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李集中学九年级英语每日一练1TV shows, movies, and magazines often show pictures of people who are thin. Does that m_ being thin is the best? Maybe not.People come in different shapes and sizes, and the b_ weight for you is one that is r_ for your shape and size. It can be unhealthy to be too thin if you are eating l_ food than your body needs. Eating enough f_ is like putting gas (汽油) in your car if you run out of gas, it s_ working!Being overweight is not good e_. Kids who are overweight may not be getting the right nutrition (营养). Eating all kinds of h_ foods, including fruit and vegetables, is the best thing to do.Everyone needs to eat a healthy, balanced d_ to grow, to do well in school and at play, and to just f_ good. So read on to find out what the right weight is for you.1.m_ 2.b_ 3.r_ 4.l_ 5.f_6.s_ 7.e_ 8.h_ 9.d_ 10.h_2Good manners never go out of fashion. So the next time you get a gift, make sure you thank the person properly.If the person doesnt live in the same house with you, a written thank-you note is required. Youd better use a c_ to write a thank-you note, and it should be big enough to write a f_ words.There are so many lovely cards today. Find a style that you like. The note cards do not n_ to have the words “Thank you”. Your own written words in it will tell that m_.Youd better write by y_. But if your handwriting (笔迹) is terrible, you can use the computer.Your note doesnt have to be l_. The important part is to be sincere. And its really best to k_ your message short and sweet.Remember, the written thank-you note is to thank the p_ for buying a gift. Even when you dont like the person, you h_ to write one. You dont have to lie, but try to find something n_ to say. The person who buys you a gift and good manners requires a thank-you note.COn August 25, 2011, Steve Jobs left Apple because of his b_ health. About one month later, Jobs passed away. He was only 56 years old.Apple users around the world felt very s_ about this bad news. A pumpkin carver (南瓜雕刻师) n_ Alex Wer even carved the f_ of Jobs on a Halloween pumpkin to r_ him.Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, in 1955. He g_ up in Silicon Valley (硅谷), where there were many technology companies. He s_ Apple with his friend, Steve Wozniak, when he was 21 years old. In 2007, he achieve great success when Apple showed off iPhone. In 2010, Apple put out the iPad. These products made Apple a t_ company.Some Apple fans say that three apples c_ the world. One was the apple eaten by Adam; one was the apple falling on the head of Newton; one was the apple c_ by Jobs.DWhat is library for? Most libraries have books and other things to read. Many of them have things to l_ to. Some libraries even have c_. Very few people would think of a library as a p_ to live in.One library in New York City t_ into a house for 250 people for several days. There were many people near the library. They moved into their library for a very special r_. They slept on the f_. Why did the people move into the library?The people moved into the library because the city wanted to close it to s_ money. These 250 New Yorkers loved their library. They didnt want to l_ it. So they moved in. They knew that the library couldnt be c_ if they were living inside it. Finally the city a_ to keep the library open, and the people all went home.EBritish Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats (公寓) with milk and won a National Bravery Award (国家勇敢奖). Leech, 35 years old, said that when he was sending out milk as u along Pine Street, he s heard a loud, strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke coming out of a shop in Cornwall, southern England. “That must be a fire, I t ,” Leech said. “Then I quickly d to do something. So I p the door in and then I s_ for the people inside. Then I started pouring milk e .” He used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire. When firefighters r the shop, the fire was under control (得到控制). Leech helped save the l of eight people in the flats above the shops. “It was hard work o all those bottles. But it was even harder trying to tell my boss where all the milk had gone,” Leech said jokingly.FBalzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent (天才). But he himself was p of his ability to tell a persons character (个性) by his or her handwriting. He often told his friends that he could tell anybodys character e_ by his writing.One day a woman friend brought him a young boys exercise book. She said she couldnt w to know what Balzac thought of the boys handwriting.Balzac s the handwriting carefully for a few minutes. The woman, however, told him the boy was not her son and that he might tell her the t .“All right,” said Balzac, “I shall tell you everything true.” He then went on to say that he thought the boy was a stupid and l person. He added that the boy should be w carefully, if not, he would grow up to bring harm to his f .“It is very s , “ said the woman smiling, “This is a p from your exercise book, which you used when you were a boy.”GLes Brown, a famous speaker, tells the story of one of his friends, a salesman. His friend was in t_ with money because sales dropped by 60%. Les asked him, “How many phone c_ are you making a day?” His friend answered, “Twenty-five.” Les kept s_ for a while. And then he gave him his a_. “Double them,” he said. “Make fifty. Or seventy-five. Or one h_.” The salesman answered, “Aw, man. Thats too much. Id rather w_ and see.” “Too much!” r_ Les. “You tell me you are running out of money and then you say its too much. You know, one way for you to get back is to p_ first, then your sales will increase. How can you say anything is too much when you l_ everything?” Today, much people say they have t_, but in fact they havent touched the surface of their potential (潜力). Then, why not make a promise to achieve your personal best?HTwo men named Jack and Joe were walking along a road one hot summer morning. They were very t and wanted very much to have a glass of cold beer, but they had no money. “I can get some beer for us w money,” said Jack.“Come with me.” They went to a pub about one kilometer a . It was lunch time and a lot of people were in the pub. The owner was selling d at one end of the long bar and a waiter was selling drinks at the o end.“My friend and I cant agree,” Jack went up to the owner and said, “I say there are two glasses in a litre (升) and the girl over there says there are four.” “You are right,” said the owner. “There are only two glasses in a litre.” “Thank you,” said Jack, and went over to w Joe was standing at the other end of the bar.He asked for two glasses of beer and told the waiter that the owner was going to p for it. Then he called out l , “You did say two glasses, didnt you, owner?” “Yes, thats right. Two glasses,” the owner c back. So they drank the beer with great p and then walked out of the pub.参考答案:A. 1. mean 2. best 3. right 4. less 5. food 6. stops 7. either 8. healthy 9. diet 10. feelB. 1. card 2. few 3. need 4. meaning 5. yourself 6. long 7. keep 8. person 9. have 10. niceC. 1. bad 2. sorry 3. named 4. face 5. remember 6. grew 7. started 8. top 9. changed 10. createdD. 1. listen2. computers3. place4. turned5. reason6. floor7. save8. lose9. closed10. agreedE. 1. usual 2. suddenly 3. thought 4. decided 5. pushed 6. shouted 7. everywhere 8. reached 9. lives 10. openingF. 1. proud 2. exactly 3. wait 4. studied 5. truth 6. lazy 7. watched 8. family 9. strange 10. pageG. 1. trouble 2. calls 3. silent 4. advice 5. hundred 6. wait 7. replied 8. pay 9. lose 10. tried H. 1. thirsty 2. without 3.away 4. drinks 5. other 6. where 7. pay 8.loudly 9. called 10. pleasure


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