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外研版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):任务型阅读A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 任务型阅读 (共10题;共50分)1. (5分)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。 A. They live in the forest.B. I must finish my homework first.C. you can go with your family.D. I come from, Rizhao Shandong.E. Where do they live?F And I know a baby lion was born(出生)there last Friday.My name is He Min._I think the best place to visit on weekends is the zoo. When you are free,_In the zoo, there are many animals like pandas, koalas, elephants and lions. Elephants are the biggest(最大的) animals on land(陆地上). Lions come from Africa._I want to see lions._Sally wants to go with me this weekend. But I have lots of homework to do._Then we can have a good time there2. (5分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Hi, Im Wang Li. Today my father buys a new computer for me. It has a keyboard, a screen, a mouse and a printer. I am very happy because I can download(下载) some things from the Internet and print my homework. Do you know how to do your homework on the computer? Let me tell you! First, turn on the computer. Next, click the mouse on new document. Then, write your homework in the new document.Of course, I can play computer games on Saturdays and Sundays. I love the computer. What about you, my friend?(1)Who buys a computer for Wang Li?(不超过2个词) (2)Does Wang Li know how to use the computer?(不超过3个词) (3)What can Wang Li use the computer to do?(不超过8个词) 3. (5分)阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 We all believe we listen well and yet many times we feel others are not listening to us. However, listening goes in both directions - you may believe you are listening well, but how often have you completely forgotten what was said to you? _Make eye contact._When people talk, they put out visual clues that add to the conversation and meaning of their word.Stop talking.You cant listen, talk and at the same time completely receive the meaning of the other persons words._React without words.Let the other person know you are listening through physical reactions, such as head nods, smiles, frowns and eye contact. _Behave as an effective listener. The more you continue to behave as a listener, the more you will be an effective listener.A. Act as a listener.B. Make eye contact with the person who is talking to you.C. There are a few ways to become a more effective listener.D. Wait your turn and take in what has been said to you before you make a reply.E. These may also help to let the speaker know whether you are fully understanding his words.4. (5分)补全对话 Millie:Hello, Peter. Youre at home. Peter:Yes. Please come in. Millie:_Peter:Oh, no. Its too cold outside. I dont want to go out. _Millie:Dont stay at home. Its good to exercise on the cold day. Peter:Youre right. _Millie:Would you like to play tennis?Peter:Sorry, I cant play it. Millie:_Peter:I think its boring (无聊的). Millie:_Peter:Let me think. Oh, I can only play football. Millie:OK. Lets play it. A. Then whats your favourite sport?B. I dont like the cold weather. C. What about running?D. I dont know how to play. E. Shall we go out to do some sports?F. What do you like to do?G. But what sport can we do?5. (5分)用方框中所给的选项补全对话 (Jack and Tom are talking at break.)Jack: Hi, Tom.Tom: Hi, Jack. _Jack: Im reading an article about Kobe Bryant. You know he has left NBA because of age and injuries.Tom: _His leaving made all his fans sad, including me. He is one of the greatest players in NBA.Jack: Thats true. He has won five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals.Tom: He is a real basketball hero. _Jack: Yes. He often started to practise as early as 5 am. Tom: He has a real love for basketball. We should do things like him.Jack: _ Nobody can succeed easily unless he works hard.Tom: Bryant can have some time to relax now.Jack: Youre right. Oh, its time for class. _ Bye.Tom: Me too. Bye.A. What a pity! B. I quite agree.C. Its a pleasure.D. Nice talking with you.E. What are you reading?F. How long did he practise every day?G. Do you know how hard he was working?6. (5分)用方框中所给的选项补全对话 Z: Hi, Li Guifeng. Nice to see you!L: Hi, Zhang Xuede. Nice to see you too.Z: _L: Oh, yes.Z: Really? Congratulations! What is it?L: Its a machine.Z: _L: It is used for doing some housework.Z: It sounds like a robot,L: Youre right, but it is very simple.Z: I know you are interested in robots. _L: No. Robots can do a lot of work instead of people in many ways, but people wouldnt be replaced by robots,Z: I think so._L: Yes. 1 believe that robots will be cheaper and every family will have a robot in the future.Z: _A. Will robots be the same as people?B. What is it used for?C. I hope your dream will come true soon.D. I hear that you have won a prize for your invention.E. But robots really can help people do lots of boring and dangerous work.F. Who was it invented by?G. Why do you think it is useful?7. (5分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。 A. Can you swim?B. Where does your father work? C. Nice to meet you. D. Sorry, I can only speak a little Chinese. E. You can play football. F. What about your mother? G. Is your mother a worker? Mr. Li: Please welcome Betty to our class. She is from London. Betty: Hello! _Wang Lin: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Wang Lin. Can you speak Chinese, Betty? Betty: _But I can speak English well. Wang Lin: I speak Chinese very well and I can teach you. _Betty: No, I can not swim. My father can swim. Wang Lin: _Betty: My father works in a factory. He is an excellent worker. Wang Lin: My father is a worker, too. Betty: Really? _Wang Lin: She is a manager in a hotel. 8. (5分)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出最佳选项补全对话。 John: Hello! Is that Mike speaking?Mike: _John: Mike, do you enjoy your new school?Mike: Yes, very much. But things are quite different here.John: Really? _Mike: Yes, I go to school every day. But on Friday afternoon we do a lot of activities in the school clubs.John: Sounds great!_Mike: Seven subjects. They are English, math, history, science, physics, art and P.E.John: _Mike: I like math best. My math teacher says I am doing well in it.John: _A. Yes, this is Mike speaking.B. Well done!C. Do you go to school every day?D. What is your favorite subject?E. How many subjects do your have?9. (5分)根据短文内容,从所给的选项中选出最佳选项补全对话。 A. I plan to go to Africa next summer holiday.B. Will you travel somewhere interesting?C. Where do you come from?D. Is Chinese very difficult?E. Im OK.F. Travelling is very expensive.G. No problem.A: Hello, Bob! How is going?B: Hello, Kate! _ And you?A: Very well. Whats your plan for the summer holiday?B: I had a Chinese course last year, and Id like to go on with it this summer holiday.A: _B: Yes, it seemed difficult at first, but after a while it became easier.A: You were the best in class, right?B: Yes, I did get an A. Well, could you tell me your plan? _A: No, not this summer holiday. _B: That must be very interesting. Can I go with you?A: _ Oh, there comes the bus! Goodbye!B: Bye!10. (5分)补全对话。A:Hey,Dahai! _B:Im getting things ready for my tripA:Oh? _B:To Jiangsu.A: _B:For about a weekA: _B:Next TuesdayA:Ohthe weather will be hot in Jiangsu next weekB: _A:You should take some light clothesB:Youre rightAWhere are you going?BWhat should I take then?CWhen are you leaving?DWhat are you doing?EHow long are you going to stay there?第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 任务型阅读 (共10题;共50分)1-1、2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、


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