七年级下册Unit 7 Its raining! 单元测试卷D卷.doc

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七年级下册Unit 7 Its raining! 单元测试卷D卷一、 听下面5个句子,根据所听内容,选择与之相符的图片。 (共1题;共5分)1. (5分)听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片_ _二、 听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。 (共5题;共10分)2. (2分)How many lessons does John have on Monday? A . 5.B . 6.C . 7.3. (2分)How does the boy study for the English exam? A . By studying with a group.B . By asking his teacher questions.C . By remembering all the words.4. (2分)What is the girls advice? A . No one succeeds overnight.B . Everyone can get high grades in the exam.C . People can learn something from the mistakes.5. (2分)Who is a volleyball star? A . Lucys grandpa.B . Lucys dad.C . Lucy.6. (2分)Whats the boy doing? A . Reading.B . Eating.C . Calling.三、 听短文,完成下面的表格。短文听两遍。 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)听短文,回答问题 (1)Who has some problems? A . Jenny.B . Mary.C . Lucy.(2)What is the girl worried about? A . Her homework.B . Her father.C . Her exams.(3)Can she eat well? A . Yes, she can.B . No, she cant.C . She eats well.(4)What is Jennys advice? A . Listen to some soft music.B . Go for a walk.C . Eat two meals every day.(5)Why does Jenny tell her not to drink coffee or tea? A . Because she isnt thirsty.B . Because she wont be able to sleep.C . Because she cant relax.四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)8. (2分) Hello! _ May I speak to Lily? Sorry, Lily isnt in now.A . Im Mike.B . This is Mike.C . That is Mike.D . Who are you?9. (2分)Dad, this is my friend, Dick. _.A . Thank youB . OKC . Nice to meet youD . You are welcome10. (2分)(2017鄂州)He didnt go to school late yesterday, did he?_, though it rained hard yesterday.A . No, he didntB . Yes, he didntC . Yes, he didD . No, he did11. (2分)Is there _ good news in todays newspaper?No. Nothing special.A . noB . someC . anyD . every12. (2分)He made the baby _.A . cryingB . to cryC . cry13. (2分)(2015.沈阳)Hello,Joyce,you are busy.Can I give you a hand?Thanks very much, _ I can manage.A . andB . orC . soD . but14. (2分)The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.A . lentB . offeredC . tookD . brought15. (2分)Remember _ the book to the library when you finish _ it.A . to return; to readB . returning; readingC . to return; readingD . returning; to read16. (2分)After the clothes were dry outside, she them and put them in her suitcase.A . threwB . soldC . foldedD . bought17. (2分)Youre in a hurry. Where are you going? To the cinema. Sue _ for me outside.A . waitsB . waitedC . is waitingD . was waiting五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)完形填空Hello! My name is John Smith. John is my 1name. Here are two nice 2of my family. 3parents are Betty and Alan. They4in the first photo. 5is the girl in it? She is my sister. In the next photo is my 6Kate. The two boys are Bob and Tom.7are in the PEP Middle School. My phone 8is 0297630286. Look! 9are my dogs Sandy and Cindy. They are my 10. What color are they? They are white.(1)A . first B . middle C . last D . family (2)A . maps B . jackets C . photos D . rulers (3)A . Her B . Your C . His D . My (4)A . am B . is C . are D . isnt (5)A . Who B . What C . How D . Whats (6)A . mother B . brother C . father D . cousin (7)A . She B . They C . He D . I (8)A . number B . picture C . color D . name (9)A . This B . Those C . It D . That (10)A . friends B . keys C . pictures D . schools 六、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共25分)19. (10分)阅读B篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑.When people talk to each other, write letters or make phone calls, words of the spoken form or the written form can send any message they want to pass on.But besides words, do you know any other ways you can use to communicate with people? Rich expressions on your face can be one of them. A smile on your face shows that you are happy. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad or excited. Body languages can do the same job. When you put your hand up in class, the teacher knows that you want to say something or you may have some questions to ask. You shake your head from side to side and people know you are saying no or refuse others requirements. When you nod, people will understand that you are saying yes or agree to others opinions or suggestions.Other forms can also carry different message. For example, a sign at the bus stop gives passengers instructions on which bus to take. The flag language made by soldiers can pass different orders. Sound from the school bell tells the students and the teachers when to begin or end a class. A photographer can use the photos he has taken to tell others about what he thinks of the world around him. Music and films also convey the feelings and ideas of the musicians and the directors. So next time when you see a piece of art or listen to some music, take it as communication with its creator and try to get the meaning behind it.