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冀教版2020年英语中考模拟试题(五)A卷一、 听选信息 (共3题;共20分)1. (10分)选择最佳答案。(1)Where is Jennifer from? A . JapanB . AmericaC . China(2)When is Jennifes birthday?A . 5th JulyB . 15th AugustC . 15th October(3)When did Jennifes go to New York City to look for a job?A . In 2004B . In 2010C . In 2012(4)How old was Jennifer when she acted in the film Winters Bone? A . 20B . 25C . 30(5)What does Jennifer usually do when shes free? A . She plays gamesB . She plays basketballC . She plays the guitar2. (6分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)Where does Jane live? A . Green City.B . Great Village.C . Green Village.(2)How does Jane get there? A . By train.B . By bus.C . By taxi.(3)How long does it take to get there by train? A . Twenty minutes.B . Thirty minutes.C . One hour and a half.3. (4分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A . Teacher and studentB . Mother and child.C . Friends(2)How often should Jenny feed Jacks dog? A . Once a day.B . Five times a weekC . Three times a day.二、 回答问题 (共1题;共10分)4. (10分)短文理解 (1)How many times a day do people laugh? A . 7 times.B . 17 times.C . 70 times.(2)Laughter is good for you because _. A . it is good exerciseB . it makes people youngC . it costs nothing(3)In English, people say that laughter is the best _. A . presentB . suggestionC . medicine(4)Which of the following is TRUE about laughter? A . One hundred laughs are the same as an hour of running.B . People laugh very often when they are alone.C . Laughter helps people feel part of a group.(5)What is the main idea of the passage? A . Laughter helps you relax.B . Laughter is good for you.C . People laugh every day.三、 选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 (共8题;共16分)5. (2分)My father worked as a cook in the daytime, and then _ another job in the evening. A . went on doingB . continued on doingC . went on to doD . continued doing6. (2分)Bad things sometimes can turn into good ones. A . dislikeB . likeC . become7. (2分)The girl is always cheerful, You can always see her smile. A . happyB . angryC . surprised8. (2分)Its a shame that the game had to be cancelled because of the bad weather. Take it easy.A . pityB . mistakeC . surprise9. (2分)Comrade Lei Feng is still_ in our mind.A . liveB . livelyC . aliveD . lives10. (2分)I made a lot of mistakes in the exam.You should check your exam paper carefully before you hand it in next time.A . look forB . care aboutC . go over11. (2分)The music made me think of the _ of a running stream.A . voiceB . noiseC . shoutD . sound12. (2分)Although I have made a lot of new friends, Nancy remains my best friend.A . is stillB . is oftenC . is neverD . is seldom四、 根据句意,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 (共7题;共14分)13. (2分)There are still some dumplings in the fridge. If you are_, you can have some. A . tiredB . heavyC . luckyD . hungry14. (2分)Monday is my favourite A . colourB . dayC . bookD . number15. (2分)What parents say and do has a strong on the development of children A . changeB . stressC . progressD . influence16. (2分)They had a difficult time _ in the village at first, but soon they got over it.A . liveB . livingC . livedD . to live17. (2分)Mark joins the Riding Club so his father gave him a _ as his present on Childrens Day. A . basketballB . cameraC . walletD . bike18. (2分)Mother spent _ money on this coat, but its _ large for me.A . too much; much tooB . much too; much tooC . much too; too muchD . too many; much too19. (2分)Martin and Susan for Shanghai to attend an international meeting yesterday. A . put offB . felt offC . set off五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。It was a sunny winter day. I had gone down the tower when a blind man came toward me. He kept close to the wall, touching it lightly with his arm. I stood still and looked at him walking toward the tower.What does a blind man want to climb up the tower for? I wondered (疑惑). Not the view(景色) certainly, perhaps he wants to jump. Thinking of some terrible reasons, I thought I should1 him.He went up slowly and2 from time to time. I followed him a few steps behind. When he got to the first corner of the bell tower, I came close to him. Excuse me, I said as politely as I could, but I wonder3 you came up.He smiled, Perhaps climbing up the tower. You have noticed and yet, not being blind, perhaps you wont how the sun shines into the tower4 the windows here and there, so that one can5the cool steps suddenly become quite warm, even in winter. But behind the wall there is shade(阴影). There is no place so good as this for feeling the difference between light and darkness. Though Im blind, I also want to feel the6 brought by the sunlight. In fact, it isnt my first time to be here. He said and seemed as 7 as a child.I had never thought that even a blind man could have his way to8 the beautiful life. But we often paid no attention to its value because we never9 it.We went down the10 together and I left him. From then on, I began to treasure what life has given me.