(新课改)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Great scientists学案(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc

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Unit 1 Great scientists(一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1characteristic n特征;特性2radium n. 镭3analyse vt. 分析4physician n. 医生;内科医师5outbreak n. 爆发;发作(尤指疾病或战争)6victim n. 受害者7enquiry n. 询问8neighbourhood n. 附近;邻近9pump n. 泵;抽水机vt. (用泵)抽(水)10firework n. 烟火(燃放)11chart n. 图表12movement n纵联1 移动;运动;动作.重点单词写其形1defeat vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫n. 失败2expert adj. 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的n. 专家;行家3attend vt.纵联2 照顾;护理;出席;参加4expose vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光5cure n. 治愈;痊愈;治疗方法vt. 治愈;治疗6absorb vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心7suspect vt. 认为;怀疑 n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯 8foresee vt. 预见;预知9blame vt. 责备;谴责n. 过失;责备10handle n.vt.纵联3 11link vt.&n. 连接;联系12positive adj.纵联4 积极的;肯定的;确实的13enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的14severe adj. 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的.拓展单词通其变1challenge n挑战 vt.向挑战challenging adj.具有挑战性的2cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的caution n小心;警告3pollute vt.污染;弄脏pollution n污染4instruct vt.命令;指示;教导instruction n用法说明;指示;指导5conclude vt.&vi.结束;推断出conclusion n结论;结束6contribute vt.&vi.捐献;贡献;捐助contribution n贡献7reject vt.拒绝;不接受;抛弃rejection n拒绝;抛弃8scientific adj.科学的science n科学scientist n科学家9announce vt.宣布;通告announcement n通知;宣告announcer n播音员;宣告者10construct vt.建设;修建construction n建设;建筑物11painter n画家;油漆匠paint v绘画;涂painting n油画;水彩画12universe n宇宙;世界universal adj.普遍的;宇宙的universally adv.普遍地纵联1.后缀ment构成的抽象名词集锦movement移动;运动 development发展disappointment失望 excitement兴奋improvement改善 treatment对待judgment判断纵联2.“照看/照顾某人”的多种表达attend to/on/upon sb. care for sb.take care of sb. look after sb.watch over sb. see after sb.纵联3.名词兼作动词的高频词汇聚焦handle n把手vt.处理nurse n护士vt.护理face n脸vt.面对defeat n失败vt.打败;战胜drink n饮料vt.喝;饮纵联4.发表你的“观点;态度”positive积极的 negative消极的subjective主观的 objective客观的doubtful怀疑的 critical批评的单元话题伟大的科学家子话题1各类科学家physicist n物理学家 astronomer n天文学家chemist n化学家;药剂师 technologist n技术专家mathematician n数学家 biologist n生物学家inventor n发明家 geographer n地理学家zoologist n动物学家 botanist n植物学家子话题2工作职责与资格certificate n证明;证(明)书qualification n. 资格;学历qualify vt.&vi. (使)具有资格;(使)具备合格条件invent vt. 发明;创造qualified adj. 有资格的responsibility n. 责任;负责undertake vt. 承担;从事;负责charge vt. 负责;主管学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1(2011安徽高考阅读B)During the 1970s, people started being concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity. People also realized that the supply of coal and gas would not last forever. Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means higher costs. Today, there is a global _ (move) to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind. 写出加黑词在本单元的同根动词:pollute;“环境污染”表达为environmental pollution用move的适当形式填空:movement2(2016北京高考阅读C)Lead poisoning has proved more difficult to deal with. When condors eat dead bodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large quantities of lead. This affects their nervous systems and ability to produce baby birds, and can lead to kidney (肾) failure and death. 写出加黑词在本单元的近义词:handle,意为“处理”选择absorb在句中的含义:_A_A吸收B理解C吸引高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译/补全句子)1(2017全国卷书面表达)提前了解唐朝的历史有助于你理解将要学习的唐诗。(contribute)Knowing_the_history_of_the_Tang_Dynasty_in_advance_will_contribute_to_your_understanding_the_Tang_poems_to_be_learned.2(2016天津高考书面表达)总之,我们在这项活动中受益匪浅。(conclusion)In_conclusion,_we_have_benefited_a_lot_from_the_activity.3(2018北京高考书面表达)被我的一举一动所吸引,外国学生对这种独特的文化感到惊奇,他们情不自禁地不时拍照。