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2019高考英语(九月)题型整合练(9)一、阅读理解。APersuasion is to convince someone to agree with you, just like art which also calls for special techniques to acplish. According to the ancient Greeks, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos, pathos and logos.Ethos is a speakers way of convincing the audience that he is trustworthy, honest and reliable. One mon way a speaker can develop ethos is by explaining how much experience or education he has in the field. After all, youre more likely to listen to advice about how to take care of your teeth from a dentist than a fireman.Pathos is a speakers way of connecting with an audiences emotions. For example, a politician who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country from a terrible war. These words are intended to fill the audience with fear, thus making them want to vote for him. Similarly, an animal charity might show an audience pictures of injured dogs and cats to make the viewers feel pity, so they will be more likely to donate money.Logos is the use of facts, statistics or other evidence to support your argument. An audience will believe you if you have convincing data to back up your claims. Presenting this evidence is much more persuasive than simply saying “believe me”.Although ethos, pathos and logos all have their strengths, they are often most effective when used together. So, the next time you listen to a speech, watch a mercial or listen to a friend try to convince you to lend him some money, be on the lookout for these ancient Greek tools of persuasion.1.What is the purpose of persuasion?A. To advise somebody to support you.B. To help someone have special skillC. To convince somebody to realize his aim.D. To talk someone into being honest.2.What is a speakers way of convincing the audience to trust him?A. Pathos.B. Ethos.C. Logos.D. Education.3.What do a politician and an animal charity have in mon?A. Both prevent themselves from being hurt.B. Both save people from terrible wars.C. Both make the audience support them.D. Both persuade people to donate money.4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Convince the AudienceB. Three Basic Tools of PersuasionC. Believe MeD. Strength of Persuasion【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了源自于古希腊且一直沿用至今的说服他人的艺术,其中包括ethos、pathos、logos三种方式以及用这三种方式说服他人在各个领域应用的可能性。1.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句话“Persuasion is to convince someone to agree with you, just like art which also calls for special techniques to acplish.”可知,说服是为了建议人们支持你。故选A。3.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“For example, a politician who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country from aterrible war.”和最后一句“Similarly, an animal charity might show an audience pictures of injured dogs and cats to make the viewers feel pity, so they will be more likely to donate money.”可知,政治家可能会说他会独自一人从可拍的战争中挽救一个国家为了说服观众为他投票,动物慈善机构向观众展示受伤的猫或者狗的图片是为了让观众感到可怜,更可能捐款。因此可知,政治家和慈善机构的共同之处是他们都想让听众支持他们。故选C。4.B 【解析】标题判断题。纵观全文可知,文章主要介绍了说服人的艺术,包括ethos、pathos、logos三中不同的方式,以及这三种方式在各个领域应用的可能性。因此推断B项“说服的三种基本方式”为最佳标题,概况了文章中心主旨。故选B。BWe were ordinary people taking the bus every day that summer.During the early morning rides,we sat sleepily on our seats.One of the passengers was a small grey man to the center for senior citizens.He walked with a stoop(驼背) and a sad look on his face.We paid little attention to him.Then one July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled to us before sitting down.The driver nodded politely,the rest of us being silent.The next day,the old man boarded the bus energetically,smiled and said loud,“Good morning!”Some of us looked up,amazed,and murmured“Good morning”The following weeks we were more surprised.Our friend was dressed in a nice old suit with the thin hair carefully bed.He said good morning to us every day and we gradually began to nod and talk to each other.One morning he had a bunch of wild flowers in his hand.The driver smilingly asked,“Have you got yourself a girlfriend?”He nodded shyly,“She lives at the center.”The other passengers whistled and clapped at him.Charlie bowed before sitting down.Every morning after that Charlie always brought a flower.Some regular passengers began bringing him flowers for his bunch.Everyone smiled and joked about it.But one morning he didnt turn up.When he wasnt there the following days,we started wondering if he was sick or.We stopped at the center for senior citizens.The staff told us he was fine,but he hadnt been ing that week.One of his very close friends had died at the weekend.They expected him back on Monday.How silent we were on the rest of the way to work!The next Monday he was waiting at the stop,stooping a bit more and a bit more grey.Inside the bus was a silence,all of us sitting with our eyes filled with tears and wild flowers in our hands.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。原本寂静的车厢因一位老人友爱、热情的举动变得活跃起来,热情是可以感染他人的。在老人情绪低落时,也收到了来自他人的关爱。1The old man boarded the bus energetically probably because Ahe bought a bunch of flowersBhe got to know other passengersChe fell in love with a ladyDhe had a sweet dreamC解析:推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第三、四句并结合第一段内容可推知,这个老人之所以这么精力充沛可能是因为他恋爱了。故选C项。2What change did the old man bring to the early morning bus?AThe passengers were silent.BThe bus was full of life.CThe passengers were sleepy.DThe bus was punctual.B解析:推理判断题。根据文中的“we sat sleepily on our seats”“the rest of us being silent”“Some of us looked up,amazed,and murmuredGood morning”“we gradually began to nod and talk to each other”并结合第三段内容可知,老人的行为感染了车上的每一个人,让车里充满活力。故选B项。