七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section B 2课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section B 2课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section B 2课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit6 Unit6 I mwatchingTV SectionB23a selfcheck ZhuHuiisastudentfromShenzhen He sstudyingintheUnitedStates TellsomethingaboutZhuHui He slivingwithanAmericanfamily TodayisDragonBoatFestival It sninea m ZhuHui sfamilyareathome Hismomandauntaremakingzongzi HisdadandunclearewatchingtheboatracesonTV It sninep m inNewYorkandit sthenightbeforethefestival Butthereisn taDragonBoatFestivalintheUS It sjustlikeanyothernightforZhuHui Themotherisreadingastorytoherchildren ThefatheriswatchingasoccergameonTV ZhuHuiistalkingonthephonetohiscousininShenzhen DearBob Hereisapictureofmyfamily Weareallathomenow Iamdoingmyhomework Myparents inthelivingroom Mygrandfather Mysister Jim 3aCompleteJim sletter Writing 先看所给的图片提示 明白每个人正做的事情 其次 通读全文 确定应该写的人物 可知 Jim的父母亲正在看电视 他的爷爷正在读报纸 她的妹妹正在和朋友打电话 运用现在进行时态写出正确的句子 注意句子结构 be am is are V ing形式 特别是be动词的恰当形式 DearBob Hereisapictureofmyfamily Weareallathomenow Iamdoingmyhomework Myparents inthelivingroom Mygrandfather Mysister Jim Checktheanswers isreadinganewspaper arewatchingTV istalkingonthephonewithherfriend 3bBringinsomephotosofyourown ordrawsomepicturesofyouandyourfamilyorfriends andwriteaboutthem It steno clockinthemorning I m Writing 写作指导 这是一篇要求描写人物活动的短文 首先 要看所给的图片提示 明确每个人正做的事情 看图可知 男孩正在做作业 他的妈妈正在洗衣服 他的爸爸正在擦车 他的奶奶正在读报纸 他的爷爷正在和朋友下中国象棋 运用现在进行时态写出正确的句子 注意句子结构 be am is are V ing形式 特别是be动词的恰当形式 最后 再通读一遍自己的文章 看没有错误 It steno clockinthemorning I m doingmyhomework Mymotheriswashingtheclothes Myfatheriscleaningthecar Mygrandmaisreadinganewspaper Mygrandpaisplayingchesswithhisfriend Onepossibleversion read reading write writing talk talking watch watching 1Addmorewordsinthechart Thenwriteatleastfivesentencesusingthewords Jackisplayingbasketballnow live living Selfcheck shop shopping cut cutting sit sitting save saving 1 MikeiswatchingsportsonTVnow 2 Lindaisreadingabookinherroom 3 Mysisteriswritinganemailtoherfriend 4 GraceislivinginShanghaiwithaChinesefamily 5 Mygrandpaissittingunderthetree 6 Myauntisshoppingatthesupermarketnow Possiblesentences 动词现在分词形式的构成方式 1 一般情况下 直接在动词后加 ing 例如 do doing walk walking clean cleaning 2 以辅音字母加不发音的字母e结尾的 去e 再加 ing 例如 write writing make making save saving3 在重读闭音节里 以一个辅音字母结尾的 双写该辅音字母再加 ing 例如 run running shop shopping sit sitting Explaination drink 2 listen 3 use 4 make shop 6 exercise sit 8 run 9 study 10 brush drinking making listening using shopping 练一练 exercising studying sitting running brushing 2Writequestionstocompleteconversation A Hey Bob what B I mlisteningtotheradio A playsoccer B Soundsgood butthistalkshowisinteresting A what Tony B Oh he sstudyingforatest A Steve too B No he snot Ithinkhecanplaysoccerwithyou IsStevestudying too WhatisTonydoingnow Whatareyoudoing Let splaysoccer A Hi Eric B A Let s B Butthisbookisreallyinteresting A brother too B No heisn t A ThenwhatisPeterdoing B Oh Hecanplaybasketballwithyou Isyourbrotherreading too playbasketball Whatareyoudoingnow I mreadingabook He stakingashowernow Practice Lookatthepicturesandfillintheblanks He swatchingTVnow 2 Writeashortpassagetodescribewhatyourfamilymembersaredoingnow 1 Rememberhowtoadd ing toaverb Homework


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