(absorb)Absorbed_by_my_every_move,_the foreign students were amazed by this unique culture and they couldnt help taking pictures from time to time. (二)课堂重点释疑1conclude vt.&vi.推断出;结束;达成;缔结记牢(1)concludeconclude sth. 以结束to conclude 最后(2)conclusion n. 结论;结束e to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论in conclusion 总而言之练通单句语法填空He concluded his speech with a famous saying,“Where there is a will, there is a way.”Ive e to the conclusion (conclude) that hes not the right person for the job.In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.写美一句多译我从我自己的经历中得出结论:患难见真情。I drew_a_conclusion_from_my_own_experiences_that_a friend in need is a friend indeed.(conclusion)I concluded_from_my_own_experiences_that_a friend in need is a friend indeed.(conclude)联想表示“总而言之”的其他表达还有:in short, in brief, in a word, all in all, to sum up, briefly (speaking), on the whole等。2attend vt.出席;参加;照顾;护理vi.专心;留意记牢(1)attend a meeting/a lecture/a wedding/class 参加会议/听讲座/参加婚礼/上课(2)attend on/upon sb. 伺候某人;照顾某人attend to 处理;倾听;专心于;照顾练通单句语法填空As a daughter, I feel it my duty to attend on/upon my sick mother.As far as I know, the patients are well attended (attend) in the hospital.I cant go out with you tonight because I have an urgent thing to attend to.写美补全句子于是我下定决心参加那些会议并学习我能学习的一切。I then made it a point to attend_those_meetings_and_learn_all_I_could.3expose vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光;使面临记牢(1)expose .to .暴露给;使接触expose oneself to . 使自己面临;使自己暴露于(2)be exposed to 遭受到;(使)接触到练通单句语法填空Some people think we shouldnt expose the children to playing (play) puter games.Being_exposed (expose) to strong sunlight will do harm to your skin.(2015四川高考)And the more birds_are_exposed (expose) to light, the more active they are at night.用准及物动词expose后若无宾语,则常常使用它的被动形式;在expose .to .以及be exposed to结构中,to为介词,其后要用名词、代词或动名词作宾语。写美句式升级When children are exposed to difficult situations, they are better at handling challenging situations.Exposed_to_difficult_situations,_children are better at handling challenging situations. (分词作状语)4challenge n挑战vt.向挑战记牢(1)face the challenge面对挑战accept/take up a challenge 接受挑战(2)challenge sb.to sth. 向某人挑战某事challenge sb.to do sth. 向某人挑战做某事(3)challenging adj. 具有挑战性的challenged adj. 受到挑战的练通单句语法填空I want to challenge him to a game of basketball.Teaching young children is a challenging (challenge) and rewarding job.(2018全国卷)I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid looking directly into his eyes so he doesnt feel challenged (challenge)用准challenge本身已含有“向;对”的意义,因而不要再加多余的to。向某人挑战写美翻译句子在即将到来的三年里,我们的学校生活将具有挑战性。In_the_ing_three_years,_our_school_life_will_be_challenging._5absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心;吞并;理解;掌握辨清写出下列句中absorb的含义Most little shops have been absorbed into big businesses due to the influence of the global financial crisis.吞并After absorbing enough water, the plants grow well.吸收I keep the lesson simple because the students cant absorb that much.理解记牢(1)absorb ones attention吸引某人的注意力absorb .into . 把吸收进absorb oneself in . 专心于;全神贯注于absorb . from . 从中吸收(2)absorbed adj. 全神贯注的(be) absorbed in . 全神贯注于练通单句语法填空(2016北京高考)However, when something did interest me, I could bee absorbed (absorb)As we all know, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air.写美一句多译汤姆如此专心于工作以至于他忘了告知我会议的时间。Tom was_so_absorbed_in_his_work that he forgot to inform me of the time of the meeting.(absorbed)So_absorbed_was_Tom_in_his_work that he forgot to inform me of the time of the meeting.(so .that .引导的倒装句)Absorbed_in_his_work,_Tom forgot to inform me of the time of the meeting.(形容词短语作状语)6blame vt.责备;谴责;把归咎于n.过失;责备记牢(1)blame sb.for sth./doing sth.为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人be to blame (for)应(为)承担责任/受责备(2)put/lay the blame for sth.on sb.将某事归咎于某人take the blame (for)应(为)承担责任/受责备练通单句语法填空She blamed her husband for the failure of their marriage.She blamed the failure of their marriage on her husband.