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龙文教育一对一个性化辅导教案学生吴 臻学校昌岗东小学年级五年级次数第12 次科目英语教师林淑雯日期时段课题U7同步复习及拓展知识学习教学重点1) 能够准确拼写Unit 7的单词以及词组以及熟练运用课文的基本句型。2)学习不可数名词的单复数3)能够用自己的语言描述想喝什么,分清饮料名称教学难点不可数名词的单复数的使用教学目标1.能够拼写Unit7的单词,能够熟读至背诵U7的课文;2.会使用不可数名词的单复数教学步骤及教学内容一、课前热身:P7 口语练习:朗读Read aloud 、听力训练二、内容讲解:知识点1、分析U7的单词,词组的词义并且背默。 拓展: Read aloud 蓝词知识点2、分析U7课文的句型以及重点句型知识点3、课文重点难点分析。(详细见讲义内容)知识点4、语法知识讲练-不可数名词的单复数 三、课堂巩固练习四、课堂小结:1. 单词拼写检查2. 课文朗读五、作业布置管理人员签字: 日期: 年 月 日作业布置1、学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差 备注:2、本次课后作业: 见讲义。课堂小结 家长签字: 日期: 年 月 日五年级上册Unit7讲义Part1:Warming up(课前热身) Read aloudPart2:内容讲解一、基础单词过关:Unit7 单词表单词咖啡杯子一杯饮料;喝瓶子一瓶玻璃杯罐果汁可乐牛奶某事;某物冷的热的;辣的唔确信;肯定的茶Unit7拓展词汇simplespecialcoupletroublebubblemiddleturtle二、词组过关:Work With Language 及课文出现的短语一杯奶茶冷的东西大杯装可乐给你。非常感谢一瓶一玻璃杯一盒一听(罐)喝一杯奶茶请给我来好吗?将会是一瓶果汁一杯水一盒牛奶一杯茶一罐可乐一些牛奶喝咖啡五元三、句型过关:课文基本句型默写,一线一词。1.你想要咖啡还是茶?_you _coffee_tea?2.午餐你想喝什么?What_you_ _ _ _lunch?3.我想我要一杯奶茶吧。I _ I will have_ _ _tea_ milk.4.我想要些冷的东西。I want_ _.5.我觉得很热。请问我可以来杯大可乐吗?I feel_ _.Can I_ _ _ _,please?6.我可以来一杯奶茶,一杯咖啡和一杯大可乐吗?Can I_ have_ _ _tea_milk,_ _ _coffee and_ _coke?7.给你。_you_.8.奶茶和可乐每样是3元。_ _ _and_ _are 3_.9.你想要喝什么?我想要橙汁。What _ you_to drink? I _orange juice.4Part3:课文重点知识讲解:1.What do you want to drink for lunch?午餐你想喝什么?What do you want to eat for lunch?午餐你想吃什么?2.I want something cold.我想喝冷的东西。注意:something放在形容词的前面例:1. Its cold today. I want to eat something hot.2. -What present do you want for your birthday, Lily?-I want something beautiful.我想要漂亮的东西。3. Im really bored.I want to do something interesting.我好无聊啊,我想做点有趣的事情。4. The milk tea and the coke are 3 each.奶茶喝可乐每样各3元。each是每一个的意思例:We each have a computer.我们每个人都有一台电脑。Give the children a can of coke each.给每个孩子每人一罐可乐。5. Thanks very much.非常感谢。表示“非常感谢;多谢”的常见说法还有:Many thanks; Thanks a lot; Thank you very much; Than you so much回答:Thats all right; You are welcomePart4:语法知识不可数名词的单复数不可数名词cake bread hot dog chicken Coke juice milk water tea coffee hair rice fish beef soup weather homework housework pork mutton fish tofu grass lake air rain snow money candy1.不可数名词没有复数形式,不可数名词要表示个体的概念,不能用不定冠词、基数词修饰,可借助量词。其结构形式是“a + 量词 + of +名词”,复数形式是“数词 + 复数量词+ of + 名词”。2常用量词有a glass of water 一杯水,a cup of tea 一杯茶,a sheet of paper 一张纸,a bar of soap 一块肥皂,a loaf of bread 一条面包,a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶,a piece of bread一块面包,a slice of meat 一片肉,a ton of coal 一吨煤,a bowl of rice一碗面,a plate of fried rice noodles等分别将上面名词变复数:_巩固练习一、中译英。1. 一片面包 _ 2. 一瓶墨水 _3. 两杯茶 _ 4. 一篮鸡蛋 _5. 许多糖果 _ 6. 三瓶果汁 _7. 一条肥皂 _ 8. 五公斤西红柿_9. 一碗米饭 _ 10. 两双运动鞋 _二、选择题( ) 1. Give me _ paper,please A.many B.a C.a piece of( )2.These bottle of _are fresh.A.milk B.milks C.jams ( )3.-Is that _? -Yes,it is.A.a pair of glass B.two pair of glasses C.a pair of glasses( )4.Hong Wei is making a card.She wants a _of scissors.A.packet B.bottle C.pair( )5. I want a _ of noodles.A.piece B.bar C.bowl( )6.My father bought three _at the shop five minutes ago.A.beers B.bottles beer C.bottles of beerPart5:随堂练习一、 选择不同类的单词,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内( )1.A.coffee B.drink C.tea( )2.A.cold B.hot C.something( )3.A.sure B.bottle C.glass( )4.A.juice B.grape C.milk( )5.A.cup B.eat C.sing二、 看图,根据句子意思和首字母提示,填写相应的单词,把下列句子补充完整1.I want to drink a g_of w_now.2.Do you want a c_of c_?3.There are t_b_of tea in the picture.4.They eat t_b_every day.5.Its hot.The girl wants to eat a_i_.六、根据实际情况回答问题1.What do you want to eat for breakfast?2.What do you want to drink for lunch?3.Do you like coffee?4.Does your father like drinking tea?5.Is there a milk shop near your house?