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一般过去时的用法与结构详解 时态和时间 表示 past now future 动词过去式的构成 规则动词regularverbs 不规则动词irregularverbs 规则动词过去式的构成 1 一般在动词末尾加 ed 掌握 lookWalkpaintplaycleanVisitWantcoughwatch lookedWalkedpaintedplayedcleanedVisitedWantedcoughedwatched 2 结尾是e的动词只加 d 了解 livehopeuse livedhopedused 3 重读闭音节词 先双写这个辅音字母 再加 ed stopPat stoppedPatted 掌握 4 以 辅音字母 y 结尾的词 先变 y 为 i 再加 ed studyWorryEarlyHappy studyiedWorryiedEarlyiedHappyied 不规则动词过去式的构成 1 过去式与原形一样 了解 let let 让 put put 放下 cut cut 砍 剪 read read 读 let let 让 put put 放下 2 把元音字母变成 a comecame 掌握 givegaveBecomebecamedrinkdrank 了解 beginbegan 剩余不规则动词 剩余不规则动词表 InfinitivePastTenseam isaredogohavemakeget InfinitivePastTenseeatsaysee wasweredidwenthadmadegot atesaidsaw 一般过去时肯定句变否定句 Be动词类否定句实义动词类 1 be动词类 在表示过去存在的状态的句子中在was were的后面加上not 如 肯定句 Hewasintheparkthedaybeforeyesterday 否定句 Hewasnotintheparkthedaybeforeyesterday 肯定句 Wewerebusylastweek 否定句 Wewerenotbusylastweek 2 行为动词类 要在行为动词的前面加助动词didn t 然后把动词过去式改为动词原形 即 didn t 动词原形 肯定句 Sheplayedtheviolinlastnight 否定句 Shedidn tplaytheviolinlastnight 肯定句 Theyswaminthelakeyesterday 否定句 Theydidn tswiminthelakeyesterday 一般过去时否定句练习 肯定句 Theymadeakiteaweekago 否定句 Theydidn tmakeakiteaweekago 肯定句 Hewasillyesterday 否定句 Hewasnotillyesterday 肯定句 Thecatateabirdlastnight 否定句 Thecatdidn teatabirdlastnight 一般过去时的一般疑问句 1 把was were放在句首 其余位置不变 1 HewasborninShanghai WasheborninShanghai 一般疑问句 Yes hewas 肯定回答 No hewasn t 否定回答 一般过去时1 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态 常和表示过去的时间状语连用 Yesterday 昨天 lastnight 昨天晚上 lastweek 上周 LastSunday 上周日 in1990justnow 刚才 longlongago 很久以前 2 TheywereinLiYan shomelastnight WeretheyinLiYan shomelastnight 一般疑问句 Yes theywere 肯定回答 No theyweren t 否定回答 一般过去时一般疑问句及其肯否定回答练习题 Theyhadagoodtimeinthepark 一般疑问句 Didtheyhaveagoodtimeinthepark 肯定 否定回答 Yes theydid No theydidn t 2 Anndidherhomeworkyesterdayevening 一般疑问句 DidAnndoherhomeworkyesterdayevening 肯定 否定回答 Yes shedid No shedidn t 3 IreadanEnglishbooklastweek 一般疑问句 DidyoureadanEnglishbooklastweek 肯定 否定回答 Yes Idid No Ididn t 4 Mybrotherwasintheparkjustnow 一般疑问句 Wasyourbrotherintheparkjustnow 肯定 否定回答 Yes hewas No hewasn t 一般过去时练习题 Herfather read anewspaperlastnight We go tothezooyesterday you visit yourrelativeslastSpringFestival he fly akiteonSunday Yes he It be Ben sbirthdaylastFriday Weall have agoodtimelastnight He live inWuxitwoyearsago Thecat eat abirdlastnight read went Did visit was had lived ate Did fly did


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