(2018江苏高考)Some social app panies were to_blame (blame) because they didnt adequately check their users registration.(2017全国卷)Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame_on_the alarm clock.用准be to blame短语中blame不能用被动形式,该短语为主动形式表示被动含义。写美一句多译诚实地说,李华应该为这次冲突负责。To be honest, Li Hua is_to_blame_for the conflict. (blame v)Honestly speaking, Li Hua should_take_the_blame_for the conflict. (blame n)7contribute vt.&vi.捐献;贡献;捐助记牢(1)contribute sth. to .把某物捐献给contribute to 有助于;导致;投稿(2)contribution n. 捐献;贡献;稿件make a contribution/contributions to对做出贡献练通单句语法填空(2017江苏高考)Located where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.Your contribution (contribute) will certainly make the event a huge success.In conclusion, everyone should make contributions to protecting (protect) the environment.写出加彩词的含义(2015全国卷书面表达)If you want to contribute to our newspaper, please send me your article before the deadline.投稿写美翻译句子(2017北京高考书面表达)那些在电脑方面有天分的人有助于制作视频。Those_who_were_talented_in_puter_contributed_to_making_the_video.词汇过关综合训练 .单词拼写1Researchers find cures (治疗方法) for certain diseases often by using the forests plants and animals.2He made an apology to me for his not attending (参加) the concert on time.3(2017江苏高考)Many Chinese brands, having developed their reputations over centuries, are facing new challenges (挑战) from the modern market.4Our team was defeated (打败) last night, which made us sad and disappointed.5The students must learn to handle (处理) those urgent cases in the summer camp.6If you have a positive (积极的) attitude towards your work, you will feel happy.7William tried to join the basketball club but was rejected (拒绝) because of his poor health.8Blamed (责备) for the breakdown of the school puter network, Alice was in low spirits.9Children, when exposed (暴露) to an Englishspeaking atmosphere, will pick up the language much more easily.10I read the letter once again, trying to absorb (理解) its contents.单句语法填空1Do remember you must read the instructions (instruct) before taking the medicine.2From these facts we can draw some conclusions (conclude) about how the pyramids were built.3(2017全国卷) He said the lucky woman will be_announced (announce) on the website and the trip will be shared online.4Because of the severe pollution (pollute), the water in the river is too dirty to drink.5We will have to adopt a more scientific (science) approach to preserving the traditional customs.6As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to_handle (handle) the problem.7When asked about his dream, Jack says he wants to be a_painter (paint) when he grows up.8When he came back three hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, absorbed (absorb) in conversation.根据提示补全句子/一句多译1治好他病的那位医生非常有经验。(cure)The doctor who cured_him_of_his_illness was very experienced.2我是一名中国学生,我打算在假期去英国参加一个暑期学习班。(attend)I am a Chinese student and I plan to go to Britain to_attend_a_summer_school during the vacation.3(2018全国卷书面表达)总之,我相信你们会从这部影片中获益匪浅。(conclude)In_conclusion,_I believe that you can benefit a lot from the film.4(2015重庆高考写作)只有用这种方法我们才能为我们的家庭和社会做出巨大贡献。(contribution)Only in this way can_we_make_great_contributions_to our family and our society.5他把考试失败归咎于老师。He_blamed_the_failure_of_his_exam_on_the_teacher. (blame .on)He_blamed_the_teacher_for_the_failure_of_his_exam. (blame .for)He_put/laid_the_blame_for_the_failure_of_his_exam_on_the_teacher. (blame n).语境辨义根据语境选出动词attend的词义1On his deathbed the General was attended by several doctors._C_2You know, my uncle Li Ming is going to the city where you live to attend an international meeting._B_3She hadnt been attending during the lesson._A_(一)课前自主学习1put_forward提出2draw_a_conclusion 得出结论3expose_._to 串记1 使显露;暴露4link_._to_. 