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成 绩: 江西科技师范大学毕业设计(论文)题目(中文): 多媒体在小学英语教学中的利与弊 (外文):Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Chinese Primary Students English with Multimedia院(系): 外国语学院 专 业: 英语(师范) 学生姓名: 卢娟娟 学 号: 20112799 指导教师: 曾纯 2015 年 3月 10日毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Chinese Primary Students English with Multimedia是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立研究、写作的成果。论文中所引用是他人的无论以何种方式发布的文字、研究成果,均在论文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律结果由本人独自承担。 毕业论文作者签名: 年 月 日AbstractThis paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia-assisted instruction and the appropriate ways of using this method effectively in primary English teaching. As a brand-new modern teaching method, multimedia-assisted instruction has become one of the best choices of primary classroom teaching for its scientific, advanced, vivid and visual features. Nonetheless, this method also faces a number of challenges. These problems may give rise to low teaching efficiency and have a bad effect on the achievement of the goals of multimedia-assisted instruction. Thus, only if the teachers use multimedia properly could the students get more benefits. Consequently, this paper aims at finding how to apply multimedia in primary English teaching appropriately and giving some suggestions to solve those problems mentioned above, to speed up development of multimedia teaching methods and up-grade teaching efficiency. The dissertation begins with the introduction of multimedia-assisted instruction which involves its definition, then analyzes the characteristics of multimedia-assisted instruction such as various learning resources and the characteristics of Chinese primary school English teaching. In doing so, the researcher highlights the significance of using multimedia in primary school English teaching. Secondly, the researcher states the advantages and disadvantages of teaching primary students English with multimedia. Then, based on the analysis of the disadvantages of multimedia-assisted instruction in primary school, the author makes some suggestions on how to apply it effectively in teaching.Key words: characteristics, multimedia-assisted instruction, advantages, disadvantages, advice摘 要本文探讨了多媒体辅助教学的优缺点以及如何在小学课堂中有效运用多媒体辅助英语教学。多媒体辅助教学作为一种全新的现代教学方法,因其科学的、先进的、生动的和视觉化的特征已成为小学课堂教学的最佳选择之一。然而,这种教学方法也面临着诸多挑战。这些问题可能会导致教学效率低下,甚至无法实现多媒体辅助教学的目的。因此,只有教师正确使用多媒体,学生才能汲取其正面影响。因此,本文旨探讨如何将多媒体良好地运用于小学英语教学,并针对以上提到的问题给予一些可行性建议,从而促进多媒体教学方法的发展和教学效率的提高。本文首先介绍多媒体教学方法,其中包括它的定义。然后分析多媒体辅助教学的特点,如丰富多样的学习资源;以及中国小学英语教学的特点。其中,作者强调了使用多媒体在小学英语教学的重要意义并指出多媒体应用于小学生英语教学的优点和缺点。然后,基于优缺点分析,作者对于如何有效运用多媒体辅助教学提出了一些建议。关键词:特点,多媒体辅助教学方法,优缺点,建议AcknowledgmentsThanks to the Science and Technology Normal University for accepting the unusual proposal from which this paper grew.I would like to express my most sincere thanks to my academic supervisor Hu Hongxia. She has helped me in many different ways during the formulation of this paper; her helpful advice, continued encouragement and patience have been very much appreciated. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Zeng Chun for her evaluation on my first draft and her helpful advice.Thanks go finally to my good friends Lily and Angela for their generous assistance.ContentsAbstracti摘 要.iiiAcknowledgmentsivContentsvChapter 1 Introduction11.1 Context11.2 Significance of the Study21.3 Shape of paper3Chapter 2 The Multimedia-Assisted Instruction42.1 Definitions42.2 Characteristics of Multimedia-Assisted Instruction52.2.1 The Learner-Centeredness52.2.2 Multiple Input Ways62.2.3 Various Learning Resources62.2.4 Focusing on Language Skills72.3 The Characteristics of Chinese Primary School English Teaching72.3.1 Distinctive Students72.3.2 Proper Teaching Contents82.3.3 Application of Modern Teaching Methods92.3.4 Deficiencies10Chapter 3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Chinese Primary Students English with Multimedia113.1 The Advantages of Teaching Chinese Primary Students English with Multimedia113.1.1 Arouse Students Learning Interests113.1.2 Improve Teaching Efficiency by Enriching Teaching Contents123.1.3 Give Full Scope to the Cognition of Students133.1.4 Create Life-like Situation to Train Students Speaking Abilities143.2 The Disadvantages of Teaching Chinese Primary Students English with Multimedia153.2.1 Higher Requirements in Cost and Human Resources153.2.2 Block the Development of Students Creativity163.2.3 Focus More on the Form163.2.4 Lack of Multimedia Operation Skills173.2.5 Lack of Interaction17Chapter 4 Advice for Using Multimedia-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Chinese Primary School Students English Effectively194.1 Combine Multimedia-Assisted Instruction with Traditional Method for Primary School Students194.2 Be Students-Oriented in Teaching194.3 Plan and Prepare