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2020学年上学期九年级上学期学业英语水平期末检测(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)- Do you like _ color of this coat?- Yes, I do. It looks nice.A . aB . anC . the2. (2分)Which should we start with, Water World or Space World? Either is OK, it makes no to me.A . mistakeB . promiseC . differenceD . decision3. (2分)_ you know little about this art form, you can find a book to learn more. A . ThoughB . WhileC . AsD . Since4. (2分)There are many books for us to read. We can choose to start. A . itB . thatC . eachD . one5. (2分) Sorry, I didnt pass the exam, and then what should I do?I think perhaps you should be careful next time.A . insteadB . almostC . maybe6. (2分) _. It was great.A . What did you do yesterday?B . Did you clean your house on Sunday?C . How did you spend the weekend?D . How was her weekend?7. (2分)Do we need more milk?No, there is _ in the fridge.A . plentyB . a plentyC . plenty of milkD . a plenty of8. (2分)I _the day before yesterday, Ive _for 2 days. A . arrived, come back.B . reached, returnedC . got, returned backD . arrived, been back9. (2分)- Nancy, would you mind turning down the music? Your father is writing his report.A . Yes, pleaseB . Sorry. Ill do it right awayC . Sorry. I wont do it againD . Yes. I never do it again10. (2分) _? Its a book.A . Whats this in EnglishB . Whats your phone numberC . Whats your name二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。My friend Alan did not have a rich family. He did not have much money. Sometimes Alan 1 had to accept money and gifts from his family and friends. But do not get me2. He was not the kind of person who never3 the money he should. He was always very4 with the money he spent.A few years ago, he won the lottery (中了彩票) and got a huge 5 of money. He was very excited. It changed his life. The 6thing he did was to buy a very expensive new car. Then he7 spending money on unnecessary things or the things that he normally would not buy. It seemed that he had money to 8. He had more money than he needed and it was burning a hole in his pocket. He wasted his money 9.When we got together for a10 at a restaurant, he would always pay the bill. He 11 me the money made him feel very happy.But, Alan soon12 out all of his money. He was as poor as a church mouse again. His last dollar was spent and he had no money 13.I admit (承认) I do feel14for my friend. He had enough money to live like a king. 15, he is back to living a hard life. He was wise about small things, but not about important things.(1)A . only B . just C . even D . either (2)A . guilty B . wrong C . confident D . surprised (3)A . took B . had C . brought D . paid (4)A . nervous B . careful C . anxious D . excited (5)A . pocket B . envelope C . amount D . purse (6)A . final B . perfect C . recent D . first (7)A . pretended B . suggested C . started D . practiced (8)A . risk B . show C . burn D . play (9)A . quietly B . secretly C . quickly D . possibly (10)A . journey B . meal C . rest D . meeting (11)A . interviewed B . taught C . treated D . told (12)A . ran B . came C . went D . walked (13)A . remained B . stayed C . left D . reached (14)A . educational B . sorry C . embarrassed D . realistic (15)A . Exactly B . Easily C . Instead D . Really 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)12. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Do you and your friends ever talk about your dreams with each other? If you do, you might have noticed something interesting some of your friends seldom remember their dreams, but some can always describe their dreams so clearly that it seems like theyre describing things that really happened to them. What makes those people different?The answer is simple. There are two different types of dreamers low dream recallers(回忆者)and high dream recallers.Low dream recallers usually remember their dreams only twice a month. But high dream recallers are able to remember them about five mornings a week. And a new study suggests that activity in a certain part of the brain could have something to do with it, reported The Huffington Post.Perrine Ruby, a French researcher at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, studied 41 people (21 high dream recallers and 20 low dream recallers) and recorded their brain activity.She found that a part of the brain called the temporo-parietal junction (颞顶联合区) was more active in high dream recallers than in low dream recallers both when they were sleeping and awake.This brain area collects and processes(编程)information from the outside world. This means that high dream recallers know more about whats happening around them. For example, when they are awake, they respond (对有反应) more strongly to hearing their own names, and when they are sleeping, they are woken more easily by sounds and movements.By closely studying peoples brain activities, Ruby found that high dream recallers have twice as much “wakefulness time” during sleep as low dream recallers do. And it is during these short times of wakefulness that the brain remembers dreams.