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级英七年语能力检测 昌邑市实验中学闫素梅编稿(考试时间:60分钟 满分: 120分)友情提示:展示自己的时候到了,你可要冷静思考,沉着答卷啊!祝你成功!说明:请将所有试题答案写在答题纸上。只上交答题纸。第一卷. 单项选择。从每小题所给选项中选出能完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共20小题,每小题1分,共30分)( )1. My father wants _a movie. A. to go B. goes to C. see D. to see ( )2. -_you like thrillers(恐怖片)? - Yes, I like_very much.A. Are; them B. Do; it C. Do; them D. Are; it( )3. - _? -Yes, please. I want a basketball.A. What can I do for you B. Excuse meC. Can you help me D.Can I help you ( )4.This is our music club, and we have many _. A. footballs B. guitar C. pianos D. shops( )5. - By the way, how much _ the glasses? - The glasses? Oh, _ 230 yuan.Ais, its Bare, theyre Care, its Dis, theyre( )6. On the table there some chicken,some rice and some water.A. is B.are C.am D. on( )7. Lily wants to be university student when she grows up.A. a B.an C. the D./( )8. Jack is_years old. Today is his_birthday. A. nine, nine B. ninth, ninth C. ninth, nine D. nine, ninth( )9. What_ do you want ? Orange. A. color B. fruit C. food D. vegetable( )10. -Lets go swimming. - . A.Thats a good idea B.Yes,I can C.No D.No,I cant( )11. He sings _ and he is a _ singer(歌手).A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good( )12. I cant sing_dance, _I can play the piano.A. but; or B. or; but C. and; or D. or; and( )13. - Hi, Daisy! _ today? - Its Dec30th. AWhat day is it BWhats the weather like CWhats the date DWhats the time( ) 14. Classes begin_eight_the morning. A. in; atB. on; toC. at; inD. to; on( )15. -Lets _ games. -That _ good.A. play the, is B.play , are C. play the, are D.play , is( )16. _ comes before Thursday, but after Tuesday.A.Monday B.Friday C.Wednesday D.Saturday( )17. Mr. King is very tired after work, so he _ early.Adoes sportsBgets upCgoes to bedD.watches TV( )18You can find on the Internet. A. a information B.an informationC.informationsD information ( )19. Would you like to go for a picnic with us? _, but Im too busy.A. No, I cant B. Id like C. Yes, Id love toD. Why not ( )20. Lucy and Lily _ China next week.A. is visit B. are visitingC. visitD. visits( )21. How do you go to work?I usually go to work _.A. by a car B. in a car C. on a carD. by cars( )22. Must I finish my homework now? No, you _.A. may notB. mustntC. cant D. neednt ( )23. It is a good time _.A. singB. to singC. singingD. sang ( )24. _ do you go for a picnic? Once a month.A. How long B. How many timesC. How often D.How many time( )25. _ will you stay in America?About two months.A. How many B. How often C. How long D. How( )26. Shes good at _.A. readB. reading C. to read D. reads( )27. Mum, I m going to Ann s party this evening._.A. Why notB. Have a good timeC. Come back earlyD. Good idea ( )28. Excuse me, which is the way to the post office?Sorry. Im new here._.A. Not at allB. Bad luckC. Thank you all the same D. Thank you( )29. Would you like to go for a picnic with us? _, but Im too busy.A. No, I cant B. Id like C. Yes, Id love toD. Why not( )30. Leo likes _, but he doesnt like _ now.A. hike; hikingB. hikes; hikingC. hiking; to hikeD. hiking; hiking. 完形填空。(10分)One day there was an argument (争论) between the wind and the sun. “ Im much 31 than you, ”said the wind. “No, I dont agree with you!”said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man 32 along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind, “Now, let 33 see who can make the man take 34 his coat. Then we will know who is stronger.”First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It blew 35 hard that the man pulled (拉)his coat around him. The wind was 36 with the man. Then it said to the sun,“Now, its your 37 . ” The sun started to 38 on the man. Soon it got very 39 ! The man took off his coat. The argument was over. We know the 40 was stronger now.