Reasonably to Improve Teaching Quality204.4 Change Teachers Opinions and Train Their Abilities on Operating Multimedia204.5 Promote Interaction of Teachers and Students21Chapter 5 Conclusion23Bibliography26Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 ContextWith the development of multimedia devices in education, multimedia teaching has been an increasingly popular subject. Multimedia-assisted instruction becomes more and more popular in primary school. (蔡燕兰,2010) In 2010, Cai Yanlan conducted a survey of multimedia-assisted instruction in Nanchang Bayi Primary School. The results show that about 80% of teachers use the multimedia-assisted instruction in their class, and about 70% of classes use it everyday. (蔡燕兰,2010) As we all know, the ultimate goal of English study is to acquire the ability to communicate in English. But in non-English-speaking countries like China, it is not easy for students to achieve this aim due to lack of language context. Multimedia-assisted instruction as a vital learning resource, teachers can use it to link with the Internet and enrich the teaching content as well as promote interaction between the pupils. This kind of teaching method makes learning more interesting and effective to achieve the teaching effects. However, there are different voices on this method. On one hand, some scholars propose that there are many advantages of multimedia-assisted instruction. For example, Lu Zhongxiao puts forward an idea that teaching primary students English with multimedia can raise their learning enthusiasm through various teaching resources.(路忠孝,2011) Zhao Guohong draws a conclusion that the proper use of multimedia in class can greatly enrich the teaching content. (赵国宏,2011) On the other hand, some researchers consider that the improperly use of multimedia-assisted instruction has many bad influences. For instance, Kori Morgan thinks that along with the computers high installation costs, the technology needs continuous expert maintenance.(Kori Morgan, 2000) Schools must have more skilled teachers in case of malfunctions or technical difficulties. These shortcomings may challenge the implementation of this teaching method. From what weve mentioned above, its easily to see the advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia-assisted instruction. The topic of how to use this method properly in primary English class is worth the effort.Through the literature review method and comparative analysis, we can see the advantages and disadvantages of teaching Chinese primary students with multimedia.1.2 Significance of the StudyIn effect, multimedia is a learning assistance. We all know that multimedia-assisted instruction has many benefits. For example, it can not only raise students learning enthusiasm but also improve the teaching efficiency. But everything has its strengths and weaknesses. On one hand, its good for students to gain knowledge. On the other hand, it can bring people bad influences. Many problems may occur such as harming students creativity and lacking of interaction due to concept or actual operation.Today, multimedia-assisted instruction has been extensively used in teaching. However, students wont get more benefits until the teachers use this method reasonably. Consequently, its necessary to find how to apply multimedia in primary English teaching appropriately and giving some suggestions to solve those problems mentioned above, to speed up development of multimedia-assisted instruction and improve teaching efficiency. Thus the author writes this dissertation.1.3 Shape of the PaperThis paper comprises five chapters: introduction, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and conclusion. Firstly, the introduction will lead us to the context significance of the study, and the shape of the paper will introduce the detailed organization of this dissertation. The second chapter will show us the introduction of multimedia-assisted instruction, including its definition as well as its outstanding characteristics, and it will state the features of primary English teaching for us. Then, it will offer some useful measures of how to use multimedia-assisted instruction effectively in primary English teaching. And finally, there is a conclusion.Chapter 2 The Multimedia-Assisted Instruction2.1 DefinitionsHere are two definitions which are related to the multimedia-assisted instruction. The definition of “multimedia” given by Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary is that multimedia is a sort of computer system that combines text with audio, video and still images to make an interactional application, or any communications technique that involves more than one medium of expression. (Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary Extended Fourth Edition,2002) In terms of English teaching, multimedia