七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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7aUnit4Myday Schoollife Reading 2 Whatisthee mailabout A Millie sfamilyB Millie severydaylifeC Millie sclassD Millie sschoollife WhichschooldoesMilliestudyat ShestudiesatSunshineMiddleSchool Whendoesherschoolstart Herschoolstartsat8inthemorning Whendoesherlessonsbegin Herlessonsbeginat8 15 DoesMillielikeMathsbest No shelikesEnglishbest DoesMilliehavemanyfriends Yes shedoes HowoftendoesMillieandherfriendsgototheReadingClub Twiceaweek DoMillieandherfriendshavefunatschool Yes theydo Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5 Whatisthemainideaofeachparagraph schoolname schoolactivities friends after schoolactivities feeling schoolname schoolactivities friends after schoolactivities feeling Schoollife Istudyat I mastudentat Para 2schoolactivities Schoolstarts Lessonsbegin domorningexercisesfirst Myfavouritesubjectis Ilike best Para 3friends many alotof lotsoffriends benice kind friendlytome chatwitheachother playintheplayground Para 4after schoolactivities gotothelibrary readbooksintheReadingClub likeplayingvolleyball practisevolleyball Para 5feeling haveagoodtime havefun enjoyoneself Para 1schoolname Retelltheemail复述课文 Milliesays 1 Usuallywedomorningexercisesfirst 通常我们先做早操 Itisgoodto 眼保健操 do eye exercises He 数学练习 everyday does Maths exercises 2 Usuallywedomorningexercisesfirst first 1 adv 首先Let shavelunchfirst 让我们先吃午饭 2 adj 第一的 Hisclassroomisonthe floor Our classbeginsat7 40a m first first benicetosb 单项选择 Ilovemynewschool Andmyteachersareall us nicetoB kindofC kindforD nicefor bekindtosb befriendlytosb Ihavealotoffriendshere Theyareallnicetome Milliesays 3对某人很好 4 Weoftenchatwitheachother 相互聊天 helpeachother learnfromeachother 互相帮助 互相学习 talkwitheachother 互相交谈 chatwithsb 与某人聊天 5 WepractiseafterschoolonWednesdayafternoon 他每天早上练习弹钢琴 Hepractisesplayingthepianoeverymorning Weshouldpractise speak Englishinclass speaking Ittakesherhalfanhour practise swim intheswimmingpool A practise swimB topractise toswimC topractise swimmingD practises swims practisesth练习某事practisedoingsth练习做某事 practisevolleyballpractiseplayingvolleyball 6 haveagoodtime玩得开心 havefun enjoyoneself Wehopeyoucanhavefunattheparty Amy 改同义句 Wehopeyoucan attheparty Amy Wehopeyoucan attheparty Amy haveagoodtime enjoyyourself MydayNowIamastudentat Ourschoolstartsat Myfavouritesubjectis Afterclass weoften Wehavea Club Weoften there Ialso Wealwayshaveagoodtimeatschool MynameisJim I m14yearsold andIstudyinNo 1MiddleSchoolofHuai an Myschoolisverybigandbeautiful I mveryhappyintheschool Iusuallygetupat6 15inthemorning ThenIdomorningexercisesintheplayground At6 40 Ihavemybreakfast Youcanseemanystudentsandteachersinthedinningroom Afterbreakfast IoftenreadEnglishwithmyclassmates Wehavesixclasseseveryday Thefirstclassbeginsat7 50am Ilikealltheclasses becausemyteacherscanmaketheclasseslivelyandinteresting MyfavoritesubjectisEnglish soIgototheEnglishClubeveryweek IcanspeakEnglishwithmanyotherstudentsthere It sveryinterestingandexciting Ithinkit shelpfulformetolearnEnglishwell Afterclass Ialwaysplaygameswithmyfriends Weplaybasketball volleyball ping pongandsoon Theyareveryrelaxing Ilikemylessons myfriendsandmyteachers Inaword Ilovemyschool Myschoollifeiswonderful isn tit 任务型阅读 big beautiful exercises lively interesting English relaxing wonderful have fun Loveourschool Loveourparents Loveourteachers Lovestudying Loveourfriends Loveourselves 一 词汇 1 Best foryourbirthday 2 Doyoulike 聊天 ontheInternet 3 Mike 练习 playingfootballeveryday 4 Theboydoesn tliketodoalotof 家庭作业 onSundays 5 Playingtennisishisfavourite 课外的 activity Everytimehewalks 经过 theflowershop hebuysarose 7 Therearemanykindsof activity inmyschoolverymonth 8 Doyouwanttotakethisskirt Iloveit But one ofall letmeseehowmuchitis wishes chatting practises homework after school past activities first 二 动词填空 1 Theypractise speak EnglisheveryEnglishclass 2 Ihavefun learn Englishnow 3 notbe lateforthefilm Seeyouthen 4 Whocanteachmehow make friendsontheInternet 5 Everyoneinourclass study hard 6 Youdon tneed sing soloudly 大声地 infrontofamicrophone 麦克风 7 Ittakesmymotheronehour clean thehouse 8 Thankyousomuchfor give meahand speaking learning Don tbe tomake studies tosing toclean giving 三 单项填空 1 Classes ateightinthemorninginourschool A startB isstartC startsD begins 2 IgotoWC 厕所 afterclass A atfirstB firstC atthefirstD onfirst 3 Thereare10minutes rest classes A fromB inC betweenD after 4 Sandy TVafterdinner Shelovesit A sometimeswatchesB watchessometimesC alwayswatchesD watchesalways 5 Wouldyouliketo milkandbread breakfast A eat atB have forC eat forD have at 6 YangLipingisa dancer Shedances A good wellB well goodC good niceD well nice 7 Eddieknowhowtohave No hedoesn t A Is afunB Is funsC Does funD Does funs A B c C B A C Homework 1 Trytoremembertheusefulphrases 2 Trytowriteane mailaboutyourownschoollifeandsendittoyouroldclassmates 记忆有用的词组 let sworkharder


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