串记2 将和联系或连接起来5apart_from 除之外;此外6make_sense 讲得通;有意义7(be)_strict_with_. 对严格的8be_to_blame 应受责备;应承担责任9look_into 调查10lead_to 串记3 导致;通向11die_of/from 死于同根短语串记串记1.“动词 (n.)to”短语荟萃expose .to 使显露;暴露add .to 增添;增加pare .to 把比作devote .to 把奉献于supply .to 为提供串记2.由link .to .联想到的connect .with . 把和连接起来tie .to . 把拴到mix .with . 把和混合起来bine .with . 把和结合起来attach .to . 把系到/缚到串记3.“引起;导致;有助于”聚焦lead to causeresult in bring aboutcontribute to1slow down_ 慢下来;减速2be responsible for 对负责3be determined to do sth. 决定做某事4be enthusiastic about 热衷于;对充满热情5personal physician 私人医生6face the challenge 面对挑战7gather_ information 收集信息8the cause_ of the disease 疾病的起因1Neither_its_cause_nor its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。2So many thousands of terrified people died every_time there was an outbreak.所以每次爆发霍乱时,都有成千上万惊恐的人病死。3Only_if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的短语(补全句子)1(2017天津高考阅读表达)In the years of my growing up, Dad was_strict_with_me (对我严格)2(2016全国卷完形填空)We went 101 and I was named most valuable player, but I often had crazy dreams in which I was_to_blame (应该负责任) for Millers accident.3(2014全国卷完形填空)As a general rule, all forms of activity lead_to (导致) boredom when they are performed on a routine (常规) basis. 高考采撷(二)写作中的短语和句式(词汇升级/补全句子)1(2018天津高考书面表达)The training schedule, besides regular training, includes joining in a variety of activities, such as participating in some national petitions.(用本单元短语替换加黑词汇)apart_from2(2015湖南高考写作)他在全班面前说,只有我们把心放在学习上我们才能取得大的进步。(only if)He said before the whole class that only if we put our heart into our lessons could we make great progress.3(201711月浙江高考写作)每次我们野营,妈妈都会读一本书或者唱一首柔和的歌。(every time)Every_time_we_camped,_Mom would read a book or sing a soft song.(二)课堂重点释疑短语集释1put forward提出(建议);推荐;将提前;将(钟表等)向前拨辨清写出下列句中put forward的含义(2016天津高考)The manager put forward a suggestion that we should have an assistant. There is too much work to do.提出I think he is fit for the position; therefore, Ill put him forward as a candidate.推荐They have put forward the date of their wedding by one week.将提前记牢put aside节省;储蓄;储存;留出put away 放好;积蓄put off 延期;推迟put up 举起;张贴;建立;提供食宿put through 接通电话;完成;使经受练通选用上述短语填空Encourage children to_put_aside some of their pocket money to buy Christmas presents.It was because of the bad weather that the football match was_put_off.写美翻译句子(2017北京高考书面表达)在我们实施这项计划之前,同学们提出了不同的想法。Before_we_carried_out_the_plan,_various_ideas_were/had_been_put_forward_by_my_classmates.2make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通记牢(1)make sense of理解;明白make no sense 没道理;没意义(2)in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说in no sense 决不(位于句首时用部分倒装)(3)there is no/little sense in doing sth.做某事没道理练通单句语法填空As far as Im concerned, there is no sense in getting (get) upset about it now.In no sense should you lose heart; keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.补全句子See, your puter has broken down again! It doesnt make_sense to buy the cheapest brand of puter just to save a few dollars.看,你的电脑又坏了!仅为了节省几美元而买最便宜品牌的电脑不明智。Planning so far ahead makes_no_sense so many things will have changed by next year.提前这么久计划没有意义到明年许多事情都会发生变化。写美词汇升级There are so many new words in the passage that I could hardly understand them at all.(升级加黑词汇)There are so many new words in the passage that I could hardly make_sense_of_them at all.句式集释1neither .nor .“既不也不”教材原句Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.悟拓展例句(1)(2016江苏高考书面表达)Neither should we embrace online voting aimlessly nor can we deny it pletely.(2)Not only John and Tom but also their sister, Mary, takes (take) great interest in the piano lessons now.(3)Either you or one of your students is (be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.