“The sleeping brain is not able to remember new information,” Ruby told The Washington Post. “It needs to wake up to be able to do that.”This is not hard to understand. Just try to think of your own sleeping experiences. If you are worried during the night, you are more likely to remember your dreams, but if you sleep well, you will remember little in the morning, and this is because “you never get a chance to remember”, Robert Stickgold, a Harvard Medical School researcher, told The Washington Post.(1)According to the article, high dream recallers _.A . have very little brain activity during sleepB . can remember their dreams clearlyC . dont know how to describe their dreamsD . remember their dreams twice a week(2)Compared to high dream recallers, low dream recallers _.A . have higher sleep qualityB . have more sleepless nightsC . are more easily woken at nightD . respond faster when hearing their names(3)What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?A . To show the advantages of being a low dream recaller.B . To suggest what to do to become a low dream recaller.C . To make readers interested in future studies.D . To further explain Rubys research.13. (10分)阅读理解”I am so happy! said Gorilla. The Great King Ape is coming for dinner!Chimp was happy too, and he jumped up and down.I will cook a great meal for the Great King Ape! said Gorilla.I will cook too! said Chimp.But Gorilla did not want Chimp t cook. He was sloppy. He often made a mess (搞的一团糟). He would ruin (破坏) her great meal. So she asked chimp to buy some drinks.When, Chimp came home, he asked, May I cook now?We still need bananas, said Gorilla. Please pick the best bananas you can find. I want to cook sliced (切片的) bananas for dessert (甜点).Soon Chimp brought back a bag of bananas and put the bag on the kitchen chair. Gorilla walked into the kitchen. She did not see the bag and sat down on the chair. Oh, no! My bananas! They are ruined! Gorilla started to cry.Don t cry, Gorilla, said Chimp. I have an idea for a nice dessert.Chimp took out a big bowl and a spoon (勺子). He peeled (剥皮) some bananas, put them in the big bowl and mashed (捣碎) them with the spoon. Then he put some milk in. At last, Chimp put it into a small bowl.Soon the Great King Ape arrived. He ate up all the food. This is the best meal I have had! he said.Chimp brought out the dessert. The Great King Ape tried it. Delicious! he said. You are both great!Thank you, said Gorilla. She smiled at Chimp. Chimp is a wonderful cook, she thought.(1)What did Gorilla want to do for the Great King Ape? A . To teach him how to cook.B . To cook a great meal for him.C . To give him the best bananas.D . To help him to clean his house.(2)What does the underlined word sloppy mean in Chinese? A . 马虎的B . 可靠的C . 挑剔的D . 坚强的(3)What happened to the bananas? A . Chimp sliced them.B . Gorilla sat on them.C . Gorilla mashed them.D . Chimp made them dirty.(4)What can we know about the Great King Ape? A . He arrived late.B . He often made a mess.C . He ate a lot for dinner.D . He took the dessert away.(5)What might Gorilla wan to Say to Chimp at the end of the story? A . See youB . Well doneC . Dont worryD . Youre welcome.14. (10分) When I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm. First, we put clean sand in a thin glass box. Then we waited for the ants to arrive.After the ants were in the glass farm, they started to make tunnels(地道). I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to do. Each had its own job.On the fifth day a tragedy(悲剧)happened. I put my face so close to the glass farm that I knocked it over. All the tunnels fell down. Although the ants remained alive after their earthquake, one by one they began to die. I was scared as I watched them give up building their tunnels to carry the bodies to a corner of the farm.My mother said that the ants were dying of sadness. They simply could not stand that their tunnels were gone.Although much time has passed, I still think of that ant farm. Mom had hoped it would teach me about the natural world, but it taught me much more.Over the years, I came to realize the importance of teamwork. Working together, the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselves. I also learned that they should be admired(钦佩)for their hard work.But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently: Adversity(逆境)is a natural part of life, and must be accepted. Unlike the ants, we cannot give up when we are sad. We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone, we must build another.Giving up, I say, is not a good choice.