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新目标英语八年级上16单元动词固定搭配及重点词汇、句型和语法总结动词固定搭配go + v.-inggo fishing go skateboarding go hiking go swimming go sightseeinggo campinggo bike riding go shopping v.+ v.-ingenjoy doingsthfinish doing sth like doing sththanks for doing sth be good at doing sththink about doing sthv.+ to dowant to do sth try to do sth decide to do sth need to do sthforget to do sth plan to do sth like to do sthv.+sb + v.make sb do sth help sb do sth let sb do sth情态动词+v.can do sth should do sth shouldnt do sth v.+宾语+宾语补足语(即复合宾语)want sb to do sth help sb (to) do sth及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语/及物动词+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语send sb sth/send sth to sb show sb sth/ show sth to sbIts +adj +to do sth.Its interesting to play computer games.Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle.Its important to eat a balanced diet.Its necessary to read English every day.It takes sb some time to do sth(某人花多少时间做某事) It takes me ten minutes to go home on foot.It takes her half an hour to go to work by bus. It took me twenty minutes to finish my homework yesterday.重点词汇、句型UNIT 1 SECTION A1.go skateboarding 2.go shopping3.on weekend4.go to the movies5.surf the internet6.read English books7.Animal World8.once a week 9.once a year 10.three times a month11.once or twice 12.three or four times13.Here are the results of the students activity survey.14.Some students are active.15.As for speaking English,-16.Most students exercise three or four times a week.17.Whats your favorite TV program? (1 去滑滑板 2 去购物 3 在周末 4 去看电影 5 上网 6 看英语书7 动物世界 8 每周一次9 每年一次 10 每月三次11 一两次 12 三四次13 这是学生活动调查的结果。14 一些学生很活跃。15 至于说英语,-16 大部分学生每周锻炼三到四次。 17 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?)SECTION B1. want sb to do sth2. My mother wants me to drink milk.3. be good/bad for -4. Its good for our health.5. Is Bill healthy?6. drink coffee7. How many hours do you sleep every night?8. eating habits9. try to do sth10. I try to eat a lot of vegetables.11. pretty healthy12. kind of unhealthy13. look after my health14. healthy lifestyle15. get good grades16. help sb (to) do sth 17. keep healthy =keep in good health18. Although I have a healthy habit, maybe Im not very healthy.19. -be the same as -20. My pen is the same as yours.21. -be different from -22. My book is different from yours.23. Whats the difference?What are the differences?(1 想要某人做某事 2 我妈妈要我喝牛奶。3 对-有益/有害4 它对我们的健康有好处。5Bill健康吗?6 喝咖啡7 你每晚睡几个小时? 8 饮食习惯9 尽量/试图做某事 10 我尽量多吃蔬菜。11 相当健康12 有点不健康13 注意我的健康14 健康的生活方式15 取得好成绩 16 帮某人做某事17 保持健康(2个短语)18 虽然我有健康的习惯,但也许我不太健康。19 -和-相同/一样 20 我的钢笔和你的一样。21 -和-不一样/-不同于-22 我的书和你们的不一样。23 不同之处是什么?/有什么不同?)UNIT 2 SECTION A1. Whats the matter with you?=Whats wrong with you?=Whats the trouble?2. I have a sore throat.3. have a cold/stomachache/toothache/fever4. lie down and rest5. feet teeth 6. go to the doctor=see a doctor7. a lot of = lots of8. hot tea with honey9. You shouldnt eat anything.10. Thats a good idea.11. give some advice 12. feel better13. I think so.14. Im not feeling well.=I dont feel well.15. When did it start? Three days ago.(1 你怎么啦?(3句含义相同) 2 我嗓子疼。3 患感冒/肚子疼/牙疼/发烧4 躺下休息 5foot (复数)tooth(复数)6 看医生 7 大量的/许多的8 加蜂蜜的热茶9 你不该吃任何东西。