(4)The teacher is not content with the result. The students are not content with the result.(句式升级)Neither_the_teacher_nor_the_students_are content with the result.析用法规则(1)neither .nor .“既不也不”,连接句中两个相同的句子成分。当连接并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近一致”原则。(2)遵循“就近一致原则”的其他并列连词:either . or .不是就是;或者或者not only . but also .不但而且not .but . 不是而是背写作佳句(1)This phenomenon is neither good nor bad; it is a fact of college life, today and in the past.(要点句)这种现象既不是很好也不是很差;这就是现实中的大学生活,过去是这样,现在依然还是如此。(2)Not you but the scientist is to attend the ceremony to be held in our school.(要点句)不是你而是这位科学家将出席我们学校举办的典礼。2every time引导时间状语从句教材原句So many thousands of terrified people died every_time there was an outbreak.悟拓展例句(1)(20166月浙江高考)Every_time he arrived home at the end of the day, wed greet him at the door.每当在一天结束他到家时,我们都在门口迎接他。(2)The_first_time he came to the city, he decided to settle there.他第一次来到那个城市,他就决定在那里安家。(3)You are wele to e back any_time you want to.你什么时候想回来,我们都欢迎。(4)On arriving (arrive) home, he set out to do his housework.析用法规则用法归纳(1)every time是名词词组作连词,引导时间状语从句,相当于whenever,意为“每当”,从句谓语常用一般现在时或一般过去时。(2)名词词组作连词用而且能引导时间状语从句的还有:any time 任何时候next time 下次时the last time 最后一次the序数词time 第次(3)the瞬间名词(moment/minute/instant/second) 一就on/upon doing sth. 一就注意事项(1)此类名词词组可单独引导时间状语从句,因此后面不再用when。(2)这些从属连词引导的从句都表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作随即就发生,从句中用一般时态代替将来时态。背写作佳句(1)(2017天津高考书面表达)I do hope that you can pay a visit to Tianjin every time you e to China.(要点句)(2)(201610月浙江高考写作)Tom dashed out the instant the helicopter landed and hugged Jane tightly.(要点句)词块、句式过关综合训练 .选词填空be strict with, lead to, apart from, look into, put forward, draw a conclusion, die of, make sense1The official plan put_forward by China to build the Belt & Road was supported by many countries.2We must be_strict_with our students while we should give them love and care as well.3I wrote a letter of plaint, and the manager has promised to look_into the matter.4We cant draw_a_conclusion without having a wide investigation into this matter.5Eating too much fat can lead_to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.6Apart_from the English class, I took an active part in English Corner and other afterclass English activities.7Dont waste time thinking about a sentence which doesnt make_sense.8Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest scientists in the world, died_of a serious disease at the age of 76.根据提示补全句子1每次我听到那首英文歌,我就禁不住想起我在澳大利亚的那些日子。(every time)Every_time_I_hear_the_English_song,_I cant help thinking of the days when I was in Australia.2没有足够的证据而下结论毫无意义。(sense)Theres_no_sense_in_drawing_a_conclusion without enough evidence.3只有当人们和睦相处时,我们才能有一个和谐的社会。(only if .)Only if people live in harmony with each other can_we_have a harmonious society.4这个老师和他的学生都没有碰到过这么难的一个问题。(neither . nor .)Neither_the_teacher_nor_his_students_have_e_across such a difficult problem.应用文分步写作假定你是李华, 请根据下面表格中的内容提示,为校报的英语园地写一篇英语短文,介绍你最崇拜的一位中国科学家。姓名梁建英出生年份1972年职务中国高铁总设计师主要经历(1)1995年大学毕业后开始从事高铁研究工作(2)研制出时速300350千米高速动车组(3)2015年获奖注意:1词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:高速动车组highspeed EMU第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点本文属于应用文中的人物介绍,时态以一般过去时和一般现在时为主,人称为第三人称。文章可分两个层次:主体部分应依据题目所给的要点进行构思,介绍梁建英的职务、出生年份、主要经历(1995年大学毕业后开始从事高铁研究工作;研制出时速300350千米高速动车组;2015年获奖),由于所给要点齐全,只要清清楚楚表达出来即可;最后表达自己的感想。要点1:梁建英是中国高铁总设计师。她出生于1972年。Liang_Jianying_is_general_designer_of_the_China_highspeed_EMU.She_was_born_in_1972.要点1:梁建英1995年毕业。她一直致力于研究中国高速列车的发展。(devote . to)Liang_Jianying_graduated_in_1995._She_has_been_devoting_all_her_time_to_researching_into_the_development_of_the_China_highspeed_railway.要点1:她研制出时速300350千米高速动车组。She_invented_the_300350km/h_highspeed_EMU.要点1:她在2015年获奖。(aw


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