江苏省2019高考英语 第二部分 语法核心突破 第十一课时 主谓一致和特殊句式练习(含解析).doc

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江苏省2019高考英语 第二部分 语法核心突破 第十一课时 主谓一致和特殊句式练习(含解析).doc_第1页
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江苏省2019高考英语 第二部分 语法核心突破 第十一课时 主谓一致和特殊句式练习(含解析).doc_第2页
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江苏省2019高考英语 第二部分 语法核心突破 第十一课时 主谓一致和特殊句式练习(含解析).doc_第3页
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第十一课时 主谓一致和特殊句式 感 悟 高 考 1 It was when I got back to my apartment I first came across my new neighbors 2017 天津卷 A who B where C which D that 答案 D 句意 当我回到我的公寓的时候 我首先遇见了我的新邻居 根据关键词 It was开头 后面连词首选 that 构成强调句型 但需要验证 本句中去掉 It was和 that 句意完整 所以确定是强调句型 故选 D 2 The publication of Great Expectations which both widely reviewed and highly praised strengthened Dickens status as a leading novelist 2017 江苏卷 A is B are C was D were 答案 C 先行词是 The publication Great Expectations 是书名 看作单数 所以定 语从句的谓语也要使用单数形式 根据 strengthened 可知 说的是过去 故选 C 句 意 远大前程 的出版获得了广泛的认可和高度的赞扬 这坐实了狄更斯作为前沿小说 家的地位 3 Nowadays cycling along with jogging and swimming as one of the best all round forms of exercise 2017 天津卷 A regard B is regarded C are regarded D regards 答案 B 句意 现在骑自行车 慢跑和游泳被认为是最全面的锻炼方式之一 根据动词 短语 regard as 把 看做 和句意确定应该用被动语态 排除 A和 D 再根据主 语部分是由介词短语 along with连接的三个动名词做主语 谓语动词应该与 along with 前面的名词相一致 即用单数 排除 C 故选 B 4 You are waiting at a wrong place It is at the hotel the coach picks up tourists 2016 天津卷 A who B which C where D that 答案 D 句意 你等错地方了 长途客车是在旅馆接游客的 分析句子结构可知 此处 是一个对地点状语进行强调的强调句型 故用 that 要 点 精 析 主 谓 一 致 一 语法一致原则 1 动名词 动词不定式 主语从句 不定代词作主语时 谓语动词常用单数 Listening to music makes me relaxed after a busy day 听音乐使我在一天的忙碌之后得到了放松 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in the world 爱和被爱是这个世界上最大的幸福 2 主语后接介词短语或其他插入语 如 with together with as well as along with besides but except including rather than等 谓语动词的人称和数与主语 的人称和数保持一致 My father together with his workmates has been to Beijing 我父亲和他的同事曾 去过北京 3 and both and 连接两个不同的主语 谓语动词用复数形式 但是如果由 and连接 的两个名词表示同一个人或物时 谓语动词需用单数形式 A famous writer and poet is to give a talk 一位著名的作家兼诗人将要作一次报告 4 定语从句中关系代词作主语时 从句中的谓语动词要与先行词保持一致 在 it be 被强调部分 that who 强调句型中 be 一般用单数形式 如果强调的是主语 that who后的谓语动词由被强调的主语决定 It is I who am going to be a pilot 是我将成为一名飞行员 Anyone who has questions to ask please e to my office this afternoon 有问题要问的人 今天下午到我办公室来 5 more than one many a 单数可数名词 作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式 each every no 所修饰的名词作主语时 即使有 and连接 谓语动词仍用单数 Many a desk and many a bench is to be taken out of the hall 许多课桌和凳子将被 搬出大厅 Every boy and every girl wishes to attend the party to be held on Sunday 每个男生和女生都希望参加周日的聚会 二 意义一致原则 1 集体名词作主语时 若被看作一个整体 谓语动词用单数形式 若被看作是构成集体的 一个个成员 谓语动词用复数形式 常见的集体名词有 family class team group public mittee government audience 等 The class consists of 25 boys and 20 girls 这个班由 25个男生和 20个女生组成 The class are doing experiments 全班学生都在做实验 2 分数 百分数 the majority of 名词 作主语时 谓语动词的单复数取决于 of后名 词的数以及其表示的意义 all some half most the rest等作主语时 谓语动词单 复数取决于主语实际表达的意义 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water 我们星球的表面百分 之七十都被水覆盖着 3 the 形容词 表示一类人在句中作主语时 谓语动词用复数形式 The sick have been cured and the lost have been found 病人已被治愈 失踪的人也都找到了 4 a quantity of后既可接不可数名词 也可接可数名词复数 谓语动词的单复数取决于 of后名词的数以及其表示的意义 quantities of后无论是可数名词还是不可数名词 谓 语动词均用复数形式 With more and more forests being destroyed a large quantity of good earth is being washed away each year With more and more forests