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2019年八年级上学期英语期中测试试卷A卷一、 单项选择。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)Everything changed_ quickly that I hardly had time to prepare. A . soB . suchC . veryD . quite2. (2分)- It is important to keep yourself when you decide to help others.- But actually we dont have time to think before we take action.A . safe; muchB . safety; someC . safe; many3. (2分)My uncle is in Beijing now. He lives in the countryside _ works in the city during the week.Oh, he must be tired.A . orB . andC . butD . so4. (2分)Good news! China won a gold at PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games._, we won six silvers.A . MoreoverB . HoweverC . InsteadD . Otherwise5. (2分)Frank is _ friendly than his brother. A . a little moreB . a few moreC . muchD . a little二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)完形填空Although the ability to talk with others comes naturally to some, it is a skill that most of us must develop. With a little 1even shy people can learn to feel comfortable speaking with anyone.Speak2and listen more. People love to speak about themselves. In social situations, be sure3others about their interests, work, opinions, etc. This will take the focus away from you. A side benefit of it is that you will be viewed as a great conversationalist(健谈的人), though youve said little or 4!Develop your sense of humor. Begin taking notes of the things 5make you laugh. Pay attention to what others find humorous. You dont have to be a great storyteller in order to make others laugh. As a side benefit, it lets your listeners6you dont take yourself too seriously.Know about present events. Even with limited time, you can have a knowledge of 7happening in the world. Pay for a weekly news magazine or8read the heading(标题) of a daily paper. You can even catch the news online these days.Keep your own opinions short. No one is9in hearing you talk too much about your own ideas or achievements. Being brief(简洁的) goes a long way in social situations.In sum(总之),10a good listener is half the battle. Having fresh information to share it with a sense of humor is the other.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(1)A . effort B . effect C . affect (2)A . more B . less C . little (3)A . ask B . asking C . to ask (4)A . anything B . nothing C . everything (5)A . that B . when C . where (6)A . know B . knew C . known (7)A . what B . thats C . whats (8)A . at most B . at least C . at once (9)A . interested B . interesting C . bored (10)A . be B . being C . doing 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)7. (10分)阅读理解This afternoon, when I was looking for a self-improvement(自我修养) book, I found an aged folder(文件夹).In this folder, there were some of the examination papers Id taken during my pre-university days. They were on economics(经济学), a subject that I didnt really like much then.I laughed at the silly mistakes I made as I looked through the papers. And memories of the past came to my mind. I saw myself sitting at one of the study tables, working hard for some of my life goals. Back then, it was popular for most students to set life goals, because they thought it was most important.It was during those times that I first started to set goals for myself. I didnt know much about goal setting then. I didnt use any goal tracking(跟踪) tools, either. All I knew was that I had to go to university. There was no other way that I could give myself. To go through my lecture(演讲) notes, I didnt take breaks. For more revision with my classmates, I stayed back late. One time, I missed the school lock-out hours and I had to climb school gates in order to leave. It was perhaps this attitude(态度) that ignited my decision to go through what I had to do to get this far.Yes, it may have been hard. But the sweet taste of victory experienced at the point of receiving my final results was so wonderful that I would never forget it for the rest of my life.I closed the folder and dropped it into the dustbin(垃圾箱) in the room. Its time to get kicking with my next goal. And by writing this, I know Im getting closer.(1)When the author(作者)looked through the papers in the folder, he . A . looked for a self-improvement bookB . laughed at the silly mistakes he madeC . dropped it into the dustbin right awayD . sat at the table and set life goals again(2)When the author first started to get goals for himself, he . A . didnt need to enter universityB . didnt use any goal tracking toolsC . was sure that he would win the victoryD . learned a lot from a self-improvement book(3)Why did the author stay back late after school? A . To be prepared to enter university.B . To learn more about goal setting.C . To make his teacher pay attention to him.D . To get the chance of climbing school gates.