includes computers, videos, recorders, projectors and other media as a whole adopted by teachers in accordance with the needs of different classes to elastically fulfill relevant teaching. (刘晓明,2010)Multimedia-assisted instruction is a indispensable part of the modem teaching methods. It refers to the instruction that is applied by teachers and it can agilely use the related media according to the different classroom needs with the help of media system, which integrates the computer, the video recorder and so on. (袁方,2007)Multimedia-assisted instruction is used more and more widely in English teaching, it has changed the way teachers teach. With multimedia into English teaching, it has many advantages which cannot be substituted by other traditional methods. Thus, in order to form a special and effective teaching method, the utilization of multimedia-assisted instruction needs to combine the advantages of multimedia-assisted instruction and traditional teaching modes so that teachers will have more elasticity in English teaching. (陆海空,2013)2.2 The Characteristics of Multimedia-Assisted InstructionAs for the traditional English teaching mode, sometimes English can not be used for communication conveniently. With the advent of multimedia, as a new technology, it can not only provide many information such as text and images but also link reading, writing, speaking and listening. It can make up the shortcomings of traditional teaching method. Compared with traditional English teaching mode, the characteristics of multimedia-assisted instruction can be concluded as follows:2.2.1 Learner-CenteredUnder multimedia-assisted instruction, the relationship between teachers and students is no longer subordinate. Teacher is no longer regarded as an authority or a model for students to follow. Its a teaching method which can make the students-centered teaching mode possible. Besides, it can provide learners with virtual language information and learning situation which are close to reality.(刘道义,2001)A major characteristic of using multimedia sources in the classroom is the ability to bring in images, sounds and videos. For example, teacher can show some pictures and videos when talking about a foreign country. Additionally, a projector or individual computer gives students opportunity to view information or materials more closely. All in all, multimedia has made the concept of students-centered.2.2.2 Multiple Input WaysMultimedia-assisted instruction provides people abundant information and resources. Namely, people can get information through different ways like by sight sense. We can see this from many sides. Taking sight sense and hearing sense as an example, when teacher is teaching new words on animals like “polar bear”. Generally, no one has ever seen this animal. However, teacher can show some pictures and videos of polar bears so as to help students remember and understand this word. 2.2.3 Various Learning ResourcesUnder traditional teaching resources, there are only textbooks and tapes.But multimedia-assisted instruction can provide textbooks and tapes, videotapes, audio and so on. Different kinds of learning resources can bring more interests to English class. When using traditional teaching method, textbook is the main resource for students to gain knowledge. For example, when teaching Unit11 Peoples and Countries, in addition to the content of the textbook like new words, teacher can play national anthems or show national flags of some famous countries. And students will be willing to discuss about those interesting knowledge, it helps students to understand and remember the information. In doing so, this process can extend students knowledge and broaden their horizons. 2.2.4 Focusing on Language SkillsAs for the traditional teaching method, it pays more attention on reading and writing. But the instruction which uses multimedia as assistance focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking together. Taking the lesson Unit 4 Its Warm Today as an example: under the traditional instruction, teachers attaches importance on the content and practices. Students may learn some new words and sentence patterns about weather but do not know how to use them flexibly in real life. But when using multimedia as a tool in class, teacher can create different kinds of situations for students and they can learn how to use those new words in real life. In this way, students can develop their communicative ability. So this method is beneficial for students to develop their overall abilities.2.3 The Characteristics of Chinese Primary School English Teaching2.3.1 Distinctive StudentsWhat is the most prominent feature of pupils? Its not hard to list many characteristics. For instance, they wold like to express their feelings and attitudes; them are creative and curious about novelties. Here is