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2019-2020学年高二英语下学期期中试卷阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)Anyone may visit the White House during certain visiting hours. Any United States citizen who wants to visit the White House should contact his or her member of Congress to make reservations (预约). Reservations can be made six months in advance and must be made no less than 30 days in advance.A limited number of spaces are available for each tour day. Reservations are free. If you are a citizen of a foreign country and would like to visit the White House, contact your local U.S. embassy.Self-guided tours are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 to 11:00 in the morning. They are also available on Fridays from 7:30 to noon and on Saturdays from 7:30 in the morning to 1:00 in the afternoon.Visitors can also visit the gardens during the spring garden tour. Garden tour dates are announced yearly. The event is free, but tickets are required. The White House offers opportunities to school-aged children to visit the grounds. Kitchen garden tours are offered every Tuesday and Thursday to classes of up to 30 students.Dates for the annual Easter egg roll are announced yearly. This event is designed for the families of children aged 12 years old or younger. It includes games, music, and stories along with the traditional egg roll. Tickets to the event are distributed using a lottery (抽奖) system. When visiting the White House, keep in mind that security is the most important thing. Any item that would be forbidden on an airplane, such as guns, knives, etc., cannot be carried onto the grounds. Bags and cameras are also banned.1. When are you allowed to make a self-guided tour of the White House?A. At 3 pm on Thursdays. B. At10:30 on Friday mornings.C. At 1 pm on Tuesdays. D.At1:30 on Saturday afternoons.2. What do we know about the spring garden tour?A. You need pay for the ticket.B. School-aged children do not need tickets.C. You can get garden tour dates annually.D. The tours are offered every Tuesday and Friday.3. What can you do during the Easter egg roll?A. You can enjoy music and games.B. You can win a fortune in a lottery.C. You can take photos there.D. You can bring fruit knives.4. Why were knives banned?A. Because you can not carry them on a plane.B. Because only adults can use them.C. Because you neednt them.D. Because safety es first.BSome students from Washington Adventist University, near Washington, D.C. have been helping poor children with their schoolwork. But the students did not work with the boys and girls at a traditional school. Every Thursday night, they have been meeting at a laundromat, a place where people go to wash their clothes. At the same time, the students are carrying out a marketing plan they designed for the laundromat. The program began with just five children, but has grown to about 20. Before the program works, the business was so bad that the owner had even considered closing his business, which is why the group came in. They were writing a marketing plan to give people a reason to keep ing to the laundromat. Then one student said, “Therere a lot of children hanging around. Why dont we add teaching?” The project is part of an international program called Enactus. It was started in the United States 40 years ago. The project is now at more than 1,700 colleges in 36 countries. It wants to give students experience before they graduate, so the project works with the munity and with businesses. Ms. Pichot, the head of the universitys business department, says they invite any business to e in. Its a free workshop. Her students are working with other businesses in addition to the laundromat. She says the students help business owners increase their profits while gaining experience that they cannot get in school. They volunteer long hours.Christine Sumampouw is pleting her studies this year. She has spent about 1,000 hours as a volunteer. That is more than any other student in the group. She says she has learned a lot from volunteering. 5. Why do college students teach poor children at a laundromat?A. They work part-time there.B. The poor children cant afford to go to school.C. They want to increase the laundromats business.D. The poor children dont have other places to study.6. What do we know about Enactus?A. Students offer help to businesses in need without being paid.B. It aims to help students start their own business. C. It is created by Washington Adventist University.D. It is a program which only benefits businesses .7. What does Christine think of the project?A. Its a waste of time. B. Its beneficial.C. It takes too much of her time.D. It has a bad effect on her study.CWhen I first became a store manager for Walmart, I ran a small store with less than 100 employees. I liked the store because it offered flexible(灵活的) hours, and it allowed me to work while still taking an active role at home as a wife and mother. The store was even right next to my sons kindergarten.After a year, my boss offered me a chance to manage a Walmart 40 miles away. It had been a problem store for years. The previous two managers had not been successful. The distance and the larger size of the store would mean much more time and energy from me. The new job would be a great challenge. I told my boss I needed to think about it.Driving home, my immediate thought was, “No way!” If two men couldnt run this store, what made me think I could do it while being a wife and mother? I had far less experience than either of the two previous managers. I got home and consulted my husband, who I thought would