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天天教育Unit 3 Topic 1知识点汇总Section A1.Could you please tell me your name?句型:Could you (please) do sth. ? “请你.好吗?”,“请问,你可不可以?”这是一种常用的委婉的、客气的请求句型,用来征求别人的意见,是一种较为礼貌的用语。后接动词原型。eg. Could you please help me?拓展:否定句型为:Could you (please) not do sth. ?Eg. Could you please not tell him my telephone number?1. Sure.=Yes. /OK. /All right. /Of course. 常用来应答别人,而且态度十分肯定。2. Do you come from America? =Are you from America?3. He can speak some Chinese.知识点:speak + 语言,“讲/说某种语言”注意:some + 可数名词复数/不可数名词,而且常常用在肯定句中。4. help sb. with sth.=help sb. do sth.eg. Lucy helps us with our English. =Lucy helps us to learn English.5. No problem.“没问题。Section B1. -Does he speak Chinese? -Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt.此一般疑问句的陈述句为He speaks Chinese.2. Does he live in England?知识点:live in + 地点名词,“住在某地”注意:当live后面接地点副词的时候,不要介词in. 例如:live here/ live there拓展:live with sb. “和某人住在一起”eg. My brother lives in Beijing. She wants to live there. I live with my brother.3. What does he say in he letter? say指说的具体内容,而speak 指说的某种语言,强调讲话的能力或说的方式。eg. She says she likes English. She speaks English well.4. He wants to visit Beijing.(1) want to do sth.“想要做某事”拓展:want + 名词/代词,“想要.” want sb. to do sth. “想要某人做某事”eg. I want some apples and oranges. I want you. My friend wants me to help her.(2) visit +sb. /sp. “访问/拜访某人,参观某地”5. 一般现在时:一般现在时表示现在的状态,也表示某种经常性或习惯性的动作,还可以表示人物的性格、爱好和能力,还可以表示客观存在或者普遍的真理等。eg. My name is Michael. I am twelve.I get up at six every day.(我每天六点起床。)He likes English.Cats eat fish.(猫吃鱼)Section C1. Jane and Sally are my new classmates. Jane is my new classmate2. Many students in our class like English a lot, but I like it a little.(1) “许多”:many和much 区别:many + 可数名词复数 much + 不可数名词(2) a lot 后面不加名词,一般放在句子后面。 a lot of = lots of,后面接可数名词复数或不可数名词eg. I like Chinese movies a lot. I want a lot of apples./ I want lots of apples.(3) a little 后面不接名词,和a lot 互为反义词。eg. I like Chinese movies a little.拓展:“一点儿.”,后面接名词否定肯定fewa few+ 可数名词复数littlea little+ 不可数名词eg. There is little milk. I will buy some There is a little milk. i will drink some.3. We help each other.知识点:each other,“相互,彼此”4. I dont like English at all.知识点:not . at all,“一点也不.”eg. Im not happy at all.注意:Not at all.“不用谢,别客气,没关系”,用来回答Thank you 和Sorry.eg. -Thank you. -Not at all.Section D1. 人称代词:当再次提到上文已经提到过的人、物或事的时候,为了避免重复,用另外一个词代替此人、物或事,这样的词就称为人称代词。人称代词根据在句中成分或者位置的不同,可以分为主格和宾格。主格:I you he she it we you they宾格:me you him her it us you them主格:用于充当主语(即句子陈述的主体),在陈述句中常位于句首,而在问句中常用在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后。eg. She is my teacher. Do you speak English?宾格:用于充当宾语(即动作的承受者),一般用于动词或介词后面。eg. Please give me an apple. She looks at me.2.Some of them have blond hair and blue eyes.知识点:some of + 冠词/指示代词/形容词性物主代词 + 名词 some of + 人称代词宾格eg. Some of the apples are green.(冠词) Some of these apples are green.(指示代词) Some of my apples are green.(形容词性物主代词) Some of them are happy.(人称代词宾格)注意:some + 可数名词复数或者不可数名词,或者some 可以单独使用。eg. Please give me some apples. -Would you like some apples? -OK, give me some.


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