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2019-2020年九年级上学期12月份月考英语测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分) Is the girl _? Yes, she always does everything _.A . careful; carefullyB . careful; carefulC . carefully; carefullyD . carefully; careful2. (1分)She _ some mistakes in her exercises the day before yesterday.A . madeB . had madeC . has madeD . was making3. (1分)We cant afford _ such a high price .A . to payB . paidC . payD . pays4. (1分)_your dream, and then you will make it come true one day. A . Look upB . Keep away fromC . Take backD . Stick to5. (1分)We arrived at the station too early and had _ to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other.A . somewhereB . anywhereC . everywhereD . nowhere6. (1分)If you want to read English quickly, you must learn English words as you can by heart.A . as muchB . so muchC . as manyD . so many7. (1分)Would you when you are in town?A . drop offB . drop byC . fall offD . fall by8. (1分)The woman came to see John yesterday is his aunt.A . whoB . whomC . whoseD . what9. (1分)He kept _us to remember teamwork.A . to askB . askingC . askedD . ask10. (1分)What are you looking for?Im looking for the watch _ I bought yesterday.A . whichB . whoC . whose11. (1分)We should care more about our health _ good health is the first step towards success.A . soB . becauseC . butD . if12. (1分) Did you study any other languages English when you were at college? Yes, I studied three. But I have forgotten all a few words of each.A . besides; besidesB . but; exceptC . except; exceptD . besides; but13. (1分)Not only my friends but also I _ interested in football and Messi is our favorite star.A . beB . amC . isD . are14. (1分)Yesterday Li Ming went to the village _ his family lived ten years ago.A . whenB . whichC . whereD . that15. (1分)Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize in Literature at the end of the year 2012. We learn that success _ the person with a never-give-up attitude. A . drives outB . takes overC . belongs toD . look up二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Different people have different ideas about time. People in the USA think that it is1to know the time. In cities in America, there are2in stations, factories and other buildings. Radio announcers (播音员) give you the correct time during the day. Most Americans also have watches with them3they go. They want to do certain things4certain time. They dont like to be late. They think everyone is supposed to do5on time.But time is not6important to everybody in the world. When you visit a country in South America, you will 7that people there dont like to rush. If you had an appointment with somebody, he could probably be late8he might not want to arrive on time.In South America, even the radio programs may not begin on time. The men on the radio may not think it is important to tell the exact9. People in South America think that clocks or watches are just machines. They think that you will10 a clock or a watch control (控制) your life if you do everything on time.(1)A . quiet B . useless C . important D . easy (2)A . clocks B . cars C . books D . watches (3)A . whenever B . however C . whatever D . wherever (4)A . at B . on C . for D . in (5)A . nothing B . everything C . something else D . some things (6)A . such B . as C . so D . only (7)A . understand B . find C . forget D . remember (8)A . while B . but C . though D . because (9)A . time B . place C . weather D . news (10)A . put B . want C . let D . expect 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)根据短文内容, 完成下列各题。AWho is healthy?NameNancyTobyBreakfastMilk, an egg and breadNo breakfastLunchRice and vegetablesA hamburger, colaDinnerFruit saladRice and chickenLikesMilk, bananas, tomatoesIce-cream, bananas, chickenDoesnt likeCarrots, hamburgersAll (所有的) the vegetables(1)Nancy doesnt have for breakfast.A . milkB . a hamburgerC . an eggD . bread(2)Toby has for dinner.A . fruit saladB . rice and vegetablesC . rice and chickenD . a hamburger(3)Nancy doesnt like .A . milkB . applesC . tomatoesD . carrots(4)Nancy and Toby like .A . hamburgersB . bananasC . chickenD . tomatoes(5)About Toby, we know that he .A . has good eating habitsB . likes eating vegetablesC . doesnt have breakfastD . doesnt like ice-cream18. (10分)阅读表中的信息,选择正确答案。Sunny English ClubFor students16:00 18:00 Every Saturday200 Yuan a month9 Zhou Yu StreetTel: 3785290Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!Ocean Museum9:0017:00 From Thursday to SundayTicket: 50 yuan132 Xue Yuan StreetTel: 5439871Show you a full picture of sea lives!Health Centre9:0017:3016 Yong Le StreetTel: 3801451Free examinations for those over 70Give you good advice to keep healthy!(1)You will pay _ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.A . 300 yuanB . 600 yuanC . 1200 yuanD . 2400 yuan(2)One can get free exams in Health Centre if he is _.A . 9B . 17C . 67D . 73(3)If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to_.A . Health CentreB . Ocean MuseumC . Sunny English ClubD . 16 Yong Le Street19. (10分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( A )A superstar is someone who is usually famous in sports, or films, or popular music, someone like the singer Michael Jackson. In the nineteen eighties, Michael Jackson made a record album called “Thriller”. It quickly became the most popular recording in the history of music and it made Michael Jackson a superstar.The word “super” means more than usual or very wonderful. And of course, a star is a person who is very famous. So people who are famous and skillful in sports, films or music are called superstars, such as Li Ning.One of the most famous sports superstars in the United States is the boxer (拳击手) Muhammad Ali. After he won a gold medal in the Olympics and became the heavyweight boxing champion, he was known as one of the greatest and most famous boxers in the sports history. At that time Muhammad Ali was even better known than the president (总统) of the United States. He was a true superstar, nearly everyone knew his name.But like the stars in the sky, a superstar may fade away (褪色) as the years go by. These days people know little about Muhammad Ali. Superstars, loved by millions of people today, may be forgotten tomorrow.