(1) What did the writers family do for him when he was seven?A . They built a farm of ants.B . They bought a few ants.C . They caught a lot of ants.D . They found an ant city.(2)Which statement is WRONG according to the passage?A . The writer knocked the glass box over because he put his face so close to the glass farm.B . The ants didnt die one by one after the tunnels were destroyed.C . Like people, teamwork is very important for the ants.D . Giving up isnt a good way when we meet trouble.(3)Among the following events, which one happened first?A . All the tunnels fell down.B . The ants died one by one.C . The ants got into the glass box.D . The ants began making tunnels.(4)What did the writer learn from the ant tragedy a few years later?A . Working together is useless.B . Teamwork is important.C . He cant accept adversity.D . Working alone is amazing.(5)What is the best title for the passage?A . Ants Fear AdversityB . My Family and AntsC . Giving Up in AdversityD . Dont give up anytime15. (10分)Plant scientists consider them as fruit. Most other people think of them as vegetables. Whatever you call tomatoes, there are many different kinds of this popular and healthy food.There are two groups of the plants. Small tomato plants grow to about one meter. They can be planted rather close together. Some short kinds do not require special care and are often gotten crop by machines. Large tomato plants can grow over two meters tall. They also produce larger fruits.People who grow only a few plants can place wire cages around each one. The cage can be made of wire fence material. The cage helps the plant grow taller and produce a better crop.Tomatoes often need extra calcium (Ca), or the fruits may be ruined. Add lime to the soil can solve this problem. Dry lands may also ruin the fruits. Tomatoes need water regularly. The soil should never dry out completely. Dried grass or leaves placed around the plant can help hold water in the soil and stop the growth of unwanted plants.Tomatoes are native to South America. The tomato is a member of the potato family. The leaves of the plant are poisonous, like the leaves of its relatives. Before the 18th century, people grew tomatoes only as pretty plants. They called the bright red fruit a “love apple”, but would not eat it.(1)Which of the following is right about the small tomato plants?A . They can grow to about 2 meters.B . They cant be planted close together.C . Some of them dont require special care.(2)People place wire cages around the plant in order to _.A . protect the plant from being taken by others.B . help the plant grow taller and produce a better cropC . keep the plant from being eaten by animals(3)The underlined word “ruin” probably means “_”.A . growB . destroyC . stop (4)People often give tomatoes extra calcium by _.A . adding lime to the soilB . watering the plant regularlyC . putting dried grass around the plant(5)What can we learn from the passage?A . omatoes are native to North America.B . The leaves of the plant can also be eaten.C . Americans began to eat tomatoes from the 18th century.四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共6分)16. (5分)用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空look like wake up be famous for have a wonderful time on the top of(1)_your friendHe has slept for a whole afternoon(2)Hangzhou_the West Lake(3)She_her mother(4)They plant lots of flowers_the hill(5)They got together and_17. (1分)This road is very w_ now, but it was very narrow(狭窄的)ten years ago. 五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)(2015贵州安顺)书面表达。学会自我保护是青少年需要具备的一种意识和能力。请根据以下提示,并结合自己的观点,以“How Can We Protect Ourselves?”为题,写一篇不少于80词的短文,谈谈在生活中青少年应该怎样自我保护(self-protection)。提示:1. never swim alone;2. be careful to make friends;3. call the police when you are in danger;4. eat healthy food;5. dont crowd(go upstairs and downstairs)要求:1.句子结构准确,要点齐全,内容合理,篇章结构连贯;2.文中不能出现真实姓名、校名、地名。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项填空。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共6分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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