(4)The underlined word “ignited” means in the passage. A . reduced(减少)B . balanced(平衡)C . questionedD . raised(5)What can we learn about the author from the last paragraph? A . He regularly(规律地) tidies his room.B . Hes not quite good at goal settingC . He is ready for the next goal.D . He hated those papers in the folder.8. (8分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DHow old is old? The answer has changed over the years. Two Hundred years ago, you were old at 35. At the beginning of the 20th century, the average life span(平均寿命) was 45. In 1950, 70-year-olds were really old. Today, a healthy 70-year-old is still thought young.So, how old is old? The answer is one youve heard many times, from all kinds of people. You are as old (or young) as you feel. Your age simply tells you how many years you have lived. Your body tells you how well youve lived.Nobody grows old by living a number of years, Wrote a writer. People grow old when they dont have their ideals(理想). People shouldnt have the wrong ideas about aging. Sometimes, older minds can be as bright as young minds. Alice Brophy once said, It makes me unhappy when people say, You look young for your age. What does that mean? You know you can die old at 30 and live young at 80.(1)About 100 years ago, the average life span was _. A . 35B . 45C . 70D . 80(2)The meaning of the word aging is _. A . growing oldB . staying youngC . keeping healthyD . feeling unhappy(3)According to the passage, which of the following is true? A . Old people are not as bright at young people.B . All older people are healthy and strong.C . Aging does not mean you become unhealthy.D . Most older people are unhealthy and poor.(4)The passage is mainly(主要地) about _. A . the average life spanB . agingC . the 20th centuryD . older people and young people9. (10分)阅读理解Three Things to Do Before You Are 18Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because after that its too late.Learn to swimSeriously, this is so important that it can save your life. If you cant swim well, you wont be able to do water sports like waterskiing, surfing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you. Make sure you do it.Try at least one kind of team sportsBeing a good team player is an important skill in life. You cant just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages(优点) of team sports like baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and they are also great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too- youll go to lots of parties and make many friends.Collect somethingOne of the best hobbies for boys and girls under 18 is collecting things. You could collect kinds of stamps, or you could collect things that make you remember what you have done, like cinema tickets for films you have seen or emails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album(专辑) to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you wont forget.根据短文内容选择最佳答案(1)The most important reason for learning to swim is that_. A . it can save your life.B . it can make you healthyC . you might easily do lots of thingsD . it can make you happy(2)“A good social life” in the passage means_. A . youll study in groupsB . youll go to the parties and make many friendsC . youll take part in many matchesD . youll work in the society(3)The writer tells us that one of the best hobbies for boys and girls under 18 is to_ A . collect somethingB . do some water sportsC . send emails to your friendsD . camp out in the garden(4)What kind of collection is not mentioned(提及)in the passage? A . stampsB . cinema ticketsC . snowballsD . emails(5)The passage is mainly about _ before you are 18. A . good habits to keepB . skills to haveC . things to doD . sports to have10. (8分)阅读下列短文, 请从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(D)Children today stay indoors most of their time. They watch TV, play computer games and, in some cases (情况), even do their homework. Figures show that todays youngsters (年轻人) stay outside for just over an hour each weekday, and fewer than five hours on Saturdays and Sundays.It also shows that 58 percent of parents wish their children to play outdoors more often, and they seriously worry their child doesnt spend enough time playing outdoors.In fact, playing outdoors is so important for childrennot only to help them stay active and healthy, but also to communicate (交流) with friends, and make those colorful childhood (童年) which we look back on so warmly.And because they dont go out, they dont know their own communities as well as their parents did, they dont have as many friends in the area and they dont have the same chances for fun as their parents did.(1)How long do todays children play outdoors on each weekday according to the study? A . Just over one hour.B . More than two hours.C . About five hours.D . About nine hours.(2)What does the underlined word figure mean in Chinese in this passage? A . 人物B . 档案C . 数据D . 轮廓(3)How many percent of the parents want their children to play outdoors more often? A . None of them.B . 85% of them.C . 58% of them.D . All of them.(4)What does the passage mainly tell us? A . Children today have more outdoor activities.B . Its helpful for children today to play outdoors often.C . Children today dont know what to play.D . For parents, they should give the children free time.四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共20分)11. (10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。