the doctor asked.I have never been more serious about anything, the time traveler said, Come.We followed him to his laboratory. There, we saw the actual machine, not quite complete, but large enough for a man to sit in.(1)How many dimensions did the time traveler say there are?A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(2)How long did it take the time traveler to make his model time machine?A . Two years.B . Two months.C . Twenty years.D . All his life.(3)Which is the right order of what happened in the story?a. The model time machine disappeared with a wind.b. The time traveler came back to the room with a model time machine.c. The members of the group argued with the time traveler for many hours.d. The time traveler showed them a full-size time machine which was not quite complete.e. The youngest mans hand was placed on the model time machine.A . e c a d bB . b c e a dC . c e b a dD . c b e a d(4)What can we infer(判断) from the passage about the time traveler?A . He believed that they could move in time.B . He was playing a trick on a group of people.C . He sent the young man to the future in the model time machine.D . He would possibly send himself on a journey through time.(5)What kind of story do you think the passage is?A . A detective story.B . A science fiction.C . A romantic fiction.D . A horror story.16. (10分)阅读理解Reading is the key to school success and, like any other skill, it takes practice. A child learns to walk by practicing until he no longer has to think about how to put one foot in front of the other. An excellent sportsman practices until he can play quickly, correctly and without thinking. Educators call it “automaticity(自动性)”.A child learns to read by sounding the letters and finding the meaning of the words. With practice, he stumbles less and less, reading by the phrase(短语). With automaticity, he doesnt have to think about the meaning of words, so he can give all his attention to the meaning of the text.It can begin as early as the first grade. In a recent study of children in Illinois schools, Alan Rossman of Northwestern University found that automatic readers in the first grade not only read almost three times as fast as the others, but also got better results in exams.According to Rossman, the key to automaticity is the amount(数量) of time a child spends reading, not his IQ. Any child who spends at least 3.5 to 4 hours a week reading books, magazines or newspapers will probably reach automaticity. It can happen if a child turns off TV just one night for reading at home.You can test yourself by reading something new that is suitable (适合)for your level. If you read aloud with expression, with a sense of the meaning of the sentences, you probably are an automatic reader. If you read brokenly, one word at a time, without expression or meaning, you need more practice.(1)“Reading is the key to school success” means that reading . A . helps school develop fasterB . is a key to a successful schoolC . helps students go to a key schoolD . can improve students learning results(2)Children with “automaticity” can read faster because they . A . know how to read the wordsB . do not have to think while readingC . read by themselves without any helpD . pay attention to the meaning of the text(3)Rossman tells that any child who will possibly be an automatic reader. A . seldom turns off TVB . reads books by the word quicklyC . spends about an hour reading every dayD . gets the same grades as others in exams(4)The underlined word “stumbles” in the passage means “ ”in Chinese. A . 结结巴巴地读B . 全神贯注地读C . 心不在焉地读D . 声情并茂地读(5)The best title for the passage is“ ”. A . IQ Is the Key to the AutomaticityB . TV Is Bad for Childrens ReadingC . Automaticity Depends on PracticeD . Automatic Readers Will Be Successful17. (20分) Whats a blog? A blog is a personal online diary(日记). Its cool, its hot, and everyone is doing it. People talk about it often. Sound like a fashion? In fact, Its another trend (流行趋势). And the word “blogger” means a person who writes diaries online. Are you a blogger?Many bloggers are teenagers who log (进入) onto websites to discuss anything in their lives. Many of todays teenagers are not afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives. Teenagers complain about their parents and homework. They share diaries, post(发布) songs from the latest bands and show pictures of theirs. They write their own poems, say something about their girlfriends or boyfriends and complain to each other or offer support. But mostly they just write down what they do every day.However, many parents are worried about these young bloggers. Parents see the kids talking about how they got drunk last weekend and how they dont like studying. They are using the language that is surprising to their parents. Besides hearing from their friends, teen bloggers also get messages from strangers. Most of the time, its older men asking to meet teenage girls. “These strange men are dangerous for my kids. They sometimes teach my kids bad words.” said Cara Cabral, a mother of two children.Many teenagers and young adults know its not safe to use blogs on the Internet. They know they are putting information about themselves in a place where it can be seen by anyone. But teenagers are unwilling to give up these new communication tools that have become a way of life for many of them.