
上传人:tia****nde 文档编号:8556696 上传时间:2020-03-29 格式:PPT 页数:21 大小:595KB
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第17课时Units5 6 九全 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 glasses leaves daily national nationality international salty professional Canadian French Germans Germany accidental musical musician environmental heroes trader pleasant pleased please locally widely suddenly popularity heat product production translation translator boiling boiled celebration ruler dreamof dropinto comeupwith turninto changeinto lookupto haveapoint becoveredwith introuble withoutdoubt bymistake overanopenfire byaccident byhand atalowprice nomatter papercutting allofasudden environmentalprotection AsfarasIknow aregrown EachdifferentpartofChinahasitsownspecialformsoftraditionalart areputon assymbolsofwishesforgoodluckandahappynewyear Itissaidthat called todiscover Eventhough knowabout withoutdoubt thenatureoftea notonly butithasalsobecomeapopularsporttowatch avoidv 避免 回避 题1 Whydidhisfatherbuythatphonewatchforhim BecausetheGPSinthewatchcanhelphimtoavoidtheway A toloseB loseC losesD losing D 归纳拓展 avoid后可接名词 代词或v ing形式作宾语 Trytoavoidaccidents 尽量防止发生事故 Ithinksheisavoidingme 我想她是在躲着我 Heavoidedansweringmyquestions 他对我的问题避而不答 doubtn 疑惑 疑问v 怀疑 题2 1 Idon tdoubtshe stellingthetruth A ifB whetherC thatD why 2 Idoubthecanarriveatschoolontimeornot A whereB whetherC thatD how 题3 根据句意及首字母提示填空Wdoubtthegirlwillgettheprize becausesheistheworking hardstudentinourclass C 归纳拓展 B Without bemadeof bemadefrom bemadein bemadeinto bemadeby bemadeupof 题4 用of from in by into或upof填空 1 TheBRICSismadeBrazil Russia India ChinaandSouthAfrica 2 Thetreesaremadepaper 3 ThiscarismadeChina 4 Thecardismademe 5 Thepaperismadetrees 6 Thedeskismadewood upof into in by from of happen takeplace 题5 1 YangMihappenedherteachersontheflighttoBeijinglastweek A tomeetB meetingC meetD tomeeting 2 OnJune10 2018 ShanghaiCooperationOrganizationSummit 上合峰会 inQingdaosuccessfully A happenedB washappenedC tookplaceD wastakenplace 题6 根据句意 用适当的介词填空Acaraccidenthappenedthelittleboy whichmadehisparentsverysad A C to InEngland teadidn tappearuntilaround1660 butinlessthan100years ithadbecomethenationaldrink 在英格兰 茶直到大约1660年才出现 但是不到100年 它就变成了国家级的饮料 题7 英译汉Don treadtheletteruntilIleave 题8 Excuseme mayIcomein I mafraidyoucan t Pleasestayinthewaitingroomyournameiscalled A afterB untilC thoughD while 直到我离开 再看这封信 B 归纳拓展 1 not until意为 直到 才 表示直到某一时间某行为才发生 Ididn tgotobeduntil11o clock 我直到11点才去睡觉 2 until引导时间状语从句 Let swaituntiltherainstops 咱们等雨停了吧 ItissaidthataChineserulercalledShenNongwasthefirsttodiscoverteaasadrink 据说一个叫神农的中国统治者是第一个发现茶可以当饮料的人 题9 ishopedthatLuHanwillgiveaconcertinourcitynextmonth A ThatB ItC ThisD He 题10 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Itis believe thattherewillbelesspollutioninfuturewithourefforts 题11 英译汉Itisreportedthatmostairportswereclosedbecauseoftherainstorm B believed 据报道大多数机场由于暴风雨而关闭 归纳拓展 1 Itissaidthat 意为 据说 人们说 其中it为形式主语 that引导的从句是真正的主语 2 Itis 过去分词 that 句型归纳 Itisbelievedthat 人们相信 Itishopedthat 人们希望 Itiswell knownthat 众所周知 Itisreportedthat 据报道 Itisthoughtthat 人们认为 Itissuggestedthat 据建议 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Chinesefilmmakersareshowingmore hero oftheirowntosharewiththeaudience 2 Those Germany wantedtohavefishfordinner 3 Johncanplay near everymusicalinstrument 4 Thebook ChaJing describeshowteaplantswere grow andusedtomaketea 5 Don tbesadforthefalling leaf Theywillcomeoutnextyear heroes Germans nearly grown leaves 6 Theartistdoesn tpaintformoneybutforhisown please 7 NowadayslotsofgoodsfromChinaareverypopularintheworld Yeah Manypeoplecanhardlyavoid buy goodsmadeinChina 8 Thesouptastestoo salt You dbetteraddmorewaterintoit 9 TheSpringFestivalisa nation holidayinChina 10 Davidcomesfrom French butnowheworksinChina pleasure buying salty national France 根据句意或首字母提示填空11 AnnasecretlyputapairofbluegundertheChristmastree 12 E paymentserviceisnowwidelyusedinourdlife 13 The2022WinterOlympicGameswilltakepinBeijingandZhangjiakou 14 Sarahfounditimpossibletocthispapercuttinginashorttime 15 Themachinecantsimplemessagesinto24differentlanguages 16 TheoldcarwaspinGermanyinthe1960s 17 Itstartedouttobeabeautifulday Then allofas itbecamecloudyandbegantorain 18 IhadmyfingercutwhenIdthewatermelonintopieces 19 Inthosedays bookswereproducedhand 20 Englishiswspokeninmanypartsoftheworld gloves daily place complete translate produced sudden divided by widely 连词成句21 was book the written LuXun by 22 was when invented the car 23 it they don tlike seems theidea that 24 Huangshan for is its known mountains 25 plays but not also writes only Mary music well ThebookwaswrittenbyLuXun Whenwasthecarinvented Itseemsthattheydon tliketheidea Huangshanisknownforitsmountains Marynotonlywritesmusicbutalsoplayswell


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