(1)If a person _, we call him a superstar. A . is the president of a countryB . is a very famous football playerC . is loved by millions of peopleD . died when he was famous(2)According to this passage, Muhammad Ali was _. A . FriendlyB . CleverC . FoolishD . Famous(3)Today few teenagers know about Muhammad Ali because _. A . he isnt as famous as other superstarsB . he is like a star that fades awayC . he is old and not handsomeD . he isnt skillful enough in boxing(4)Millions of people love superstars because _. A . superstars are very beautiful and coolB . superstars are greater than anyone elseC . in the future the world may forget themD . they are very famous and skillful in some special field(5)According to the passage, what would happen to superstars at last? A . People will remember them forever.B . Only young people will love them.C . Fewer and fewer people will know them as time passes by.D . They will become the most important people in history.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共15分)20. (15分)根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,将答案写在答卷上。Returning a fathers loveSmith was a single father, raising a 4-year-old boy by himself. He was often worried about his son, _ was growing up without a mother to care for him.One day, he went away _ business, leaving the child alone. He worried about the child all the way, not knowing _ he had eaten. But his child always told him not to worry. He went home after he finished his work.When he got home, the child was deep asleep. He was _ ( tire ) out. He was about to sleep when he was surprised to find an overturned bowl of noodles under the quilt. He hit his _ ( sleep ) son angrily,” Why are you so _ ( care ), making the quilt dirty? Who will wash it?” It was the first time that he had hit his boy after his wifes death.“Sorry, _ .” the child explained with tears in his eyes, “This is your supper, Daddy.” In order to let his father eat dinner the moment he got home, the child prepared two _ ( bowl ) of noodles : one for _ ( he ), the other for his father. He was afraid that his fathers noodles would get cold, so he placed them under the quilt. Hearing this, the father _ (hug ) his boy tightly without saying a word.五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共15分)21. (10分)还原句子。根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填入文中空缺处,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。TFK Kid Reporter Dahlia Suiter spoke with the writer of Writer to Writer: From Think to Ink.You just said that you didnt think youd become a writer. Why?I didnt know what I would be. There were times when I wanted to be a scientist. I loved reading about biology._I never thought about writing stories for adults (成年人). It was always for children because when I was a child, books were so important to me._Revision(修改) is my favorite part. If I can add (增加) something surprising at the same time, Im happy about that, too._Writing is hard, and if youre not having fun with it, why do it? Save ( 保存) what you write is very important because you may need it. You may need that part you cut._I hope the book will open up new places to go with writing._Yes. Writing can be a good way to discover (发现) yourself. You learn about yourself when you write. Writing also slows your thinking down, and you can make discoveries and go places that you dont expect.A. Do you think its very important for kids to practice writing?B. What do you hope kids will learn from Writer to Writer?C. Why did you write Have fun, and save what you write! at the end of each part in Writer to Writer?D. What do you enjoy most about writing?E. Why do you write childrens books?22. (5分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格(每空词数不限)。Being outgoing is good for your life. Those who are more outgoing like to meet lots of interesting people and have more fun in life. In fact, being outgoing is not so hard as you think. Even the shy people can be outgoing.You can start becoming outgoing with your best friend or a group of friends. But the real challenge (挑战) comes when you meet strange (陌生的) people or new friends. Smile more, and usually they will return (回报) your smile. In this way, you may have some talks.Start a talk. Just a simple Hello or How is it going? is a good start. If you want to make interesting talks, you should read the news and prepare (准备) your views. Surf the Internet for new information and then keep that in mind.The easiest way to become more outgoing is to go out. This is also the most important step. Go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends there.The importance of being outgoing in your lifeHow to become outgoingMeet lots interesting people_Smile moreStart with your best friend or a group of friends.Strange people or new friends will _Start a talkSay Hello or How is it going? _ on your views about the news and new information in your mind.Go outGo to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that _.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23. (15分)书面表达 现在,戴眼镜的学生越来越多。为此,国家把每年6月6日定为爱眼日。请你结合自己的体会,就如何爱护眼睛,给校报英语栏目写一篇短文。内容包括:1)吃有益于眼睛的食物,如:胡萝卜、鸡蛋等;2)多做眼保健操,长时问用眼后可看看远方;3)养成良好的用眼习惯,如:不躺着玩手机或看书等。注意:1)词数80词左右;2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头已给出,不计人总词数。Nowadays, more and more students are getting near - sighted, so National Eye Care Day is set on June 6 every year. 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共15分)20-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共15分)21-1、22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23-1、


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