have the same response as I did. But he didnt. He said I should accept the new role, and he offered to do more around the house to help me succeed in it. I called my parents, again hoping that they would talk me out of it. To my shock, they also said I should go for it. They said I was exactly what that store needed. Now, I have been at this Walmart for 10 months. I am proud to say we have changed from being one of the worst stores in our area to one of the best. I am so happy that I said no to my own doubt and yes to a new challenge.8. The first paragraph is mainly about_.A. what the author did in her previous job B. the authors happy and busy family lifeC. how the author balanced her life and workD. the advantages of the authors previous job9. Why did the boss want the author to manage a new Walmart?A. The boss disliked the former managers.B. The author didnt do well in her previous job.C. The author didnt get along well with the boss.D. The author is more experienced than the former managers.10. What had the author expected her family to do?A. Agree on her attitudes towards the new job. B. Support her in her new job.C. Give her some tips for her new job. D. Ask her boss for further consideration.11. What did the author most probably learn from her experience?A. Strike while the iron is hot.B. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.C. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.D. All things are difficult before they are easy.DPeople do not like being separated from their mobile phones, even while enjoying a restful holiday at the beach. However, the phone battery (电池) may bee exhausted pletely. If that happens, they have no choice but to connect the phone to the power supply. But its impossible to get the battery charged (充电) at the beach. What s worse, the hot sun is shining right overhead, and the water in the bottle is sure to reach a very high temperature. Antoine Sayah, a university student from Lebanon, developed a special beach mat called the Beachill. It looks similar to the ordinary beach mat and will cause back pain as well. However, the device can recharge any mobile phone. It is designed to be water-resistant (防水的) and has a 5-watt solar panel, which provides power continuously. The mat also has the refrigeration equipment that can help keep drinks cool, just like the refrigerator. Antoine Sayah began selling the Beachill on the Internet for $150. He says he has been surprised at the reaction worldwide. “I have got orders for the device from Brazil, Toronto, all over Europe, especially France, America, from all continents.” The Beachill is also gaining popularity in other places, like swimming pools and boats.Some people like the mat because it is lightweight and easy-to-carry. Rita Mathieu bought one of the Beachills. “When I am on the beach, I used to look around for a charger and never managed to find any and the water never stays cool,” she says. “So this kind of beach mat is wonderful and has everything in it, even a pocket where I can put a book. Thanks to it, I can surf the Internet and keep in touch with friends at any time at the beach.”12. The opening paragraph is mainly intended to _.A. show great pity for people at the beachB. attract the readers interest in the subjectC. provide some key facts about mobile phonesD. prove the importance of water in hot weather13. What can we learn about the Beachill?A. It is quite unusual in appearance. B. It will stop working in the water.C. It has some function of the refrigerator. D. It functions more effectively than ordinary ones. 14. Rita Mathieu is mentioned to prove the Beachills _.A. popularityB. convenienceC. good qualityD. low price15. The text is written to _. A. tell people a new way to get a cold drink B. ask people to stop using phones at the beach C. encourage people to travel around the worldD. introduce a beach mat that can charge a phone第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Q&AQuestion: Before graduation, I decided to be a useful man for our country. However, when I applied for some positions, I was turned down. Only then did I realize it was not easy to achieve my dream. 16 Now I even dont have the courage to try a new position. How can I find the power to continue my dream? Answer: I can understand the situation you are in. You feel your life lacks the power that you want and the motivation that you need. 17 By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive (动机) to work towards on your goals. 18 Your life can be improved, and your happiness enriched when you choose to change your views. Dont leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously alone. 19 Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not just about control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever es your way.Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it into trust. 20 Turn your “worry hours” into “productive hours”. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself to experience the joys of life.A. What you need is to change your goal. B. The fact that the positions were not offered to me beat me.C. Learn to rise above anxiety and doubt.D. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.E. Unfortunately, many people havent realized it.F. Actually all you have to do is change your points of view.G. You must go in the direction of your hopes and ambitions.