(1)The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph means _.A . the fashionB . the InternetC . the blog(2)The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph means _.A . the fashionB . the InternetC . the blog(3)Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A . Teenagers dont tell about their personal life in their blogs.B . Teenagers mostly write down what they do every day in their blogs.C . Teenagers complain about their parents and homework in their blogs.(4)Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A . Teenagers dont tell about their personal life in their blogs.B . Teenagers mostly write down what they do every day in their blogs.C . Teenagers complain about their parents and homework in their blogs.(5)Whats the main idea of the third paragraph?A . Many parents dont understand kids language in their blogs.B . Many parents are worried about these young bloggers.C . Many parents can understand why their kids dont like studying.(6)Whats the main idea of the third paragraph?A . Many parents dont understand kids language in their blogs.B . Many parents are worried about these young bloggers.C . Many parents can understand why their kids dont like studying.(7)Many parents think its for their children to get messages from strangers.A . dangerousB . interestingC . surprising(8)Many parents think its for their children to get messages from strangers.A . dangerousB . interestingC . surprising(9)We can learn from the last paragraph that .A . Its easy for many teenagers to give up blogging on the InternetB . Its safe for many teenagers to put their personal information on the InternetC . Its popular for many teenagers to use blogs on the Internet(10)We can learn from the last paragraph that .A . Its easy for many teenagers to give up blogging on the InternetB . Its safe for many teenagers to put their personal information on the InternetC . Its popular for many teenagers to use blogs on the Internet四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)The doctor said that an unhealthy diet _(导致) to his illness. 五、 词语运用 (共1题;共1分)19. (1分)We hope _ (see) him be happy again.六、 翻译 (共1题;共13分)20. (13分)根据所给的汉语完成下列句子。根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。(1)为什么不出去散步呢?_ go out for a walk?(2)经过一段时间的锻炼,她比以前瘦多了。After exercising for some time, shes much _ _ before.(3)他尽了最大的努力终于赶上了其他人。He _ _ and caught up with others finally.(4)现在我们正在为考试做准备。We _ _ exams now.(5)老师告诉这个男孩不要花费太多时间玩游戏。The teacher told the boy not _ _ too much time _ games.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分) 为了解学生们的职业观,班主任以我的理想职业为主题在全班做了调查。请你根据表格中的结果,写一篇英语调查报告,并且结合实际情况,谈谈你对未来工作的选择和原因。PrecentJobReason45%businessmenrich28%teachersteach knowledge20%DoctorsSave lives7%Other jobs/注意:必须包含表格所有内容,并谈谈自己的未来工作选择和原因;文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息;0100词,短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。短文首句:In order to know more about the ideas of students on their future jobs,we made a survey in our class八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)阅读下面邮件,请你填写李强申请学校俱乐部的有关信息。Dear Sir,My name is Li Qiang. Im in Class 3, Grade 2, and Im thirteen and a half years old. I want to be in a club in our school. I do wellin languages and I can speak English very fluently(流利地). I can also play the pianovery well. I took part in several English competitions. Last year in SchoolEnglish Show I got the first prize. So I think I can be in the English club.Can I join you? Me email is liqiang666163.com. Please write me back and let meknow.Li QiangApplication(申请)for School ClubStudents name : Li QiangGrade and Class: _Age: _Club he wants to be in: _Result in School English Show: _E-mail address: _第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)13-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共50分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、17-7、17-8、17-9、17-10、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)18-1、五、 词语运用 (共1题;共1分)19-1、六、 翻译 (共1题;共13分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22-1、


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