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高考任务型阅读常考同义替换整理1. bring about/result in/lead to/contribute to/account for/cause/make for导致2. result from=arise from是的结果3. in particular=particularly in peace=peacefully4. in silence=silently in harmony=harmoniously in part=partly5. be accused of=be charged with被指控6. in advance=ahead of time(schedule) 预先7. put forward=come up with提出8. at random= randomly随意地9. object to doing=oppose doing=be opposed to doing=raise an objection to 反对做某事10. support=be in favor of=favor=subscribe to支持11. date back to=date from始于/追溯到12. on behalf of=represent代表13. on top of/apart from/aside from/besides/as well as除了14. a variety of+n. /varieties of+n. =various+n. 各种各样的15. make full use of= make the most(best) of= take advantage of利用16. show up=turn up=appear显露17. be worth doing=be worthy of being done=be worthy to be done值得 deserve doing 17.be related to= be associated with= be linked to= be connected with跟有关18. stand/bear/tolerate/put up with 忍受19. put off doing=delay doing=postpone doing=buy time to do推迟20. do with=deal with=cope with=handle 处理21. need/want/require doing=need/want/require to be done 想要/需要做某事22. (sth) deserve doing=(sth) deserve to be done 值得做23. supply sb with sth=supply sth to sb provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb =offer sb sth/offer sth to sb.提供某人某物24. have an effect on=have effect(s) /impact / influence on =affect 对有影响25. an approach to doing sth.=a way of doing sth.=a way to do sth.=How to do sth. 做的方法26. consist of=be made up of=be composed of 由组成a class consisting of 50 students=A class made up of 50 students 由50个学生组成的班级27. replace B with A= substitute A for B= take the place of B 用A替代B28. resemble=look like= be similar to =bear a resemblance to 像类似于29. sb make sense of sth=sb understand sth 某人明白某事 30. be of use/ value=be useful/valuable 对有用 31. be accessible to=have access to=be available to 可获得的32. accompany sb=keep sb company companion同伴/伴侣33. be drunk with= be addicted to =be hooked on 沉迷于34. manage to do=succeed in doing (设法)成功做某事 35. to be hones/frank/strict=.honestly/frankly/strictly speaking坦率的/直白的/严格说来 to be precise 精确地来说 36. as soon as sb does=upon/on doing 一就37. including sth=sth included 包括38. be absorbed in = be lost in= be buried in 专心于39. be tired/sick of=be bored with=be fed up with 对感到困倦40. have an edge/advantage over=be superior to= be better than 胜过比强 41. be consistent with =be in line with= corresponded to= agree with 与相一致42. differ from=be different from 与不同43.take the place of A=be in place of A=replace 取代44. at your convenience=when it is convenient for you 当你方便时45. account for=make up 占据比例46. take up=occupy 占据 believe in=trust 信任 take in sth. =absorb sth 理解,吸收47. on ones own=by oneself=alone=independently 自己独立48. be exposed to sth/ exposure to 使暴露于49. at hand=handy 在手边50. be aware/conscious of=realize=recognize 意识到51. tell the difference between A and B =make a distinction between A and B 区分 =tell/distinguish A from B= tellapart (注意:没有differ A from B)52. escape from=flee 逃离53. the remaining money=the money left 剩下的钱54. face sth=be faced with sth 面对某事 Facing sth=Faced with sth (状语) 面临某事55. be responsible for=take responsibility for=answer for 对负责56. make fun of=laugh at=tease=mock 嘲笑57. at the same time=meanwhile 同时58. in spite of /despite +短语=Though/ Although/ While+句子 / 虽然 (用as 要倒装)59. beyond belief=incredible=unbelievable 难以置信的60. out of the question=impossible 不可能 out of question =no problem 没问题61. treat sb badly=abuse sb 虐待某人62. convince sb=make sb convinced 使某人信服63. be unaware of=fail to notice=overlook=ignore=neglect 忽视64. take pride in=be proud of 对感到自豪65. be dressed in=wear sth 穿着66. burst into tears=burst out crying 突然大哭67. stress /underline/ emphasize the importance of sth 强调68. look after=take care of=attend to 照顾69. seek=look for=search for/ be in search of 寻找70. starve to death=die of hunger/starvation 饿死71. sth benefit sb=sth be beneficial to sb=sth be of benefit to sb=sb benefit from sth 某人从某事受益72. every year= yearly= annual 每年的 36=3 dozen 3打73. 100 years= 1 century= 10 decades 100年 a fortnight= two weeks 两周74. make preparations for=be in preparation for= prepare for 为做准备75. take an active part in = take part in sth actively 积极参加 Have a positive influence on = influence sth positively 积极影响76. compensate for=make up for 补偿77. commit oneself to doing= promise to do 承诺做78. sth kill sb= sth cost sb the life= claim ones life 某物杀了某人79. matter/count/be very important 重要80. list the things that you are good at= list what/ all you are good at 列举你擅长的81. be tired out= be worn out= be exhausted= be burnt out= be weary 累坏了82. online= on the Internet 在网上83. socially responsible= social responsibility 社会责任84. come into being/existence=form/exist 存在/形成85. catch on.= be popular 流行的86. now and then= sometimes=occasionally 偶然87. make ones dream come true = realize/live ones dream 实现某人梦想88. make an apology=apologize to sb.89. be over=end=putto an end= come to an end 结束90. dont/never do=avoid doing= keep away from91. be able to do sth.= be capable of sth. 92. use up= run out of run out= give out= be used up93. most of the people= the majority of the people94. learn good citizenship= learn to be good citizens95. improve ones skills= polish up ones skills96. lack sth.= be short of sth.= be lacking in 缺少97. without destroying them= without causing destruction.98. limit sth = keep sth in check 限制99. cause sb to participate in sth = involve sb in sth 100. A be responsible for B= B cause/ result in / lead to A


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