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Unit 1 Star aigns 重点词汇总结1.bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 2.read your stars 读你的星象 3.have lots to eat and drink 有很多吃的和喝的 4.worry about (not) doing sth= be worried about (not) doing sth 担心(不能)做某事 5. be familiar with sth= know sth very well 对熟悉 6. animal signs 生肖 7.in Chinese culture 在中国文化里 8. people in the West 西方的人 9.find out more about 找出更多关于10.learn more about 对加深了解 11.Western culture 西方文化 12.Students Union 学生会13. a new chairperson 一个新主席 14. recommend sb as/to be. 推荐某人成为15.be represented by creatures 由动物代表 16.just for fun 只是为了有趣 17.divide into four parts分成四份 18.date of birth 出生日期 19.decide to do sth 决定做某事 20. make a right decision 做出正确的决定 21.people born under the same star sign 生于同一星座的人 22.share similar characterists 具有相似的性格特点 23. an energetic and active person 一个精力充沛且活跃的人 24.too impatient 太没有耐心 25. like to be the leader 想要做领导 26.a selfish person 一个自私的人 27. at times=from time to time=sometimes=now and then 有时 28.a stubborn person 一个顽固的人29.a hard-working person 一个勤奋的人 30.do not give up easily 不轻易放弃 31.give up doing sth 放弃做某事 32.a curious and clever person 一个好奇心强且聪明的人33.an out-going person 一个外向的人 34.feelings change easily 感情容易变化 35.love to talk 喜欢交谈 36.love your home and family 爱你的家和家人 37.take care of others=look after others 照顾他人 38.save money 攒钱 39.a confident person 一个自信的人 40.be full of confidence 充满自信 41.be generous 慷慨的 42.buy your friends nice gifts=buy nice gifts for your friends 给你的好友买好礼物 43.a modest person一个谦虚的人 44.worry too much 过于担心 45.be practical 心灵手巧的、实事求是的 46.pay attention to details 关注细节 47.a polite and fair person 一个有礼貌且公正的人 48.an elegant person 一个高雅的人 49.love beautiful things 喜爱美丽的东西 50.love peace 热爱和平 51.argue with others与别人争论52.argue about sth.争论某事 53. argue with others about sth. 与别人争论某事55.have lots of energy=be full of energy=very energetic充满活力56.keep secrets 保密 57.forgive others for their mistakes 原谅别人的错误 58.be humorous=have good sense of humour 很幽默 59.enjoy life 享受生活 60.love travelling to different places 喜欢到各地旅行 61.work hard 努力工作 62.be good at making and planning things 擅长计划安排事情 63.patient enough 足够有耐心 64.wait for a long time 等待很长时间 65.without getting angry 不会生气 66.kind and wise 既善良又有智慧 67.hate to be like others 讨厌与别人一样 68.try to do everything differently 试着做事与众不同 69.be gentle and easy-going 既绅士又随和 70.be creative and imaginative 创造力和想象力都很丰富 72.dream about everythings 憧憬一切 73.explain sth to sb=explain to sb sth 给某人解释某事 74.make an explaination 做一个解释 75.care only about oneself 只关心某人自己 76.treat everyone equally 公平的对待每个人 77.feel sure about ones own ability 对某人自己的能力感到确信78.be friends with sb 与某人成为朋友 79.tell jokes 讲笑话 80.seem to be lucky 似乎很幸运 81.share food with others 与别人分享食物 82.do well in(doing) sth 在某方面做得很好 83.show off 炫耀、卖弄 84.balloons of all colours 各种颜色的气球 85.each of us 我们每个人 86.the whole cake 整个蛋糕87.organize the party 组织聚会 88.at all times=all the time=always 总是 89.do/make an experiment 做实验 90.in the laboratory 在实验室 91.have/get a bad toothache 牙疼得厉害 92.see the dentist 看牙医 93.be very interested in sth=show great interest in sth 对很有兴趣 94.the first cloned sheep 第一只克隆羊 95.lay/be awake 醒着 96.a glass of lemonade 一杯柠檬水 97.pass the football to sb 把球传给某人 98.have been on the phone for half an hour 已经打了半个小时的电话 99.plan to do sth 计划做某事 100.go to dancing lessons 去上舞蹈课 101.have bicycle repaired 把自行车修一修 102.a wallet lying on the ground 地上的钱包 103.be born in the year of the Goat 生于羊年 104. have a lot to celebrate=have a lot of celebrations 有很多值得庆祝的事 106.around the middle of the month 大约在本月中旬 107.be given some money 得到一些钱108.be available on request 已经要求便可提供,备索 109.call sb on 123456 打123456联系某人 110.e-mail sb at 邮件地址 发邮件到联系某人111.have lots of fun doing sth 做某事很有乐趣 112.spend money wisely 明智的花钱 113.have problems with/doing sth 做某事有麻烦 114.get/have lots of rest 好好休息 115.feel weak 感到虚弱 116.go to a cinema 去看电影117.organize things well 很好的组织事情 118.come up with/think of new ideas 想出新点子119.who else 还有谁 120.be suitable for 适合. 121.get full marks 得满分 122.in an English test 再一次英语测验中123.never forget the things he needs to do 从不忘记他需要做的事 124.be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事125.make a speech 做一次演讲 126.give a talk 作报告 127.to a large group of people 面向一大群人 128.try ones best 尽力 129.do extra work 做额外的工作 130.get good marks 得到好的分数 131.get more organized 变得更有条理 132.an excellent chairperson 一个很出色的主席 133.many good personal qualities 许多好的个人品质 134.in front of the whole school 在全体师生面前 135.last summer 去年夏天 136.the rest of the summer holiday 暑假的剩余时间 137.do not mind doing sth 不介意做某事138.agree with us 同意我们 139.have all the qualities to be a good chairperson 拥有成为一名主席的所有优秀品质 140.Its my pleasure=with pleasure 别客气、这是我的荣幸 141.the most suitable person 最合适的人选 142.the newspaper says 报纸上说


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