being destroyed quantities of good earth are being washed away each year 随着越来越多的森林被砍伐 每年有大量的沃土被冲走 5 a number of 复数名词 作主语时 谓语动词用复数形式 意为 许多 the number of 复数名词 作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式 意为 的数量 A number of students have gone for an outing 许多学生去远足了 The number of the students is increasing year after year 学生的数量逐年增加 6 表示时间 距离 重量 金额等复数名词作主语时 谓语动词通常用单数形式 Three thousand dollars is quite a lot of money for a boy 对于一个男孩来说 3 000 美元是一笔大数目 三 就近一致原则 1 当 or nor either or neither nor not only but also not but 等连接并列主语时 谓语动词常与最近的主语在人称和数上保持一 致 Not only the students but also the teacher enjoys listening to the music 不仅学生而且这位老师也喜欢听这种音乐 Neither his parents nor he himself is a bank clerk 他父母和他本人都不是银行职员 2 在 here there 置于句首的倒装句中 当主语不止一个时 谓语动词通常与其邻近的主 语在人称和数上保持一致 There stands the teaching building between the two rows of trees 教学楼在两排树之间 There is a pencil and two pens in the pencil box There are two pens and a pencil in the pencil box 文具盒内有一支铅笔和两支钢笔 特 殊 句 式 一 完全倒装 完全倒装是将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前 这种结构须满足四个条件 1 here there out then thus等副词置于句首 2 谓语动词常用 be e go lie run rush等表示来去或状态的动词 3 主语是名词不能是代词 4 谓语动词的时态是一般现在时或一般过去时 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber 轰炸机底下窜出一枚导弹 二 部分倒装 部分倒装是将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词提至主语之前 这种结构有下列情况 1 句首为否定或半否定的词语 如 no not never seldom little hardly in no way not until hardly scarcely when no sooner than等 Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her 她刚出门 就有个学生来访 2 so neither nor位于句首时句子用部分倒装 在以 so nor neither开头的倒装句中 so用于肯定句 表示 也一样 也这样 nor neither用于否定句 表示 同样也不 也不这样 Tom can speak French So can Jack 汤姆会讲法语 杰克也会 If you don t go neither will I 如果你不去 我也不去 3 only修饰副词 介词短语或状语从句 且放在句首时 Only in this way can you learn English well 只有用这种方式 你才能学好英语 4 其他部分倒装 1 so that 句型中的 so位于句首时 需倒装 So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch 他很害怕 动也不敢动 2 在虚拟语气条件句中 可将 if省略 把 were had should移到主语之前 Were I you I would try it again 我是你的话 就再试一次 3 as作为 虽然 尽管 讲 引导让步状语从句时 要用倒装结构 把状语 表语或动 词原形提前 通常 as可以换成 though Much as he liked the story book he donated it to the charity 虽然他非常喜欢这本故事书 他还是把它捐给了慈善机构 Try as he might he can do nothing about the present situation 尽管他会努力 但他对当前的局势也无能为力 名师点津 1 当 not until引出主从复合句且位于句首时 主句倒装 从句不倒装 注意 如否定词 不在句首则不倒装 Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room 直到孩子睡着 妈 妈才离开房间 2 当 so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证实或肯定时 不可用倒装结构 意为 的确如 此 Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did 汤姆邀我去踢球 我去了 1 英语中常用的强调句型的结构为 It is was 被强调部分 that who 其他部分 其 中 被强调部分通常是句子的主语 宾语或状语 要注意的是 that who后面句中的谓语动 词的人称和数要与被强调部分保持一致 It was the culture rather than the language that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad 是文化而不是语言使他很难适应国外的新环境 强调主语 2 句型变换 1 一般疑问句形式为 Is Was it 被强调部分 that who 其他部分 Was it because Jack came late for school that Mr Smith got angry 是因为杰克上课迟到让史密斯先生生气的吗 2 特殊疑问句形式为 特殊疑问词 is was it that 其他部分 When was it that he made up his mind to take this course 他是什么时候决定选修这门课程的 3 含有 not until 结构的强调句式为 It is was not until 被强调部分 that 其他部分 It is not until you ve finished your homework that you are allowed to go out 直到你把作业做完才准出去 名师点津 若强调谓语 要在谓语动词前加 do does did 这种强调只适用于一般现在 时和一般过去时的肯定句 The scientist did devote all his life to his research work 这位科学家的确把他的一生献给了研究工作 1 祈使句的基本用法 祈使句用来表达说话人的请求 命令 建议 劝告等 祈使句的主语一般为第二人称 通常 省略 有时也可用 everybody someone anybody等不定代词 2 