中考英语 考点聚焦 第7讲 八上 Units 4-6课件.ppt

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第7讲八年级 上 Units4 6 seriously saying comfortable comfortably uncomfortable worse worst cheaply chose chosen choice careful carefully reporter service creative gave given plans planned planning discussion meaning meaningful meaningless cultural successful succeed reasonable driver pianist medical beginning improvement weekly agreement disagree owner personal sofar upto allkindsof makeup take seriously findout dressup take place growup sureabout makesure beginningof writedown ableto takeup agreewith comeout moreandmore thebest incommon playarolein Whatdoyouthinkof learn from readyto agoodjob havetodowith anotherforeign tobe keepon B How like A A B A B What sthebestmovietheater 最好的电影院是哪家 典例在线 HangzhouisoneofthemostbeautifulcitiesinChina 杭州是中国最美的城市之一 TheYellowRiveristhesecondlongestriverinChina 黄河是中国第二长的河流 Tomrunsfasterthananyotherstudentinhisclass 汤姆比他们班上其他任何一个学生跑得都快 Tomrunsfasterthantheotherstudentsinhisclass 汤姆比他们班上其他所有学生跑得都快 Tomrunsfasterthananystudentinourclass 汤姆比我们班上的任何一个学生都跑得快 汤姆在别的班级 thelargest the mostcarelessly anyother C role C too to toreach B C beableto Can C improve happened successful culture violinist Aslongas oneofthebiggestcities sureabout takeseriously playsanimportantrole part D C A B B IgetsuchastrongfeelingofhappinesswhenIseethelookofjoyonthekids faces Iamgoingtokeeponpracticingplayingthepiano Thissummervacation Iamgoingtotakeupahobby likeplayingtheguitar paintingorswimming Forthisreason Idecidedtodomoresportstoimprovemyphysicalhealth ThankYou 请完成考点跟踪突破7

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