10 这是个好主意。11 提些建议12 感觉好点13 我想是这样。 14 我感到不舒服。15 它什么时候开始的?三天前。)SECTION B 1. go to bed early2. listen to music3. drink some water4. go to a concert5. traditional Chinese doctors6. the balance of Yin and Yang7. For example8. too much water9. too many books10. Chinese medicine11. in many western countries12. It is easy to have a healthy lifestyle.13. a few nights14. It is important to sleep eight hours every night.15. get tired/angry16. study late every night17. until 2 am 18. conversation practice19. I dont think my English is improving.20. Im sorry to hear that.(1 早点睡觉2 听音乐3 喝点水4 去参加聚会5 传统的中医6 阴阳平衡7 例如 8 太多的水9 太多的书 10 中药11 在许多西方国家12 拥有健康的生活方式很容易。13 每晚睡八个小时很重要。14 几个晚上15 (变)累了/生气了16 每晚学到很晚17 直到早上2点钟18 对话练习19 我觉得我的英语没有提高。20 很抱歉听到这件事。)UNIT 3 SECTION A1. What is he doing for vacation?2. He is babysitting his sister?3. go camping/hiking4. spend time with friends5. stay at home 6. visit his grandma7. That sounds interesting/great!8. Who are you going with?9. How long are you staying? For one week.10. in the mountains11. have fun=have a good time12. I dont want to be away for too long.13. get back = come back14. get back from-15. come back from work16. in October17. send sth to sb=send sb sth18. show sth to sb=show sb sth(1 他假期打算做什么?2 他要照看他妹妹。3 去露营/远足4 和朋友们一起度过5 在家休息6 看望他奶奶7 (这)听起来真有趣/真棒。8 你要和谁一起去?9 你要呆多长时间?一个星期。10 在大山里 11 玩得高兴12 我不想离开太长时间。13 回来14 从-回来15 下班/放学回家 16 在十一月17 把某物寄给某人18 给某人看某物)SECTION B1. go sightseeing/bike riding /fishing2. take walks 3. rent videos4. take a long vacation5. Whats the weather like there?=How is the weather there?6. think of doing sth7. decide on -8. the south of Europe9. something different10. said heard11. leave for-12. plan to do sth 13. planned planning14. I cant wait!15. finish doing sth16. finish making my last movie17. ask sb about sth18. need to do sth19. a relaxing vacation ,an exciting vacation20. What should the tourists take with them?(1 去观光/骑自行车/钓鱼2 去散步 3 租影碟4 度个长假5 那儿的天气怎么样? 6 考虑做某事7 决定于- 8 欧洲的南部9 不同的事10 say(过去式)hear(过去式)11 动身去- 12 计划做某事13 plan (过去式)(现在分词)14 我等不及了。15 做完某事/完成做某事16拍完我的上部电影17 问某人关于某事的情况18 需要做某事19 一个放松的/令人激动的假期20 游客们应该随身带什么?)UNIT 4 SECTION A 1. get to school 2. get home3. take a train/bus4. ride a bike5. have a quick breakfast6. an hour7. 35 minutes8. by train/bus9. I take a bus to school.=I go to school by bus.10. I go to school on foot.=I walk to school.11. about 10 kilometers12. from - to -13. be far from-14. Beijing is far from Xiangfan.15. the early bus 16. take - to -17. How far is it from your home to school?18. It takes/took sb +时间+to do sth.19. It took me 2 hours to finish my homework.(1 到校 2 到家3 乘火车/公交车(用take) 4 骑自行车 5 很快地吃了早饭6 一个小时 735分钟8乘火车/公交车(用by)9 我乘车到校。10 我步行到校。11 大约10公里 12 从-到-13 -离-很远 14 北京离襄樊很远。15 早班车16 把-带到-17 从你家到学校有多远?18 做某事花了某人-时间。19做完作业花了我2个小时时间。)SECTION B1. think of 2. What do you think of the book?=How do you like the book?3. on the school bus 4. in/around the world5. in the other parts of the world6. depend on-7. Students always depend on their parents.8. He must be at home.9. not all students10. the most popular means of transportation11. a number of12. a small number of 13. be ill in the hospital14. Dont worry./Dont worry about me.15. look at the blackboard16. see some pictures17. listen to music 18. hear a story(1 认为/觉得 2 你觉得这本书怎么样? 