七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit8Pets ReadingII Somelanguagepoints 1 Mydogisthecleverestanimalofall 1 形容词最高级前须加定冠词the 2 使用最高级时 句子后面通常跟一个of或in引导的介词短语表示在 范围 of 表示同一类的人或物的名词 in 表示场所或范围类的名词 Heisthetallestofthethreechildren Heisthetallestinourclass 2 Witheyesopenwide hehuntswhenIhide 当我躲起来 他就把眼睛睁得大大的 到处找我 openwide表示 睁得很大 wide作副词修饰open 意思是 充分地 例如 Keepyourmouthwideopen saidthedentist 牙医说 张大嘴 Thedogislookingatuswitheyesopenwide wideadv 完全地 充分地 Thewindowiswideopen 2 请张大嘴巴 Openyourmouthwide please wideadj 宽广的 广阔的 一条宽阔的街道wideknowledgeastudentwithwideinterests awidestreet 渊博的知识 一个兴趣广泛的学生 窗户完全敞开着 3 Buildsmecampsoutofsticks 1 buildsb sth buildsth forsb 2 buildsth outofsth usesth tobuildsth Theybuiltusawoodenhouseoutofwood They wood awoodenhouseforus used to build 我想用木头搭建一个房子 Iwanttobuildahouseoutofwood Iwanttousewoodtobuildahouse Mozicouldmakeabirdoutofwood Mozicouldusewoodtomakeabird 2 墨子会用木头做鸟 3 鲁班开始用竹子做风筝 LuBanstartedtomakekitesoutofbamboo LuBanstartedtousebambootomakekites 1 Sheisn tanytrouble A 她不麻烦B 她没有困难 2 CometomeifyouhavetroubleinlearningEnglish 3 Wewillbeintroublewithoutyourhelp A 有故障B 陷入困境 He is having trouble with teeth He is having trouble with teeth He is having trouble with teeth A 烦恼B 有困难 troublen 困难 麻烦havetrouble in doingsth 做某事有困难havetroublewithsth 在某方面有困难 有麻烦beintrouble陷入困境maketrouble制造麻烦troublevt 麻烦troublesb troublesb todosth 4 Heishavingtroublewithteeth 5 MayItroubleyoutopassmethebook please 6 I msorrytotroubleyou 6 Wedon thavetofeedhermuch haveto 受客观因素制约 只好 不得不 must 主观上 必须 haveto有更多的时态 人称 数的变化形式 Mybikeisbroken SoI walktoschool A mustB havetoC canD may 一 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Thedogis hunt forthecat 2 Birdscanbuildhomeswith sticks 3 Howtallthose build are 4 Mypetnevermakesany trouble 5 Mydogisvery friend 6 Whichdoyouthinkisthe clever animalofall Exercises hunting sticks buildings trouble friendly cleverest 1 他是这三个孩子中最高的 2 他把眼睛睁得大大的看着我 Helookedatmewithhiseyesopenwide 3 他们用木头给我们建造了一房子 4 我每天一直睡到七点钟 Isleeptillseveno clockeveryday 5 那一天 我看见一个警察在追一个小偷 Isawapolicemanrunningafterathieftheotherday Heisthetallestofthethreechildren Theybuiltusahouseoutofwood 二 翻译句子 1 Millie的猫会追逐球并会做其他的事 2 我会一直到最后照顾他的 3 我的狗从来不吠或咬 Millie scatcanrunafteraballanddootherthings I lltakecareof lookafterhimtilltheend Mydogneverbarksorbites 4 我的金鱼不需要温柔的抚摸 Mygoldfishdoesn tneedagentletouch Mygoldfish pl don tneedagentletouch 1 Mygrandpahaspooreyesight Hehassometrouble bookswithoutglasses A readB readingC toreadD toreading 2 Ilookedformypen butIcan tfindit A everywhere anywhereB anywhere everywhereC somewhere everywhereD everywhere somewhere 3 Nobody abouttheprice A careB carefulC caresD carefully 4 Tomfights hisbrother foodsometimes A for forB with withC with forD for with 5 Whois student yourclass A cleverest ofB thecleverest inC clever inD morecleverer of 6 Mydogisquiet Heneverbarks bites A withB butC orD so7 Thewhitedoglikesto buthenever me A bark barkatB bark barksatC barking barkD barkat barks8 Pleasedon tmakemuchnoisehere A Yes pleaseB OfcourseC Sorry Iwon tdoitagainD Youareright 9 Weknow small rhymes tall A forB withC to10 Mycatsometimeslikesto forsmallbirdsinthetrees A listenB huntC callD hide


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