(1)When people want to use the words to communicate with others, they .A . write lettersB . cry aloudC . keep silentD . make friends(2)According to the passage you just need to if you agree to others suggestions.A . close your eyesB . put up your handC . move your head up and downD . shake your head from side to side(3)Through a photo we may know .A . which can be takenB . Whats the orders mean for soldiersC . How the photographer sees the worldD . when the students should have a class(4)The underline world convey probably means in the passage.A . 掩饰B . 传递C . 克制D . 爆发(5)The best title for the passage may be . A . Spoken and Written LanguagesB . Forms of CommunicationC . Facial Expressions and GesturesD . Suggestions on Communication.20. (15分)阅读下面的短文并用英语回答问题,并将答案写在答题卷上标有题号的横线上。(an extract from Stuart Little)When Mrs. Frederick C. Littles second son arrived, everybody noticed that he was not much bigger than a mouse. The truth of the matter was, the baby looked very much like a mouse in every way. He was only about two inches high; and he had a mouses sharp nose, a mouses tail, a mouses whiskers(胡须),and the pleasant, shy manner of a mouse. Before he was many days old he was not only looking like a mouse but acting like one, too-wearing a gray hat and carrying a small cane(手杖).Mr. and Mrs. Little named him Stuart, and Mr. Little made him a tiny bed.Unlike most babies, Stuart could walk as soon as he was born. Mrs. Little saw right that the baby clothes she had provided were unsuitable, and she set to work and made him a fine little blue suit. Every morning, before Stuart dressed. Mrs. Little went into his room and weighed him on a small scale(称)which was really used for weighing letters. At birth Stuart could have been sent by first class mail, but his parents preferred to keep him rather than send him away. At the age of a month, he had gained only a third of an ounce(盎司), his mother was so worried that she sent for the doctor.The doctor was happy with Stuart and said that it was very unusual for an American family to have a mouse. He took Stuarts temperature and found that it was 98.6, which is normal for a mouse. Everything seemed to be all right, and Mrs. Little was pleased to get such a good report.Feed him up! said the doctor cheerfully, as he left.The home of the Little family was a pleasant place near a park in New York City. In the mornings, the Littles were up early as a general rule. Stuart was a great help to his parents, and to his old brother, because of his small size and because he could do things that a mouse can do and was willing to do them.(1)What did Stuart Little look like? (2)Why did Mrs. Little send for a doctor? (3)Do you want to have a brother like Stuart Little? Why or why not? 七、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (共5题;共24分)21. (2分)那个问题太难了,以至于没有人能够回答它The question was _difficult_no one could answer it22. (10分)短语翻译。被允许干某事_允许干某事_驾照_ 回嘴,顶嘴_自己做决定_ 妨碍_避免接近;远离_熬夜_全神贯注于_ 对感到兴奋_23. (5分)那位老师阻止了学生们在草地上玩耍。(stop sb from doing sth) 24. (5分)看, 她买了条多么漂亮的裙子呀! 25. (2分)在新学期的开始,我给自己制订了一个学习计划。I made a study plan for myself at the _ _ the new term.八、 从方框内选词并用其适当形式完成短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。but, favorite, want, about, hamburger, and, like, often, I, visitDear Han Mei,Thank you for your letter. I _ China very much. And I _ to go to China with my parents. We want _Beijing. I know something_China from your letters._. I dont know much about Chinese food. Could you tell _something about it?I like _ and fish very much. You tell me you_eat rice, vegetables and chicken. And your_ food is jioazi. What kind of food _ drink can I have in China? Please tell me.九、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)你校将于下周五举办学校文化节,你是活动的组织者,请你请根据下面的表格提示并适当发挥,用英语给大家介绍一下当天的活动。注意:词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数) 俱乐部名称目的和意义当天的活动volunteer Club学会给予和分享为有需要帮助的同学筹款Traditional Skills Club了解中国传统文化学做剪纸Cartoon Club学会欣赏动画请你补充一点活动你的感想第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 听下面5个句子,根据所听内容,选择与之相符的图片。 (共1题;共5分)1-1、二、 听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。 (共5题;共10分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、三、 听短文,完成下面的表格。短文听两遍。 (共1题;共10分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)18-1、六、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共25分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、七、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (共5题;共24分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、八、 从方框内选词并用其适当形式完成短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)26-1、九、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)27-1、


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