祈使句表示假设的情况 1 祈使句 and 陈述句 一般将来时 名词词组 and 陈述句 名词词组中通常含有 more another further earlier等词 One step further and you ll fall down 再多走一步 你就会摔倒 Just a little more patience and we ll look into it soon 再耐心点儿 我们很快就会调查此事 祈使句 破折号 陈述句 Try some of this juice perhaps you ll like it 尝尝这种果汁 也许你会喜欢它的 2 祈使句 or otherwise 陈述句 相当于 if not 主句 Hurry up or we ll be late for the meeting If we don t hurry up we ll be late for the meeting 快点儿 不然我们开会就迟到了 名师点津 祈使句后的反意疑问句不表示反问 而表示一种语气 其结构为 肯定祈使句 will won t you 否定祈使句 will you Let us will you Let s shall we Close the window will won t you 关上窗户 好吗 Let s go to the bookstore shall we 我们去书店 好吗 一 英语中一些固定的省略结构 1 在以 if when though as if 好像 等连词引导的状语从句中 若从句中的主语与主 句中的主语一致且谓语动词是 be 常将从句中的主语和动词 be省略 Whenever possible he will e to my help 他一有可能就来帮助我 While cycling don t forget the traffic lights 骑车时 不要忘记看红绿灯 2 由固定词组引导的疑问句 What about having a game of chess 下盘棋怎么样 How e they left you alone here 他们怎么会把你一个人留在这里呢 What if it s raining 如果天下雨怎么办 Why not try again 为什么不再试试呢 二 与不定式相关的省略 1 通常为了避免重复 在联系密切的语境中 作宾语或宾语补足语的不定式常省略 只保 留不定式符号 to She went teaching because she wanted to go teaching 她去教书 因为她想去 2 如果不定式符号 to后面是 be时 要保留 be 如果不定式用了完成时 要保留到助动词 have The city now is much noisier than it used to be 这个城市现在比过去喧闹多了 3 如果不定式作表语 用于解释 do的内容 to 也常可省略 What I did was to lay the table 我所要做的是摆桌子 解 题 策 略 1 分清主语 找准谓语法 做主谓一致的题目时 由于在句子中 有一些主语容易受到别的词的影响 往往造成一些 理解上的错误 如主语后面接 with together with along with but as well as等短 语时 谓语应与前面的名词保持一致 记住 谓语动词的单复词要和主语中的中心词一致 1 Listening to loud music at rock concerts caused hearing loss in some teenagers A is B are C has D have 答案 C 动名词短语作主语 句子的谓语动词用单数形式 由此排除 B D 两项 根据主 语与 caused的主动关系 排除 A项 2 Such poets as Shakespeare widely read of whose works however some difficult to understand A are are B is is C are is D is are 答案 A 主句中的主语应为 poets 谓语动词用复数 其后的非限制性定语从句的主语 应为 some of whose works 谓语动词也应是复数 故选 A 2 还原法 一般说来 对于一些特殊的句型 我们可以把它还原为正常的句型 如把倒装句还原为陈 述句等等 1 At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River one of the ten largest cities in China A lies Chongqing B Chongqing lies C does lie Chongqing D does Chongqing lie 答案 A 分析句子结构得知 此处将地点状语提前且主语为名词 故句子需用完全倒装 形式 所以选 A项 2 Is everyone here Not yet Look there the rest of our guests A e B es C is ing D are ing 答案 A 本句中 there放在句首 句子采用了倒装句式 谓语动词的单复数应该根据句 子的主语 the rest of our guests来判断 故答案为 A 3 结构分析法 在一些试题中要注意区别一些特殊的句型 如倒装句 强调句 反意疑问句 祈使句等 1 It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village the hostess cooked such a nice dinner A where B that C when D which 答案 B 本题为强调句型 符合 it was 被强调部分 that 结构 此题迷惑点在于 强调部分中含有一个定语从句 that she had bought in the village 2 John s success has nothing to do with good luck It is years of hard work has made him what he is today A why B when C which D that 答案 D 本题为强调句型 被强调部分为 years of hard work 故选 D 4 固定句型判断法 在平时的学习中 要掌握各种句型 注意积累一些经典的句型 把它们运用到日常写作中 以达到真正掌握的目的 English has a large vocabulary hasn t it Yes more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and municate A Know B Knowing C To know D Known 答案 A 根据题干中的 and和 will就可以判断答案是 A 本句是 祈使句 and or 主 语 will 结构 祈使句表示条件 相当于一个条件句 针 对 训 练 1 Bach died in 1750 but it was not until the early 19th century his musical gift was fully recognized 2015 重庆卷 A while B though C that D after 答案 C 句意 巴赫于 1750年去世 但是他的音乐才能一直到 19世纪早期才完全被认 可 本句是一个强调句型 其基本结构是 It is was 被强调部分 that 其他 本句被 强调部分是 not until the early 19th century 故选 C 2 Only when Lily walked into the office that she