3 坐校车4 在世界上5 在世界上其它地方 6 依靠-,由-而定7 学生们总是依靠父母。8 他肯定在家。9 不是所有的学生10 最受欢迎的交通方式11 许多的,大量的 12 少数的13 生病住院14 别担心(我)。15 看黑板16 看见一些画17 听音乐 18 听到一个故事)UNIT 5 SECTION A1. on Saturday morning 2. What/How about you?3. Im sorry, I cant.4. Id love to.5. study for a test6. go to the doctor=see a doctor7. have a piano lesson8. go to a concert9. play soccer10. go to the piano lesson 11. go to the movie = see a movie12. too much homework13. another time14. Thats too bad.(1 在周六上午 2 你呢?3 抱歉,我不能来。 4 我乐意来。5 复习准备考试6 看医生7 上钢琴课 8 参加音乐会9 踢足球 10 去上钢琴课11 去看电影12 太多的作业13 下次 14 这太糟了。)SECTION B 1. Thank you for asking me.2. Whats today?3. Its Monday, the 15th.4. Thanks for your invitation.=Thanks for inviting me.5. Im really busy.6. tennis training7. soccer practice8. Im finishing my geography project this evening.9. soccer match10. the whole day = all (the) day11. Can you come over to my home on Wednesday afternoon?12. Im free until 8:00.13. Im free.= I have time.14. discuss the science report(1 谢谢你邀请我。(用ask)2 今天是什么日子? 3 是星期一,15号。4 谢谢你的邀请。5 我真的很忙。6 网球训练 7 足球练习8 今晚我要完成我的地理学习任务。9 足球赛 10 整天11 你周三下午能到我家来吗?12 直到8点我都有空。13 我有空/有时间。14 讨论科学报告)UNIT 6 SECTIONA 1. My hair is longer than hers. = I have longer hair than her.2. Tom is more outgoing than Sam. Sam is more serious than Tom.3. last letter4. photos of me 5. as you can see6. in some ways 7. look the same8. We are both tall.9. We both enjoy going to parties.10. more than11. My friends are the same as me.12. We have something in common.13. be good at (doing) sth. = do well in (doing) sth14. He is good at (playing) basketball.15. We both - = Both of us - (1 我的头发比她的长。2 Tom比Sam更活跃。Sam比Tom更严肃。3 上一封信4 我的照片(是我)5 正如你所看到的6 在某些方面7 看起来长得像8 我们俩都很高。9 我们俩都喜欢参加聚会。10 不止,超过11 我的朋友和我一样。12 我们有一些共有的东西。13 擅长(做)-14 他擅长(打)篮球。15 我们俩都-)SECTIONB1. do the same things as me2. make me laugh/happy3. as -as sb4. He is as tall as me.5. not as - as sb 6. He is not as busy as me.7. opposite views and interests8. most of the kids9. my best friend10. Its not necessary to be the same.11. Its necessary to learn English.12. beat sb in sth13. primary school/high school14. be good with children15. tell jokes16. call sb at - for more information17. make sb do sth18. stop doing sth / stop to do sth(1 做和我相同的事情2 把我逗笑了/使我开心3 象某人一样-4 他象我一样高。5 不象某人一样-/不如某人-6 他不象我这么忙/他没有我忙。7 相反的观点和兴趣 8 大部分孩子9 我最好的朋友 10 没有必要一样。11 学习英语很有必要。 12 在-方面击败某人13 小学/中学 14 善待孩子15 讲笑话16 拨-号码给某人打电话以获取更多信息。17 使得某人做某事 18 停止做某事 / 停下来去做某事)重难点讲解:1 be good for “对有益”。e.g. My mom says its good for my health我母亲说这对我的健康有好处。 Swimming is good for health 游泳对健康有好处。 此句型结构类似句型有: be bad for “对有害”; be important for “对重要”; be useful for “对有用”。e.g. English is very important for us 英语对我们很重要。 Eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth 吃太多糖对你的牙齿有害。2 health(健康)healthy(健康的) health是名词,而healthy是在health的词尾上加y,变为形容词,health在句中作主语或宾语,healthy多作定语或表语。e.g. Exercising more is good for our health多锻炼对我们的健康有益。 I eat a balance diet to keep healthy我用平衡的饮食来保持健康。 His lifestyle isnt healthy他的生活方式不健康。3 Whats the matter? / Whats the matter with you? 你怎么啦?你出什么事了? 