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河北专版 新课标 JJ 听课手册 第1课时Unit1 4 七上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 first really central feeling scarfs scarves funny colourful medical traditional player job better best me my mine myself forgot forgotten forgets forgetting remember differently difference same has had Canadian stomachache glasses waiter waitress havelessons playsports havefun have catchacold gowellwith goshopping seeadoctor stayhome inblackandwhite writedown takedown watchTV puton noproblem haveaheadache haveto be comefrom befullof show around apairof playwith abit everyday overthere bereadyfor acan bottleof beaway borrow from needtobuy isreadyfor blueskirt too for putson arewearingtraditional metrestall shortblond wearsglasses haveagoodrest You dbetter seeadoctor apairofshoes meetat showv 指示 带路 点拨 show作动词 意为 指示 给 看 带路 通常用于 showsb sth 或 showsth tosb 结构 意为 给某人看某物 在这两个短语中 sb 若是代词 则要用其宾格形式 Showyourbooktome Showmeyourbook 把你的书给我看看 搭配 show around带领 参观 showup露面 showoff炫耀 典例 1 Don tknowwhereyourkidsareinthehouse TurnofftheInternetandthey llquickly A getupB standupC showupD hurryup 2018 河南 Jackistellingeveryonehehasboughtanewcar Paynoattentiontohim Heisjust A takingoffB showingoffC drivingoffD settingoff 2 连词成句me show can you anotherpairofshoes C B Canyoushowmeanotherpairofshoes helpv n 帮助 点拨 help的用法 Heoftenhelpsme to studyEnglish HeoftenhelpsmewithmyEnglish 他经常帮助我学英语 Helpyourselftosomefish 随便吃些鱼肉吧 Withherhelp wefoundthelostchild 在她的帮助下 我们找到了失踪的小孩 拓展 helpful有帮助的 helpless无助的 典例 1 Helptosomedessertsandfruit JulieandMark Thankyou A youB yourC yourselfD yourselves 2 Couldyoupleasefixmyphone Sorry Theshopnextdoormaybe help D helpful 1 Dhelponeselfto意为 随意享用 Julie和Mark是两个人 所以用yourselves hurtv 伤害 疼痛 点拨 1 hurt作不及物动词 意为 身体 疼痛 通常由身体部位作主语 Herstomachhurts 她胃疼 2 hurt还可作及物动词 意为 使 身体 受伤 伤到 伤害感情 Mr Smithfallsandhurtshisrightleg 史密斯先生跌倒了 伤到了他的右腿 forgetv 忘记 点拨 forget为及物动词 意为 忘记 forget常用于两种结构 forgettodosth 与forgetdoingsth 拓展 1 forget的反义词为remember 其用法与forget相似 remembertodosth 记得去做某事rememberdoingsth 记得做过某事 2 表示 把某物落在某处 用 leavesth 地点 不用forget Ileftmykeyinmyroom soIcan tgetinnow 我把钥匙落在房间里了 所以现在进不去了 典例 I msorryImyexercisebookathomethismorning Itdoesn tmatter Don tforgetitherethisafternoon A left totakeB forgot bringingC left tobringD forgot tobring C apairof一双 一对 点拨 apairof后面接可数名词的复数形式 主要用于修饰成双成对或者由两部分构成的物品 表示 几对 几副 几双 时 要用 基数词 pairsof 结构 拓展 apair kind typeof 可数名词复数 作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式 当 基数词 pairs kinds typesof 可数名词复数 作主语时 谓语动词用复数形式 Apairofsunglassesislyingonthetable 桌上有一副太阳镜 Therearetwopairsofshoesunderthebed 床下有两双鞋 enoughadj adv 足够的 地 点拨 enough的用法 Thereisenoughfoodinthefridge Thereisfoodenoughinthefridge 冰箱里有足够的食物 Thebookisreallygoodenough 这本书真的足够好 Heisoldenoughtolookafterhimself 他足够大 可以照顾自己 巧学妙记 enough用法口诀 修饰名词很自由 可以置前也可后 若是修饰形或副 一定后置要记住 典例 1 2017 扬州改编 Mrs Whiteisgenerousenoughhersparetimeonourmathsproblems A tospendB spendC spendingD spent 2 2018 郴州改编 