七年级英语下册《Unit 11 How was your school trip Period 4》课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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unit11Howwasyourschooltrip 单元复习课件 短语归纳1 goforawalk去散步2 milkacow挤牛奶3 rideahorse骑马4 feedchickens喂小鸡5 talkwith与 谈话6 takephotos拍照7 quitealot相当多8 show around带领 参观 一 知识回顾 1 师友互查 9 learnabout了解10 from to 从 到 11 growstrawberries种植草莓12 pickstrawberries采草莓13 inthecountryside在乡下14 gofishing去钓鱼15 atnight在夜晚16 alotof许多 大量eout出来18 goonaschooltrip去学校郊游 19 alongtheway沿线20 afterthat之后21 buysth forsb 为某人买某物22 allinall总的来说23 takea thetrain乘火车24 beinterestedin对 感兴趣25 not atall根本不 语法总结 一般过去时 一 一般过去时的定义一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态或过去经常 反复发生的动作 二 一般过去时的时间状语一般过去时常和表示过去的时间状语连用 例如 yesterday lastnight in2008 twoyearsago等 一 知识回顾 2 教师点评 三 一般过去时的句式结构 四 动词过去式的构成动词过去式的构成分为规则与不规则两类 规则动词过去式的构成及发音如下表 实战演练 二 题型讲解 1 师友互讲 用所给动词的适当形式填空1 It be rainylastSunday 2 be yourparentsathomelastnight 3 Lastweekend I visit mygrandparentswithmyparents 4 Mr Green ride hisbiketowork5yearsago 5 Myfatheroften swim inthisriverwhenhewasyoung 答案 1 was2 Were3 visited4 rode5 swam 句型转换1 Shewasadancer10yearsago 改为否定句 Sheadancer10yearsago 2 Ididmyhomeworklastnight 改为否定句 Imyhomeworklastnight 答案 1 wasn t2 didn tdo 3 HewenttoBeijingwithhisfriendslastweek 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 hetoBeijingwithhisfriendslastweek 4 Mymotherwashappytoseemeagain 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 yourmotherhappytoseeyouagain 答案 3 Did go No hedidn t4 Was Yes shewas 二题型讲解 2 教师归纳 5 IwatchTVeveryevening 用过去时改写 I TVyesterdayevening 6 Itwasafinedayyesterday 对划线部分提问 the yesterday 7 Hedidhishomeworklastnight 改为否定句 He hishomeworklastnight 8 Iwasinthesupermarketyesterdayafternoon 对划线部分提问 youyesterdayafternoon 9 Isawsomeseals 海豹 改为一般疑问句 you seals watched how weather was didn t do Where were Did see any 词汇速记1 相当 完全 adv 2 种植 v 3 采摘 v 4 担心 担忧 v 答案 1 quite2 grow3 pick4 worry 三拓展提高 1师友练习 5 farm v 绘画8 slow adj adv 反义词 9 cheap adj 反义词 答案 5 farmer6 luckily7 painting8 fast9 expensive 短语互译1 给奶牛挤奶acow2 骑马ahorse3 喂鸡chickens4 对 感兴趣be5 quitealot of 6 inthecountryside7 firestation8 allinall答案 1 milk2 ride3 feed4 interestedin5 许多6 在乡下 在农村7 消防站8 总的说来 句型攻关1 你上周的旅行怎么样 yourtriplastweek 棒极了 It 2 我们摘了一些苹果带回了家 Wesomeapplesandthemhome 答案 1 Howwas wasexcellent2 picked took 3 昨天他参加了学校旅游 Heaschooltripyesterday 4 母亲教我如何做早饭 Mymothermecookbreakfast 5 他一点也不喜欢这次旅行 Helikethetrip 答案 3 wenton4 taught howto5 didn t atall 词汇串记Mylastweekendwas1 极好的 Wevisiteda2 农场 inthe3 乡下 Wegotthereona4 慢的 train Wesaw5 相当 alotof6 花 alongtheway Wewere7 感兴趣的 in8 一切事物 Thefarmerstaughtushowto9 喂食 thechickensand10 采摘 apples Wealsopaintedsomepaintings 油画 onthefarm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 答案 1 excellent2 farm3 countryside4 slow5 quite6 flowers7 interested8 everything9 feed10 pick 三拓展提高 2教师提升 1 2013 滨州中考 IknowalittleaboutThailand asItherethreeyearsago A havebeenB havegoneC willgoD went 解析 选D 考查动词的时态 由时间状语threeyearsago可知as引导的原因状语从句时态用一般过去时 所以选择答案D 2 2013 济南中考 MyunclelosthisIDcardyesterdaymorning aschoolboyfounditandsentitbacktohimintheafternoon A LoudlyB ClearlyC NearlyD Luckily 解析 选D 考查副词辨析 loudly大声地 clearly清楚地 nearly几乎 luckily幸运地 句意 昨天上午我叔叔把身份证丢了 幸运的是 下午一位男生找到后把它送还给了他 所以答案选D 3 2013 遂宁中考 Everyonewaswhentheyheardthenews A exciting excitingB excited excitingC exciting excited 解析 选B 考查形容词辨析 句意 当听到这个令人兴奋的消息时 每个人激动不已 excited人感到兴奋 修饰人 exciting令人兴奋的 指物体令人兴奋 修饰物 故选B 习作在线 四练笔巩固 1师友练笔请根据下表提示 以 AGreatSchoolTrip 为题写一篇英语短文 介绍七年级一班去泰山 MountTai 校游的情况 要求 1 词数 60个左右 开头已给出 不计入总词数 2 字迹工整 语言流畅 表达正确 逻辑清晰 AGreatSchoolTripLastweekendalltheteachersandstudentsofClass1 Grade7visited 本单元以 学校旅行 为话题 围绕这一话题主要谈论过去的事情 学习一般过去时的用法 体现本单元话题及语言综合运用能力的话题作文 记一次野营 野餐 郊游 旅行 等旅行日记是各地英语中考书面表达所常考查的 四练笔巩固 2教师点拨 3cNowwriteadiaryentryforyourownschooltrip Explainifyoulikeditordidn tlikeitandwhy Lastweek myschoolwenttoafarm Theschooltripwasinteresting Isawalotofanimals Irodeahorseonthefarm Iclimbedthemountain Ialsomilkedacow MyclassmatesandIpickedsomestrawberries Theyweredelicious Thetripwasreallyfunny OurclasswenttothePeople sParkbybuslastSaturday Wemetattheschoolgate Westartedateighto clockinthemorningandreturnedatthreeo clockintheafternoon Inthepark wewerefreeandrelaxed Wereallyenjoyedthebeautyofnatureandlife Wewentboatingonthelakeandhadapicniconthegrass Thenwevisitedthezooandsawmanyanimals Wetookalotofphotosinthepark Wehadagreatfunthatday Diary 3c Nowwriteadiaryentryforyourownschooltrip Explainifyoulikeditordidn tlikeitandwhy 思路点拨 1 体裁 2 人称 3 时态 记叙文 第三人称 一般过去时 佳作鉴赏 AGreatSchoolTripLastweekendalltheteachersandstudentsofClass1 Grade7visitedMountTai TheymetatthebusstationatsevenlastSaturdaymorningandthentheywenttoMountTaibybus Ittookthemaboutthreehourstogetthere Theytooksomewaterandfoodwiththem TheyclimbedMountTaiandpaintedsomepaintingsthere Theyalsotookmanyphotos Theyweretired buttheyallthoughtitwasagreatschooltrip


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