an funny example which explains their imagination well. A primary teacher asked students to use “况且” to form a sentence, a boy answered without thinking, “一列火车经过,况且况且况且况且况且况”. Very interesting, right? You may have heard many examples which show the fact that primary students usually have vivid imagination. This feature makes them unique.Another obvious feature is that they lack of vocabularies. Its a natural phenomenon that a primary student only knows several English words about number like “one” when he first came to school. Meanwhile, its easy to divert their attention. Primary students are more easily distracted by interesting things like the chirping birds out of the window. Those are three outstanding features of primary school students which teachers should take into consider.2.3.2 Proper Teaching ContentsIn primary class, materials and activities are closely related to pupils lives, such as My family, My school. The arrangements of the teaching contents are gradually expanding. For instance, from near to far, from small to large, etc. Nowadays, primary teachers often choose those teaching contents which can arouse the interest of students, such as fables, games and so on. Here is an case:when teaching a sentence pattern “Whats it? ”, instead of leading in a sentence pattern “Whats it? ” directly, many primary teachers will adopt games like Guessing game, “ Guess, Guess! Is something in my hand? ” The application of such game can help students to review words and arouse their interests. Its obvious that proper teaching contents make a significant contribution to students study. And this is one of the major characteristics of primary English teaching. 2.3.3 Application of Modern Teaching MethodsNowadays, modern teaching methods are widely used in primary English class. Its easy to find that there are two methods which are used widely. One of the most widely used methods is multimedia-assisted instruction. The use of multimedia like English teaching video resources can provide students with the standard pronunciation and intonation of English. Consequently, many primary teachers choose this method.Another popular method is task-based approach.It is a new and effective teaching method which makes the teaching procedure full of assignments and requires teachers to plan various tasks to arouse students learning enthusiasm.(张志远,2002) For example, in the process of while-task, primary teachers design some mini-tasks that should be from the simple to the complex, deeper and deeper in depth to form task-links that are performed by students one by one. The application of task-based approach helps to improve students problem-solving ability. Thats the main reason why so many primary teachers choose task-based approach. 2.3.4 DeficienciesAlthough primary English teaching is developing rapidly in our country, there are still some deficiencies of it. They can be concluded mainly in following two aspects: one is that some teachers dont teach students in accordance with their aptitude. It cant be ignored that every student is different and has his own personality. Its unscientific that theres a sole criteria to assess students. It has a bad influence on students individual development.Another deficiency is that some teachers pay little attention to the stimulation of students learning enthusiasm. They give students large numbers of repetitive and mechanical homework which may make students to feel that English is a course of learning by memorizing. Taking one of the authors own experience as an example, when she was in third grade and failed in a English exam. The teacher asked her to write the answer for more than 100 times. This is a typical example of learning by rote. Teachers should pay more attention to those two deficiencies.Chapter 3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Chinese Primary Students English with Multimedia3.1 The Advantages of Teaching Chinese Primary Students English with MultimediaMultimedia-assisted instruction is a sort of interactive teaching method which is on the base of multimedia and network. It plays an important role in the transformation of the traditional teacher-centered teaching mode to students-centered teaching mode. Compared with the traditional teaching system, multimedia-assisted instruction has obvious advantages. It can stimulate students learning interest; it can transmit a large amount of knowledge to students quickly and effectively. More and more primary teachers choose this method.3.1.1 Arouse Students Learning InterestsIt is generally known that interest is an indispensable part in students study. Everyone knows an old saying, interest is the best teacher. As a foreign language, English itself is abstract, boring and dry. Whats more, Chinese primary students do not h


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