MayIbeallowedtochooseasummercourse It suptoyou You retomakeyourowndecision A toooldB enougholdC oldenoughD soold A C 1 Aenough后可以接动词不定式 意为 足够 可以 故选A needv n 需要 典例 2018 黄冈 MustIfinishreadingthebooktoday Mr Brown No you Youcanfinishitintwodays A needn tB mustn tC can tD couldn t A alittle little afew few 典例 1 2017 泰州 Hegotuptogetsomehotwaterbutfoundtherewasleftinthebottle A afewB fewC alittleD little 2 2017 重庆 Thephysicsproblemistoohard sostudentscanworkitout A littleB fewC alittleD afew D B 1 D根据前文不可数名词water可知 用little或alittle来指代 but引导的转折句意提示用little 表示否定意义 故选D 2 Bfew afew用来修饰可数名词复数 few表示否定意义 afew表示肯定意义 little alittle用来修饰不可数名词 little表示否定意义 alittle表示肯定意义 根据句意可知选B and or but so 典例 1 2018 绥化改编 Workhard you llcatchupwithyourclassmatesnexttime A andB orC butD so 2 2017 孝感 Becareful Don twalkonthegrass itwill cry A andB butC orD so A C MayIhaveabook Jenny 可以借给我一本书吗 詹妮 点拨 MayI 动词原形 其他 意为 我可以 吗 是向他人提出请求的句型 相当于CanI 典例 Mum IvisittheScienceMuseumtomorrow I mafraidyoucan t ItisclosedonMondays A mustB mayC shouldD need B You dbettergoandseeadoctor WangMei 王梅 你最好去看医生 点拨 You dbetter 意为 你最好 是表示对别人的劝告 建议或一种愿望的常用句型 You dbetternotgoout It ssodarkoutside 你最好别出去 外面很黑 注意 1 You dbetter中的You d是Youhad的缩写 hadbetter没有人称和时态的变化 且其后必须跟动词原形 2 其否定形式是hadbetternotdo 表示 最好不要 3 在反意疑问句中 疑问部分一般用had not 主语 典例 2018 天水 Youlookworried You dbetteryourproblemwithothers Oh yes aproblemislikecuttingitinhalf A share SharingB sharing ToshareC toshare ToshareD share Shared A Whatwouldyoulike Wouldyoulikesomethingtodrink 你想要点儿什么 你想要些喝的吗 点拨 句中的wouldlike意为 想要 相当于want 但比want语气更客气委婉 wouldlike可用于所有的人称 拓展 wouldlike的常见用法 1 wouldlike 名词或代词 意为 想要 Hewouldlikesomesoup 他想喝点儿汤 2 wouldlike todosth 意为 想要做某事 Wouldyouliketohavearest 你想休息一下吗 3 wouldlike sb todosth 意为 想让某人做某事 Iwouldlikeyoutohavesupperwithus 我想让你和我们一起吃晚饭 4 Wouldyoulikesth 你想要某物吗 肯定答语 Yes please 否定答语 No thanks 5 Wouldyouliketodosth 你愿意做某事吗 肯定答语 Yes I dlike loveto 否定答语 I dlike loveto but 典例 2018 云南 Wouldyoulikemoredumplings Harry I mfull A Yes pleaseB NowayC No thanksD Allright C 根据句意或首字母提示填空1 You resuretohavefatthepartytonight 2 IwokeuplatetodaysoIhadtohurrytogetrforschool 3 DrinkingteaisatcustominChina 4 Don tftobringyourhomeworktoschoolnextweek 5 Thescientisthasfailedinthetestmanytimes henevergivesup fun ready traditional forget but 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Theboygotthe one placeinthesingingcompetition 2 There resome different betweenthem 3 Kate becarefulwiththeknife oryoumayhurt you 4 Thegirlwhohaslonghairandwears glass isEmily 5 WhenIfeelthirsty heoften pass meaglassofwater first differences yourself glasses passes 连词成句1 all of thereare food kinds 2 my food favourite is meat 3 eating junkfood people many like 4 it health is people s bad for 5 everyone healthy eat needs food to Thereareallkindsoffood Myfavouritefoodismeat Meatismyfavouritefood Manypeoplelikeeatingjunkfood Itisbadforpeople shealth Everyoneneedstoeathealthyfood


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