( )31.A. strongB. stronglyC. stronger()32.A. walkingB. walkC. walks()33.A. weB. ourC. us()34.A. up B. on C. off()35.A. notB. soC. such()36.A. sadB. happyC. angry()37.A. wayB. turnC. turns()38.A. shinesB. shineC. shining()39.A. hotB. hotterC. hottest()40.A. windB. sunC. man.阅读理解。(15分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的选项中,选出最佳答案或做出正误判断。A篇为判断正(A)误(B)题,B、C篇为选择题。(共15小题,每小题1分,共20分) (A)Tom is a student. He is always absent-minded(心不在焉的)in class. His father and mother always tell him to listen to the teacher carefully in class. “Dont be absent-minded again.” His teacher thinks a lot to change him. “Look at us when youre in class. Dont be absent-minded.” Tom answers, “OK. I will.”One day, Tom is in the English class. He is looking out of the window and smiling. His English teacher asks the class. “Say two pronouns(代词), please. Who can answer my question? ” Tom looks at his teacher in surprise and stands up, “Who? Me?” “Very good, sit down, please.”判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示。( )41. Toms teacher thinks a lot to change him.( )42. Tom is not a good student.( )43. Tom knows the answer to the English teachers question.( )44. Tom changes a lot.( )45. Toms teacher thinks Tom knows the answer.(B)南京是江苏的省会,也是六朝古都之一,是个人杰地灵的好地方。现在就让我们一起领略它的优美风光。Xuanwu Lake(玄武湖) Price:Adults(成人) ¥30 Children¥20 Open: 6:00 a.m.7:00 p.m. every day Hongshan Forest Zoo(红山森林动物园) Price: ¥25 Open: 8:00 a.m.4:30 p.m. every dayZijin Mountain Observatory (紫金山天文台)Price:Adults ¥15 Chidren ¥10Open: 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. every day根据图文介绍,完成下面5个小题:46.If you want to know about outer space (外空间),you can go to _.A. the Xuanwu Lake B. the Zijin Moutain ObservatoryC. The Hongshan forest Zoo D. Nanjing47. If your parents and you go to the Xuanwu Lake , you should spend(花费) _ yuan on tickets(票). A. 50 B. 60 C. 70 D. 8048. You can go to Zijin Mountain Observatory at _. A. 5:00 a.m. B. 6:00 p.m. C. 1:00 p.m. D. 7:30 a.m.49. Jack wants to see the panda, he can go to _. A. A. the Xuanwu Lake B. The Hongshan Forest ZooC. the Zijin Moutain Observatory D. A , B and C50. Its fine today, Jack and his friends are going boating, you can find them in _.A. the Xuanwu Lake B. The Hongshan Forest ZooC. the Zijin Moutain Observatory D. B and C C.One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room. But people in the room didnt look at him. They didnt ask him to sit at the table. He wasnt happy. But he said nothing.Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat.Mr. Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat!”The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?”Mr. Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didnt look at me. You didnt ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now I see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.”()51. One day, Mr. Smith went to_.A.a birthday partyB.a dinner partyC.an English partyD.a movie( )52. When he came into the room, the people didnt look at him. Why?A.Because the people didnt ask him to come.B.Because Mr. Smith wore old clothes.C.Because Mr. Smith didnt say hello to them first.D.Because it was night, they didnt see him.()53. Why did he go home quickly?A.Because he didnt want to stay here.B.Because he went home for his best clothes.C.Because the people there asked him to leave.D.Because he didnt like the food there.()54. Whats the meaning of “surprised”in Chinese?A.高兴的B.不满的C.感到奇怪的D.