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沪教版2020年九年级英语毕业模拟考试试卷(四)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The bottle is full _water. Who has filled it _water? A . of; withB . with; ofC . with; withD . of; of2. (2分)Last Sunday Amy a lot of beautiful pictures in Sunshine Park. A . will takeB . takesC . tookD . is taking3. (2分) What do you usually do in the morning?I often practice_English.A . speakB . to speakC . speaking4. (2分) A number of people _ killed by the terrorists at the Urumqi train station. _ terrible it is!A . were; HowB . was; HowC . were; WhatD . was; What5. (2分)Danny _ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.A . worksB . is workingC . has workedD . worked6. (2分)Please call Gina _ 463-8759. A . atB . forC . inD . of7. (2分)Im a Singer is _ an interesting TV show _ many people like watching it. A . so; thatB . such; thatC . so; asD . such; as8. (2分)David is very busy. He moves _furniture to peoples new flat every day. A . muchB . manyC . fewD . little9. (2分)Running man is a very relaxing TV program is hot among the young people A . whatB . whichC . whoD . whom10. (2分)We outside the school gate tomorrow. A . is going to meetB . meetC . are going to meetD . will to meet11. (2分)Thank you for _ my grandpa when I was away. A . looking afterB . look overC . looking atD . look for12. (2分)When Tom got to the examination room, he realized he _ his pen at home.A . was leavingB . had leftC . forgotD . was forgetting13. (2分)What did the physics teacher say just now?She said light _much faster than soundA . traveledB . travelsC . is travelingD . was traveling14. (2分)that basketball was invented in 1891.A . It believesB . It is believeC . It is believedD . It was believe15. (2分)It will be 2 years _ we see each other again.A . afterB . beforeC . ifD . though二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Arnold Pointer, a professional fisherman from the south of Australia, set free (释放) a big female white shark that was 1in his large fishing nets. He thought she would have more and more babies. But now the fisherman is facing a(n) 2problem. The white shark is so 3to him that for nearly 2 years she hasnt left him 4. She even follows him everywhere. 5this, Arnold Pointer cant do fishing all the fishes are scared at her, and he doesnt know 6to do anymore.It is hard to drive away such an almost 17-feet-long shark for Arnold Pointer. We all know the white sharks are protected7the wildlife conservation. At the same time, some special feeling has been 8between Arnold and “Cindy”, the name the fisherman has given the white shark.Arnold says, “Every time I stop the boat, she always comes to me, turns on her back and lets me pet (抚摸) her body and neck. She sings, turns her eyes, and moves her fins (鳍) up and down, hits the water9.”Cindy is 10an interesting animal that Arnold has to try to go fishing in different places. Doesnt Cindy know what her action means? Maybe she really doesnt understand.(1)A . built B . caught C . killed D . invented (2)A . strange B . exciting C . happy D . serious (3)A . thankful B . useful C . careful D . wonderful (4)A . alive B . aloud C . alone D . asleep (5)A . For instance B . Instead of C . Such as D . Because of (6)A . how B . when C . what D . why (7)A . up B . on C . by D . down (8)A . established B . achieved C . expected D . increased (9)A . sadly B . normally C . luckily D . happily (10)A . so B . such C . too D . much 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 If you want to study an interesting subject this summer, and improve your English at the same time, Highbury College is offering three very good courses. The first one is English Literature, and it mainly talks about writers in the 1900s. The second one is British Culture, and teachers will take students to some museums. The third one is Modem Architecture, and students can visit some of the citys most famous buildings.All the courses begin on 14 June and end on 12 July. Classes are from 9: 00 a. m. to 3: 30 p. m., so you have enough time for other activities in the long summer evenings. Fridays are free for you to have a rest because there are lessons on Saturdays and Sundays too.The price of each course is25. The price includes your accommodations (住宿) at the college, all books, all meals and full use of the library. But if you need to take the school bus, you need to buy tickets yourself.All the courses are for beginners, so dont worry if you know little about these courses. Come to join us, and Im sure you will have an enjoyable summer!(1)How many summer courses does Highbury College offer? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(2)Students dont have summer classes on _. A . ThursdaysB . FridaysC . SaturdaysD . Sundays(3)The price of a summer course includes _. books mealsuse of the library use of the school busA . B . C . D . (4)If Peter chooses Modern Architecture, he _. A . can visit some museumsB . will have classes in the eveningC . will take classes on 14 JuneD . needs to learn something about it before the class begins(5)The writer writes this passage to _. A . tell why summer courses are popularB . describe the history of Highbury CollegeC . show what students of Highbury College do in summerD . ask students to take summer courses of Highbury College18. (10分) Sam Higgins was a famous photographer. He travelled all over the world, taking photos for magazines and newspapers. He had photographs of earthquakes, forest fires, floods, even wars. If something interesting happened, Sam went to photograph it. His photographs won many prizes and he earned a lot of money.He was a married man and his wife often asked him to take her with him, but he always refused. “I travel for work, not for pleasure,” he told her. “You wont enjoy yourself, and I wont have time to look after you. Sometimes theres not even anywhere to stay and I have to sleep outside. I often dont have a good meal or a bath for days. You wont like it”“Sam, Im not a child,” his wife argued. “I can look after myself. Please, take me with you next time you go overseas.”Sam did not say anything but he thought about it, and when he was asked to go to Africa he said, “You can come to Africa with me if you want to. Ive got to take photographs of the wildlife there. It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable. Well be staying with a ranger(森林管理员) ”His wife was very excited, and at first she had a very enjoyable time.Then one day, Sam went off to find some lions to photograph. His wife went with him, but before long they became separated(分开). They came to a fork on the way, and she walked down one way while he walked down the other. Then Sam heard her screaming. He ran back to the fork on the way and saw her running forward him. A huge lion was chasing her. Quickly Sam took out his camera and pointed it at his wife and the lion. Then he shouted, “Slow down, woman. I cant get you both in the picture.”(1)Sam Higgins made his money by .A . travellingB . appearing in many magazinesC . taking photos(2)He never took his wife with him because .A . he thought she didnt enjoy it.B . his wife refused to go with himC . he thought his work was dangerous.(3)When Sam ran back and saw his wife, he .A . tried to save herB . was too frighten to save herC . wanted to take a wondul picture.(4)What does “fork” mean in this passage ?A . a place where a road divides into two partsB . a tool used for digging(挖) the groundC . an instrument used for lifting food to the mouth.(5)We can infer(推断) that .A . Sam was crazy about photographyB . Sam didnt love his wife at allC . Sams wife was very beautiful19. (10分)阅读理解Visiting Mineral City!Mineral City is an interesting place to visit. It is a beautiful little town with many old buildings.Take a walk through the center of the town on Main Street. Look first at the Mineral City Hotel. It is on the corner of Main Street and Glenn Avenue. It is about 150 years old and people will stay there. There is an interesting old building across the street from the hotel. This was a post office. Now it is a store for books and videos. There are many places to eat on Main Street. You can get lunch or dinner in one of these places. There is a park between Main Street and Oak Street. You can sit on a bench(长凳)in the park. It is nice and quiet, and you can enjoy the trees and flowers.You can also take a walk down Glenn Avenue. Look at the old buildings and interesting little stores on this street.(1)Mineral City is _. A . a big cityB . a busy cityC . a beautiful townD . an old building(2)The store for books and videos is _. A . across the street from the hotelB . on the corner of Oak StreetC . on Glenn AvenueD . behind the park(3)There is a _ park between Main Street and Oak Street. A . beautiful and oldB . nice and quietC . busy and dirtyD . big and interesting(4)There are some_ on Glenn Avenue. A . hotelsB . post officeC . new buildings and quiet parksD . old buildings and interesting little stores(5)Which is NOT true? A . The Mineral City Hotel is on the corner of Main Street and Glenn Avenue.B . The Mineral City Hotel is about 150 years old.C . There are many places to eat on Main Street.D . The Mineral City Hotel is a beautiful and new building.四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共5题;共14分)20. (1分)Mary, I want to put some_(sugar) in the tea. 21. (1分)Little Tom ate at_ (little) 4 ice creams, and soon he felt terrible. 22. (10分)短文填空,根据上下文意思填入所缺单词。This weekend is Tims _(nine) birthday, he asked his father to buy him _new ipad. But this worries Tims father much, can Tim use the ipad _(correct)? Will it be a good or bad present for the little boy?We all know that the computer is a great _(invent) in the world, it is very _(use) for peoples life. Its interesting for people _watch movies or play games with ipads or computers. Now _(million) of people are using it every day._it also may be bad to young people in some ways. Some children are very _(interest) in playing games or reading books, it may hurt _(they) eyes and make their study worse. All the parents hope their children can find better ways of using it.23. (1分)It is _of my mother to lose her purse on the way to the market.(happy) 24. (1分)I was too _(embarrass) to admit that I was scared. 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)阅读短文,从方框中选择单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词,每词只能用一次。 busy family playing but showDear Grace,Here is a photo of my _. We are all at home now. And we are all _. What are my grandparents doing? Oh, my grandfather is _chess. My grandmother is reading a newspaper. And my father is watching CCTV news. It is his favorite _. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. What am I doing? Im using the computer, _Im not playing computer games. Haha, I am writing an e-mail to you.Molly六、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。clever be choose do old you like write success healthWhen you get up in the morning, do you find it hard to _ what clothes to wear?If so, you probably need help to make the bigger choices in your life, like what to do when youre _.Brave New Girls, _ by an American author Jeanette Gadeberg, will help you make such choices. To make them, it says, you must be a brave new girl. A brave new girl is the one whos confident, _ and happy. A brave new girl can realize her dream.To be brave, you need to make decisions by _. Other people may tell you what to do, but you should not listen to them. You should only do what you want.If you always wear clothes _ your favorite TV star, for example, you should stop _ so. Instead, you should become your own star and wear the clothes you like.The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident. If youre confident, youll _ in life. A good way to become confident is to realize that you are as _ as boys. You just look at their grades!Todays brave new girls will become tomorrows brave new women. Only in this way can you achieve your dreams and become who you want to _.七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)通读对话,根据上下文补全对话的内容.A: Good morning!_?B: Yes, please. I want a skirt for my daughter.A: What color does she like?B: She likes purple.A:_?B: It looks very nice._?A: Seventy dollars.B: OK._.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.A:_八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。How Can You Create Luck in Everyday Life?You can probably agree that some people have more good things happening to them. Lets just call that luck. Now would you like to learn how to be one of these lucky people? Here are 5 top tips for creating your own luck._It is easy to believe that you never have any luck in everyday life if you dont seem to be getting any breaks. But having had a difficult life gives you unusual lessons and develops courage._Some people are already lucky and they just dont know it. Instead of giving all your attention to what you are short of, look at how lucky you already are. You no doubt have some wonderful friends family and a roof over your head._Luck doesnt just happen upon usit comes to us when were open. Learning a new skill, visiting a new place and trying a new hobby are all great ways of creating your chances._ Youll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall into your lap. Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge. You will find you create more luck in everyday life._Sometimes people would be prepared to help us out. If you need a hand with dealing with something rather than wait for someone to offer you a lucky break, go and ask them if they will help you out.A. Try Something NewB. Take Action Right NowC. Ask for Help If NecessaryD. Feel Lucky about What You HaveE. See the Good in the PastF. Be Confident at Any Time九、 句子排序,组成短文 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)Girl:Do you want to go to a movie, Edward?Boy:_Girl:What kind of movies do you like?Boy:Well, I like comedies because theyre funny. And I think thrillers are great.Girl: _Boy:No, documentaries are boring. _Girl:I dont like documentaries, either. And I dont like thrillerstheyre scary.Boy:_Girl:Well, I like action movies.Boy:_Girl:Uh-huh. Theyre exciting. And I like Beijing Opera, too. Its very interesting. My father and I like it a lot.A. No. Movies are always boring. B. So what kind of movies do you like?C. How about you? D. Yes, that sounds good.E. You do? F. How about documentaries?十、 回答问题 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)选用所给句子完成对话。A: Have you ever heard about a fund-raising event called Oxfam-trailwalker?B: Yes. _A: Yes, it is. I am thinking of joining it. Its a good chance to learn about working together.B: _A: People over 18 years old. _B: Its a difficult walk but Im really interested in it. Do you think I can join the walk?A: _We can be in the same team.B: Oh, _Lets find another two members.A.that would be great.B.Yes, sure.C.They have to finish the walk within 48 hours.D.Who can join the Trailwalker?E.Is it organized by Oxfam Hong Kong?F.What do you think about it?十一、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)(2015.山东菏泽)假如你是王宁,4月15日,你参加了学校组织的水浒城旅游活动。请以“My Day in Shuihu Town”为题,写出当天的经历。(注:你可以参考有关内容提示,也可以适当发挥)(一)内容提示:1. 充当义务小导游,向外国游客介绍水浒文化;2. 协助水浒城的管理员,制止游客不文明的行为;3. 帮助走失的孩子寻找家人。(二)词语提示:scenery spot景点;foreign tourists外国游客;introduce Shuihu culture 介绍水浒文化;throw litter here and there乱丢垃圾;a lost child 走失的孩子(三)词数要求:100词左右(首句已给出,不计入总词数)。第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共5题;共14分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)25-1、六、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)26-1、七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)27-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)28-1、九、 句子排序,组成短文 (共1题;共5分)29-1、十、 回答问题 (共1题;共5分)30-1、十一、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31-1、


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