(1)A . stop B . follow C . watch D . protect (2)A . talked B . smiled C . stopped D . called (3)A . why B . how C . where D . when (4)A . by B . in C . through D . into (5)A . see B . feel C . know D . imagine (6)A . love B . peace C . happiness D . difference (7)A . pleased B . simple C . excited D . lovely (8)A . understand B . live C . enjoy D . have (9)A . noticed B . practiced C . had D . lost (10)A . street B . tower C . wall D . corner 六、 阅读理解 (共5题;共42分)21. (10分)阅读理解 Anna is a 17-year-old exchange student(交换生) from Russia(俄罗斯). She is now studying art in a university(大学) in France. Shes going to stay in France for a year and then she will go back to Russia. Anna comes to France because she thinks Paris is the best place for her to study art. She is now staying with the Black family. She helps Mrs Black do some housework every evening and goes to French classes every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.Everything in Paris is new to her. She finds things are quite different from those in Moscow. There are many big shopping malls here, but many things are really expensive. Its also expensive to have a meal in a restaurant or go to the cinema. Now Anna has got used to(习惯于) many things, but she cannot get used to the breakfast in France. They eat so much in the morning, she often says. How can you face all that food so early in the day?(1)Anna will return to Russia at the age of . A . 16B . 17C . 18D . 19(2)Anna has French classes . A . once a weekB . twice a weekC . three times a weekD . four times a week(3)Anna comes to Paris to . A . study artB . study FrenchC . work at a universityD . visit the Black family(4)We can learn from the second paragraph that .A . French people always eat a lot all dayB . Anna doesnt like the life in Paris at allC . Anna doesnt like French food at allD . Anna doesnt eat so much in the morning(5)Which is NOT true according to the passage?A . Anna is an exchange student.B . Anna comes from Moscow.C . Many things are more expensive in Paris than in Moscow.D . Anna doesnt get used to anything in Paris.22. (6分)阅读理解Price: $ 14.9 Number of pages: 127Storyline: Bean and her best friend, Ivy, decide to create their own camp. They think up all the activities and, of course, they make the rulesRecommendation: Id give this book a 10 because I love the characters. They are funny and creative.Price: $ 15.9 Number of pages: 128Storyline: Zoe and Alices mother might just have the coolest job ever. She saves great pyrenees dogs(大白熊犬)Recommendation: Id give this book an 8 because it is a little sad. I think kids who love animals and a good story will really like it.Price: $ 12.9 Number of pages: 192Storyline: A dog lives in an empty pipe under Highway 16. He has four dog friends. One day, they decide to go on an adventure to steal the food from a human familyRecommendation: Id give this book a 9. It is funny. I was laughing out loud at all the funny scenes.Price: $ 15.9 Number of pages: 160Storyline: After their parents are killed in a car accident. Jayna and her elder brother Rob are each others only family. Soon, Rob goes off to serve in the navy.Recommendation: Id give this book a 9. Im interested in romantic novels and science fiction, but not so much in historical fiction. Gingersnap really changed my opinion.(1)_ has the most pages. A . Ivy and Bean Make the RulesB . White Fur FlyingC . Stick DogD . Gingersnap(2)White Fur Flying _. A . tells us about the life of four dogsB . is a historical fictionC . is a book about saving dogsD . shows us the camp life(3)Tom wants to buy a copy of Ivy and Bean Make the Rules and a copy of Gingersnap. He should pay _ for the two books. A . $ 14.9B . $30.8C . $ 12.9D . $15.923. (10分) Food or friends? Lip salve (润唇膏) or iPod? What is the most important thing in the US teenagers lives today? Lets take a look.Some find that they cant do without people.“My biggest need is my friends. Without them, I wouldnt do much,” said Adrian Fernandez, a 14-year-old boy.With others, food always comes first.“I do not think that I could live without chili con carne (辣子肉丁). I eat it every day. And if I didnt have it, its all I would think about,” said Max Wu, an 8th-grade boy.Sometimes, the things teenagers cant do without are strange.Take 14-year-old girl Hannah Sacchini for example. “I cannot live without lip salve, especially in winter,” said Hannah Sacchini. “I go mad if my lips get dry.”Of course, today everybody uses mobile phones and computers. Some teens cant live without these high-tech (高科技的) things.Justin Beck, a 15-year-old boy, feels like this: “I would not be able to live without my iPod. I use it for so many different things. I always have it with me,” he said.So, now we know the things US kids really must have. What about you and your classmates? What cant you live without?