七、根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的单词,把下面的对话补充完整do ; something; cold; of; grapes; morningA:Good morning. B:Good _.A:Do you feel hot now? B:Yes,I_.A:What about something _to drink? B:Yes, of course.A:What about a glass_orane juice? B:Thats OK.A:Do you want_to eat? B:I want some apple or grapes.A:Oh,we dont have any apples.Here are some_. B:Thank you.八、阅读下面短文,判断句子是否符合题意,如符合,在提前的括号内写T,否则写FToday is Tuesday.Five boys and their teacher Ms White are in the school shop. There are some drinks and fruit in the shop.Look,Jiamin is eating a red apple.Mike is drinking tea with Mike.Jack is eating bananas and grapes.Dim is drinking orange juice.Whats Ms White doing?He is drinking cold coke.( )1.There is a shop at the school.()2.There are some fruits and drinks in the shop.( )3.Jiamin is drinking tea with milk.( )4.Jack is drinking tea with milk.( )5.Dim is drinking apple juice.( )6.Ms White is drinking cold water.三、 仿照例子,写一段话(至少35单词)例子:Hello,my name is Sally. I usually have bread and milk for breakfast.I often have juice and water for lunch. I always have coffee for dinner. I like apple juice best. I usually drink two glasses of orange juice every day._Part5:课后作业一、 看图写词组二、 将问句的编号写在相应答语前的括号里A What do you want to eat for lunch?B Do you want coffee or tea?C Do you often drink coffee?D Can I have a large coke, please?E How much is the tea with milk, please?( ) 1)Tea, please.( ) 2)8 yuan, please.( ) 3) I think Ill have something hot.( ) 4) No, seldom.( ) 5) Sure. Here you are.三、 选择下列情形中适当的话( ) 1) 你想买奶茶喝,你对快餐店店员说:AI like tea with milk best.B. Can I have a cup of tea with milk,please?C. Heres the milk tea.( ) 2) 你想询问咖啡的价钱,你说:A. How much is the coffee,please?B. Thats too expensive.C. I always drink coffee for lunch.( ) 3) 朋友口渴,你问她是喝橙汁还是喝可乐,你说:A Do you want something cold ot something hot?B Can I have some juice and some coke?C Do you want orange juice or coke?( )4) 你想了解同学是否经常喝咖啡,你说:A Do you want some coffee?B Do you often drink coffee?C How much is the coffee?( ) 5)你想知道朋友最喜欢喝什么饮料,你说:A. Whats your favourite drink?B. What do you want to drink for lunch?C. Do you drink a lot of milk every day?( )6)你朋友来自英国。你想向他了解英国人是否也喝茶,你说:A. Do you want to drink some tea?B. Do English people drink tea,too?C. Lets go and drink some tea.四、 读短文,根据短文内容填空 In my family, we drink a lot of drinks every day. Early in the morning, my grandparents each drink a glass of water after they get up. For breakfast, my father always drinks apple juice.I usually have orange juce. My mother drinks a glass of water with honey(蜂蜜). For lunch, we seldom drink anything,but we will drink some water after lunch. On my way home, I always buy a bottle of coke to drink. My father plays sports in the afternoon,he always drinks some water when he plays sports. In the evening, before going to bed, I always drink some water. My mother drinks a glass of warm(温暖的) milk.”Milk helps me sleep well,” she says. My father goes to bed late. He works in the study in the evening.When he is tired, he drinks a cup of coffee. “It wakes me up.” he says. My grandparents drink a lot of tea. I think they drink more than ten cups of tea each day,but they seldom drink anthing(任何东西) in the evening.( ) 1) _drink(s) some water after getting up in the morning.A. My parents B. My grandparents C. I( ) 2)_drinks water with honey for breakfast.A.My father B. My mother C. My grandmother( ) 3) We drink some_after lunch.A.fruit juce B. tea C. water( ) 4) I drink_on my way home.A. tea with milk B. coke C. orange juice( ) 5) My mother drinks_before she goes to bed.A. tea B. coffee C. milk( ) 6) Which is NOT true about my grandparents?A. They seldom drink anything.B. They drink lots of tea every day.C. They dont like drinking in the evening.8


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