冀教版2020届九年级英语第一次(4月)模拟考试试卷(II )卷.doc

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冀教版2020届九年级英语第一次(4月)模拟考试试卷(II )卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Dad often warns me to fire. He says its dangerous. A . get onB . look forC . keep clear ofD . take part in2. (2分) Is Huanghe River the longest river in China? No. Its the second _. The Changjiang River is the longest.A . longB . longerC . longest3. (2分) Do you know Shanghai is one of _ in the world in population? Yes, its larger than _ city in East China.A . the largest city; anyB . the largest cities; anyC . the largest cities; any other4. (2分)She can dance. I can _ dance A . tooB . eitherC . as wellD . also5. (2分) You shouldnt eat too much junk food. Its bad for your health. Youre right. junk food I eat, I will be.A . The less ; the healthierB . The less ; the healthyC . The more ; the healthierD . The more ; the healthy6. (2分)This bike looks very nice. It only 150 yuan A . takesB . costsC . usesD . spends7. (2分)Peng Liyuan is _ Chinese people as a beautiful and popular singer.And now she is also the First Lady in China.A . known asB . proud ofC . famous forD . well known to8. (2分)Ten years_since my aunt _to Beijing.A . have gone by; comesB . has gone by; cameC . went by; will comeD . has gone by; has come9. (2分)Neither he nor I was playing computer games at this time yesterday. We _trees in the neighborhood. A . were plantingB . plantedC . are plantingD . plant10. (2分)When shall we send the washing machine to you, Mrs. Read? on Thursday on Friday, please. Ill be at home then.A . Either; orB . Neither; norC . Both; and二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。When I was in primary school, I had a big argument with a boy in my class. I cant remember what it was about, but I have never forgotten the 1I learned that day.I was sure that I was right and he was wrong. 2, he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher decided to teach us a lesson. She 3with a good idea. She brought both of us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her grey desk and me on the other. In the middle of the desk was a large, round object. It was 4for me to see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. 5, he answered in a loud voice.I couldnt 6that the object was white, considering that it was certainly black! One more argument started between the boy and me, this time 7the color of the object.The teacher told us to change our 8, and then she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, White. It was then that I knew what was wrong. It was an object with two 9colored sides, and from his side it was white. Only from my side was it black.My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: You must 10in other persons position(位置) and look at the situation through their eyes in order to truly understand their ideas.(1)A . class B . subject C . lesson D . word (2)A . And B . Also C . But D . However (3)A . came up B . went on C . got along D . caught up (4)A . hard B . clear C . lucky D . clean (5)A . White B . Black C . Grey D . Brown (6)A . realize B . describe C . believe D . understand (7)A . like B . against C . for D . about (8)A . places B . objects C . opinions D . ideas (9)A . similarly B . differently C . brightly D . difficultly (10)A . appear B . stand C . hide D . sit 三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)A、阅读短文,完成下面的问题。I have a good friendHer name is Linda She has a red backpackIt is on the sofaShe has two blue dictionariesThey are on the desk in her room She has a yellow quiltIt is on her bed. She likes tennisShe has four tennis rackets and eight tennis. They are under her bedShe likes vollayball,too. But she doesnt like soccerShe thinks(认为)it is for boysShe plays tennis with her sister in the morning and plays volleyball with me in the afternoon(1)what color is Lindas backpack?A . RedB . BlackC . Blue(2)Where are Lindas dictionaries7A . On the sofaB . On the deskC . On the bed(3)Linda has_tennisA . twoB . fourC . eight(4)Linda plays tennis_ A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . with her friend(5)下面哪项陈述是错误的?A . Lindadictionaries are blueB . Linds quilt is on her bedC . Linda doesnt like voneyball四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共10题;共10分)13. (1分)Look! The boy is giving his full a_ to what he is doing. 14. (1分)I dont think he has the a_ to do the job. 15. (1分)I met her by a_ in a crowded bus. 16. (1分)After Mr. Miller got home, he_(躺下) on his bed17. (1分)Thank you for_ (help) my son. 18. (1分)You can see many countries on a map of the w_. 19. (1分)Sorry, I cant _(明白) what you said. 20. (1分)He is _ (沮丧) and upset. Lets cheer him up. 21. (1分)If you believe in yourself, you are sure to s_. 22. (1分)You should drive more slowly on_(rain) days. 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jenny began to go to school when she was at the age of six. She liked her _(one) day very much. Her teacher, Miss Black, _(be) very nice, too.At the end of the second day, the other children _(leave) the classroom after school but Jenny stayed behind and waited. At first, Miss Black had some work to do and _(not) see Jenny, but then she looked up and saw her.Why not go with the _(other), Jenny? she asked her kindly. Do you want _(ask) me any questions?Yes. Miss Black, Jenny said._is it? Miss Black asked.What did I do in school today? Jenny said.Miss Black laughed. What did you do in school today? she said. Why did you ask _(I) that, Jenny?_Im going home now, Jenny answered, and my mother _(would) ask me.六、 阅读表达 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)任务型阅读In Sydney, Australia, there lived a man called Mark Simon. Mark enjoyed betting so much that he would bet on anything. One day, Mark showed a frog to a stranger. He bet the stranger $60 that the frog could jump farther and faster than any other one in Sydney. The stranger said he would bet Mark if he had a frog. Mark left his frog with the stranger and went to find a frog for the stranger. The stranger opened the frogs mouth and put a bag of sand into it Soon Mark came back with a frog for the stranger. The two frogs were put on the floor and given a push. To Marks surprise, the strangers frog jumped off smartly but his frog just sat there. Mark had to give $60 to the stranger. After the stranger left, Mark picked up the frog, and found it quite heavy. He turned it upside down, and the bag of sand came out He knew he had been fooled and started running after the stranger.(1)Did Mark Simon like betting?_(2)How much money did Mark bet the stranger?_(3)What did the stranger do to Marks frog?_(4)Whose frog jumped farther and faster,the strangers or Marks?_(5)What kind of person do you think the stranger was?_七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)在英语课堂上,你的外教老师 Betty 做了一份有关同学们业余生活的问卷调查(Survey)。请你根据以下问卷调查内容, 写一篇英语短文,告知 Betty 你是如何度过周末的。要求:以提示问题为线索写;语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;词数 70 个左右,可适当发挥。第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共10题;共10分)13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)23-1、六、 阅读表达 (共1题;共5分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、


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