2019-2020年高一英语 Book2 unit 2 Olympic Games学案1 人教新目标.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Book2 unit 2 Olympic Games学案1 人教新目标教师寄语:Defeat never es to any man until he admits it. 人只要不认输就不会失败.课前预习(单词)英汉互译:1. 比赛;竞赛 2. 参加;参与 3. 表;象征 4. 规则的;定期的;常规的 5. 运动员 6. 容许;承认;接纳 7. 现今;现在 8. 也;又;还 9. 做东;主办 10. 责任;职责 11. 取代;替换_ 12 快的;迅速的 13. 收费;控诉 14.主管;看管 15. 做广告_ 16.讨价还价;讲条件_ 17. 陆续地; 18.一个接一个地 19. 应受;值得 1. ancient 2.medal _ 3. Greece_ 4. magical 5. volunteer 6.homeland 7. basis 8.slave 9. gymnastics 10.stadium 11. gymnasium_ 12. olive 13. wreath _ 14.motto 15. similarity _ 16.physical 17 .fine 18.poster 19. princess_ 20.glory 21 .hopeless _ 22.foolish 23 .pain _ 24.striker 课内探究(单词)1pete v 竞赛;比赛In this game the women will pete with the men for the gold medal.在这场比赛中妇女将要和男运动员竞争金牌。We cant pete against other countries in trade if we dont develop our national economy.如果我们不发展国内经济,我们就不能和其他国家在贸易上竞争。pete with/ against 与竞争pete for 为而竞争pete with sb. in 在方面与某人竞争petition n. 竞赛 petitor n. 竞争者,参赛者2. stand for 代表USA stands for the United States of America. USA代表美国巩固运用:Red _ danger.3. regular adj. 规则的;定期的;常规的a regular customers常客a regular bus service 常规的公交服务4. admit v. 1)准许(进入或参加)、接纳be admitted to/ into 被录取、接受be admitted as 被接纳为的成员巩固运用:He was adimtted _Beijing University .2)承认 后面可接名词、代词、动名词、从句,可相互转换。I admit my mistakes. 我承认了我的错误He admitted stealing my watch. 他承认偷了我的手表。I have to admit that he is strict in his work.我不得不承认他对自己的工作很严格。3)容许有;有的余地(后接介词of,其主语为事物)The new product admits of improvement.派生admission n.5. as well 1)也,又。 一般用于句末Are they ing as well? 他们也来吗?They sell books as well as newspapers. 他们既卖书又卖报纸。2)as well as 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要根据as well as前主语的单复数来确定。The teacher as well as the students is working overtime.3)may/might as well do sth. 做倒也无妨;还是做的好If no one else wants it, we might as well give it to him. 如果没人要这个,我们不妨给他吧。6. host n. 主人;(男)主持人 vt. 做主人;做东道主;主办Can you host my friends while Im away? 我在外时你能招待一下我的朋友吗?hostess n. 女主人;女主持人7. responsibility n. 责任;职责a strong sense of responsibility 强烈的责任感take responsibility for sth./ doing sth. 对负责任responsible adj. 有责任的be responsible for巩固运用:You should be responsible _your action. 8. replaceCan anything replace a mothers love and care? 有什么东西能代替母亲的爱和关心吗?replace.with.用.替代.The old hose is replaced with a new one .这所老房子被新的取代了。in place of 取代,代替take the place of 取代,代替in place 在正确的位置,合适的,恰当的Will it be in place to talk with your mouth full ?嘴里含着食物与别人说话合适吗?out of place 不在原来的地方;不在合适地方9. charge v.&n.v. 收费charge sb for sth; 控诉charge sb with sthHe only charged me half price for the bike .这辆自行车他收我半价。He was charged with murder. 他被指控为谋杀。n. 费用;主管free of charge 免费take charge of 负责掌管 Tom will take charge of the department while Im away.当我离开的时候,汤姆将会接管这个部门。in charge of 主管,掌管,主语通常为人,含主动意义。in the charge of sb. 由负责,主语通常为物,含被动意义。He is in charge of the hospital. The hospital is in the charge of her.10. bargain n. 便宜货;交易 make a bargain with sb. About sth. 与某人就达成协议v. 讨价还价;讲条件 bargain with sb. About/over/for sth. 与因为而讨价还价高考链接:(xx山东)I bought a dress for you only 10dollars in a sale; it was a real _.A.exchange B.bargain C.trade D.business11. deserve v. 应受(报答或处罚);值得deserve+ n. 应得 He deserves the prize. 他应得奖品。deserve to be done= deserve doing 应/值得He deserved to be praised.= He deserved praising. 他值得表扬。


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