3Why didnt the old man turn up for several days?AHe was in sorrow for the loss of his friend.BHe wondered whether others cared about him.CHe had a quarrel with the staff of the center.DHe wasnt himself for the cold weather.A解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第四、五句并结合上文的描述可推知,是因为老人的朋友去世了,他非常悲伤,所以老人这几天没有乘车去老年中心。故选A项。4What can we infer from the story?AOnly love can affect others emotions.BThe old mans passion inspires others.CThe passengers didnt care about others feelings.DThe center for senior citizens is a good place for love.B解析:推理判断题。原本冷漠、疏离的乘客因一位老人友爱、充满热情的举动,让车厢不再寂静,乘客们开始相互交流、开玩笑;由此可推知,老人的热情鼓舞了他人。故B项正确。二、七选五。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Its nice being nice to others;its also great to give people a hand.However,if you start to hurt yourself by doing so,then this is not so healthy._1_ If you fear that you might fall into this category,the following tips will help you to stand up for yourself and regain your selfconfidence._2_ Although you may often stay silent if something is wrong or bothers you,it is better to speak your mind right away.You dont have to be rude,but you do have to be firm and direct.Dont do things for others if you dont really want to.Speak up, and soon others will be seeing you in a whole new light.Start small._3_ This will allow you to practice being brave and selfconfident.Tell a person who has cut in line in front of you to move to the back of the line,or tell a salesperson to do that.Before long,you will be confident enough to stand up to your friends and family members.Judge well.When dealing with others,you have to exercise good judgment._4_ If a colleague isnt doing his part,you should rightfully demand that he start doing so.However,if a taxi cuts you off in traffic,just let it go._5_ Rome wasnt built in a day.If you want to get back again after having been a pushover(耳软心活的人),its best to take one step at a time.AExpress yourself.BRegain your confidence.CStart by speaking up for yourself with strangers.DEveryone has the right to live without being judged.EIf you slip back into the pushover mode every once in a while,dont blame yourself.FSadly,some people are so easily pushed around that they e to be seen as pushovers.GIts one thing to be confident,but quite another to forcefully say no to an unreasonable request.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了三个避免成为一个耳软心活的人的技巧。1F首先,由空前的“However”一词可知,本段第二句与第一句之间为转折关系;其次,由语境可知,空处承接上文,空后的“this category”指代空处所讲的情况,F项“遗憾的是,一些人很容易被摆布,以至于被看做是耳软心活的人”与之匹配,所以选F项。2A空处是本段小标题。根据下文中的“speak your mind right away”和“Speak up”可知,本段主要是说要表达自己的观点,故A项与此处匹配。3C根据本段小标题Start small可知,本段主要讲的是从小事做起。根据空后的“a person who has cut in line in front of you”和“a salesperson”可知,叙述的内容与“strangers”有关,故选项C“从同陌生人表达自己(的观点)开始”与此处匹配。4G根据本段小标题和空前的“exercise good judgment”可知,本段主要讲的是正确的判断是重要的。再根据空后两句可知,面对两种不同的情况应有的反应是不同的,判断是一回事,实践又是另一回事。故G项符合语境。5E根据空后的“Rome wasnt built in a day”可知,罗马不是一日建成的即要一步一步来,所以E项“如果你又一次陷入了耳软心活的模式中,不要责备自己”与此处匹配。三、短文改错。Dear John,Im so pleased to receive your email.I feel exciting to know you dream being a professional football player.I am looking forward to see an international football star,John.Im surely you will succeed.As for me,teaching was my dream job.The reason for this is why I would like to share my knowledges with my students and help them solve problems.Besides,staying with students helps to keep me young.To realize my dream,I have to devote me to my study and enter an normal university.What will you do for your dream and who is your most favorite football player?Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear John,Im so pleased to receive your email.I feel to know you dream being a professional football player.I am looking forward to an international football star,John.Im you will succeed.As for me,teaching my dream job.The reason for this is I would like to share my with my students and help them solve problems.Besides,staying with students helps to keep me young.To realize my dream,I have to devote to my study and enter normal university.What will you do for your dream and who is your favorite football player?Yours,Li Hua第一处:考查形容词。此处修饰主语“I”,指人,应用excited。第二处:考查固定搭配。dream of/about doing sth.意为“梦想做某事”,为固定搭配。第三处:考查非谓语动词。look forward to doing sth.意为“期望做某事”,为固定用法。第四处:考查形容词。根据“Im”可知,动词be后应接形容词作表语。第五处:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。全文用的是一般现在时;且主语为“teaching”,所以应把was改为is。第六处:考查名词性从句。此处引导表语从句,从句中不缺成分,故用连词that。第七处:考查名词复数。knowledge是不可数名词,没有复数形式。第八处:考查代词。devote oneself to sth.意为“致力于某事”;主语为“I”,所以反身代词应用myself。第九处:考查冠词。normal的读音不以辅音音素开头;且此处泛指进入一所普通的大学。故用不定冠词a。第十处:考查形容词的比较等级。favourite意为“最喜欢的”,无比较等级或最高级形式,所以去掉most。四。书面表达。假设你是新华中学的高三毕业生李华,刚刚参加完高考。最近听说美籍华人Johnson出资帮助贫困大学生。请你根据以下要点写一封资助申请信:1.个人情况介绍;2.申请资助原因(家庭困难情况);3.资助款的使用及今后打算。注意:1.词数100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear_Mr.Johnson,_Im_glad_to_hear_that_you_will_help_those_who_are_lack_of_money_in_going_to_college._Im_writing_to_apply_for_it.My name is Li Hua, a Senior Three student of Xinhua Middle School. I have much financial difficulty in continuing my education to college.In my family, my father is the only breadwinner while my mother was laid off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering a lung disease for more than five years. My younger brother is now studying in a junior middle school. I took parttime jobs during the summer vacation, but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees. In order to continue my study, I have to apply for your help.If my request is accepted, I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study and make myself a good man to society.I_hope_that_you_will_consider_my_application.Looking_forward_to_your_reply.Yours_sincerely,Li_Hua


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