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课时2 七年级 上 Units5 9 课前自主热身 does interested player got let has had done did smaller biggest bigger fattest fatter healthily healthy ate eaten strawberries tomatoes took women man smallest dislike love relaxed relaxing bored bore twentieth twelfth taken interesting bought sell sale sold artist business scientist scientific musician freedom useful useless watchTV thinkabout Howabout Hereyouare playbasketball afterclass Haveagoodtime artfestival forsure from to belate practicesth withsb findout eatinghabit apairof Let s Myfavorite forbreakfast onApril21st foronly itisrelaxing 中考考点解读 Doyouhaveasoccerball Let splayputergames MayIhelpyou Whatcolordoyouwant Howaboutthisone HowmuchisthisT shirt arethesesocks Whenisyourbirthday Doessheliketomatoes What syourfavoritesubject Whydoyoulikeit 中考考点解读 甘肃真题专练 1 2017省卷79题 Weallneeda health environment 2 2016省卷72题 Ipreferhistoricaldramasbecausetheyarea relax wayformetolearnhistory 3 2015省卷21题 Don tbenervous Tryyourbestandyou llpasstheexam easy 4 2015省卷26题 Linda s 健康 hasimprovedgreatlysinceshestartedonthisnewdiet 5 2017省卷94题 这个音乐听起来很悦耳 Themusicvery 6 2016省卷34题 Jeniferwantstogotothatpartyverymuchallherbestfriendswillgo A becauseB soC unlessD while 重点词汇 healthy relaxing easily health sounds pleasing pleasant good great A 7 2017省卷73题 Theboygotthe one placeinthesingingpetition 8 2017兰州95题 Mymotherwithherfriendsoften go shoppingonweekends 9 2017兰州96题 Two three ofthestudentsinourclasshavebeentoDisneylandsomewhere 10 2016省卷74题 Themotherboughtalovelydollforherdaughteronher six birthday 11 2016省卷76题 AftertheSeniorHighEntranceExam I llhaveatwo month holiday 12 2016兰州91题 Kate grandparentsusuallyhaveawalkaroundthelakeinthemorning 重点语法 first goes thirds sixth months Kate s 13 2016兰州95题 Theredrose smell sweet 14 2015省卷23题 The monkey aretrainedtodoalotofthingslikehumans 15 2015兰州94题 Althoughhelivesonthe twelve floor heseldomusesthelift 16 2017省卷22题 Itdependsonmydecision themothersaidandlookedathertwosons A ChildrenB children sC childD child s17 2016省卷39题 July1stofthisyearisthebirthdayoftheCPC 中国共产党 A ninefiveB ninetiethfifthC ninetiethfiveD ninetyfifth18 2016兰州32题 ofthestudentsinClass6havelunchatschool A TwofifthB OnethirdsC ThreefifthD Threequarters smells monkeys twelfth B D D 19 2015省卷36题 doesBobusuallygotowork Heusuallyrideshisbike A WhatB WhoC WhereD How20 2015省卷50题 motherscan tgototheparents meetingbecausetheyaretoobusy A Jack sandPaulB Jack sandPaul sC JackandPaul sD JackandPaul21 2015兰州37题 ofthelandinthatdistrictiscoveredwithtreesandgrass A FifthtwoB TwofifthC FifthsecondD Twofifths D B D 22 2017省卷40题 Howisyoursecond handputer sogood A AslongB SofarC SomuchD Asfor23 2017省卷42题 Ipassedmydrivingtestyesterday Didyou A Forgetit B Congratulations C Thanks D Don tworry 情景交际 B B 课堂重点剖析 1 play的用法 Well let splaybasketball 那么 让我们去打篮球吧 Unit5 P27 play作动词时 其常见的用法有 1 play 表示球类的名词 2 play 表示棋类的名词 3 play the 表示乐器类的名词 4 play还可意为 播放 play还可以作名词 意为 游戏 戏剧 剧本 图示助记 1 这对双胞胎爱好不同 尼克喜欢打网球 卢克喜欢踢足球 Thetwinshavedifferenthobbies Nicklikes whileLukeenjoys 2 一部著名的话剧将在剧院上演 让我们在网上预订两张票吧 Awillbeperformedinthetheater Let sbooktwoticketsonline 考点小练 3 李华对拉小提琴感兴趣 