中考英语 重点难点梳理 七下 Unit 5-6课件.ppt

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教材重点难点梳理 七年级 下 Unit5 Unit6 广州中考高分突破 journey quantity experiment fresh salt on voice drop reservoir add chemical through pipe valuable bit bank change return vapour form stir continue crystal conversation identify rule anyone reply foolish electricity wire connect cable moment battery cooker fridge lock test tidy touch turnoff add to travelthrough comeoutof adropofwater abit partof pocketmoney bemadeupof turninto haveabath insteadof take haveashower solar water windpower dryup apacketof inaway beconnectedto powerstation amomentlater washingmachine switchoff tidyup airconditioner ricecooker safetytips electricalappliance switchon startafire makesure 三 重点句型 熟练掌握并运用句型是学好英语的基本要素之一 要做到熟能生巧就必须大量地练习 请同学们熟练掌握下面的句型 1 Havingabathusesabouttwiceasmuchwaterastakingashower 盆浴的用水是淋浴的两倍 句型 表示次数的词 as 名词 as 意为 是 的几倍 towrite 巩固练习一 语法选择Manyplacesintheworldneedmorefreshwater Everycountryistryingtofindwaystoturnsaltwater1fresh Why2theremanyfactoriesliketheSymifactory Insomeplaces thesunisnot3 Oritdoesnotshineeveryday Insuchplaces 4waysofheatingseawatercanbeused Thesewayscost5money buttheyworkfasterthanthesun 6boilingseawaterwithhighheat alotoffreshwatercanbemadequickly But7isnottheonlywaytogetfreshwaterfromsaltwater Otherways8 Onewayisfreezing 冷冻 Thefreshpartofsaltwaterfreezesfirst Togetfreshwater thepiecesofice9takenout Whichwayis10 Theonethatgivesthemostwaterfor11money It12adifferentwayforeachplace Symi swayseemsvery13forsmall hotplaces Itdoesnotmakeverymuchwateratatime Butthefactoryiseasytobebuiltand14little Thatis15peopleinmanydryplacestalkaboutSymi 1 A toB intoC offD back 2 A isn tB aren tC don tD doesn t 3 A hotenoughB enoughhotC hotterenoughD enoughhotter 4 A otherB othersC theotherD theothers 5 A manyB muchC moreD most 6 A InB AtC ByD Though 7 A heatB heatsC heatedD heating 8 A tryB aretriedC triedD weretried 9 A isB wasC areD were A C C B D C A B B 10 A goodB betterC bestD thebest 11 A littleB lessC leastD theleast 12 A maybeB maybeC mayisD mayare 13 A goodB wellC betterD thebest 14 A costB costsC costingD tocost 15 A whatB whenC whyD how C B A A D D 二 完形填空Someonesays Timeismoney ButIthinktimeis1importingthanmoney Why Becausewhenmoneyisspent wecangetitback However whentimeis2 It llnever3 That s4wemustn twastetime Itgoeswithoutsayingthat5isusuallylimited Evenasecondisimportant Weshouldmakefulluseofourtimetodo6useful Butitisapitythattherearealotofpeoplewhodonotknowtheimportanceoftime Theyspenttheirlimitedtimesmoking drinkingand7 Theydonotknowthatwastingtimemeanswastingpartoftheirown8 D C A D B B C D B A 三 阅读理解Waterisveryimportanttous Wecannotlivewithoutit ThereisalotofwateronEarth butwecannotusemostofit About97 4 ofEarth swaterissalty MostofthefreshwaterissnowandiceneartheNor thandSouthPoles WecanuseonlyaboutonepercentofthewateronEarth Weusewaterfrombothlakesandrivers Someofthewaterevaporatesandthenbecomesrain Ofcourseweuserainwaterforfarmingandotherthings Weusethiswateragainandagain C A D A B 四 阅读填空阅读下列短文 从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 Sportscanhelpyoukeepfitandclosetonature 1 Somesportsarebadforenvironment Golf asyoumayknow eatsupnotonlylargeareasofcountryside butalsolotsofwater Besides lotsofenergyisusedtokeepitscourses 球场 ingoodcondition 2 Forexample inthedryplacesofSpain golfleadstoseriouswatershortage 短缺 insomeplaces A C Therearemanyenvironment friendlysports Powerwalkingisoneofthem Youdon tneedanyspecialequipmentexceptagoodpairofshoes 3 Simpleandfree powerwalkingcanalsohelpyoustayhealthy Ifyouwalkregularly itwillbegoodforyourheart 4 Youcantakepartintheseenvironment friendlysports 5 Membersofgreensportsplaysportsoutdoors inthecountrysideorotheropenspace Andbestofall it sfree E D B ap oice ock rop eturn ontinue oolish aluable est resh 六 完成句子1 贝蒂通常会把一部分零用钱用来买书 Bettyusuallyspendsherpocketmoneyonbooks 2 我们班由15名男生和13名女生组成 Ourclass15boysand13girls 3 停止玩电脑游戏了 是时候做作业了 Stopplayingcomputergames timehomework 4 记得下次不要带手机进学校 mobilephonesintotheschoolnexttime partof ismadeupof It s todo Remembernottotake 5 他们打算打篮球而不是踢足球 Theyaregoingtobasketballfootball 6 冰箱里的牛奶太少了 我们去买些吧 Theremilkinthefridge Let sgotobuy 7 因为我们去到超市太迟了 所以只买到了一些鸡蛋 Wegotonlyeggsinthemarketbecausewegottheretoolate play insteadofplaying istoolittle some some 8 我们可以在这吸烟吗 不行 这里是禁烟区 Ihere No you HereisNosmokingarea 9 周末太多作业了 50 的作业是数学的 Therehomeworkattheweekend 50 ofitformaths May smoke mustn t istoomuch is


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