easy, think, family, I, try, class, same, know, worry, howI lived a quiet life with my mom, dad and two sisters But one day my dad told me something and my life started to be different - We would move to a new town. I _for months about starting a new school.On the first day of school, I walked into my new classroom and _very hard not to look scared. But it wasnt _when twenty-eight students looked at me. They all looked so cool. Mr. Bernstein introduced (把介绍给) me to the _and asked me to sit in the back of the room, next to another .girl. Her name was Janet. What is she like? Does she like sitting with me? I_After class, it was lunchtime. I walked to the dining hall with Janet. We sat at the _table. We ate and asked each other questions. Sisters? We both (两个都) had two, and we were both the youngest (最年轻的) in the _Home? We lived quite near. It was only fifteen minutes walk from her home to _. We had more smiles (微笑) on our faces when we got to _more about each other.At the end of the day, my morn asked me _it was going at school. I cant wait for the second day to come, I said. I knew it would be a good year for me.12. (10分)根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,在空白处填入单词的正确形式。每空一词。Lionel Andres Messi is one of the _(伟大的) football stars in the world. Messi was _(出生) in Rosario Argentina on June 24,1987. His father was a worker and mother was a part-time cleaner. He has two brothers and a sister. At the age of five, Messi started _(踢) football for a club. He _(训练) seven hours or more each day. He was full of energy and ran fast. He soon _(展现)his talent in playing football.Messi never gives up even if he meets difficulties. In 2006, he_(受伤) his foot badly, but he came back three months _(以后) and scored three goals in a match against Real Madrid. His fans all stood up and cheered for _(他). When asked the secret of his success,Messi said, “I am always _(工作)hard to be my best, for my team, for my fans and to try and _(赢). Playing football is part of my life.五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)13. (1分)The Sun is about 1,300,000_(time) larger than the Earth. 六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分) You have probably heard it before, most likely from your English teacher. If you want to become a good writer, read good writing. Unluckily, you may not have understood what did good to you and even what you were supposed to get from that experience.As you start reading a book, poem, or story, do so with no thought at all and the experience will improve your writing. you may not have understood what did good to you and even what you were supposed to get from that experience. Or to learn. As you progress through the work, think about whether it is “easy” reading or not. Do you become so interested in the subject and flow of the writing that you completely forget the person who wrote it, or does the composition sometimes call too much attention to itself through words and phrases that seem out of place or unexpected? The second situation is a chance to learn from the writers mistakes. In fact, the reader should not have to worry about how a writer does “his thing” . he should be able to just enjoy and learn. Every time a word strikes you as poorly chosen, stop to consider why it has this effect. Also, do not spend a lot of time analyzing (分析) the passage but put more efforts in enjoying it from the whole.Another thing I do, particularly with nonfiction (非小说) books, is to select a part to read as if it is a completely separate work. Once again, read as a common reader rather than a critic (批评家). For learning how words and phrases work together on the most basic level, however, nothing is more suitable than devoting yourself to reading poems. A poet is often trying to put a books worth of meaning and feelings into lines, and every side of the work shows a very close attention to craft (工艺).As you can see, there is no simple way of reading to improve your writing. The key is not to make it boring. Select writers you admire or like most, and enjoy their works as anyone else would. As long as you are reading, you are improving yourself as a writer.Improving Your Writing by ReadingFactsReading good writing _you become a good writer.You dont understand the_of reading and what to get from reading.WaysRead not to learn but for _.1) Develop a great _in the subject and flow of the writing.2) Learn from the writers _if possible.3) _shouldnt be spent in analyzing the passage but in enjoying the passage from the whole.Read as a common consumer rather than a critic._yourself to reading poems and enjoy the lines.ConclusionsDont make yourself _with reading.Select your _writers and enjoy their works.You are sure to make_during reading.七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)你擅长体育运动吗?假如你想竞选你班里的体育委员,请说明你当体育委员的理由。句首已给出,不计入词数。提示:1.竞选的理由;2.你的爱好及特长;3.你能为班级带来什么。要求:不少于60词。I want to第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)6-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共20分)11-1、12-1、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)13-1、六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)14-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)15-1、


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