根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(1)To Adrian Fernandez, is the most important.A . a friendB . lip salveC . a computerD . chili con carne(2)How often does Max Wu eat chili con carne?A . Once a weekB . Every day.C . Twice a day.D . Three times a week.(3)Hannah Sacchini will become if her lips get dry.A . fatB . excitedC . shyD . annoyed(4)We can learn that Justin Beck takes his iPod to school.A . neverB . sometimesC . alwaysD . hardly ever(5)The passage mainly tells us .A . what things the US kids really must haveB . what the US teenagers do every day at schoolC . what the most important food in the US teenagers lives isD . how the US teenagers lives are every day at school24. (10分)Some people like to get up early, but some do not. In fact, it is really good for us to get up early every day. Maybe those who dont like getting up early will not believe this, but it is true. Scientists made a survey(调查) in about one thousand people, and then they found that early rising people had less disease(疾病) than late rising people, and early rising people also look healthier than late rising people, and so on.So we may know early rising is helpful in more than one way. Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We all need fresh(新鲜的) air. And air is the freshest early in the morning. Besides(此外), it is useful to do morning exercises.Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find it easier to understand what we learn.Thirdly, early rising can give us a plan of our work for the day. We cannot work well without a good plan.Fourthly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and faces and eat our breakfast.Late risers may find it difficult to form(形成) the habit(习惯) of early rising. They have to make an effort(努力) to do so. As the English proverb(谚语) says, Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.(1)We may read this passage in a _ magazine.A . healthB . sportsC . musicD . travel(2)Early rising people are _ than late rising people.A . fatterB . thinnerC . healthierD . cleverer(3)Air is the freshest _ according to the passage.A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . in the eveningD . all day(4)Which of the following is NOT the result(结果) of early rising?A . People can get ready for their work.B . People can get fresh air.C . People can learn things more quickly and better.D . People can have enough food for breakfast.(5)If a man always likes to get up late, its _ for him to form the habit of getting up early.A . easyB . difficultC . happyD . sad25. (6分)阅读理解 Mr. Brown is from England. He and his wife(妻子)are teachers. They teach English in Shanghai. They have a boy and a girl. They are John and Lucy. John is a middle school student, but Lucy is not. She is only six.They have two bikes. One is big, and the other is small. The big one is for John. The small one is for Lucy.On Sundays, sometimes they are at home, sometimes they go to the parks. They like China.They have a lot of(很多的)Chinese friends.(1)Where does Mrs. Brown work? A . In London.B . In New York.C . In Paris.D . In Shanghai.(2)How many bikes do they have? A . Only one.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(3)What do Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown do? A . They are students.B . They are teachers.C . They are farmers.D . They are singers.七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分)词形转换。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。_(lucky) , I had an umbrella, but I still got wet.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)目前中学生学习任务重,压力大,而丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开拓视野,调节身心,提高学习效率。请以“My Spare Time”为题,写一篇作文谈谈你的业余生活,如看书、看电视、玩电脑、做运动、做家务等。请将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。写作要求:1.包含提示所给要点,语言流畅,意思连贯,不必逐字逐句翻译,可以适当发挥拓展;2.词数80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。My Spare TimeI am a middle school student. Though I m busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorful.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 听选信息 (共3题;共20分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、二、 回答问题 (共1题;共10分)4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、三、 选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 (共8题;共16分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、四、 根据句意,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 (共7题;共14分)13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)20-1、六、 阅读理解 (共5题;共42分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)26-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、


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