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题2分,共40分)I was recently invited to dinner by a friend. During the meal, the 21 of the restaurant came over and said our meal was free. I was 22 . He stood there smiling at me and there was an air of 23 . Finally I asked him if he knew me. He said I had 24 forgotten him, but I had 25 his life. My friend was quite 26 and asked him how I had done this.He said twelve years ago I was teaching a stress management class and he was one of the 27 . I asked the group what their number one 28 was and most of them said it was from their bosses.I listened to everyone, then 29 a chair and invited everyone to stand on it. I wanted them to look at the room from 30 there. After that, I asked the group to think about how the room looked 31 when they changed their perspective (角度). Then I asked them to 32 their bosses. Was this the same person who had 33 their good qualities and hired them? Do they remember how 34 they were to be chosen for the job?He said I looked at him and asked if he had ever thanked his boss for the 35 to earn a living and 36 him new skills and to be a better employee. He said he went back to work the next day with a thank-you card to his 37 . He learned to 38 stress in a smart way. Now he has been the manager of the restaurant for eight years. He said I had taught him to 39 life from different perspectives and to express 40 .21. A. waiterB. managerC. cook D. owner22. A. satisfiedB. excitedC. surprised D. moved23. A. familiarity B. understanding C. importance D. dignity24. A. hardlyB. rarelyC. specially D. probably25. A. changedB. plannedC. built D. noticed26. A. patientB. anxiousC. curious D. doubtful27. A. Employers B. studentsC. organizers D. teachers28. A. joyB. stress C. dangerD. pride29. A. removedB. brokeC. heldD. took30. A. downB. outsideC. upD. inside31. A. naturalB. differentC. funny D. strange32. A. considerB. askC. visitD. watch33. A. seenB. predictedC. chosen D. improved34. A. puzzledB. touchedC. Happy D. calm35. A. abilityB. chanceC. process D. luck36. A. allowingB. advisingC. encouraging D. teaching37. A. colleagueB. customerC. bossD. parent38. A. leave behind B. deal withC. suffer from D. bring about39. A. look atB. talk about C. work on D. take over40. A. apologyB. regretC. appreciation D. sympathy阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(每个1.5分,共15分)Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, is famous for its festivals. There are twelve festivals around the year, half of 41 _ are celebrated during the months of July and August. Here are two famous festivals 42 _ (hold) each year during the summer in Edinburgh the Edinburgh International Festival and the Edinburgh International Book Festival.The first Edinburgh International Festival 43 _ (plan) during World War II for artists to find hope and municate with each other. 44 _ (late), actors, musicians, dancers and singers from all over the world came over to give 45 _ (perform). The Edinburgh International Festival developed so fast that it soon earned its reputation 46 _ one of the worlds greatest celebrations of the art. Anyone can perform in the festival 47 _ many artists take part in it. During the festival, you can go to the Royal Mile 48 _ (watch) shows for free. The Edinburgh International Book Festival is the largest book festival in the world. The festival 49_ (take) place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the centre of Edinburgh. There are over 700 events for people who love books. Many kids find the festival 50 _ (attract) because they can listen to stories and watch artists draw pictures of the stories写作 第一节 短文改错 (10分)请修改下面的短文。短文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Wang Lin,Im sorry to know that you are facing some problems. Its natural for someone meet with different kinds of problems when he first studied abroad. The language problem is the first one. But Im sure youll soon be able to use the language well, so I know youre a quick learner. Being sure to take every possible chance to practise your oral English, that will do good to you. The second problem is usually the change of eating habit. Not everyone can get accustom to a different diet, so why not to cook meals by yourself? Studying abroad is big challenge to you, but its really interested.Best wishes!Yours, Li Hua 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是第一中学的学生李华,刚从美国参加中美学生文化交流活动回来,请代表你们学校给美方学校写一封感谢信。要点如下:1. 自我介绍;2. 表达感谢;3. 说明活动收获;4. 邀请对方来中国。注意: 1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2. 词数100左右;3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;4. 参考词汇:款待 hospitality。 Dear Sir / Madam, Greetings from China!_ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 沁县中学xx第二学期期中考试高二英语答案一 阅读理解(每小题3分,共60分)1-4 BCAD 5-7CAB 8-11ADAD 12-15BCBD 16-20 BFDGC二完型填空(每小题2分,共40分)21-25BCADA 26-30CBBDC 31-35BAACB 36-40DCBAC三语法填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)41 .which 42.held 43.was planned 44.Later 45.performances 46.as 47.and 48.to watch 49.takes 50.attractive四短文改错(每处1分,共10分)1 .someone to 2.studied改为studies 3.so改为because4.Being改为Be 5.that改为which 6.habit改为habits 7 .accustom改为accustomed 8.去掉not 9. big前加a 10.interested改为interesting 五写作(25分)Greetings from China! I am Li Hua from the No. 1 Middle School and Im writing this letter on behalf of our school to thank you for your warm hospitality during our recent visit to your country. I would also like to thank you for your wonderful cultural exchange activities. I am sure that we can improve our understanding through such activities. We sincerely hope to have more chances to take part in such activities. We are looking forward to your early visit to China and then we will be able to pay back the hospitality we received during our stay in your country. Thank you again, and best wishes!


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