中考英语 重点难点梳理 七上 Unit 1-2课件.ppt

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教材重点难点梳理 七年级 上 Unit1 Unit2 广州中考高分突破 blog grammar sound complete hobby country age German dream everyone Germany mountain elder friendly engineer world Japan flat yourself US daily article never tabletennis ride usually seldom geography break bell ring end band so practice together market guitar grade 二 重点短语 同学们重点掌握下面的短语 做到活学活用 完形填空 完成句子等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握 Unit11 就 询问某人 2 与 一起生活 3 在空间上 时间上 接近 4 去上学 5 擅长 6 与 交朋友 asksb about livewith closeto gotoschool begoodat makefriendswith 7 遍及 8 愿意 9 远离 10 最美好的祝愿 11 在互联网上 12 在我的业余时间 13 收到某人的信 Unit21 一周一两次 2 刷牙 3 初级中学 allover wouldliketo befarfrom bestwishes ontheInternet inmyfreetime hearfromsb onceortwiceaweek brushone steeth juniorhighschool onfoot morningbreak takepartin haveagoodtime intheevening love enjoydoing laterintheafternoon playtheguitar domorningexercises gotobed getup washone sface apieceofbread arriveat getto havedinner havebreakfast lunch helpsb with dosth 三 重点句型 熟练掌握并运用句型是学好英语的基本要素之一 要做到熟能生巧就必须大量地练习 请同学们熟练掌握下面的句型 1 I dliketobeyoure friend 我想成为你的网友 句型 sb wouldlike sth 或是sb wouldliketodo 表示 某人想要 做 wouldlike没有人称和数的变化 变为一般疑问句时 只把would提前就可以 Wouldyoulike 是一个表示请求或建议的句型 句中用some或something 不能用any或anything 2 Welcometomyblog 欢迎来到我的博客 空间 句型 Welcometo 欢迎 到 Welcomebacktoschool 欢迎回到学校 Welcomehome 欢迎回到家 3 Mydreamistobeanengineer 我的梦想是成为一名工程师 句型 主语 连系动词 表语 todo是作表语 这类句子的主语通常是dream work task等名词 翻译 我的工作是带你逛逛校园 4 Ihopetohearfromyousoon 我希望快点收到你的来信 句型 hopetodo Ihopethat Ihopenot Ihopeso 希望去做 希望 希望不 但愿如此翻译 我希望李老师能够帮助我们 Myworkistoshowyouaroundourschool IhopethatMr Licanhelpus 5 Whatdoes e friend mean hi 嗨 e friend是什么意思 句型 Whatdoes mean What sthemeaningof Whatdoyoumeanby 他们的意思都是 是什么意思 do do have as regard as 8 其他好用的常用的句型 1 Whatdoyouknowabout 关于 你知道什么 2 MyfavoritesubjectsareMaths ArtandScience 我最喜欢的科目是数学 艺术和科学 3 Bestwishes 祝福你 4 Annie sschoolisfarawayfromherhouse Annie的学校离她家很远 5 HowdoesSamgotoschool Sam怎样上学 6 Ienjoylearningaboutdifferentplacesintheworld 我喜欢了解世界上不同的地方 巩固练习一 语法选择Anoldmanlivedinanicehousewithalargegarden Hetookcareofhisflowersallthetime Onedayayoungmanwent1thegarden Helookedatthebeautifulflowers imagininghowhappyhecouldbeifhelivedin2 Then suddenlyhe3theoldgardenerwasblind Hewasvery4aboutthisandasked Youcan tseetheseflowers Whyareyoubusy5careofthemeveryday Theoldmansmiledandsaid Icantellyoufourreasons First I6agardenerwhenIwasyoung andI7likethisjob Second Icantouchtheflowerswithout8them Third Icansmellthe9ofthem Thelastone that sforyou 10 Butyoudon tknowme saidtheyoungman Yeah it struethatIdon tknowyou ButIknowthatflowersareangels Weenjoythehappinesstheseflowers11us Theblindman sworkpleasedourheartsand12oureyes whichalsomadehislife13 ItwasjustlikeBeethoven whobecamedeafinhislater14andwrotemanygreatmusicalworks Beethovenhimselfcouldn thearhiswonderfulmusic 15hismusichasencouragedmillionsofpeopletofacetheirdifficultiesbravely Isn titonekindofhappiness 1 A passedB pastC passD pasted 2 A suchabeautifulplaceB soabeautifulplaceC suchbeautifulplaceD sobeautifulplace 3 A findB findsC foundD finding 4 A surpriseB surprisedC surprisingD surprisingly 5 A takeB takingC totakeD taken 6 A amB wasC wereD are 7 A reallyB realC realityD realize 8 A seeB seesC seeingD saw B A C B B B A C 9 A sweetB sweeterC sweetestD sweetness 10 A MeB IC MyD Mine 11 A bringsB hasbroughtC havebroughtD hadbrought 12 A openB opensC wasopenedD opened 13 A happilyB happierC morehappilyD mosthappily 14 A lifeB liveC livesD living 15 A andB soC butD or D A C D B A C 二 完形填空 A C D B C B B A C B 三 阅读理解 D C D B A 四 阅读填空阅读下列短文 从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 Tuesday 1stSeptemberIhadmixedfeelingstoday nervous worried happy excited IwasveryunhappywhenIheardMatthewandBeth twostudentsfromEngland wouldspendthreemonthswithus 1 Butattheendoftheschoolday Iwasveryhappy 2 TodayisthemostunforgettablefirstdayIhavehad Matthewisgreat 3 Icaneasilyunderstandhim BethisthemosthelpfulgirlI veevermet Therewerelotsofthingstodoonthefirstday 4 Wefinishedallthepreparations10minutesearlierthanexpected thenBethandItalkedforawhile E C A D MatthewsangseveralEnglishsongsattheparty Weallpraisedhim 5 Butnoneofuswantedtoleave WhenIwentbackhome Ihadalittleheadache IhaveprobablyspokenmoreEnglishtodaythanthewholeoftheyear Itwasreallyahappyday Ihopeourfriendshipcancontinue evenaftertheygobacktoEngland A HisEnglishisclearerandeasiertolistentothanIthought B Atthistimethebellrangtoendthefirstschoolday C ThemorningwiththemtodaywasmoreenjoyablethanIexpected D Bethofferedtohelpmeputupallthenotices E IwasworriedthatIhadtospeakEnglishsomuch B ream ge veryone obby ountains reak ide aily ell arket 六 完成句子1 我家离学校近 所以我总是走路上学 Myhomeis ourschool soIalways onfoot 2 你擅长哪科 subject you 3 我愿意和来自世界各地的人交朋友 I makefriendswithpeoplefrom 4 跟她交朋友十分困难 difficult her 5 他的梦想是当一位工程师 Hisdreamis engineer close to go to school Which are good at would like to all over the world It s to make friends with to become an 6 听音乐和打篮球是他的爱好 musicand basketball his 7 这个单词什么意思 Sally 我也不知道 可以查阅一下英语课本 theword Sally Idon tknow either WecanlookitupintheEnglishbook 8 你们隔多久参加一次课外活动 you after schoolactivities 9 星期天他很少早起 He earlyonSunday 10 她总是在七点三十分到校 Shealways schoolat7 30a m Listening to playing are hobbies What does mean How often do take part in seldom gets up gets to


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