生气的()55. Which statement is right?A.A person in good clothes should eat good food.B.A good coat should eat good food.C.We cant judge(判断)a man by his clothes.D.Mr. Smith is stupid(愚蠢的). (D)It was very cold. It snowed heavily and blew very strongly. It was not a good night to go out. But David had to walk home from work “I can be warmer,” he thought, “I wear my coat backwards(反方向地).” He took off his coat and put it on backwards. “Thats much better.” He thought and walked on. About ten minutes later a car hit him. The driver stopped his car and got out of it. He ran to help David.Soon a police car arrived. The policeman ran to look at David. “Im afraid hes dead.” The policeman told the driver.The driver could not believe it. “He cant be dead.” He cried,“I did not touch him. Look at my car. There is not a mark(印记)on it.”“Hes dead.”The policeman said again.“I dont understand it.”The driver said,“As soon as I hit him. I ran to help him. He was lying on the road, but he was breathing and there was no blood(血).”“Did you touch him?”The policeman asked.“Yes,”The driver said,“but I only turn his head around the right way.”Read the passage and answer the following questions.(阅读短文,回答问题。)56. Why was David walking in such bad weather?_. 57.How did David make himself warmer?_.58. Did the driver run to help David?_59. What did the policeman say again?_60. Who killed David?第二卷.英汉词组互译(共10小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. have a break _ 2. thousands of _ 3. on time _ 4. best wishes _ 5. 在周末_ 6. 健康食品和饮料_7.下载音乐_ 8. 匆匆忙忙_ 9与某人相处融洽_10. 盼望做某事_11. 几天后 12. 急忙冲出 13. 我的过去生活 14b把和比较 15.肢体语言 .句型转换。(共10小题,每空0.5分)1.One day people will go to the shops no more.(改为同义句)One day people go to the shops more。2、Jamie was very nice.(对划线部分提问) Jamie ?3. I did my homework at home yesterday evening.(改为否定句) I my homework at home yesterday evening4、They usually have dinner at home.( 对划线部分提问) do they have dinner at home?5 、We will go there by bike. ( 用by bus 改为选择疑问句) go there by bike by bus?6、He speaks English very well.(改为感叹句) He speaks English!7.To do my homework for me is difficult . (变成否定句) Its difficult _ _ homework for me. 8.It takes me half an hour to do my home every day.(改同义句)I _ half an hour _ my home every day .综合填空 (共10分,每空一分)选择方框中恰当的词填空,每词只限用一次,有两个词多余。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。Be thanks work birthday flower busy thank buy get family sell onesMr. Brown is a very _1_man. He always_2_ hard. He often forgets his 3 birthdays. Today he remembers(记得) it is his wifes _4_. He loves his wife. On 5 way home from his hospital, he _6_ some _7_ in a shop. When Mr. Brown _8 home, he gave his wife the flowers and says, “Happy birthday to you, dear. Its January 14th today. I remember your birthday this year.” Mrs. Brown laughs and says, “My birthday 9 yesterday, not today. But _10_you all the same.” 1._2._3._4._5. . 6._7._8._9._10. .阅读短文并完成相关任务。(10分)Nick Smith is my friend. He is 12 years old. He is from America. He speaks English and French. His favorite subject is science. He likes Chinese, too. And he says he can speak a little Chinese, but he cant write in Chinese. Nick likes sports, too. He likes swimming best. He goes swimming on weekends with his father. He says he can swim very well. He doesnt like biology. He thinks it is too difficult. Nick has a big family. There are eight people in his family, his grandpa, grandma, father, mother and his brothers and sisters. He has two brothers and two sisters. They are Bob, Tim, Jane and Susan. They are happy!任务一:阅读短文,完成ID卡。(每小题1分,共5分)Name: Nick Smith Age:1._ From:2._ He can speak:3._ Favorite subjects(s): 4._and_ Favorite sport(s):5._ 任务二:完成下列任务。6.请从文中找出He is from the USA.的同义句。(1分) _7.将下面句子译成汉语.( 2分) And he says he can speak a little Chinese, but he cant write in Chinese._8.根据短文内容填空。( 1分,每空0.5分) Nick doesnt have a _ family. He has a big one. He has_ brothers and sisters. 9.回答问题:Why doesnt nick like biology? ( 1分)_ . 书面表达(共15分)你一定交了不少好朋友吧?你的最好的朋友什么时候交的,你们以前都怎么相处的,进入初中以后,你们的情况如何?假如你是王华,请以My good friend为题,介绍你的朋友Marry在运动、饮食、爱好以及其他方面的情况。词数:80左右My good friend选择题1-55答案1-1516-3031-4546-5556. 57. 58. 59. 60.


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