此句常用来询问别人的病情,类似的句子有: Whats wrong with you? Whats the trouble? e.g. Whats the matter with your father? 你父亲怎么啦? He has a fever 他发烧了。3下面是几种身体不适的症状及忠告或建议 (1)have a fever take medicine and drink lots of water (2)have a sore throat drink some hot tea with honey (3)have a headache take a good rest and relax (4)have a stomachache lie down and rest (5)be stressed out listen to some music (6)be tired go to bed early (7)have a toothache see a dentist4区分how often, how long与how far how often用来询问动词的频率,即动作“多长时间发生一次”,回答时用表示频度的副词或短语。 e.g. How often do you exercise? I exercise once a week How often do you eat junk food I hardly ever eat it how long用来询问多长时间,回答时常用two days, three years, four weeks等表示一段时间的状语。e.g. How long are you staying there? A week how far用来询问多长距离,回答时常用twenty miles, one kilometer 等表示一段距离。e.g. How far is it from your home to school About ten miles5 take的用法: (1)表示“搭”,“乘”,“坐”。 take a taxi / ship / bus / train (2)表示“进行”,“做了一次动作”。 take a rest, take a walk, take a bath (3)表示“拿走,带走”与bring互为反义词。e.g. Please take these things away.请把这些东西带走。 (4)表示“吃(药)”。take the medicine (5)表示“花费”,常用于该句型:“It takes sb some time to do sth”e.g. How long does it take? It takes about 10 minutes6 Can you ? / Would you like?表示邀请或请求对方做某事。 肯定回答时常用Sure / Yes, please / Id like to 拒绝时用Sorry, Im busy / Im afraid not / Thank you, but 7 “asas”意为“和一样”,该短语前一个“as”后常用形容词或副词的原级,后一个“as”后常接比较对象。e.g. This book is as interesting as that one这本书和那本书一样有趣。Li Ying isnt as good at sports as her sister刘英没她妹妹擅长体育。重点语法1频率副词(频度副词) always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never这几个词表示做某件事的“频率”,即单位时间的次数。 这些词通常放在实义动词(行为动词)之前,系动词和助动词之后。e.g. She usually goes to the library on Sundays 她通常在星期天去图书馆。 He sometimes watches TV at night 他晚上有时看电视。 My mother hardly ever goes to the movies我母亲很少去看电影。 MrGreen is always busy on Sunday格林先生周日总是很忙。 His brother doesnt often go fishing on his vacation他哥哥假期不经常去钓鱼。2情态动词should的用法 肯定形式should动词原形;否定形式:shouldnt动词原形。 should有两种基本用法: (1)表示义务或责任,e.g. We shouldnt eat in classrooms 我们不应该在教室里吃东西。 (2)表示劝告或建议,e.g. You should have a rest if you are tired如果你累了,你就应该休息一会儿。 I think you shouldnt go out to play this evening我想你今天晚上不应该出去玩。3现在进行表示将来 “be现在分词”构成进行时态,表示动作正在发生或进行。这个结构也有很多别的含义,在句子中加上一个表示将来的时间状语时,可以表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作。 Were spending our holiday in Shanghai next week 下星期我们将去上海度假。 He is leaving for London next week下周他将去伦敦。 How long are you staying? 你打算呆多久?4形容词的比较级(附表) 形容词比较级用于两者(人或物)之间的比较,表示一方比另一方“更”或“较”,后面通常用比较连词than连接另一方所比较的人或物。e.g. This room is bigger than that one 这个房子比那个房间大。 My twin brother is more outgoing than me 我的双胞胎兄弟比我更外向。 His English is better than his brother他的英语比他哥哥好。规则变化例词一般在词尾加-er或-esttalltallertallestcalmcalmercalmest以辅音字母+y结尾的,改y为i再加-er或-estfunnyfunnierfunniestheavyheavierheaviesthappyhappierhappiestearlyearlierearliest以e字母结尾的,直接加-r或-stfinefinerfinestnicenicernicest重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母的要双写词尾的辅音字母再加-er或-estbigbiggerbiggestredredderreddestthinthinnerthinnestfatfatterfattesthothotterhottestwetwetterwettest多音节词和部分双音节词是在词前直接加more或mostinterestingmore interestingmost interestingpopularmore popularmost popular 不规则变化的一些词much/ manymoremostgood/wellbetterbest


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