had left the contract at home 2015 天津卷 A she realized B has she realized C she has realized D did she realize 答案 D 句意 直到莉莉走进办公室时 她才意识到她把合同忘在家里了 only 状语 从句 位于句首表示强调时 主句要用部分倒装 根据时间状语 when Lily walked into the office可知要用一般过去时 故答案为 D 3 It might have saved me some trouble the schedule 2015 江苏卷 A did I know B have I known C do I know D had I known 答案 D 句意 要是早知道时间表的话 可能会省去我一些麻烦 由句意和 might have saved可知 句子用了虚拟语气 本句表示与过去事实相反的情况 故从句谓语用 had known if 引导的非真实条件句中含有 were had should 时 可将它们提到主语之前 并将 if省略 4 Video games can be a poor influence if in the wrong hands 2015 湖 南卷 A to leave B leaving C leave D left 答案 D 句意 如果落在不合适的人的手中 电子游戏就会有一个很坏的影响 leave 的逻辑主语是 video games 主语 video games与 leave之间是被动关系 故用过去分词 if left 是状语从句的省略 5 the nurses want a pay increase they want reduced hours as well 大 纲卷 A Not do only B Do not only C Only not do D Not only do 答案 D 句意 护士们不仅要求提高工资 还要求缩短工作时间 not only在句首引起 句子时 该句用部分倒装 其结构为 not only do will can etc 因此 D项正确 6 they couldn t make her change her mind A Hard as they tried B Tried hard as they C As they tried hard D They tried as hard 答案 A 句意 尽管他们尽力了 但他们还是没能让她改变主意 as 引导让步状语从句 时 采用部分倒装的形式 故选 A 7 The director was fully convinced that this moving story if for television would be a hit A adapted B being adapted C to be adapted D having been adapted 答案 A 此处为条件状语从句中的省略 省略了主语及系动词 补全后为 if it was adapted for television 故选 A 8 Don t press the red button you will set off the alarm A but B or C so D and 答案 B 句意 不要按红色按钮 不然警报就会拉响 在固定句式 祈使句 and or 陈述句 中 祈使句相当于一个条件句 符合该条件就会有后面的结果 就用连词 and 不符合该条件就不会有后面的结果 就用连词 or 故 B项正确 9 Then each waiting for the other to let the cat out of the bag A did the silence e B came the silence C the silence ing D the silence came 答案 B 在题干中 副词 Then 位于句首时 句子应使用全部倒装结构 由此可排除 未使用倒装的 C D 两项 A 项为部分倒装形式 也可排除 B 项为全部倒装结构 10 It was not the word you said angered Mr Zhang but you said it A that how B which what C that that D which why 答案 A 句意 不是你说的话激怒了张老师 而是你说话的方式 激怒了他 第一空填 that 与 It was构成强调句型 第二空填 how表方式 在此引导名词性从句 11 You should be fully prepared before going walking in the mountain Above all plenty of drinking water with you A to bring B brought C bringing D bring 答案 D 句意 去山里散步之前你应该做好充分的准备 最重要的是要带足够多的饮用 水 分析句子结构及语境可知后一句缺少谓语 故选 D 12 To my great surprise there at the door trembling in wet clothes A stood a girl B a girl stood C did a girl stand D had a girl stood 答案 A 句意 让我很吃惊的是 门口站着一个正在颤抖的女孩 衣服湿透了 介词短 语置于句首 且句子主语为名词时 句子要用全部倒装 即介词短语 谓语 主语 故选 A 13 Hardly on the stage when the audience rose and cheered A had the singer appeared B did the singer appear C was the singer appeared D appeared the singer 答案 A hardly when 表示 一 就 hardly 为表否定意义的副词 位于 句首时句子使用部分倒装 在 hardly when 结构中 主句一般用过去完成时 从句用 一般过去时 故此处应将 had提前 A 项正确 14 When we a mistake we must correct it fully openly and as quickly as possible A do make B don t make C making D not making 答案 A 句意 当我们的确犯错误时 我们必须尽快地 公开地并完全地改正它 在谓 语动词前面加助动词 do does did 表示强调 15 All the scientific evidence that increasing use of chemicals in farming damaging our health A show are B shows are C show is D shows is 答案 D 句意 所有的科学证据表明 农业方面越来越多的使用化学物质正在损害着我 们的健康 主语是 evidence 证据 不可数名词 所以谓语动词应用单数式 shows 宾 语从句的主语是 use 使用 不可数名词 所以要用 is 16 The basketball coach as well as his team interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance A were B was C is D are 答案 B as well as放在作主语的名词或代词后边 动词要与主语取得一致 故谓语动 词用单数形式 且由语境确定 B项正确


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