她经常在周末练习它 LiHuaisinterestedinandsheoftenpracticesitonweekends playingtennis playingsoccer famousplay playingtheviolin 2 busy的用法 Thisisareallybusyterm 这真是忙碌的一学期呀 Unit8 P47 busy用作形容词 意为 忙碌的 其具体用法如下 bebusywithsth 忙于某事 如 Isyourmotherbusywiththehousework 你妈妈忙着做家务吗 bebusydoingsth 忙于做某事 如 TomisbusywatchingTVnow 汤姆正在忙着看电视 4 为了在考试中取得好成绩 学生们在忙着学习 Inordertogetgoodmarksintheexam thestudents theirstudies 5 TomorrowisMother sDay Iambusyacardformymother A makeB makingC tomakeD tomaking 考点小练 arebusywith B 3 finish的用法 Myclassesfinishat1 50 butafterthatIhaveanartlessonfortwohours 我的课程1 50结束 但是之后我有一节两个小时的艺术课 Unit9 P53 finish是及物动词 意为 完成 后常接名词 代词或动词的 ing形式 如 Hefinishedwatchingthenewmovielastnight 他昨晚看完了那部新电影 6 Youshouldreturnthebookwhenyoufinishit A readB toreadC readingD havingread 7 Youshouldpractice play thepianoregularly 考点小练 playing C 4 辨析v ing与v ed形容词 Thatsoundsinteresting 那听起来很有趣 Unit5 P28 v ing和v ed是由现在分词和过去分词转化而来的形容词 具有形容词的性质 v ing的形容词一般用来形容 物 本身具有的性质 表示 令人 的 v ed的形容词一般用来形容 人 的感受 表示 感到 的 It s adj for sb todosth 句型中的形容词要用v ing形式 常见v ing与v ed形容词总结如下 8 她在图书馆发现了一本有趣的书 Shefoundanbookinthelibrary 9 I m excite aboutthenewsthatmyfriendTomwonthefirstplaceintheEnglishpetition 考点小练 interesting 10 DuringtheSpringFestival sendingtheredenvelopeonWeChatwassopopularandmostofuswereinit A interestedB interestC InterestingD interests 11 滑雪比滑冰更让人兴奋 Skiingismorethanskating excited A exciting 5 辨析watch look see与read IonlywatchthemonTV 我仅仅在电视上观看它们 Unit5 P29 图示助记 12 TheT shirtnice Iwanttobuyoneformyson OK Iwillshowittoyou 考点小练 looks 14 PleaseclearoffthedinnertableandthenyoucanTVforanhour 13 Ihaven tthebookexactly Ijustlookeditthroughtoseewhatitwaslike 15 Youlookill Youhadbetteradoctorrightnow watch see read watch look see read 6 辨析take bring carry与fetch I lltaketwopairs 我将买两双 Unit7 P38 take bring carry fetch这四个词都是动词 都含有 带 或 拿 的意思 但使用场合及表示的方向性各不相同 图示助记 16 Remembertoyourbooktoschooltomorrow 考点小练 bring 18 Let sgoandsomewater 17 Heisabigboxonhisback Asgoodfriends weshouldhelphim 19 Don tforgettoyourumbrellawhenyougo fetch take carrying fetch bring take carry 7 辨析because与becauseof BecausethenextdayisSaturday 因为第二天是星期六 Unit9 P50 20 彼得非常想要去参加那个聚会 因为他所有的朋友都会去 Peterwantstogotothatpartyverymuchallhisfriendswillgo 考点小练 because 21 他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢 Hewalkedslowlyhisbadleg becauseof 8 辨析buy sell与sale Comeandbuyyourclothesatourgreatsale 在我们大减价时请来买衣服 Unit7 P41 23 昨天我的妈妈给我买了一件漂亮的裙子 Mymothermeabeautifuldressyesterday 考点小练 onsale 24 他们卖光了所有的小麦 Theyallthewheat 22 在圣诞节期间有很多商品在廉价出售 TherearelotsofgoodsduringtheChristmasDay bought soldout 9 Howmuch 句型 HowmuchisthisT shirt 这件T恤衫多少钱 Unit7 P37 Howmuch 意为 多少 在不同的语境中 有不同的含义 询问价格Howmuch be 主语 What sthepriceof Howmuchdoes do cost 如 Howmucharetheseshoes What sthepriceoftheseshoes Howmuchdotheseshoescost 这些鞋多少钱 询问不可数名词的数量 如 Howmuchorangejuiceisthereinthefridge 冰箱里有多少橙汁 26 booksdoyouhave Threebooksinall A HowoftenB HowmuchC HowsoonD Howmany 考点小练 27 theoftheskirt Itisonly20dollars 25 isyournewschoolbag It s 30 A HowoftenB HowmuchC HowsoonD Howmany B What sprice 28 Howmuchdoesyourcellphone Idon tknow Myfatherboughtitforme D cost


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